5299. Other psychology

Title5299. Other psychology
Parent52. Psychology

Latest research outputs

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A collaborative approach to supporting communication in the assessment of decision making capacity
Zuscak, Simon J., Ferguson, Alison and Peisah, Carmelle. 2014. "A collaborative approach to supporting communication in the assessment of decision making capacity." 1st Annual International Capacity Conference: Capacity, Ethics and the Prevention of Abuse. Hong Kong, China 20 Sep 2014


An assessment protocol for determining decision making capacity
Zuscak, Simon J. and Coyle, Ian R.. 2014. "An assessment protocol for determining decision making capacity." 1st Annual International Capacity Conference: Capacity, Ethics and the Prevention of Abuse. Hong Kong, China 20 Sep 2014


A short form of the Career Interest Test: 21-CIT
Bartlett, Cristy, Perera, Harsha N. and McIlveen, Peter. 2015. "A short form of the Career Interest Test: 21-CIT." Journal of Career Assessment. 24 (2). https://doi.org/10.1177/1069072715580579


Understanding individual resilience in the workplace: the international collaboration of workforce resilience model
Rees, Clare S., Breen, Lauren J., Cusack, Lynette and Hegney, Desley. 2015. "Understanding individual resilience in the workplace: the international collaboration of workforce resilience model." Frontiers in Psychology. 6, pp. 1-7. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00073


Adaptation of the Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale (3D-WS) for the Korean cultural context
Kim, Seungyoun and Knight, Bob G.. 2015. "Adaptation of the Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale (3D-WS) for the Korean cultural context." International Psychogeriatrics. 27 (2), pp. 267-278. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1041610214002178


Beyond congruence measures for the evaluation of personality factor structure replicability: an exploratory structural equation modeling approach
Perera, Harsha N., McIlveen, Peter, Burton, Lorelle J. and Corser, Diane M.. 2015. "Beyond congruence measures for the evaluation of personality factor structure replicability: an exploratory structural equation modeling approach." Personality and Individual Differences. 84, pp. 23-29. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2015.01.004


Adult verbal abstract reasoning assessment instruments and their clinimetric properties
Davis, Geoffrey and Piovesana, Adina. 2016. "Adult verbal abstract reasoning assessment instruments and their clinimetric properties." The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 29 (7), pp. 1010-1033. https://doi.org/10.1080/13854046.2015.1119889


The role of trait emotional intelligence in academic performance: theoretical overview and empirical update
Perera, Harsha N.. 2015. "The role of trait emotional intelligence in academic performance: theoretical overview and empirical update." Journal of Psychology: interdisciplinary and applied. 150 (2), pp. 227-249. https://doi.org/10.1080/00223980.2015.1079161


The role of trait emotional intelligence in academic performance during the university transition: an integrative model of mediation via social support, coping, and adjustment
Perera, Harsha N. and DiGiacomo, Michelle. 2015. "The role of trait emotional intelligence in academic performance during the university transition: an integrative model of mediation via social support, coping, and adjustment." Personality and Individual Differences. 83, pp. 208-213. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2015.04.001


Construct validity of the Social Provisions Scale: a bifactor exploratory structural equation modeling approach
Perera, Harsha N.. 2015. "Construct validity of the Social Provisions Scale: a bifactor exploratory structural equation modeling approach." Assessment. 23 (6), pp. 720-733. https://doi.org/10.1177/1073191115589344


The internal structure of responses to the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire–Short Form: an exploratory structural equation modeling approach
Perera, Harsha N.. 2015. "The internal structure of responses to the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire–Short Form: an exploratory structural equation modeling approach." Journal of Personality Assessment. 97 (4), pp. 411-423. https://doi.org/10.1080/00223891.2015.1014042


SPSS explained, 2nd ed
Hinton, Perry R., McMurray, Isabella and Brownlow, Charlotte. 2014. SPSS explained, 2nd ed. London, United Kingdom. Routledge.

Authored book

Shooting in India
Terry, Peter C. and Cei, Alberto. 2014. "Shooting in India." Terry, Peter C., Li-Wei, Zhang, Young-Ho, Kim, Morris, Tony and Hanrahan, Stephanie (ed.) Secrets of Asian sport psychology. Hong Kong. Asian-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology. pp. 263-294

Edited book (chapter)

A critical consideration of the use of therapeutic recordings in the training and professional development of psychologists
Lamont-Mills, Andrea, Christensen, Steven and Brownlow, Charlotte. 2014. "A critical consideration of the use of therapeutic recordings in the training and professional development of psychologists." Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling, and Psychotherapy. 14 (4), pp. 276-285.


