School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing

Faculty/DepartmentAcademic Affairs
HeadProf Xiaohui Tao
Director of ResearchDr Nawin Raj
Prof Xiaohui Tao

Latest research outputs

3764 results found
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KELT-20b: A Giant Planet with a Period of P ∼ 3.5 days Transiting the V ∼ 7.6 Early A Star HD 185603
Lund, Michael B., Rodriguez, Joseph E., Zhou, George, Gaudi, B. Scott, Stassun, Keivan G., Johnson, Marshall C., Bieryla, Allyson, Oelkers, Ryan J., Stevens, Daniel J., Collins, Karen A., Penev, Kaloyan, Quinn, Samuel N., Latham, David W., Villanueva, Steven, Jr., Eastman, Jason D., Kielkopf, John F., Oberst, Thomas E., Jensen, Eric L. N., Cohen, David H., ..., Sliski, David H.. 2017. "KELT-20b: A Giant Planet with a Period of P ∼ 3.5 days Transiting the V ∼ 7.6 Early A Star HD 185603." The Astronomical Journal. 154 (5), pp. 1-16.


Exoplanetary atmospheric sodium revealed by orbital motion: Narrow-band transmission spectroscopy of HD 189733b with UVES
Khalafinejad, S., von Essen, C., Hoeijmakers, H. J., Zhou, G., Klocova, T., Schmitt, J. H. M. M., Dreizler, S., Lopez-Morales, M., Husser, T. -O., Schmidt, T. O. B. and Collet, R.. 2017. "Exoplanetary atmospheric sodium revealed by orbital motion: Narrow-band transmission spectroscopy of HD 189733b with UVES." Astronomy and Astrophysics: a European journal. 598, pp. 1-12.


The atmosphere of WASP-17b: Optical high-resolution transmission spectroscopy
Khalafinejad, Sara, Salz, Michael, Cubillos, Patricio E., Zhou, George, von Essen, Carolina, Husser, Tim-Oliver, Bayliss, Daniel D. R., Lopez-Morales, Mercedes, Dreizler, Stefan, Schmitt, Jurgen H. M. M. and Luftinger, Theresa. 2018. "The atmosphere of WASP-17b: Optical high-resolution transmission spectroscopy." Astronomy and Astrophysics: a European journal. 618, pp. 1-13.


Secondary eclipses of WASP-18b – near-infrared observations with the Anglo-Australian Telescope, the Magellan Clay Telescope and the LCOGT network
Kedziora-Chudczer, L., Zhou, G., Bailey, J., Bayliss, D. D. R., Tinney, C. G., Osip, D., Colon, K. D., Shporer, A. and Dragomir, D.. 2018. "Secondary eclipses of WASP-18b – near-infrared observations with the Anglo-Australian Telescope, the Magellan Clay Telescope and the LCOGT network." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 483 (4), pp. 5110-5122.


HATS-37Ab and HATS-38b: Two Transiting Hot Neptunes in the Desert
Jordan, A., Bakos, G. A., Bayliss, D., Bento, J., Bhatti, W., Brahm, R., Csubry, Z., Espinoza, N., Hartman, J. D., Henning, Th., Mancini, L., Penev, K., Rabus, M., Sarkis, P., Suc, V., de Val-Borro, M., Zhou, G., Butler, R. P., Teske, J., ..., Sari, P.. 2020. "HATS-37Ab and HATS-38b: Two Transiting Hot Neptunes in the Desert." The Astronomical Journal. 160 (5), pp. 1-14.


KELT-21b: A Hot Jupiter Transiting the Rapidly Rotating Metal-poor Late-A Primary of a Likely Hierarchical Triple System
Johnson, Marshall C., Rodriguez, Joseph E., Zhou, George, Gonzales, Erica J., Cargile, Phillip A., Crepp, Justin R., Penev, Kaloyan, Stassun, Keivan G., Gaudi, B. Scott, Colon, Knicole D., Stevens, Daniel J., Strassmeier, Klaus G., Ilyin, Ilya, Collins, Karen A., Kielkopf, John F., Oberst, Thomas E., Maritch, Luke, Reed, Phillip A., Gregorio, Joao, ..., Villanueva, Steven, Jr.. 2018. "KELT-21b: A Hot Jupiter Transiting the Rapidly Rotating Metal-poor Late-A Primary of a Likely Hierarchical Triple System." The Astronomical Journal. 155 (2), pp. 1-20.


