4703. Language studies
Title | 4703. Language studies |
Parent | 47. Language, Communication and Culture |
Latest research outputs
Feeding back to make a difference with the help of Vygotsky, Krashen, Chomsky and a few other more knowing others
Faragher, Lynette. 2008. "Feeding back to make a difference with the help of Vygotsky, Krashen, Chomsky and a few other more knowing others." Finlay, Susan and McBeath, Neil (ed.) 8th Annual ELT Conference: Integration of Skills: Creative Methods and Techniques in ELT (ELT 2008). Muscat, Oman 23 - 24 Apr 2008 Muscat, Oman.Paper
Reading for riches: a Vygotskyan analysis of learners writing
Faragher, Lynette. 1995. "Reading for riches: a Vygotskyan analysis of learners writing." Kruss, Glenda and Jacklin, Heather (ed.) Realising change: education policy research: Kenton 1994. Kenwyn, South Africa . Juta Academic. pp. 117-125Edited book (chapter)
First year pre-service teachers' views about literacy: exploring the breadth and depth of their pedagogical needs
O'Neill, Shirley and Geoghegan, Deborah. 2011. "First year pre-service teachers' views about literacy: exploring the breadth and depth of their pedagogical needs." International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 6 (3), pp. 187-205. https://doi.org/10.5172/ijpl.2011.6.3.187Article
Language teaching in blended contexts
Poole, Trisha. 2012. "Language teaching in blended contexts." Distance Education. 33 (1), pp. 125-129. https://doi.org/10.1080/01587919.2012.667964Book review
An investigation of pedagogy and assessment for encouraging the creative use of the Arabic language in post-basic school students in the Sultanate of Oman
Al-Mandhari, Raya Salim Said. 2011. An investigation of pedagogy and assessment for encouraging the creative use of the Arabic language in post-basic school students in the Sultanate of Oman. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.PhD Thesis
Looking for ethical needles in a 62-year-old haystack, or unearthing gems in the mud?
De George-Walker, Linda and Danaher, Patrick Alan. 2009. "Looking for ethical needles in a 62-year-old haystack, or unearthing gems in the mud?" International Journal of Disability Development and Education. 56 (4), pp. 421-427. https://doi.org/10.1080/10349120903306780Book review
Second language postgraduate writers in their academic community: links between disciplinary knowledge and writing skills
Gomez, Lesvia Patricia Salinas. 2009. Second language postgraduate writers in their academic community: links between disciplinary knowledge and writing skills. Masters Thesis Master of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.Masters Thesis
Teaching a foreign language: one teacher's practical theory
Mangubhai, Francis, Marland, Perce, Dashwood, Ann and Son, Jeong-Bae. 2004. "Teaching a foreign language: one teacher's practical theory." Teaching and Teacher Education. 20 (3), pp. 291-311. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2004.02.001Article
The impact of diversity in Queensland classrooms on literacy teaching in changing times
Fleming, Mary-Anne. 2007. "The impact of diversity in Queensland classrooms on literacy teaching in changing times." International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 3 (3), pp. 77-91.Article
Multilingual Europe: Facts and Policies by Guus Extra and Durk Gorter
Taylor-Leech, Kerry. 2010. "Multilingual Europe: Facts and Policies by Guus Extra and Durk Gorter ." Language Policy. 9 (4), pp. 367-369. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10993-010-9172-5Book review
The English language and cross-cultural variations: its impact on Korean students in Australian undergraduate programs
Park, Sang-Soon. 2010. The English language and cross-cultural variations: its impact on Korean students in Australian undergraduate programs. Saarbrucken, Germany. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller.Authored book
Alternatives to questions: language use in UNIPREP classroom discussion
Dashwood, Ann and Wood, Lyndal. 2006. "Alternatives to questions: language use in UNIPREP classroom discussion." International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 2 (1), pp. 99-113.Article
Rediscovering identity: a more generous reality for non-native English users in teaching and learning
