350706. International business
Title | 350706. International business |
Parent | 3507. Strategy, management and organisational behaviour |
Latest research outputs
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Does purchasing stock in Australian multinational corporations create international portfolio diversification?
Wright, April and McCarthy, Scott. 2002. "Does purchasing stock in Australian multinational corporations create international portfolio diversification?" Multinational Business Review. 10 (1), pp. 79-83.Article
Does relational capital mediate the effects of export knowledge on firm performance?
Chadee, Doren and Roxas, Banjo. 2011. "Does relational capital mediate the effects of export knowledge on firm performance?" Sohal, Amrik (ed.) QIK 2011: Aligning Innovation in Developed and Emerging Economies. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 15 - 18 Feb 2011 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.Paper
Dumping and anti-dumping measures
Sappideen, Razeen and He, Ling Ling. 2013. "Dumping and anti-dumping measures." Carr, Indira, Alam, Shawkat and Hossain Bhuiyan, Md Jahid (ed.) International trade law and the WTO. Sydney, Australia. Federation Press. pp. 166-206Edited book (chapter)
Effect of marketing control on export venture performance: The moderating role of relationship intensity and market dynamism
Ling-yee, Li and Ogunmokun, Gabriel O.. 2003. "Effect of marketing control on export venture performance: The moderating role of relationship intensity and market dynamism." Journal of Global Marketing. 16 (3), pp. 5-29. https://doi.org/10.1300/J042v16n03_02Article
Examining the influence of the cultural aspect of uncertainty avoidance on supply chain coordination
Albuloushi, Nour and Algharaballi, Eiman. 2014. "Examining the influence of the cultural aspect of uncertainty avoidance on supply chain coordination." Journal of Applied Business Research. 30 (3), pp. 847-862.Article
Exploring Australia's global trade potential: a gravity approach with panel data
Rahman, Mohammad Mafizur. 2012. "Exploring Australia's global trade potential: a gravity approach with panel data." Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review. 8 (1), pp. 35-47.Article
Export incentives & international entrepreneurship in Malaysian firms
Ahmed, Zafar U., Julian, Craig C. and Majar, Abdul Jumaat. 2006. "Export incentives & international entrepreneurship in Malaysian firms." International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 7 (1), pp. 49-57. https://doi.org/10.5367/000000006775870497Article
Export knowledge and export performance: the mediating role of relational capital
Roxas, Hernan and Chadee, Doren. 2010. "Export knowledge and export performance: the mediating role of relational capital." Gurd, Bruce (ed.) 24th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (ANZAM 2010). Adelaide, Australia 08 - 10 Dec 2010 Adelaide, South Australia.Paper
Extent of adoption of EDI by Singaporean SMEs: a survey of practices
Li, Ping and Mula, Joseph M.. 2009. "Extent of adoption of EDI by Singaporean SMEs: a survey of practices." Journal of Information Technology Management. XX (3), pp. 1-13.Article
Factors that distinguish proactive versus reactive exporters: decisions by export firms in a developing country
Sibanda, Khutula, Erwee, Ronel and Ng, Eric. 2011. "Factors that distinguish proactive versus reactive exporters: decisions by export firms in a developing country." Journal of Global Marketing. 24 (1), pp. 69-84. https://doi.org/10.1080/08911762.2011.545722Article
FDI in China: recent trends and emerging patterns
Chadee, Doren and Qiu, Feng. 2003. "FDI in China: recent trends and emerging patterns." Alon, Ilan (ed.) Chinese culture, organisational behavior, and international business management. Westport, USA. Praeger Publishers. pp. 101-117Edited book (chapter)
Financial development, international trade and economic growth in Australia: new evidence from multivariate framework analysis
Rahman, Mohammad Mafizur, Shahbaz, Muhammad and Farooq, Abdul. 2013. "Financial development, international trade and economic growth in Australia: new evidence from multivariate framework analysis." Kim, Nak Nyeon, Roh, Taek Son and Park, Kijoo (ed.) Asia-Pacific Economic and Business History Conference (APEBH 2013): Markets, Institutions and People in Economic Crisis and Recovery. Seoul, Korea 14 - 16 Feb 2013 Adelaide, Australia.Paper
Foreign exchange exposure: an introduction
McCarthy, Scott. 2000. "Foreign exchange exposure: an introduction." National Accountant. 16 (1), pp. 44-47.Article
Forming and maintaining cross-cultural interorganisational networks
Erwee, Ronel, Perry, Chad and Tidwell, Paula. 1999. "Forming and maintaining cross-cultural interorganisational networks." Lee, Sang, Old, Geoff and Reddy, Narendra (ed.) Pan Pacific Conference XVI . Fintel, Fiji 31 May - 03 Jun 1999Paper