The K2 and TESS Synergy. I. Updated Ephemerides and Parameters for K2-114, K2-167, K2-237, and K2-261
Ikwut-Ukwa, Mma, Rodriguez, Joseph E., Bieryla, Allyson, Vanderburg, Andrew, Mocnik, Teo, Kane, Stephen R., Quinn, Samuel N., Colon, Knicole D., Zhou, George, Eastman, Jason D., Huang, Chelsea X., Latham, David W., Dotson, Jessie, Jenkins, Jon M., Ricker, George R., Seager, Sara, Vanderspek, Roland K., Winn, Joshua N., Barclay, Thomas, ..., Yahalomi, Daniel A.. 2020. "The K2 and TESS Synergy. I. Updated Ephemerides and Parameters for K2-114, K2-167, K2-237, and K2-261." The Astronomical Journal. 160 (5), pp. 1-13.


HATS-47b, HATS-48Ab, HATS-49b, and HATS-72b: Four Warm Giant Planets Transiting K Dwarfs
Hartman, J. D., Jordan, Andres, Bayliss, D., Bakos, G. A., Bento, J., Bhatti, W., Brahm, R., Csubry, Z., Espinoza, N., Henning, Th., Mancini, L., Penev, K., Rabus, M., Sarkis, P., Suc, V., de Val-Borro, M., Zhou, G., Crane, J. D., Shectman, S., ..., Ting, Eric B.. 2020. "HATS-47b, HATS-48Ab, HATS-49b, and HATS-72b: Four Warm Giant Planets Transiting K Dwarfs." The Astronomical Journal. 159 (4), pp. 1-23.


TOI-216b and TOI-216 c: Two Warm, Large Exoplanets in or Slightly Wide of the 2:1 Orbital Resonance
Dawson, Rebekah I., Huang, Chelsea X., Lissauer, Jack J., Collins, Karen A., Sha, Lizhou, Armstrong, James, Conti, Dennis M., Collins, Kevin I., Evans, Phil, Gan, Tianjun, Horne, Keith, Ireland, Michael, Murgas, Felipe, Myers, Gordon, Relles, Howard M., Sefako, Ramotholo, Shporer, Avi, Stockdale, Chris, Zerjal, Marusa, ..., Yu, Liang. 2019. "TOI-216b and TOI-216 c: Two Warm, Large Exoplanets in or Slightly Wide of the 2:1 Orbital Resonance." The Astronomical Journal. 158 (2), pp. 1-13.


SMSS J130522.47−293113.0: a high-latitude stellar X-ray source with pc-scale outflow relics?
Da Costa, G. S., Soria, R., Farrell, S. A., Bayliss, D., Bessell, M. S., Vogt, F. P. A., Zhou, G., Points, S. D., Beers, T. C., Lopez-Sanchez, A. R., Bannister, K. W., Bell, M., Hancock, P. J., Burlon, D., Gaensler, B. M., Sadler, E. M., Tingay, S., Keller, S. C., Schmidt, B. P. and Tisserand, P.. 2018. "SMSS J130522.47−293113.0: a high-latitude stellar X-ray source with pc-scale outflow relics?" Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 477 (1), pp. 766-779.


A Large Ground-based Observing Campaign of the Disintegrating Planet K2-22b
Colon, Knicole D., Zhou, George, Shporer, Avi, Collins, Karen A., Bieryla, Allyson, Espinoza, Nestor, Murgas, Felipe, Pattarakijwanich, Petchara, Awiphan, Supachai, Armstrong, James D., Bailey, Jeremy, Barentsen, Geert, Bayliss, Daniel, Chakpor, Anurak, Cochran, William D., Dhillon, Vikram S., Horne, Keith, Ireland, Michael, Kedziora-Chudczer, Lucyna, ..., Yuma, Suraphong. 2018. "A Large Ground-based Observing Campaign of the Disintegrating Planet K2-22b." The Astronomical Journal. 156 (5), pp. 1-11.


