5204. Cognitive and computational psychology

Title5204. Cognitive and computational psychology
Parent52. Psychology

Latest research outputs

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Psychophysical effects of music in sport and exercise: an update on theory, research and application
Terry, Peter C. and Karageorghis, Costas I.. 2006. "Psychophysical effects of music in sport and exercise: an update on theory, research and application ." Katsikitis, Mary (ed.) Psychology Bridging the Tasman: Science, Culture and Practice 2006. Auckland, New Zealand 26 - 30 Sep 2006 Melbourne, Australia.


Use and perceived effectiveness of pre-competition mood regulation strategies among athletes
Terry, Peter C., Dinsdale, Sarah L., Karageorghis, Costas I. and Lane, Andrew M.. 2006. "Use and perceived effectiveness of pre-competition mood regulation strategies among athletes ." Katsikitis, Mary (ed.) Psychology Bridging the Tasman: Science, Culture and Practice 2006. Auckland, New Zealand 26 - 30 Sep 2006 Melbourne, Australia.


The theory of multiple intelligence: implications for counselling children
O'Brien, Patrick and Burnett, Paul C.. 1997. "The theory of multiple intelligence: implications for counselling children." Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling. 7 (1), pp. 101-107.


Articulatory loop explanations of memory span and pronunciation rate correspondences: a cautionary note
Tehan, Gerald and Humphreys, Michael S.. 1988. "Articulatory loop explanations of memory span and pronunciation rate correspondences: a cautionary note." Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 26, pp. 293-296.


Investigating strategy use for a single choice decision
Shao, Wei, Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn and Lye, Ashley. 2008. "Investigating strategy use for a single choice decision." Robinson, Leroy Jr. (ed.) 2008 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference: Creating Value in a Global Marketplace. Vancouver, Canada 28 - 31 May 2008 Coral Gables, FL. United States.


The role of arts education in advancing leadership life skills for young people
Temmerman, Nita. 2005. "The role of arts education in advancing leadership life skills for young people." Australian Journal of Music Education.


The diversification and performance of self managed superannuation funds
Phillips, Peter J., Cathcart, Alex and Teale, John. 2007. "The diversification and performance of self managed superannuation funds." The Australian Economic Review. 40 (4), pp. 339-352. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8462.2007.00475.x


Changing the meanings that emerge in practice, for the better, through humour - how I changed plagiarism from the suppository of good scholarship to the condom of good scholarship and lived happily ever after
Lynch, Bernadette. 2007. "Changing the meanings that emerge in practice, for the better, through humour - how I changed plagiarism from the suppository of good scholarship to the condom of good scholarship and lived happily ever after." International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 3 (2), pp. 4 -17.


Distinguishing between healthy and unhealthy eating behaviour: a personality trait perspective
Mullen, Kathryn and Patrick, Jeff. 2007. "Distinguishing between healthy and unhealthy eating behaviour: a personality trait perspective." Moore, Kate (ed.) 42nd Australian Psychological Society Annual Conference 2007. Brisbane, Australia 25 - 29 Sep 2007 Melbourne, Australia.


Virtual reality for memory rehabilitation
Guo, W. H., Lim, S. Y. E., Fok, S. C. and Chan, G. Y. C.. 2004. "Virtual reality for memory rehabilitation." International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology. 21 (1/2), pp. 32-37. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJCAT.2004.005336


Improving mental health status and coping abilities for long-term unemployed youth using cognitive-behaviour therapy based training interventions
Creed, Peter A., Machin, Michael Anthony and Hicks, Richard E.. 1999. "Improving mental health status and coping abilities for long-term unemployed youth using cognitive-behaviour therapy based training interventions." Journal of Organizational Behavior. 20 (6), pp. 963-978. https://doi.org/10.1002/(SICI)1099-1379(199911)20:6<963::AID-JOB916>3.0.CO;2-D


The effect of goal difficulty and goal orientation on running performance in young female athletes
Tenenbaum, Gershon, Spence, Ron and Christensen, Steven. 1999. "The effect of goal difficulty and goal orientation on running performance in young female athletes." Australian Journal of Psychology. 51 (1), pp. 6-11. https://doi.org/10.1080/00049539908255328


Influential factors of agricultural chemical purchase
Tidwell, Paula, Pedersen, Daniel and Watson, Kim. 1997. "Influential factors of agricultural chemical purchase." Australasian Agribusiness Review. 5, pp. 1 - 13.


The dynamics of bimanual circle drawing
Carson, Richard G., Thomas, Julie, Summers, Jeffery J., Walters, Megan R. and Semjen, Andras. 1997. "The dynamics of bimanual circle drawing." Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology: Section A: Human Experimental Psychology . 50 (3), pp. 664-683. https://doi.org/10.1080/027249897392062


Getting the most out of the Wechsler batteries
Douglas, Lorna, Senior, Graeme and Olm, Tammie. 2006. "Getting the most out of the Wechsler batteries." Katsikitis, Mary (ed.) Psychology Bridging the Tasman: Science, Culture and Practice 2006. Auckland, New Zealand 26 - 30 Sep 2006 Melbourne, Australia.