Global business leadership and strategies
Erwee, Ronel. 2007. "Global business leadership and strategies." Hough, Johan and Neuland, Ernst (ed.) Global business, environments and strategies: managing for global competitive advantage. Cape Town, South Africa. Oxford University Press Southern Africa. pp. 221-242Edited book (chapter)
Global economic modelling: some Australian and New Zealand perspectives
Mula, Joseph M. and MacRae, Don. 1979. "Global economic modelling: some Australian and New Zealand perspectives." 4th Australia and New Zealand Regional Science Association Conference 1979 . Albury-Wodonga, Australia 02 - 05 Dec 1979 Canberra, Australia.Paper
Globalisation and corporate real estate strategies
Too, Linda, Harvey, Michael and Too, Eric. 2010. "Globalisation and corporate real estate strategies." Journal of Corporate Real Estate. 12 (4), pp. 234-248. https://doi.org/10.1108/14630011011094676Article
Globalisation of bankruptcy practice: an Australian perspective
Mason, Rosalind. 1997. "Globalisation of bankruptcy practice: an Australian perspective." Insolvency Law Journal. 5 (1), pp. 12-23.Article
High technology firms in Canada's description of their competitive advantage - a cross case analysis of a sample of SMEs
Price, Sherry and Erwee, Ronel. 2006. "High technology firms in Canada's description of their competitive advantage - a cross case analysis of a sample of SMEs." Lee, Thomas W. (ed.) AM 2006: Knowledge, Action and the Public Concern . Atlanta, United States 14 - 16 Aug 2006 Braircliff Manor, NY.Paper
Hiring, training and development practices in German and Indian manufacturing companies
Erwee, Ronel and Palmke, Haridass. 2008. "Hiring, training and development practices in German and Indian manufacturing companies." Wilson, Marie (ed.) 22nd Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (ANZAM 2008). Auckland, New Zealand 02 - 05 Dec 2008 Canning Bridge, Western Australia.Paper
How learning a new language can benefit business professionals
Nooriafshar, Mehryar. 2013. "How learning a new language can benefit business professionals." The European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences. 5 (2), pp. 78-93.Article
How the model of antecedents and consequences of market orientation is impacted by business and cultural contexts in the case of South African non-profit organisations
Cross, Jose Laurel. 2012. How the model of antecedents and consequences of market orientation is impacted by business and cultural contexts in the case of South African non-profit organisations. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Business Administation. University of Southern Queensland.Doctorate other than PhD
Human resource management in Australia and New Zealand
Erwee, Ronel, Mackinnon, Bruce Hearn and Millett, Bruce. Nel, Pieter, Werner, Amanda, du Plessis, Andries, Fazey, Mike, Erwee, Ronel, Pillay, Soma, Mackinnon, Bruce Hearn, Millett, Bruce and Wordsworth, Russell (ed.) 2012. Human resource management in Australia and New Zealand. South Melbourne, Australia. Oxford University Press.Edited book
Human resource management practices and diversity management in German and Indian companies - a comparative analysis
Paelmke, Haridass. 2007. Human resource management practices and diversity management in German and Indian companies - a comparative analysis. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Business Administration. University of Southern Queensland.Doctorate other than PhD
IHRM approaches of German MNEs and their subsidiaries in Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore
Stehle, Wolfgang and Erwee, Ronel. 2005. "IHRM approaches of German MNEs and their subsidiaries in Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore." Qumrul, Alam (ed.) 2005 Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy Conference (ANZIBA 2005). Melbourne, Australia 10 - 11 Nov 2005 Melbourne, Australia.Paper
Impact of brand image of the Business School: from the recruiters’ (employers’) perspectives
Kavuri, Srinivas Phani. 2020. Impact of brand image of the Business School: from the recruiters’ (employers’) perspectives. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Business Administration. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/1MVJ-KK91Doctorate other than PhD
Impact of crude oil price volatility on economic activities: an empirical investigation in the Thai economy
Rafiq, Shuddhasattwa, Salim, Ruhul A. and Bloch, Harry. 2009. "Impact of crude oil price volatility on economic activities: an empirical investigation in the Thai economy." Resources Policy. 34 (3), pp. 121-132. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2008.09.001Article
In the shadow of the Australia-China Free Trade agreement negotiation: obstacles and suggestions