The KELT Follow-up Network and Transit False-positive Catalog: Pre-vetted False Positives for TESS
Collins, Karen A., Collins, Kevin I., Pepper, Joshua, Labadie-Bartz, Jonathan, Stassun, Keivan G., Gaudi, B. Scott, Bayliss, Daniel, Bento, Joao, Colon, Knicole D., Feliz, Dax, James, David, Johnson, Marshall C., Kuhn, Rudolf B., Lund, Michael B., Penny, Matthew T., Rodriguez, Joseph E., Siverd, Robert J., Stevens, Daniel J., Yao, Xinyu, ..., Zambelli, Roberto. 2018. "The KELT Follow-up Network and Transit False-positive Catalog: Pre-vetted False Positives for TESS." The Astronomical Journal. 156 (5), pp. 1-19.


Two Intermediate-mass Transiting Brown Dwarfs from the TESS Mission
Carmichael, Theron W., Quinn, Samuel N., Mustill, Alexander J., Huang, Chelsea, Zhou, George, Persson, Carina M., Nielsen, Louise D., Collins, Karen A., Ziegler, Carl, Collins, Kevin I., Rodriguez, Joseph E., Shporer, Avi, Brahm, Rafael, Mann, Andrew W., Bouchy, Francois, Fridlund, Malcolm, Stassun, Keivan G., Hellier, Coel, Seidel, Julia V., ..., Latham, David W.. 2020. "Two Intermediate-mass Transiting Brown Dwarfs from the TESS Mission." The Astronomical Journal. 160 (1), pp. 1-15.


HATS-43b, HATS-44b, HATS-45b, and HATS-46b: Four Short-period Transiting Giant Planets in the Neptune–Jupiter Mass Range
Brahm, R., Hartman, J. D., Jordan, A., Bakos, G. A., Espinoza, N., Rabus, M., Bhatti, W., Penev, K., Sarkis, P., Suc, V., Csubry, Z., Bayliss, D., Bento, J., Zhou, G., Mancini, L., Henning, T., Ciceri, S., de Val-Borro, M., Shectman, S., ..., Sari, P.. 2018. "HATS-43b, HATS-44b, HATS-45b, and HATS-46b: Four Short-period Transiting Giant Planets in the Neptune–Jupiter Mass Range." The Astronomical Journal. 155 (3), pp. 1-18.


Cluster Difference Imaging Photometric Survey. II. TOI 837: A Young Validated Planet in IC 2602
Bouma, L. G., Hartman, J. D., Brahm, R., Evans, P., Collins, K. A., Zhou, G., Sarkis, P., Quinn, S. N., de Leon, J., Livingston, J., Bergmann, C., Stassun, K. G., Bhatti, W., Winn, J. N., Bakos, G. A., Abe, L., Crouzet, N., Dransfield, G., Guillot, T., ..., Wohler, B.. 2020. "Cluster Difference Imaging Photometric Survey. II. TOI 837: A Young Validated Planet in IC 2602." The Astronomical Journal. 160 (5), pp. 1-20.


HATS-36b and 24 Other Transiting/Eclipsing Systems from the HATSouth-K2 Campaign 7 Program
Bayliss, D., Hartman, J. D., Zhou, G., Bakos, G. A., Vanderburg, A., Bento, J., Mancini, L., Ciceri, S., Brahm, R., Jordan, A., Espinoza, N., Rabus, M., Tan, T. G., Penev, K., Bhatti, W., de Val-Borro, M., Suc, V., Csubry, Z., Henning, Th., ..., Sari, P.. 2018. "HATS-36b and 24 Other Transiting/Eclipsing Systems from the HATSouth-K2 Campaign 7 Program." The Astronomical Journal. 155 (3), pp. 1-14.


