Prof Celmara Pocock

Prof Celmara Pocock
NameProf Celmara Pocock
Job TitleExecutive Director (Institute for Resilient Regions) and Director (Centre for Heritage and Culture)
QualificationsBA(Hons) UWA, GCertEd JCU, PhD JCU
DepartmentInstitute for Resilient Regions (Operations)
AffiliationsCentre for Heritage and Culture
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Professor Celmara Pocock is an international leader in heritage research. Her research has been at the forefront of Heritage Studies as it has emerged as a significant international field of theoretical and critical inquiry. She has been awarded competitive research funding including Australian Research Council grants, industry funding and prestigious fellowships. Her research is published in leading research journals, with additional books and book chapters published with prestigious scholarly publishers and editors.

Celmara's research maintains connection with applied aspects of heritage research including heritage management policy and practice. She has authored a number of industry and government reports that continue to be used in heritage practice. Her research leadership draws on her prior experience as a Senior Manager in the Heritage and Museum sectors, including as Assistant Director of Indigenous Heritage for the Commonwealth Government and as the Head of the Cultures and Histories Program at Queensland Museum.

Celmara was appointed as a Member of the Queensland Heritage Council in 2023. She maintains professional memberships of a number of organisations including: Member of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, a full member of Australia ICOMOS (International Committee on Monument and Sites), a fellow of the Australian Anthropological Society, a member of the Australian Historical Association and a member of the international Association of Critical Heritage Studies.


Heritage Studies, including Aboriginal history and heritage, World Heritage, culture-nature, landscapes, heritage tourism, community based research

Heritage interpretation and museum studies, including material culture, memory, senses and emotion.

Anthropology of space, place and environment, including Great Barrier Reef, Tasmania and regional Queensland.



ANT1001 Cultural Diversity: an introduction to anthropology

ANT3011 Cultural Heritage Management

ANT3012 Material Culture and Museums

HMT4001 - Honours Dissertation A

HMT4002 - Honours Dissertation B

Research Supervision - Honours and PhD

Fields of Research

  • 350801. Impacts of tourism
  • 350803. Tourism management
  • 350806. Tourist behaviour and visitor experience
  • 430201. Archival, repository and related studies
  • 430205. Heritage and cultural conservation
  • 440107. Social and cultural anthropology
  • 440199. Anthropology not elsewhere classified
  • 450107. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history
  • 470205. Cultural studies of agriculture, food and wine
  • 470208. Culture, representation and identity

Professional Membership

Professional MembershipYear
Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)
Queensland Heritage Council
Australia ICOMOS
Association of Critical Heritage Studies
Australian Anthropological Society
Australian Historical Association

Current Supervisions

Research TitleSupervisor TypeLevel of StudyCommenced
Persecution, Vilification and Prosecution: The enduring impacts of the Bjelke-Petersen era for homosexual men in Australia.Associate SupervisorDoctoral2024
The repatriation of Ngiyampaa cultural stories back to Country: a story of reconnection.Principal SupervisorDoctoral2024
The Critique of the Native Title Process - An Indigenous PerspectiveAssociate SupervisorMasters2023
Cultural Heritage Research: Critical Heritage StudiesPrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2022
Indigenous Roots, Greek Migrants: Commercialisation of Australia's MacadamiaAssociate SupervisorMasters2022
Whaddup Toowoomba! Exploring Regional Youth Group Engagement and Social and Emotional Wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander YouthAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2019
Talking about suicide: Exploring the role of silence within the lived experience of suicidePrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2019