Get set for success: using online self-assessments to motivate first year engineering students to engage in and manage their learning [Final report]
Burton, Lorelle, Dowling, David and Albion, Majella. 2013. Get set for success: using online self-assessments to motivate first year engineering students to engage in and manage their learning [Final report]. Sydney, Australia. Australia Office for Learning and Teaching.

Project report

Combining survey and database technologies in support of a safety climate improvement strategy
Fogarty, Gerard J. and Machin, M. Anthony. 2008. "Combining survey and database technologies in support of a safety climate improvement strategy." Murphy, Peter J., Fogarty, Gerard J. and Swann, Jamie (ed.) 49th Annual Conference of the International Military Testing Association. Gold Coast, Australia 08 - 12 Oct 2007 Canberra, Australia.


The role of trait emotional intelligence in achievement during a stressful educational transition: a multistage model of mediation via social support, coping and adaptation
Perera, Harsha N.. 2014. "The role of trait emotional intelligence in achievement during a stressful educational transition: a multistage model of mediation via social support, coping and adaptation." British Educational Research Association Annual Conference 2014 (BERA 2014). London, United Kingdom 23 - 25 Sep 2014 London, United Kingdom.


A short form of the Career Interest Test: a report for Education Services Australia
Bartlett, Cristy, Perera, Harsha and McIlveen, Peter. 2013. A short form of the Career Interest Test: a report for Education Services Australia. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.


Making the move: information for families of children with a disability making the move from primary to secondary school
Winn, Stephen, Hay, Ian, Parmenter, Trevor and Riches, Vivienne. 2010. Making the move: information for families of children with a disability making the move from primary to secondary school. Sydney, Australia. NSW Dept of Human Services.


Supporting students with intellectual disabilities
Tait, Kathleen. 2010. "Supporting students with intellectual disabilities." Hyde, Mervyn, Carpenter, Lorelei and Conway, Robert (ed.) Diversity and inclusion in Australian schools. Melbourne, Australia. Oxford University Press. pp. 202-234

Edited book (chapter)

Phoneys and the dash man: the hypnotic voice of J. D. Salinger
Goodall, Jane. 2010. "Phoneys and the dash man: the hypnotic voice of J. D. Salinger." Australian Book Review.


Mindfulness: a meditator of interpersonal style in predicting academic achievement
Osmachenko, Aaron. 2013. "Mindfulness: a meditator of interpersonal style in predicting academic achievement ." Davis, Karen (ed.) Australian and New Zealand Student Services Association Inc Conference (ANZSSA 2013): Innovation in Changing Times. Wellington, New Zealand 03 - 06 Dec 2013


Towards an engineering career appraisal tool for secondary school students
Burton, Lorelle J. and Dowling, David G.. 2013. "Towards an engineering career appraisal tool for secondary school students." 41st Annual Engineering Education Conference(SEFI 2013): Engineering Education Fast Forward 1973-2013 . Leuven, Belgium 16 - 20 Sep 2013 Brussels, Belgium.


Improving leadership capacity by valuing the self and reprioritising the self's subjective well-being: principals need their oxygen mask
Carter, Susan. 2013. "Improving leadership capacity by valuing the self and reprioritising the self's subjective well-being: principals need their oxygen mask." 7th SELF Biennial International Conference and ERAS Conference: Self Concept, Motivation and Identity: Underpinning Success with Research and Practice. Singapore 09 - 11 Sep 2013 Singapore.


Autism as a form of biological citizenship
Brownlow, Charlotte and O'Dell, Lindsay. 2013. "Autism as a form of biological citizenship." Davidson, Joyce and Orsini, Michael (ed.) Worlds of autism: across the spectrum of neurological difference. Minneapolis, MN. United States. University of Minnesota Press. pp. 97-114

Edited book (chapter)

Transition in transition out (TiTo): using peer mentoring to assist graduating students transition beyond university
Xenos, Sophia, Chester, Andrea and Burton, Lorelle. 2013. "Transition in transition out (TiTo): using peer mentoring to assist graduating students transition beyond university ." Pracana, Clara and Silva, Liliana (ed.) International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (InPACT 2013) . Madrid, Spain 26 - 28 Apr 2013 Lisbon, Portugal.