HATS-71b: A Giant Planet Transiting an M3 Dwarf Star in TESS Sector 1
Bakos, G. A., Bayliss, D., Bento, J., Bhatti, W., Brahm, R., Csubry, Z., Espinoza, N., Hartman, J. D., Henning, Th., Jordan, A., Mancini, L., Penev, K., Rabus, M., Sarkis, P., Suc, V., de Val-Borro, M., Zhou, G., Butler, R. P., Crane, J., ..., Relles, H. M.. 2020. "HATS-71b: A Giant Planet Transiting an M3 Dwarf Star in TESS Sector 1." The Astronomical Journal. 159 (6), pp. 1-13.


A hot terrestrial planet orbiting the bright M dwarf L 168-9 unveiled by TESS
Astudillo-Defru, N., Cloutier, R., Wang, S. X., Teske, J., Brahm, R., Hellier, C., Ricker, G., Vanderspek, R., Latham, D., Seager, S., Winn, J. N., Jenkins, J. M., Collins, K. A., Stassun, K. G., Ziegler, C., Almenara, J. M., Anderson, D. R., Artigau, E., Bonfils, X., ..., Zhou, G.. 2020. "A hot terrestrial planet orbiting the bright M dwarf L 168-9 unveiled by TESS." Astronomy and Astrophysics: a European journal. 636, pp. 1-13.


A Novel Permutation Entropy-Based EEG Channel Selection for Improving Epileptic Seizure Prediction
Ra, Jee Sook, Li, Tianning, Li, Yan, Ra, Jee S., Li, Tianning and Li, Yan. 2021. "A Novel Permutation Entropy-Based EEG Channel Selection for Improving Epileptic Seizure Prediction." Sensors. 21 (23).


TOI-1431b/MASCARA-5b: A Highly Irradiated Ultrahot Jupiter Orbiting One of the Hottest and Brightest Known Exoplanet Host Stars
Addison, Brett C., Knudstrup, Emil, Wong, Ian, Hebrard, Guillaume, Dorval, Patrick, Snellen, Ignas, Albrecht, Simon, Bello-Arufe, Aaron, Almenara, Jose-Manuel, Boisse, Isabelle, Bonfils, Xavier, Dalal, Shweta, Demangeon, Olivier D. S., Hoyer, Sergio, Kiefer, Flavien, Santos, N. C., Nowak, Grzegorz, Luque, Rafael, Stangret, Monika, ..., McLean, Brian. 2021. "TOI-1431b/MASCARA-5b: A Highly Irradiated Ultrahot Jupiter Orbiting One of the Hottest and Brightest Known Exoplanet Host Stars." The Astronomical Journal. 162 (6), pp. 1-29.


KELT-17b: A Hot-Jupiter Transiting an A-star in a Misaligned Orbit Detected with Doppler Tomography
Zhou, George, Rodriguez, Joseph E., Collins, Karen A., Beatty, Thomas, Oberst, Thomas, Heintz, Tyler M., Stassun, Keivan G., Latham, David W., Kuhn, Rudolf B., Bieryla, Allyson, Lund, Michael B., Labadie-Bartz, Jonathan, Siverd, Robert J., Stevens, Daniel J., Gaudi, B. Scott, Pepper, Joshua, Buchhave, Lars A., Eastman, Jason, Colon, Knicole, ..., Trueblood, Pat. 2016. "KELT-17b: A Hot-Jupiter Transiting an A-star in a Misaligned Orbit Detected with Doppler Tomography." The Astronomical Journal. 152 (5), pp. 1-15.


Simultaneous infrared and optical observations of the transiting debris cloud around WD 1145+017
Zhou, G., Kedziora-Chudczer, L., Bailey, J., Marshall, J. P., Bayliss, D. D. R., Stockdale, C., Nelson, P., Tan, T. G., Rodriguez, J. E., Tinney, C. G., Dragomir, D., Colon, K., Shporer, A., Bento, J., Sefako, R., Horne, K. and Cochran, W.. 2016. "Simultaneous infrared and optical observations of the transiting debris cloud around WD 1145+017." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 463 (4), pp. 4422-4432.