Completed Supervisions

Research TitleSupervisor TypeLevel of StudyCompleted
Innovation at Heritage Tourist AttractionsPrincipalDoctoral2012
Tourists’ Visual Perceptions of Forests and Forest Management in Vancouver Island and TasmaniaAssociateDoctoral2014
Understanding the everyday practice of local studies collections in two NSW public libraries: an ethnographic studyAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2023
Autoimmunity, identity and moralisation: Caring for women with autoimmune diseases in regional AustraliaAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2021
Temporariness, belonging, and place: Working holidaymakers negotiating regional Australia through seasonal agricultural labourPrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2021
New farmers in Lutruwita/Tasmania: Struggling to form communityPrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2021
An exploration of the influence of engagement with commemoration on the social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal people in South West Queensland, AustraliaPrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2021
The critical image: Ethics and the art of Vernon Ah KeeAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2017
Project titleDetailsYear
Heritage Places Context Study ReviewQueensland Department of Environment and Science | C Pocock and M Stell2023
Modelling Cultural Water AssetsCollaboration with CSIRO to pilot modelling of First Nations Cultural Assets in the Murray Darling Basin. 2023
Youth Community FuturesDepartment of Environment and Science | A Hickey, S Riddle and C Pocock2022
First Nations Engagement Southern Queensland and Northern New South Wales (SQNNSW) HubCommonwealth Future Drought Fund | C Pocock and R Ward Co-Leads for Indigenous Engagement,2021
South-West Indigenous Cultural TrailSurat Aboriginal Corporation | J Palmer, L Burton and C Pocock: South-West Indigenous Cultural Trail. Surat Aboriginal Corporation2016
What could World Heritage listing deliver for Indigenous people?Australian Research Council Discovery Project (DP140100360) | Lilley, I; Hockings, M T; Pocock, C; Willis, J2014
Study of the National Heritage Values of Wurruwurrwuy. Commonwealth Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and CommunitiesCommonwealth Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities | D Collett and C Pocock2012
Assessment and Scoping for Revision of Ask First Consultation GuidelinesCommonwealth Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities | C Pocock and D Collett2012
Cape York Criterion iii for Cape York World Heritage NominationAustralian Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities | C Pocock and D Collett2012
‘From Segregation to Assimilation’ A Thematic Study of Policies and Practices Australia (1800 – 1970)Department of the Environment and Water Resources | C Pocock2008
Shifting Baselines identified in the non-scientific literatureGreat Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority | C Pocock2008
Innovation in Heritage Tourism Interpretation PerceptionsSTCRC Joint Scholarship with the Australian Innovation Research Centre | C Pocock and J Crozier2007
Effects of Forestry Tasmania Tourism Developments on Visitor PerceptionsSTCRC Joint Scholarship with Forestry Tasmania | C Pocock and K Hilsendager2007
Living Memory and the Interpretation of HeritageCRC for Sustainable Tourism Project Grant | C Pocock, M.K. Stell and L. Frost2007
The Queensland Historical Atlas: Histories, Cultures, LandscapesAustralian Research Council | P Spearritt; GA Ginn; DJ Carter; SG Ulm; NS Bordes; CA McAlpine; C Pocock; G Mate; PE Barnard. ARC Linkage Project (LP0775186) with Queensland Museum2007
Thematic Framework for the Interpretation of Cultural Heritage in TourismCRC for Sustainable Tourism Project Grant | C Pocock, M.K. Stell and R. Ballantyne2006
Characteristics of Successful Cultural Heritage TourismCRC for Sustainable Tourism Project Grant | J. Carlsen, W. Frost,, C Pocock, V. Peel2005
Assessing Cultural Heritage Tourism Development StrategiesCRC for Sustainable Tourism | C Pocock, T Sofield and H Maxwell-Stewart2004
Cultural Heritage Tourism Research StrategyCRC for Sustainable Tourism | C Pocock2004
The End Crowns the Labour’: Interpretation at ‘BrickendonCRC for Sustainable Tourism Project Grant | C Pocock2004
DateNameAwarding organisationUnderpinning research
2022Council MemberQueensland Heritage Council
2007John Oxley Library FellowshipState Library of QueenslandNostalgia and belonging: Henry George Lamond writing the Whitsunday Islands
2022Ronel Erwee Postgraduate Research SupervisionUniversity of Southern Queensland

Plasticity and Time: Using the Stress-Strain Curve as a Framework for Investigating the Wicked Problems of Marine Pollution and Climate Change

Schofield, John, and Pocock, Celmara. 2024. "Plasticity and Time: Using the Stress-Strain Curve as a Framework for Investigating the Wicked Problems of Marine Pollution and Climate Change." Kryder-Reid, Elizabeth and May, Sahara (ed.) Toxic Heritage: Legacies, Futures, and Environmental Injustice. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 62-73

Custom, conflict and the construction of heritage: European huts on the Tasmanian Central Plateau

Collett, David, Knowles, Joan and Pocock, Celmara. 2023. "Custom, conflict and the construction of heritage: European huts on the Tasmanian Central Plateau." Journal of Community Archaeology and Heritage. 10 (1), pp. 3-23.

World Heritage as authentic fake: paradisic Reef and wild Tasmania

Pocock, Celmara, Collett, David and Knowles, Joan. 2022. "World Heritage as authentic fake: paradisic Reef and wild Tasmania." Landscape Research. 47 (8), pp. 1024-1038.

