36. Creative Arts and Writing

Title36. Creative Arts and Writing
ParentANZSRC Field of Research

Latest research outputs

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Boys at gender-play inside the muscular Christian ideal
McDonald, Janet. 2007. "Boys at gender-play inside the muscular Christian ideal." Boyhood Studies. 1 (1), pp. 84-94.


Living data in the Lower Balonne: cultural enablement or cultural imposition?
McDonald, Janet. 2007. "Living data in the Lower Balonne: cultural enablement or cultural imposition?" Studies in Learning Evaluation Innovation and Development. 4 (1), pp. 79-90.


Queering the representation of the masculine 'West' in Ang Lee's Brokeback Mountain
McDonald, Janet. 2007. "Queering the representation of the masculine 'West' in Ang Lee's Brokeback Mountain." Gay and Lesbian Issues and Psychology Review. 3 (2), pp. 79-85.


Comfort the disturbed.... disturb the comfortable: queering pedagogy and transmutations
McDonald, Janet. 2007. "Comfort the disturbed.... disturb the comfortable: queering pedagogy and transmutations." Beyond Tolerance: 2007 Diversity in Education One Day Conference. Lismore, Australia 24 Aug 2007


Balancing the 'town and gown': the risky business of creating youth theatre in regional Queensland
McDonald, Janet. 2006. "Balancing the 'town and gown': the risky business of creating youth theatre in regional Queensland." International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 2 (2), pp. 6-13.


The present body, the absent body, and the formless
Cvoro, Uros. 2002. "The present body, the absent body, and the formless." Art Journal. 61 (4), pp. 54-63.


Monument to anti-monumentality: the space of the National Museum Australia
Cvoro, Uros. 2006. "Monument to anti-monumentality: the space of the National Museum Australia." Museum and Society. 4 (3), pp. 116-128.


Transforming aesthetics: conference report
Cvoro, Uros. 2006. "Transforming aesthetics: conference report." Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art. 7 (1), pp. 17-23.


Playful trangressions: male drama teachers in elite boys' schools
McDonald, Janet. 2006. "Playful trangressions: male drama teachers in elite boys' schools." Kiernander, Adrian, Bollen, Jonathan and Parr, Bruce (ed.) What a man's gotta do?: masculinities in performance. Armidale, NSW, Australia. University of New England. pp. 136-151

Edited book (chapter)

Pierre Boulez
Crispin, Judith M.. 2002. "Pierre Boulez." Sitsky, Larry (ed.) Music of the twentieth-century avant-garde: a biocritical sourcebook. Westport, Conn., USA. Greenwood Press. pp. 77-84

Edited book (chapter)

The esoteric musical tradition of Ferrucco Busoni and its reinvigoration in the music of Larry Sitsky: the operas Doktor Faust and The Golem
Crispin, Judith M.. 2007. The esoteric musical tradition of Ferrucco Busoni and its reinvigoration in the music of Larry Sitsky: the operas Doktor Faust and The Golem. New York, USA. Edwin Mellen Press.

Authored book

Talking theatre is more than a test drive: two audience development methodologies under review
Scollen, Rebecca. 2009. "Talking theatre is more than a test drive: two audience development methodologies under review." International Journal of Arts Management. 12 (1), pp. 4-13.


Muscular christians and drama faggots: observing a queering pedagogy beyond the binary in all-boys schools
McDonald, Janet. 2007. "Muscular christians and drama faggots: observing a queering pedagogy beyond the binary in all-boys schools." Journal of Artistic and Creative Education. 1 (2), pp. 5-23.


Working contacts: finding and keeping reliable sources
Little, Janine. 2005. "Working contacts: finding and keeping reliable sources." Fogg, Christine (ed.) Release the hounds: a guide to research for journalists and writers. Sydney, Australia. Allen & Unwin. pp. 54-58

Edited book (chapter)

(Re)citing the sovereign source: media representations of indigenous peoples
Little, Janine. 2005. "(Re)citing the sovereign source: media representations of indigenous peoples." Phillips, Jean and Lampert, Jo (ed.) Introductory indigenous studies in education: the importance of knowing. Sydney, Australia. Pearson Education Australia. pp. 101-116

Edited book (chapter)

Glancing out the back: artist's memories and research
Stewart, Robyn Anne. 2003. "Glancing out the back: artist's memories and research." 2003 ACUADS Conference . Hobart, Tasmania, Australia 01 - 04 Oct 2003 Australia.


Practice vs praxis: constructing models for practitioner-based research
Stewart, Robyn Anne. 2002. "Practice vs praxis: constructing models for practitioner-based research ." 2002 Faculty International Postgraduate Research Seminar. London, UK 2002 London, UK.


Flying Arts: navigating cultural change
Stewart, Robyn Anne. 2002. "Flying Arts: navigating cultural change." Campbell, Christine and Guilfoyle, Sue (ed.) Art defining community: an anthology of critical readings and practical case studies. Brisbane, Australia. University of Southern Queensland. pp. 44-48

Edited book (chapter)

(Re)inventing artists' research: constructing living forms of theory
Stewart, Robyn Anne. 2004. "(Re)inventing artists' research: constructing living forms of theory." Fletcher, Julie and Mann, Allan (ed.) Illuminating the Exegesis Symposium (2004). Ballarat, Australia 28 Mar 2003 Brisbane, Australia. Australasian Association of Writing Programs.


An interactive approach to visual arts studio practices: a case study
Stewart, Robyn Anne and Richardson, L.. 2003. "An interactive approach to visual arts studio practices: a case study." On-Line/Off Campus Symposium (2003). Canberra, Australia 09 May 2003 Canberra, Australia.