HAT-P-67b: An Extremely Low Density Saturn Transiting an F-subgiant Confirmed via Doppler Tomography
Zhou, G., Bakos, G. A., Hartman, J. D., Latham, D. W., Torres, G., Bhatti, W., Penev, K., Buchhave, L., Kovacs, G., Bieryla, A., Quinn, S., Isaacson, H., Fulton, B. J., Falco, E., Csubry, Z., Everett, M., Szklenar, T., Esquerdo, G., Berlind, P., ..., Sari, P.. 2017. "HAT-P-67b: An Extremely Low Density Saturn Transiting an F-subgiant Confirmed via Doppler Tomography." The Astronomical Journal. 153 (5), pp. 1-13.


A Multi-planet System Transiting the V = 9 Rapidly Rotating F-Star HD 106315
Rodriguez, Joseph E., Zhou, George, Vanderburg, Andrew, Eastman, Jason D., Kreidberg, Laura, Cargile, Phillip A., Bieryla, Allyson, Latham, David W., Irwin, Jonathan, Mayo, Andrew W., Calkins, Michael L., Esquerdo, Gilbert A. and Mink, Jessica. 2017. "A Multi-planet System Transiting the V = 9 Rapidly Rotating F-Star HD 106315." The Astronomical Journal. 153 (6), pp. 1-9.


Transiting planet candidates with ASTEP 400 at Dome C, Antarctica
Mekarnia, D., Guillot, T., Rivet, J. -P., Schmider, F. -X., Abe, L., Goncalves, I., Agabi, A., Crouzet, N., Fruth, T., Barbieri, M., Bayliss, D. D. R., Zhou, G., Aristidi, E., Szulagyi, J., Daban, J. -B., Fantei-Caujolle, Y., Gouvret, C., Erikson, A., Rauer, H., ..., Bouchez, G.. 2016. "Transiting planet candidates with ASTEP 400 at Dome C, Antarctica." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 463 (1), pp. 45-62.


KELT-18b: Puffy Planet, Hot Host, Probably Perturbed
McLeod, Kim K., Rodriguez, Joseph E., Oelkers, Ryan J., Collins, Karen A., Bieryla, Allyson, Fulton, Benjamin J., Stassun, Keivan G., Gaudi, B. Scott, Penev, Kaloyan, Stevens, Daniel J., Colon, Knicole D., Pepper, Joshua, Narita, Norio, Ryu, Tsuguru, Fukui, Akihiko, Reed, Phillip A., Tirrell, Bethany, Visgaitis, Tiffany, Kielkopf, John F., ..., Trueblood, Patricia. 2017. "KELT-18b: Puffy Planet, Hot Host, Probably Perturbed." The Astronomical Journal. 153 (6), pp. 1-15.


A giant planet undergoing extreme-ultraviolet irradiation by its hot massive-star host
Gaudi, B. Scott, Stassun, Keivan G., Collins, Karen A., Beatty, Thomas G., Zhou, George, Latham, David W., Bieryla, Allyson, Eastman, Jason D., Siverd, Robert J., Crepp, Justin R., Gonzales, Erica J., Stevens, Daniel J., Buchhave, Lars A., Pepper, Joshua, Johnson, Marshall C., Colon, Knicole D., Jensen, Eric L. N., Rodriguez, Joseph E., Bozza, Valerio, ..., Trueblood, Patricia. 2017. "A giant planet undergoing extreme-ultraviolet irradiation by its hot massive-star host." Nature. 546 (7659).


EPIC 201702477b: A Transiting Brown Dwarf from K2 in a 41 day Orbit
Bayliss, D., Hojjatpanah, S., Santerne, A., Dragomir, D., Zhou, G., Shporer, A., Colon, K. D., Almenara, J., Armstrong, D. J., Barrado, D., Barros, S. C. C., Bento, J., Boisse, I., Bouchy, F., Brown, D. J. A., Brown, T., Cameron, A., Cochran, W. D., Demangeon, O., ..., Tsantaki, M.. 2016. "EPIC 201702477b: A Transiting Brown Dwarf from K2 in a 41 day Orbit." The Astronomical Journal. 153 (1), pp. 1-10.