Visualising heritage landscapes in future: aesthetics, embodiment, and meaning

Pocock, Celmara. 2023. "Visualising heritage landscapes in future: aesthetics, embodiment, and meaning." Brown, Steve and Goetcheus, Cari (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Cultural Landscape Practice. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 431-441

Weedy Life: Coloniality, Decoloniality, and Tropicality

Henry, Rosita, Ramoutsaki, Helen, Long, Debbi, Acciaioli, Greg, Foale, Simon, Pocock, Celmara, McBain-Rigg, Kristin and Wood, Michael. 2023. "Weedy Life: Coloniality, Decoloniality, and Tropicality." eTropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics. 22 (1), pp. 236-69.

Food and Garden Organic Waste Management in Australia: Co-Benefits for Regional Communities and Local Government

Blanchard, Christine, Harris, Peter, Pocock, Celmara and McCabe, Bernadette K.. 2023. "Food and Garden Organic Waste Management in Australia: Co-Benefits for Regional Communities and Local Government." Sustainability. 15 (13).

Great Barrier Reef World Heritage: Nature in danger

Pocock, Celmara. 2022. "Great Barrier Reef World Heritage: Nature in danger." Queensland Review. 28 (2), pp. 118-129.

Visitor encounters with the Great Barrier Reef: aesthetics, heritage and the senses

Pocock, Celmara. 2020. Visitor encounters with the Great Barrier Reef: aesthetics, heritage and the senses. Milton Park, United kingdom. Routledge.

Aboriginal colonial history and the (un)happy object of reconciliation

Palmer, Jane and Pocock, Celmara. 2020. "Aboriginal colonial history and the (un)happy object of reconciliation." Cultural Studies. 34 (1), pp. 49-69.

In Community Hands: Memory and the Material Culture Legacy of a Mega Sporting Event: Commemorating the 1982 XII Commonwealth Games in Brisbane

Stell, Marion and Pocock, Celmara. 2019. "In Community Hands: Memory and the Material Culture Legacy of a Mega Sporting Event: Commemorating the 1982 XII Commonwealth Games in Brisbane." The International Journal of the History of Sport. 36 (6), pp. 551-569.

Better ways of seeing landscapes: The Queensland Historical Atlas

Stell, Marion, Mate, Geraldine and Pocock, Celmara. 2018. "Better ways of seeing landscapes: The Queensland Historical Atlas." Queensland Review. 25 (2), pp. 267-285.

Who Benefits? World Heritage and Indigenous People

Pocock, Celmara and Lilley, Ian. 2018. "Who Benefits? World Heritage and Indigenous People." Heritage and Society. 10 (2), pp. 171-190.

Contesting the Center

Pocock, Celmara and Jones, Sian. 2018. "Contesting the Center." Heritage and Society. 10 (2), pp. 99-108.

Raw emotion: The Living Memory module at three sites of practice

Pocock, Celmara, Stell, Marion and Mate, Geraldine. 2018. "Raw emotion: The Living Memory module at three sites of practice." Smith, Laurajane, Wetherell, Margaret and Campbell, Gary (ed.) Emotion, Affective Practices, and the Past in the Present. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 281-303

A disconnected journey

Mate, Geraldine and Pocock, Celmara. 2018. "A disconnected journey." International Journal of Heritage Studies. 24 (4), pp. 374-389.

Waiting, power and time in ethnographic and community-based research

Palmer, Jane, Pocock, Celmara and Burton, Lorelle. 2018. "Waiting, power and time in ethnographic and community-based research." Qualitative Research. 18 (4), pp. 416-432.

Reading indigeneity without race: Color, representation and uncertainty in photographic evidence

Pocock, Celmara. 2017. "Reading indigeneity without race: Color, representation and uncertainty in photographic evidence." Hillerdal, Charlotta, Karlström, Anna and Ojala, Carl-Gösta (ed.) Archaeologies of "Us" and "Them": Debating History, Heritage and Indigeneity. Routledge. pp. 140-158

Nostalgia and belonging: Henry George Lamond writing the Whitsunday Islands

Pocock, Celmara and Pocock C.. 2015. "Nostalgia and belonging: Henry George Lamond writing the Whitsunday Islands." Queensland Review. 22 (1), pp. 49-61.