Developing a performance model for express coach drivers as a basis for selection
Kellett, S. M. and Machin, M. A.. 1999. "Developing a performance model for express coach drivers as a basis for selection." Crassini, B. (ed.) 3rd Australian Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference 1999. Brisbane, Australia 26 - 27 Jun 1999 Melbourne, Australia.


Learning styles: a review of the english language literature
Bedford, Tas. 2006. "Learning styles: a review of the english language literature." Sims, Ronald R. and Sims, Serbrenia J. (ed.) Learning Styles and Learning : A Key to Meeting the Accountability Demands in Education. New York, NY., USA. Nova Science Publishers. pp. 19-42

Edited book (chapter)

Writing in groups as a tool for non-routine problem solving in first year university mathematics
Taylor, Janet A. and McDonald, Christine. 2007. "Writing in groups as a tool for non-routine problem solving in first year university mathematics." International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. 38 (5), pp. 639-655. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207390701359396


Pedagogies of self: conscientising the personal to the social
Hickey, Andrew and Austin, Jon. 2007. "Pedagogies of self: conscientising the personal to the social." International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 3 (1), pp. 21-29.


Mood and performance: test of a conceptual model with a focus on depressed mood
Lane, Andrew M., Terry, Peter C., Beedie, Christopher J., Curry, David A. and Clark, Niall. 2001. "Mood and performance: test of a conceptual model with a focus on depressed mood." Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 2 (3), pp. 157-172. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1469-0292(01)00007-3


Challenging physiognomy: questioning the idea that facial characteristics are indicative of personality
Wang, Yi Lin and Patrick, Jeff. 2006. "Challenging physiognomy: questioning the idea that facial characteristics are indicative of personality." Katsikitis, Mary (ed.) Psychology Bridging the Tasman: Science, Culture and Practice 2006. Auckland, New Zealand 26 - 30 Sep 2006 Melbourne, Australia.


Meditation alters perceptual rivalry in Tibetan Buddhist monks
Carter, O. L., Presti, D. E., Callistemon, C., Ungerer, Y., Liu, G. B. and Pettigrew, J. D.. 2005. "Meditation alters perceptual rivalry in Tibetan Buddhist monks." Current Biology. 15 (11), pp. R412-R413. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2005.05.043


Individual differences in memory span: the contribution of rehearsal, access to lexical memory and output speed
Tehan, Gerald and Lalor, D. M.. 2000. "Individual differences in memory span: the contribution of rehearsal, access to lexical memory and output speed." Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology A: Human Experimental Psychology. 53 (4), pp. 1012-1038. https://doi.org/10.1080/713755933


Target similarity effects: support for the parallel distributed processing assumptions
Humphreys, Michael S., Tehan, Gerald, O'Shea, Annissa and Bolland, Scott W.. 2000. "Target similarity effects: support for the parallel distributed processing assumptions." Memory and Cognition. 28 (5), pp. 798-811.


Guest editors' introduction to special theme issue [of Studies in Learning, Evaluation, Innovation and Development]: Reflective practices
Danaher, Patrick Alan and Grace, Andre P.. 2006. "Guest editors' introduction to special theme issue [of Studies in Learning, Evaluation, Innovation and Development]: Reflective practices." Studies in Learning Evaluation Innovation and Development. 3 (2), pp. i-iv.


Sponsorship of fast moving consumer goods - does packaging endorsement contribute to brand attitude?
Woodside, Frances M., Summers, Jane and Johnson Morgan, Melissa. 2006. "Sponsorship of fast moving consumer goods - does packaging endorsement contribute to brand attitude?" Fullerton, Sam and Moore, David (ed.) International Conference of the Academy of Business Administration (2006). Munich, Germany 16 - 20 Aug 2006 Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA.


Factors influencing consumer intentions to purchase seasonally discounted athletic footware in Thailand
Summers, Jane, Lorterapong, Atasit and Johnson Morgan, Melissa. 2006. "Factors influencing consumer intentions to purchase seasonally discounted athletic footware in Thailand." Fullerton, Sam and Moore, David (ed.) International Conference of the Academy of Business Administration (2006). Munich, Germany 16 - 20 Aug 2006 Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA.


Psychological factors influencing unsafe behaviour during medication administration
McKeon, Christine. 2004. Psychological factors influencing unsafe behaviour during medication administration. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

Content-based image retrieval based on emergence index
Deb, Sagarmay. 2003. Content-based image retrieval based on emergence index. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

Examining the utility of a clustering method for analysing psychological test data
Dawes, Sharron Elizabeth. 2004. Examining the utility of a clustering method for analysing psychological test data. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

The factor structure of visual imagery and spatial abilities
Burton, Lorelle J. and Fogarty, Gerard J.. 2003. "The factor structure of visual imagery and spatial abilities." Intelligence. 31 (3), pp. 289-318.


Predicting aural performance in a tertiary music training programme
Buttsworth, Louise M., Fogarty, Gerard J. and Rorke, Peter C.. 1993. "Predicting aural performance in a tertiary music training programme." Psychology of Music. 21 (2), pp. 114-126.


Assessing intonation skills in a tertiary music training programme
Fogarty, Gerard J., Buttsworth, Louise M. and Gearing, Phillip J.. 1996. "Assessing intonation skills in a tertiary music training programme." Psychology of Music. 24, pp. 157-170.