Under the Southern Cross: Flying Arts in Australia
Stewart, Robyn and Nash, Graham. 2003. "Under the Southern Cross: Flying Arts in Australia." Queensland Art Teachers' Association Journal.


Cultural brokerage and regional arts: developing an enabler model for cultural and economic sustainability. An update
Stewart, Robyn and Campbell, Christine. 2006. "Cultural brokerage and regional arts: developing an enabler model for cultural and economic sustainability. An update." 5th Regional Arts Australia National Conference: The Pacific Edge. Mackay, Australia 14 - 17 Sep 2006 Canberra, Australia.


Mindful practice: research and interdisciplinary dialogues in the creative industries
Stewart, Robyn. 2006. "Mindful practice: research and interdisciplinary dialogues in the creative industries." InSEA 2006: International Society for Education through Art World Congress: Interdisciplinary Dialogues in Arts Education. Viseu, Portugal 01 - 05 Mar 2006 New York, USA.


Flying Arts: brokering real and virtual pedagogies in regional Australia
Campbell, Christine and Stewart, Robyn. 2005. "Flying Arts: brokering real and virtual pedagogies in regional Australia." 1st International Conference on Redesigning Pedagogy: Research, Policy, Practice. Singapore 30 May - 01 Jun 2005 Singapore.


Creating new stories for praxis: practitioner-led research in the creative arts
Stewart, Robyn. 2005. "Creating new stories for praxis: practitioner-led research in the creative arts." 1st International Conference on Redesigning Pedagogy: Research, Policy, Practice. Singapore 30 May - 01 Jun 2005 Singapore.


Teaching narrative journalism and the APN News and Media Professional Development Program
Little, Janine and Sankey, Michael. 2007. "Teaching narrative journalism and the APN News and Media Professional Development Program." Asia Pacific Media Educator.


Inter-country adoption: a new beginning
Hayes, Anna. 2006. "Inter-country adoption: a new beginning." Coppertales: A Journal of Rural Arts. 10.


Bridging the divide: regional performing arts centres and non-theatregoers introduced
Scollen, Rebecca. 2008. "Bridging the divide: regional performing arts centres and non-theatregoers introduced." Applied Theatre Researcher.


New audiences' reception of plays (before, during and after)
Scollen, Rebecca J.. 2008. "New audiences' reception of plays (before, during and after)." Maxwell, Ian (ed.) 2006 Australasian Drama Studies Association Annual Conference: Before, During and After. Sydney, Australia 04 - 07 Jul 2006 Sydney, Australia.


Screen media: analysing film and television
Stadler, Jane and McWilliam, Kelly. 2009. Screen media: analysing film and television. Sydney, Australia. Allen & Unwin.

Authored book

Getting in tune with the psychology of musical performance
Terry, Peter and Ievleva, L.. 2008. "Getting in tune with the psychology of musical performance." Mrowinski, Vicky and Voudouris, Nicholas (ed.) 43rd Annual Australian Psychological Society Conference (APS 2008): Psychology Leading Change. Hobart, Australia 23 - 27 Sep 2008 Melbourne, Australia.


Talking theatre: developing audiences for regional Australia
Scollen, Rebecca J.. 2008. "Talking theatre: developing audiences for regional Australia." The International Journal of the Arts in Society. 3 (3), pp. 103-114.


Talking theatre: can we turn 'non-theatregoers' into paying audiences?
Scollen, Rebecca J.. 2005. "Talking theatre: can we turn 'non-theatregoers' into paying audiences?" Artreach: the Regional Arts NSW Quarterly Magazine. Autumn, pp. 12-13.


From book proposal to publication: conveying our stories of transforming learning with ICT
Finger, Glenn, Russell, Glenn, Jamieson-Proctor, Romina and Russell, Neil. 2008. "From book proposal to publication: conveying our stories of transforming learning with ICT." Moyle, Kathryn (ed.) 2008 Australian Computers in Education Conference: ACT on IcT (ACEC 2008). Canberra, Australia 29 Sep - 02 Oct 2008 Canberra, Australia.


The style files: teach explicit skills with feedback
Roberts, Tony. 2008. "The style files: teach explicit skills with feedback." Gazette of the Australian Mathematical Society. 35 (3), pp. 156-157.


The style files: write to read breadth first, not depth first
Roberts, Tony. 2008. "The style files: write to read breadth first, not depth first." Gazette of the Australian Mathematical Society. 35 (1), pp. 17-19.


Talking theatre: an audience development programme for regional Queensland and the Northern Territory 2004-2006
Scollen, Rebecca, Martin, Jacqueline, Radbourne, Jennifer and Haseman, Brad. 2006. Talking theatre: an audience development programme for regional Queensland and the Northern Territory 2004-2006. Brisbane, Australia. Queensland University of Technology.

Project report

The rock whence ye are hewn: the book of Ebenezer Le Page and Guernsey literature and history
Goodall, Peter. 2008. "The rock whence ye are hewn: the book of Ebenezer Le Page and Guernsey literature and history ." Modern Language Review. 103 (1), pp. 22-34.


On the record: an account of regional non-theatregoers' responses to a selection of plays toured to northern Australia in 2004-2005
Scollen, Rebecca. 2007. "On the record: an account of regional non-theatregoers' responses to a selection of plays toured to northern Australia in 2004-2005." Australasian Drama Studies. 50, pp. 183-201.


The intermediate and advanced piano music of Dmitry Kabalevsky: pedagogical implications
Pingel, Kathy. 1997. The intermediate and advanced piano music of Dmitry Kabalevsky: pedagogical implications. Masters Thesis Master of Music. University of Southern Queensland.

Masters Thesis