Assessing stories before sites: identifying the tangible from the intangible

Pocock, Celmara, Collett, David and Baulch, Linda. 2015. "Assessing stories before sites: identifying the tangible from the intangible." International Journal of Heritage Studies. 21 (10), pp. 962-982.

Tourism as theatre: performing and consuming indigeneity in an Australian wildlife sanctuary

Picard, David, Pocock, Celmara and Trigger, David. 2014. "Tourism as theatre: performing and consuming indigeneity in an Australian wildlife sanctuary." Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change. 12 (3), pp. 206-223.

Assessment of the indigenous national heritage values for Wurrwurrwuy stone picture site

Collett, David and Pocock, Celmara. 2012. Assessment of the indigenous national heritage values for Wurrwurrwuy stone picture site. Canberra, Australia. Commonwealth Government of Australia.

Ask first: a guide to respecting indigenous heritage places and values: issues and gaps analysis

Collett, David and Pocock, Celmara. 2012. Ask first: a guide to respecting indigenous heritage places and values: issues and gaps analysis. Canberra, Australia. Commonwealth Government of Australia.

Heritage value of rock art on the Cape York Peninsular: assessment of criterion iii for Cape York World Heritage nomination [Confidential]

Collett, David and Pocock, Celmara. 2012. Heritage value of rock art on the Cape York Peninsular: assessment of criterion iii for Cape York World Heritage nomination [Confidential].

Aborigines, Islanders and Hula Girls in Great Barrier Reef Tourism

Pocock, Celmara. 2014. "Aborigines, Islanders and Hula Girls in Great Barrier Reef Tourism." The Journal of Pacific History. 49 (2), pp. 170-192.

Reading indigeneity without race: colour, representation and uncertainty in photographic evidence

Pocock, Celmara. 2013. "Reading indigeneity without race: colour, representation and uncertainty in photographic evidence." Hillerdal, Charlotta, Karlstrom, Anna and Ojala, Carl-Gosta (ed.) Archaeologies of 'Us' and 'Them' 2013: Debating the Ethics and Politics of Ethnicity and Indigeneity in Archaeology and Heritage Discourse. Uppsala, Sweden 24 - 26 Oct 2013 Uppsala, Sweden.

Imagining paradise, discovering science: tourism and science at the Great Barrier Reef

Pocock, Celmara. 2013. "Imagining paradise, discovering science: tourism and science at the Great Barrier Reef." Australasian and Pacific Travel in the Middlebrow Imagination 1925-1950: Transported Imagination (2013). Cairns, Australia 28 - 29 Nov 2013

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Australia: national parks, changes in perception, and hyper-reality

Pocock, Celmara. 2013. "Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Australia: national parks, changes in perception, and hyper-reality." Delehanty, Randolph (ed.) Crown jewels: five great national parks around the world and the challenges they face. Washington, DC. United States. American Alliance of Museums Press. pp. 119-135

Tactile landscape: visitors at the Great Barrier Reef

Pocock, Celmara. 2010. "Tactile landscape: visitors at the Great Barrier Reef." Sensorial Investigations.

Reaching for the reef: exploring place through touch

Pocock, Celmara. 2008. "Reaching for the reef: exploring place through touch." Vanclay, Frank, Higgins, Matthew and Blackshaw, Adam (ed.) Making sense of place: exploring concepts and expressions of place through different senses and lenses. Canberra, Australia. National Museum of Australia Press. pp. 76-85

Success factors in cultural heritage tourism enterprise management

Carlsen, Jack, Hughes, Michael, Frost, Warwick, Pocock, Celmara and Peel, Vicki. 2008. Success factors in cultural heritage tourism enterprise management. Gold Coast, Australia. Sustainable Tourism CRC.

Assessing stories before sites: identifying the tangible from the intangible

Pocock, Celmara, Collett, David and Baulch, Linda. 2013. "Assessing stories before sites: identifying the tangible from the intangible." Lira, Sergio, Amoeda, Rogerio and Pinheeiro, Cristina (ed.) 3rd International Conference on Intangible Heritage 2013: Sharing Cultures. Aveiro, Portugal 24 - 26 Jul 2013 Barcelos, Portugal.

Identifying social values in archival sources: change, continuity and invention in tourist experiences of the Great Barrier Reef

Pocock, Celmara. 2002. "Identifying social values in archival sources: change, continuity and invention in tourist experiences of the Great Barrier Reef." Gomes, F. V., Taveira Pinto, F. and das Neves, L. (ed.) 6th International Symposium: a multi-disciplinary Symposium on Coastal Zone Research, Management and Planning (Littoral 2002): The Changing Coast. Porto, Portugal 22 - 26 Sep 2002 Porto, Portugal.