A Well-aligned Orbit for the 45 Myr-old Transiting Neptune DS Tuc Ab
Zhou, G., Winn, J. N., Newton, E. R., Quinn, S. N., Rodriguez, J. E., Mann, A. W., Rizzuto, A. C., Vanderburg, A. M., Huang, C. X., Latham, D. W., Teske, J. K., Wang, S., Shectman, S. A., Butler, R. P., Crane, J. D., Thompson, I., Henry, T. J., Paredes, L. A., Jao, W. C., ..., Hinojosa, R.. 2020. "A Well-aligned Orbit for the 45 Myr-old Transiting Neptune DS Tuc Ab." The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 892 (2), pp. 1-8.


Occultations from an Active Accretion Disk in a 72-day Detached Post-Algol System Detected by K2
Zhou, G., Rappaport, S., Nelson, L., Huang, C. X., Senhadji, A., Rodriguez, J. E., Vanderburg, A., Quinn, S., Johnson, C. I., Latham, D. W., Torres, G., Gary, B. L., Tan, T. G., Johnson, M. C., Burt, J., Kristiansen, M. H., Jacobs, T. L., LaCourse, D., Schwengeler, H. M., ..., Butler, R. P.. 2018. "Occultations from an Active Accretion Disk in a 72-day Detached Post-Algol System Detected by K2." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 854 (2), pp. 1-18.


Spin–orbit alignment for KELT-7b and HAT-P-56b via Doppler tomography with TRES
Zhou, George, Latham, David W., Bieryla, Allyson, Beatty, Thomas G., Buchhave, Lars A., Esquerdo, Gilbert A., Berlind, Perry and Calkins, Michael L.. 2016. "Spin–orbit alignment for KELT-7b and HAT-P-56b via Doppler tomography with TRES." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 460 (3), pp. 3376-3383.


Complex Rotational Modulation of Rapidly Rotating M Stars Observed with TESS
Zhan, Z., Gunther, M. N., Rappaport, S., Olah, K., Mann, A., Levine, A. M., Winn, J., Dai, F., Zhou, G., Huang, Chelsea X., Bouma, L. G., Ireland, M. J., Ricker, G., Vanderspek, R., Latham, D., Seager, S., Jenkins, J., Caldwell, D. A., Doty, J. P., ..., Vezie, M.. 2019. "Complex Rotational Modulation of Rapidly Rotating M Stars Observed with TESS." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 876 (2), pp. 1-15.


Three Statistically Validated K2 Transiting Warm Jupiter Exoplanets Confirmed as Low-mass Stars
Shporer, Avi, Zhou, George, Vanderburg, Andrew, Fulton, Benjamin J., Isaacson, Howard, Bieryla, Allyson, Torres, Guillermo, Morton, Timothy D., Bento, Joao, Berlind, Perry, Calkins, Michael L., Esquerdo, Gilbert A., Howard, Andrew W. and Latham, David W.. 2017. "Three Statistically Validated K2 Transiting Warm Jupiter Exoplanets Confirmed as Low-mass Stars." The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 847 (2), pp. 1-7.


HATS-11b and HATS-12b: Two Transiting Hot Jupiters Orbiting Subsolar Metallicity Stars Selected for the K2 Campaign 7
Rabus, M., Jordan, A., Hartman, J. D., Bakos, G. A., Espinoza, N., Brahm, R., Penev, K., Ciceri, S., Zhou, G., Bayliss, D., Mancini, L., Bhatti, W., de Val-Borro, M., Csbury, Z., Sato, B., Tan, T. -G., Henning, T., Schmidt, B., Bento, J., ..., Sari, P.. 2016. "HATS-11b and HATS-12b: Two Transiting Hot Jupiters Orbiting Subsolar Metallicity Stars Selected for the K2 Campaign 7." The Astronomical Journal. 152 (4), pp. 1-13.