Young, Kathryn. 2008. "Rediscovering identity: a more generous reality for non-native English users in teaching and learning." Language Issues in English-Medium Universities: a Global Concern (2008). Hong Kong, China 18 - 20 Jun 2008 Hong Kong.Paper
Influence of language background on tests of cognitive abilities: Australian data
Carstairs, Jane R., Myors, Brett, Shores, E. Arthur and Fogarty, Gerard. 2006. "Influence of language background on tests of cognitive abilities: Australian data." Australian Psychologist. 41 (1), pp. 48-54. https://doi.org/10.1080/00050060500391878Article
What do we know about learning and teaching second languages: implications for teaching
Mangubhai, Francis. 2006. "What do we know about learning and teaching second languages: implications for teaching." Asian EFL Journal. 8 (3), pp. 46-68.Article
Implementing NETPAW's diagnostic test of English proficiency in Australia: a case study [Keynote speaker]
O'Neill, Shirley. 2009. "Implementing NETPAW's diagnostic test of English proficiency in Australia: a case study [Keynote speaker]." ROCMELIA 2009: Globalization and Language Instruction. Kaohsiung, Taiwan Kaohsiung, Taiwan.Paper
EFL proficiency level and differences in Japanese secondary school students' views on the need for pedagogical change
O'Neill, Shirley. 2009. "EFL proficiency level and differences in Japanese secondary school students' views on the need for pedagogical change." International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 5 (1), pp. 49-71.Article
Sustaining language policy and language rights in East Timor: where to from here?
Taylor-Leech, Kerry. 2007. "Sustaining language policy and language rights in East Timor: where to from here?" Kingsbury, Damien and Leach, Michael (ed.) East Timor: beyond independence. Melbourne, Australia. Monash University Publishing. pp. 239-249Edited book (chapter)
The ecology of language reform in Timor-Leste: a language rights perspective
Taylor-Leech, Kerry. 2005. "The ecology of language reform in Timor-Leste: a language rights perspective." Studies in Languages and Cultures of East Timor. 7, pp. 13-35.Article
The language situation in Timor-Leste
Taylor-Leech, Kerry. 2009. "The language situation in Timor-Leste." Current Issues in Language Planning. 10 (1), pp. 1-68. https://doi.org/10.1080/14664200802339840Article
Book language as a foreign language — ESL strategies for indigenous learners
McTaggart, Robin and Curro, Gina. 2009. Book language as a foreign language — ESL strategies for indigenous learners. Toowong, Qld. Queensland College of Teachers.Project report
Malaysia's english language policies for the 21st century: where to now?
Ridge, Brian. 2003. "Malaysia's english language policies for the 21st century: where to now?" Asian Profile. 31 (1), pp. 29-36.Article
A case study of learning in english as a foreign language (EFL) in Japan: high school students' english proficiency levels and fostering positive cross-cultural attitudes
O'Neill, Shirley. 2008. "A case study of learning in english as a foreign language (EFL) in Japan: high school students' english proficiency levels and fostering positive cross-cultural attitudes." International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 4 (5), pp. 104-120.Article
Fostering positive cross-cultural attitudes through language teaching
Ingram, David E., Kono, Minoru, O'Neill, Shirley and Sasaki, Masako. 2008. Fostering positive cross-cultural attitudes through language teaching. Maleny, Australia. Post Pressed.Authored book
Teaching english as a second language: pedagogy and ecology for 21st century learning environments
O'Neill, Shirley and Gish, Annabelle. 2008. Teaching english as a second language: pedagogy and ecology for 21st century learning environments. South Melbourne, Australia. Oxford University Press.Authored book
Asian languages and computers: a reflection
Son, Jeong-Bae and Hoven, Debra (ed.) 2003. Asian languages and computers: a reflection. Melbourne, Australia. Applied Linguistics Association of Australia.Edited book
Accomplishing identity in bilingual interaction: codeswitching practices among a group of multiethnic Japanese teenagers
Greer, Timothy S.. 2007. Accomplishing identity in bilingual interaction: codeswitching practices among a group of multiethnic Japanese teenagers. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Education. University of Southern Queensland.Doctorate other than PhD