He, Ling Ling. 2010. "In the shadow of the Australia-China Free Trade agreement negotiation: obstacles and suggestions." 2nd Biennial Global Conference of the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL 2010). Barcelona, Spain 08 - 10 Jul 2010 London, United Kingdom. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1632471Paper
International human resource management
Erwee, Ronel. 2012. "International human resource management." Nel, Pieter, Werner, Amanda, du Plessis, Andries, Fazey, Mike, Erwee, Ronel, Pillay, Soma, Mackinnon, Bruce Hearn, Millett, Bruce and Wordsworth, Russell (ed.) Human resource management in Australia and New Zealand. South Melbourne, Australia. Oxford University Press. pp. 534-563Textbook (chapter)
International management and leadership: developing a global mindset
Erwee, Ronel. 2003. "International management and leadership: developing a global mindset." Hough, Johan, Neuland, Ernst and Bothma, Neels (ed.) Global business, environments and strategies: managing for global competitive advantage. Cape Town. Oxford University Press Southern Africa. pp. 217-247Edited book (chapter)
International outsourcing research: overview of the research landscape
Chadee, Doren and Raman, Revti. 2009. "International outsourcing research: overview of the research landscape." 2009 Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy Conference: The Future of Asia-Pacific Business: Beyond the Crisis (ANZIBA 2009). Brisbane, Australia 16 - 18 Apr 2009 Australia.Paper
Investigating dynamic capabilities for sustainability-driven competitive advantage
Bari, Nadeem. 2023. Investigating dynamic capabilities for sustainability-driven competitive advantage. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Business Administration. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/z3vx9Doctorate other than PhD
Investor-state arbitration : the changing landscape
He, Ling Ling. 2012. "Investor-state arbitration : the changing landscape." 2012 Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law and Asian Society of International Law Joint Conference on International law and Justice. Sydney, Australia 25 - 26 Oct 2012 Canberra, Australia.Paper
Japan’s new trade policy: a free trade agreement with Singapore
Wu, T. and Chadee, D.. 2003. "Japan’s new trade policy: a free trade agreement with Singapore." 45th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business. Monterey, United States 05 - 08 Jul 2003 United States.Paper
Knowledge flows in international services firms: a conceptual model
Lindsay, Valerie J., Chadee, Doren, Mattsson, Jan and Johnston, Robert. 2003. "Knowledge flows in international services firms: a conceptual model." Mahnke, Volke and Pedersen, Torben (ed.) Knowledge flows, governance and the multinational enterprise: frontiers in international management research . Hampshire, United Kingdom. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 177-194Edited book (chapter)
Labour law reform in Malaysia: challenges and opportunities in a globalized environment
Sundra-Karean, Vanitha. 2010. "Labour law reform in Malaysia: challenges and opportunities in a globalized environment." 23rd Law Association for Asia and the Pacific Conference (LawAsia 2010): Asia's Economic Century: Opportunities and Challenges of Inclusive Growth. New Delhi, India 11 - 14 Nov 2010Paper
Leverage, profitability and the ownership structures of listed firms in China
Hovey, Martin T.. 2007. "Leverage, profitability and the ownership structures of listed firms in China ." Moshirian, Fariborz (ed.) 20th Annual Australasian Finance and Banking Conference (AFBC 2007). Sydney, Australia 12 - 14 Dec 2007 Sydney, Australia.Paper
Management development, innovation and performance of small exporting firms in New Zealand
Roxas, Hernan Banjo, Battisti, Martina and Deakins, David. 2010. "Management development, innovation and performance of small exporting firms in New Zealand." Gurd, Bruce (ed.) 24th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (ANZAM 2010). Adelaide, Australia 08 - 10 Dec 2010 Brisbane, Australia.Paper
Managing people, knowledge and client relations for international competitiveness of offshore information technology services providers
Raman, Revti and Chadee, Doren. 2008. "Managing people, knowledge and client relations for international competitiveness of offshore information technology services providers ." Cantwell, John and Kiyak, Tunga (ed.) 50th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business. Milan, Italy 30 Jun - 03 Jul 2008 East Lansing, MI, USA.Paper
Mapping anti-dumping disputes from 1995 to 2011: the changing pattern
He, Ling Ling and Sappideen, Razeen. 2012. "Mapping anti-dumping disputes from 1995 to 2011: the changing pattern." Journal of World Investment and Trade. 13 (1), pp. 125-143. https://doi.org/10.1163/221190012X621562Article