HATS-18b: An Extreme Short-period Massive Transiting Planet Spinning Up Its Star
Penev, K., Hartman, J. D., Bakos, G. A., Ciceri, S., Brahm, R., Bayliss, D., Bento, J., Jordan, A., Csubry, Z., Bhatti, W., de Val-Borro, M., Espinoza, N., Zhou, G., Mancini, L., Rabus, M., Suc, V., Henning, T., Schmidt, B., Noyes, R. W., ..., Sari, P.. 2016. "HATS-18b: An Extreme Short-period Massive Transiting Planet Spinning Up Its Star." The Astronomical Journal. 152 (5), pp. 1-11.


A Bright Short Period M-M Eclipsing Binary from the KELT Survey: Magnetic Activity and the Mass–Radius Relationship for M Dwarfs
Lubin, Jack B., Rodriguez, Joseph E., Zhou, George, Conroy, Kyle E., Stassun, Keivan G., Collins, Karen, Stevens, Daniel J., Labadie-Bartz, Jonathan, Stockdale, Christopher, Myers, Gordon, Colon, Knicole D., Bento, Joao, Kehusmaa, Petri, Petrucci, Romina, Jofre, Emiliano, Quinn, Samuel N., Lund, Michael B., Kuhn, Rudolf B., Siverd, Robert J., ..., Melville, Graeme. 2017. "A Bright Short Period M-M Eclipsing Binary from the KELT Survey: Magnetic Activity and the Mass–Radius Relationship for M Dwarfs." The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics. 844 (2), pp. 1-12.


KELT-22Ab: A Massive, Short-Period Hot Jupiter Transiting a Near-solar Twin
Labadie-Bartz, Jonathan, Rodriguez, Joseph E., Stassun, Keivan G., Ciardi, David R., Penev, Kaloyan, Johnson, Marshall C., Gaudi, B. Scott, Colon, Knicole D., Bieryla, Allyson, Latham, David W., Pepper, Joshua, Collins, Karen A., Evans, Phil, Relles, Howard, Siverd, Robert J., Bento, Joao, Yao, Xinyu, Stockdale, Chris, Tan, Thiam-Guan, ..., Zambelli, Roberto. 2019. "KELT-22Ab: A Massive, Short-Period Hot Jupiter Transiting a Near-solar Twin." Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 240 (1), pp. 1-17.


TESS Spots a Hot Jupiter with an Inner Transiting Neptune
Huang, Chelsea X., Quinn, Samuel N., Vanderburg, Andrew, Becker, Juliette, Rodriguez, Joseph E., Pozuelos, Francisco J., Gandolfi, Davide, Zhou, George, Mann, Andrew W., Collins, Karen A., Crossfield, Ian, Barkaoui, Khalid, Collins, Kevin I., Fridlund, Malcolm, Gillon, Michael, Gonzales, Erica J., Gunther, Maximilian N., Henry, Todd J., Howell, Steve B., ..., Wong, Ian. 2020. "TESS Spots a Hot Jupiter with an Inner Transiting Neptune." The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 892 (1), pp. 1-9.


HATS-15b and HATS-16b: Two Massive Planets Transiting Old G Dwarf Stars
Ciceri, S., Mancini, L., Henning, T., Bakos, G., Penev, K., Brahm, R., Zhou, G., Hartman, J. D., Bayliss, D., Jordan, A., Csubry, Z., de Val-Borro, M., Bhatti, W., Rabus, M., Espinoza, N., Suc, V., Schmidt, B., Noyes, R., Howard, A. W., ..., Sari, P.. 2016. "HATS-15b and HATS-16b: Two Massive Planets Transiting Old G Dwarf Stars." Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 128 (965), pp. 1-16.


HATS-17b: A Transiting Compact Warm Jupiter in a 16.3 Day Circular Orbit
Brahm, R., Jordan, A., Bakos, G. A., Penev, K., Espinoza, N., Rabus, M., Hartman, J. D., Bayliss, D., Ciceri, S., Zhou, G., Mancini, L., Tan, T. G., de Val-Borro, M., Bhatti, W., Csubry, Z., Bento, J., Henning, T., Schmidt, B., Rojas, F., ..., Sari, P.. 2016. "HATS-17b: A Transiting Compact Warm Jupiter in a 16.3 Day Circular Orbit." The Astronomical Journal. 151 (4), pp. 1-11.
