4408. Political science
Title | 4408. Political science |
Parent | 44. Human Society |
Latest research outputs
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Politics of memory, decentralization and recentralization in Mozambique
Igreja, Victor. 2013. "Politics of memory, decentralization and recentralization in Mozambique." Journal of Southern African Studies. 39 (2), pp. 313-335. https://doi.org/10.1080/03057070.2013.795809Article
The People vs the State: Reflections on US Authority, US Power and the Responsibility to Protect by Ramesh Thakur
Gehrmann, Richard. 2014. "The People vs the State: Reflections on US Authority, US Power and the Responsibility to Protect by Ramesh Thakur." Progress in Development Studies. 14 (1), pp. 106-108. https://doi.org/10.1177/1464993413504367Book review
Identifying and measuring agrarian sentiment in regional Australia
Berry, Helen Louise, Botterill, Linda Courtenay, Cockfield, Geoff and Ding, Ning. 2016. "Identifying and measuring agrarian sentiment in regional Australia." Agriculture and Human Values. 33 (4), pp. 929-941. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10460-016-9684-5Article
Reflections on race, regionalism and geopolitical trends via Australian soccer
Carniel, Jessica. 2012. "Reflections on race, regionalism and geopolitical trends via Australian soccer." The International Journal of the History of Sport. 29 (17), pp. 2405-2420. https://doi.org/10.1080/09523367.2012.746832Article
Civil-military 'legal' relations: where to from here?
Collins, Pauline. 2012. "Civil-military 'legal' relations: where to from here?" 20th Annual Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law Conference: Postgraduate Workshop: International Law in the Next Two Decades: Form or Substance?( ANZSIL 2012). Wellington, New Zealand 04 Jul 2012 Canberra, Australia.Poster
The economics of terrorism
Phillips, Peter J.. 2016. The economics of terrorism. Abingdon, Oxon & New York, New York. Routledge.Authored book
Power and healing in African Politics: an introduction
Meier, Barbara, Igreja, Victor and Steinforth, Arne S.. 2013. "Power and healing in African Politics: an introduction." Meier, Barbara and Steinforth, Arne S. (ed.) Spirits in politics: uncertainties of power and healing in African societies. Frankfurt, Germany. University of Chicago Press. pp. 15-36Edited book (chapter)
The politics of spirits, justice, and social transformation in Mozambique
Igreja, Victor and Racin, Limore. 2013. "The politics of spirits, justice, and social transformation in Mozambique." Meier, Barbara and Steinforth, Arne S. (ed.) Spirits in politics: Uncertainties of power and healing in African societies. Frankfurt, Germany. University of Chicago Press. pp. 181-204Edited book (chapter)
The implications of accumulated grievances and memories of political violence to the process of administrative decentralization in Mozambique
Igreja, Victor. 2013. "The implications of accumulated grievances and memories of political violence to the process of administrative decentralization in Mozambique." Review of Political Studies. 6 (1), pp. 181-199.Article
Analytic radicalism
Taylor, Brad. 2013. "Analytic radicalism." Constitutional Political Economy. 24 (2), pp. 166-172. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10602-013-9134-yArticle
Children’s rights with endogenous fertility
Taylor, Brad R.. 2014. "Children’s rights with endogenous fertility." Rationality, Markets and Morals. 5, pp. 93-119.Article
Os recursos da violência e as lutas pelo poder politico Moçambique [Resources of violence and the struggles for political power in Mozambique]
Igreja, Victor. 2015. "Os recursos da violência e as lutas pelo poder politico Moçambique [Resources of violence and the struggles for political power in Mozambique]." Brito, Luis de, Castel-Branco, Carlos Nuno, Chichava, Sergio, Forquilha, Salvador and Francisco, Antonio (ed.) Desafios para Moçambique 2015. Mozambique. Institute of Social and Economic Studies (IESE). pp. 31-57Edited book (chapter)
Two strategies for diffusing tension in the Middle East