Custom, conflict and the construction of heritage: European huts on the Tasmanian central plateau

Collett, David, Pocock, Celmara and Knowles, Joan. 2012. "Custom, conflict and the construction of heritage: European huts on the Tasmanian central plateau." Australian Anthropological Society Conference (AAS 2012): Culture and Contest in a Material World. Brisbane, Australia 26 - 28 Sep 2012 Canberra, Australia.

Sense matters: aesthetic values of the Great Barrier Reef

Pocock, Celmara. 2012. "Sense matters: aesthetic values of the Great Barrier Reef." Dudley, Sandra H. (ed.) Museum objects: experiencing the properties of things. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 241-253

Real to reel reef: space, place and film at the Great Barrier Reef

Pocock, Celmara. 2004. "Real to reel reef: space, place and film at the Great Barrier Reef." Ferrero-Regis, Tiziana and Moran, Albert (ed.) Placing the moving image. Brisbane, Australia. Griffith University. pp. 53-68

Sensing place, consuming space: changing visitor experiences of the Great Barrier Reef

Pocock, Celmara. 2006. "Sensing place, consuming space: changing visitor experiences of the Great Barrier Reef." Meethan, Kevin, Anderson, Alison and Miles, Steve (ed.) Tourism, Consumption and Representation: Narratives of Place and Self. United Kingdom. CABI. pp. 94-112

Queensland historical atlas: histories, cultures, landscapes

Spearritt, Peter, Stell, Marion, Carter, David, McAlpine, Clive, Mate, Geraldine, Pocock, Celmara, Ulm, Sean, Ginn, Geoff, Powell, Owen, Keogh, Luke, Barnard, Trish and Bordes, Nicloe (ed.) 2010. Queensland historical atlas: histories, cultures, landscapes . Brisbane, Australia. Queensland Historical Atlas.

From segregation to assimilation: a thematic study of policies and practices Australia (1800 to 1970)

Pocock, Celmara. 2008. From segregation to assimilation: a thematic study of policies and practices Australia (1800 to 1970). Brisbane, Australia. Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts.

'Blue lagoons and coconut palms': The creation of a tropical idyll in Australia

Pocock, Celmara and Pocock C.. 2005. "'Blue lagoons and coconut palms': The creation of a tropical idyll in Australia." Australian Journal of Anthropology. 16 (3), pp. 335-349.

Introduction: Current directions in Australian anthropologies of the environment

Mulcock, Jane, Pocock, Celmara, Toussaint, Yann, Mulcock J., Pocock C. and Toussaint Y.. 2005. "Introduction: Current directions in Australian anthropologies of the environment." Australian Journal of Anthropology. 16 (3), pp. 281-293.

Visiting the Great Barrier Reef

Pocock, Celmara. 2010. "Visiting the Great Barrier Reef." Queensland Historical Atlas. Nov 2010, pp. 1-3.

A playground for science: Great Barrier Reef

Pocock, Celmara. 2010. "A playground for science: Great Barrier Reef." Queensland Historical Atlas. Oct 2010.

Survival: how the landscape impacts on people

Pocock, Celmara. 2010. "Survival: how the landscape impacts on people." Queensland Historical Atlas. Dec 2010, pp. 1-5.

Distinctiveness: islands

Pocock, Celmara. 2010. "Distinctiveness: islands." Queensland Historical Atlas. Nov 2010, pp. 1-3.

Entwined histories: photography and tourism at the Great Barrier Reef

Pocock, Celmara. 2009. "Entwined histories: photography and tourism at the Great Barrier Reef." Robinson, Mike and Picard, David (ed.) The framed world: tourism, tourists and photography. Farnham, Surrey. United Kingdom. Ashgate Publishing Limited. pp. 185-197

Turtle Riding on the Great Barrier Reef

Pocock, Celmara. 2006. "Turtle Riding on the Great Barrier Reef." Society and Animals. 14 (2), pp. 129-146.

Authenticity in cultural heritage management and tourism

Pocock, Celmara. 2006. "Authenticity in cultural heritage management and tourism." Historic Environment. 19 (2), pp. 3-8.