Assessment of online reflections: engaging english second language (ESL) students
Birch, Dawn and Volkov, Michael. 2007. "Assessment of online reflections: engaging english second language (ESL) students." Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 23 (3), pp. 291-306.Article
Learner autonomy in the LOTE classroom: a case study of teacher and student beliefs about roles and responsibilities
Kehrwald, Jane. 2005. Learner autonomy in the LOTE classroom: a case study of teacher and student beliefs about roles and responsibilities. Masters Thesis Master of Applied Lingusitics (Honours). University of Southern Queensland.Masters Thesis
Learner experiences in web-based language learning
Son, Jeong-Bae. 2007. "Learner experiences in web-based language learning." Computer Assisted Language Learning: an international journal. 20 (1), pp. 21-36. https://doi.org/10.1080/09588220601118495Article
Perceptions of and preferences for English language teaching among pre-service teachers of EFL
Kang, Hoo-Dong, Son, Jeong-Bae and Lee, Seong-Won. 2006. "Perceptions of and preferences for English language teaching among pre-service teachers of EFL." English Language Teaching. 18 (4), pp. 25-49.Article
The beliefs of first year Japanese university students towards the learning of English
Riley, Paul Anthony. 2006. The beliefs of first year Japanese university students towards the learning of English. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Education. University of Southern Queensland.Doctorate other than PhD
The impact of English language and cultural variations on Korean students in Australian undergraduate programs
Park, Sang-Soon. 2006. The impact of English language and cultural variations on Korean students in Australian undergraduate programs. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Education. University of Southern Queensland.Doctorate other than PhD
Book floods and comprehensible input floods: providing ideal conditions for second language acquisition
Mangubhai, Francis. 2001. "Book floods and comprehensible input floods: providing ideal conditions for second language acquisition." International Journal of Educational Research. 35 (2), pp. 147-156. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0883-0355(01)00012-XArticle
Similarities and differences in teachers' and researchers' conceptions of communicative language teaching: does the use of an educational model cast a better light?
Mangubhai, Francis, Marland, Perc, Dashwood, Ann and Son, Jeong-Bae. 2005. "Similarities and differences in teachers' and researchers' conceptions of communicative language teaching: does the use of an educational model cast a better light?" Language Teaching Research. 9 (1), pp. 31-66. https://doi.org/10.1191/1362168805lr153oaArticle
The language situation in Fiji
Mangubhai, Francis and Mugler, France. 2003. "The language situation in Fiji." Current Issues in Language Planning. 4 (3/4), pp. 367-456.Article
Report on LOTE in the diocese of Toowoomba
Mangubhai, Francis. 1993. Report on LOTE in the diocese of Toowoomba . Brisbane, Queensland. Queensland Catholic Education Commission.Project report
Primary LOTE teachers' understandings and beliefs about communicative language teaching: report on the first phase of the project
Mangubhai, Francis, Dashwood, Ann, Berthold, Michael, Flores, Marta and Dale, Julie. 1998. Primary LOTE teachers' understandings and beliefs about communicative language teaching: report on the first phase of the project. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.Project report
What can EFL teachers learn from immersion language teaching?
Mangubhai, Francis. 2005. "What can EFL teachers learn from immersion language teaching?" Asian EFL Journal. 7 (4), pp. 203-212.Article
Literacy endeavours in Oceania: an historical overview
Mangubhai, Francis and Elley, Warwick. 2006. "Literacy endeavours in Oceania: an historical overview ." Unpublished.Edited book (chapter)
470302. Central and Eastern European languages (incl. Russian)
470304. Comparative language studies
470305. Early English languages
470306. English as a second language
470316. Latin and classical Greek languages
470317. Middle Eastern languages
470318. Other Asian languages (excl. South-East Asian)
470319. Other European languages
470320. South-East Asian languages (excl. Indonesian)