Gussen, Benjamen Franklen. 2016. "Two strategies for diffusing tension in the Middle East ." Harvard Journal of Middle Eastern Politics and Policy. V, pp. 8-11.Article
Open access and soft power: Chinese voices in international scholarship
Ren, Xiang and Montgomery, Lucy. 2015. "Open access and soft power: Chinese voices in international scholarship." Media Culture and Society. 37 (3), pp. 394-408. https://doi.org/10.1177/0163443714567019Article
A layered approach to horizon scanning: identifying future issues in military and veterans’ health
Palmer, Jane and Ellis, Niki. 2008. "A layered approach to horizon scanning: identifying future issues in military and veterans’ health." Journal of Futures Studies. 12 (4), pp. 77-92.Article
Green tenants: practicing a sustainability ethics for the rental housing sector
Palmer, Jane, Instone, Lesley, Mee, Kathleen J., Williams, Miriam and Vaughan, Nicola. 2015. "Green tenants: practicing a sustainability ethics for the rental housing sector." Local Environment: the international journal of justice and sustainability. 20 (8), pp. 923-939. https://doi.org/10.1080/13549839.2013.879640Article
Voter attitudes towards information sources during local government elections
Jones, Dianne and Feldman, Alison. 2006. "Voter attitudes towards information sources during local government elections." Local Government Association of Queensland Incorporated 110th Annual Conference: Closest to the People. Toowoomba, Australia 28 - 31 Aug 2006 http://lgaq.asn.au/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=c51d174379753aaf2f2260e7182fef07&groupId=10136.Keynote
'Life in one colour': Indian Australian perceptions of social inclusion in regional Queensland
Mason, Robert and Jones, Dianne. 2014. "'Life in one colour': Indian Australian perceptions of social inclusion in regional Queensland." Queensland Review. 21 (2), pp. 203-216. https://doi.org/10.1017/qre.2014.26Article
Prospect theory and geographic profiling: the terrorist's choice of target
Phillips, Peter J.. 2015. Prospect theory and geographic profiling: the terrorist's choice of target. Unpublished.Working paper
Terrorist choice: a stochastic dominance and prospect theory analysis
Phillips, Peter J. and Pohl, Gabriela. 2017. "Terrorist choice: a stochastic dominance and prospect theory analysis." Defence and Peace Economics. 28 (2), pp. 150-164. https://doi.org/10.1080/10242694.2015.1033888Article
Staking out Australia's 'effective voice' in the world: John Curtin and the war correspondents, 1941-1945©
Coatney, Caryn. 2014. "Staking out Australia's 'effective voice' in the world: John Curtin and the war correspondents, 1941-1945©." Research Seminar 2014: School of Arts and Communication, University of Southern Queensland. Toowoomba, Australia 12 Nov 2014 Toowoomba, Australia.Paper
A soldier's perspective on serving in Iraq and Afghanistan
Gehrmann, Richard. 2015. "A soldier's perspective on serving in Iraq and Afghanistan." Goodall, Jane and Lee, Christopher (ed.) Trauma and public memory. Houndsmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 193-206Edited book (chapter)
The praxis of social enterprise and human security: An applied research agenda
Brown, Malcolm D.. 2014. "The praxis of social enterprise and human security: An applied research agenda." Journal of Human Security. 10 (1), pp. 4-11. https://doi.org/10.12924/johs2014.10010004Article
From unstable to stable minority government: reflections on the role of the Nationals in federal coalition governments
Botterill, Linda Courtenay and Cockfield, Geoff. 2015. "From unstable to stable minority government: reflections on the role of the Nationals in federal coalition governments ." Australian Journal of Politics and History. 61 (1), pp. 53-66. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajph.12086Article
The historical context of Australia's federation
Cole, John. 2014. The historical context of Australia's federation. Melbourne, Australia. Committee for Economic Development of Australia.Working paper
Australian unarmed peacekeepers on Bougainville, 1997-2003