Living memory and the interpretation of heritage: developing a multimedia interactive to record and store personal stories for use in heritage interpretation and research

Pocock, Celmara, Stell, Marion, Frost, Lucy, Crozier, Julia and Ancher, Simon. 2010. Living memory and the interpretation of heritage: developing a multimedia interactive to record and store personal stories for use in heritage interpretation and research. Brisbane, Australia. Sustainable Tourism CRC.

Towards a cultural heritage tourism research strategy: developing synergies in Australian research

Pocock, Celmara. 2008. Towards a cultural heritage tourism research strategy: developing synergies in Australian research. Brisbane, Australia. Sustainable Tourism CRC.

Tourists riding turtles

Pocock, Celmara and Pocock C.. 2006. "Tourists riding turtles." Australian Zoologist. 33 (4), pp. 425-435.

Sense matters: Aesthetic values of the Great Barrier Reef

Pocock, Celmara and Pocock C.. 2002. "Sense matters: Aesthetic values of the Great Barrier Reef." International Journal of Heritage Studies. 8 (4), pp. 365-381.

You don't know what you don't know: ethics and participant consent issues for eResearch users

Ostini, Jenny, Gacenga, Francis, Pocock, Celmara and Whiteside, Eliza. 2014. "You don't know what you don't know: ethics and participant consent issues for eResearch users." eResearch Australasia 2014 Conference: Towards Unified Global Research. Melbourne, Australia 27 - 31 Oct 2014 Sydney, Australia.

What is success in cultural heritage tourism?

Pocock, Celmara. 2012. "What is success in cultural heritage tourism?" Shuter, Claire (ed.) Visitor Research Forum 2012: Interpreting our Heritage and Understanding our Visitors. Brisbane, Australia 18 Jan 2012 Brisbane, Australia.

Images and other research on the history and heritage of the Great Barrier Reef

Pocock, Celmara. 2012. Images and other research on the history and heritage of the Great Barrier Reef. Toowoomba. University of Southern Queensland.

World Heritage and Environment

Pocock, Celmara. World Heritage and Environment. Toowoomba.

False Promise: World Heritage, Ecotourism, and the Local Community of Strahan, Tasmania

Pocock, Celmara, Collett, David and Knowles, Joan. 2024. "False Promise: World Heritage, Ecotourism, and the Local Community of Strahan, Tasmania ." Heritage. 7 (2), pp. 1028-1042.

Moving beyond deficit media figurations of young people: troubling the contemporary ‘youth crime crisis’

Riddle, Stewart, Hickey, Andrew, Pocock, Celmara, McKee, Alarnah, Skye, Danika Skye and Wallis, Rachael. 2023. "Moving beyond deficit media figurations of young people: troubling the contemporary ‘youth crime crisis’." Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies. 37 (6), pp. 756-769.

Youth Community Futures: Enhancing Opportunities for Young People in Regional Queensland: Final Report

Hickey, Andrew, Riddle, Stewart, McKee, Alarnah, Skye, Danika, Wallis, Rachael and Pocock, Celmara. 2024. Youth Community Futures: Enhancing Opportunities for Young People in Regional Queensland: Final Report. Australia. University of Southern Queensland.

'Manifesto for Queer Heritage Practice 1.0': Call for action

Steve, Steve, Pocock, Celmara, Lixinski, Lucas, Oram, Alison, Byrne, Denis, Casella, Eleanor, Otoni, João Pedro, Sullivan, Sharon, Peterson, Kavita, Mason, Robert, Smaal, Yorick, Vargas, Amilcar and Devine, Matt. 2024. "'Manifesto for Queer Heritage Practice 1.0': Call for action." Historic Environment. 35 (1), pp. 84-101.

Figurations of youth in regional Australia: conceptualising the ‘young person’ as spatially figured

Hickey, Andrew, Riddle, Stewart, Pocock, Celmara, McKee, Alarnah, Skye, Danika and Wallis, Rachael. 2024. "Figurations of youth in regional Australia: conceptualising the ‘young person’ as spatially figured." Journal of Youth Studies.

Swanbank Power Station (former) CMP: A preliminary Conservation Management Plan prepared for CleanCo Queensland Ltd for the Swanbank Clean Energy Hub

Hill, Susan, Pocock, Celmara, Batorowicz, Beata, Gharineiat, Zahra and Young, Simon. 2024. Swanbank Power Station (former) CMP: A preliminary Conservation Management Plan prepared for CleanCo Queensland Ltd for the Swanbank Clean Energy Hub. Australia. University of Southern Queensland.