The relationship of trait emotional intelligence with academic performance: a meta-analytic review
Perera, Harsha N. and DiGiacomo, Michelle. 2013. "The relationship of trait emotional intelligence with academic performance: a meta-analytic review." Learning and Individual Differences: journal of psychology and education. 28, pp. 20-33. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lindif.2013.08.002


Analysis of EEG signals using complex brain networks
Zhu, Guohun. 2014. Analysis of EEG signals using complex brain networks . PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

Domination problems in social networks
Wang, Guangyuan. 2014. Domination problems in social networks. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

A confidence-based framework for business to consumer (B2C) mobile commerce adoption
Wong, Yuk Kuen and Hsu, Chao Jung. 2008. "A confidence-based framework for business to consumer (B2C) mobile commerce adoption." Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 12 (1), pp. 77-84. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-006-0120-5


The role of dispositional optimism in college adaptation: testing a model of direct and indirect relations
Perera, Harsha N.. 2013. "The role of dispositional optimism in college adaptation: testing a model of direct and indirect relations." Poropat, Arthur (ed.) 12th Australian Conference on Personality and Individual Differences (ACPID 2013). Brisbane, Australia 22 - 23 Nov 2013


Intelligence testing in the military: origins, usefulness, and future directions
Fogarty, Gerard. 2013. "Intelligence testing in the military: origins, usefulness, and future directions." Johnston, P. J. and Farley, Kelly (ed.) Military human resource issues: a multinational view. Kingston, ON. Canada. Canadian Defence Academy Press. pp. 61-70

Edited book (chapter)

Investigating the psychosocial mechanisms underlying the influence of trait emotional intelligence on university adjustment: the mediating roles of coping and social support
Perera, Harsha and Athanasou, James. 2012. "Investigating the psychosocial mechanisms underlying the influence of trait emotional intelligence on university adjustment: the mediating roles of coping and social support." Smillie, Luke D. (ed.) 11th Australian Conference for Personality and Individual Differences (ACPID 2012). Melbourne, Australia 29 - 30 Nov 2012


Introducing consistency scales in survey instruments
Fogarty, Gerard J. and Steele, Nicole. 2013. "Introducing consistency scales in survey instruments." Lacey, Ron (ed.) Advances in organisational research methods and analysis. New York, United States. Chamber & Row. pp. 144-156

Edited book (chapter)

Peer mentoring to develop psychological literacy in first-year and graduating students
Burton, Lorelle J., Chester, Andrea, Xenos, Sophie and Elgar, Karen. 2013. "Peer mentoring to develop psychological literacy in first-year and graduating students." Psychology Learning and Teaching. 12 (2), pp. 136-146. https://doi.org/10.2304/plat.2013.12.2.136


My career chapter
McIlveen, Peter. 2006. My career chapter. Peter McIlveen.


Using the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 21 (DASS-21) across cultures
Oei, Tian P. S., Sawang, Sukanlaya, Goh, Yong Wah and Mukhtar, Firdaus. 2013. "Using the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 21 (DASS-21) across cultures." International Journal of Psychology. 48 (6), pp. 1018-1029. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207594.2012.755535


Self- versus parent-ratings of industriousness, affect, and life satisfaction in relation to academic outcomes
Fogarty, Gerard J., Davies, Janet E., MacCann, Carolyn and Roberts, Richard D.. 2014. "Self- versus parent-ratings of industriousness, affect, and life satisfaction in relation to academic outcomes ." British Journal of Educational Psychology. 84 (2), pp. 281-293. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjep.12024


An assessment rubric on reflection in a career development learning component of a business course
Leong, Raymond. 2012. "An assessment rubric on reflection in a career development learning component of a business course." Campbell, Matthew (ed.) Australian Collaborative Education Network National Conference (ACEN 2012): Collaborative Education: Investing in the Future . Geelong, Australia 29 Oct - 02 Nov 2012 Melbourne, Australia .


Changing views of theory and practice in counselling: multiple intelligences, eclecticism and the therapeutic alliance
Pearson, Mark and O'Brien, Patrick. 2012. "Changing views of theory and practice in counselling: multiple intelligences, eclecticism and the therapeutic alliance ." Psychotherapy and Counselling Journal of Australia. 1 (1). https://doi.org/10.59158/001c.71121