Gehrmann, Richard, Grant, Matt and Rose, Samantha. 2015. "Australian unarmed peacekeepers on Bougainville, 1997-2003." Peace Review: a journal of social justice. 27 (1), pp. 52-60. https://doi.org/10.1080/10402659.2015.1000192Article
Frameworks, cases, and risk: Dupont's legacy
Druckman, Daniel. 2013. "Frameworks, cases, and risk: Dupont's legacy." Colson, Aurelien, Druckman, Daniel and Donohue, William (ed.) International negotiation: foundations, models and philosophies. Dordrecht, Netherlands. Republic of Letters. pp. 189-208Edited book (chapter)
Media and terrorist choice: a risk-reward analysis
Pohl, Gabriela. 2015. "Media and terrorist choice: a risk-reward analysis." Journal of Applied Security Research. 10 (1), pp. 60-76. https://doi.org/10.1080/19361610.2015.972271Article
Donation and spending limits in political finance law and their compatibility with the Australian Constitution
Gray, Anthony. 2014. "Donation and spending limits in political finance law and their compatibility with the Australian Constitution." Australian Journal of Politics and History. 60 (4), pp. 592-605. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajph.12078Article
What does the term 'sustainable economic development' mean for local government? [Keynote address]
Cole, John. 2011. "What does the term 'sustainable economic development' mean for local government? [Keynote address]." Economic and Regional Development Conference (ERD 2011): Resourced Regions: Shaping up or Shipping Out?. Gladstone, Australia 18 - 20 May 2011 Brisbane, Australia.Presentation
Squatters and separation: a synoptic overview
French, Maurice. 2010. "Squatters and separation: a synoptic overview." Queensland History Journal. 20 (13), pp. 804-819.Article
My Queensland
Shapcott, Thomas, Winch, Tara June, Sheahan-Bright, Robyn, Bourke, Nike and Elliott, Will. 2008. "My Queensland." Griffith Review.Article
An active citizen: a personal female response
Collins, P. T.. 2010. "An active citizen: a personal female response." Language and Culture Symposium 2010. Toowoomba, Australia 22 Sep 2010 Toowoomba, Australia.Paper
Overseas trade law: observations on the Australia-China Free Trade Agreement negotiation process
Sappideen, Razeen and He, Ling Ling. 2010. "Overseas trade law: observations on the Australia-China Free Trade Agreement negotiation process." Australian Business Law Review. 38 (4), pp. 257-264.Article
Dispute settlement under free trade agreements: the proposed Australia-China free trade agreement
Sappideen, Razeen and He, Ling Ling. 2011. "Dispute settlement under free trade agreements: the proposed Australia-China free trade agreement." Journal of World Investment and Trade. 12 (4), pp. 581-602.Article
John Curtin and Franklin Delano Roosevelt: a cross-national case study of media agenda setting in the U.S.-Australian alliance, 1941-1945
Coatney, Caryn. 2010. "John Curtin and Franklin Delano Roosevelt: a cross-national case study of media agenda setting in the U.S.-Australian alliance, 1941-1945." Escobar-Lemmon, Maria and Nicholson, Stephen (ed.) 68th Annual Midwest Political Science Association National Conference (MPSA 2010). Chicago, United States 22 - 25 Apr 2010 Bloomington, IN. United States.Paper
Hourigan, Daniel. 2014. "Ecology." Butler, Rex (ed.) The Zizek dictionary. Durham, United Kingdom. Acumen Publishing. pp. 71-74Edited book (chapter)
Investor-state arbitration: the roadmap from the multilateral agreement on investment to the trans-Pacific partnership agreement
Sappideen, Razeen and He, Ling Ling. 2012. "Investor-state arbitration: the roadmap from the multilateral agreement on investment to the trans-Pacific partnership agreement." Federal Law Review. 40 (2), pp. 207-227.Article
Reflections on China's WTO accession commitments and their observance
He, Ling Ling and Sappideen, Razeen. 2009. "Reflections on China's WTO accession commitments and their observance." Journal of World Trade. 43 (4), pp. 847-871.Article
The marginalisation of localism in current responses to the ecological crisis
Gussen, Benjamen F.. 2012. "The marginalisation of localism in current responses to the ecological crisis." New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law. 16, pp. 167-201.Article