520102. Educational psychology
Title | 520102. Educational psychology |
Parent | 5201. Applied and developmental psychology |
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'Just Ask Me': The Importance of Respectful Relationships Within Schools
Brownlow, Charlotte, Lawson, Wenn, Pillay, Yosheen, Mahony, Joanne and Abawi, Ding. 2021. "'Just Ask Me': The Importance of Respectful Relationships Within Schools." Frontiers in Psychology. 12, pp. 1-8. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.678264Article
A career counsellor internship program
McIlveen, Peter. 2004. "A career counsellor internship program." Australian Journal of Career Development. 13 (2), pp. 9-16.Article
A common storage mechanism in short-term, working and long-term memory?: some evidence from control and schizophrenia samples
Byrne, Linda Kathleen. 2007. A common storage mechanism in short-term, working and long-term memory?: some evidence from control and schizophrenia samples. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.PhD Thesis
A comparison of behaviour support provisions provided by small rural schools and large urban schools
Fields, Barry. 2008. "A comparison of behaviour support provisions provided by small rural schools and large urban schools." Boylan, Colin (ed.) 24th Society for the Provision of Education in Rural Australia Conference (SPERA 2008): The Face of Learning – Generation M: The Mobile Generation. Melbourne, Australia 27 - 29 Aug 2008 Osborne Park, Western Australia .Paper
A comparison of Libyan and Australian students' perceptions of empowerment in accounting courses
Zraa, Wahida, Kavanagh, Marie and Johnson Morgan, Melissa. 2012. "A comparison of Libyan and Australian students' perceptions of empowerment in accounting courses." Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing. 8 (11), pp. 1611-1622.Article
A comparison of measures of preferred processing style: method or trait variance?
Fogarty, Gerard J. and Burton, Lorelle J.. 1996. "A comparison of measures of preferred processing style: method or trait variance?" Journal of Mental Imagery. 20 (3-4), pp. 87-112.Article
A comparison study of Libyan and Australian accounting students in their perceptions of empowerment
Zraa, Wahida, Kavanagh, Marie and Johnson Morgan, Melissa. 2012. "A comparison study of Libyan and Australian accounting students in their perceptions of empowerment." 2012 Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference (2012 AFAANZ). Melbourne, Australia 01 - 03 Jul 2012 Melbourne, Australia. Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand.Paper
A connectionist model of short-term cued recall
Tehan, Gerald and Fallon, Anthony B.. 1999. "A connectionist model of short-term cued recall." Wiles, Janet and Dartnall, Terry (ed.) Perspectives on cognitive science: theories, experiments, and foundations. Stamford, CT. United States. Ablex Publishing Corporation. pp. 221-237Edited book (chapter)
A critical enquiry into the implementation of the Montessori teaching method as a first step towards inclusive practice in early childhood settings specifically in developing countries
Vettivello, Roshini. 2008. "A critical enquiry into the implementation of the Montessori teaching method as a first step towards inclusive practice in early childhood settings specifically in developing countries ." Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood. 9 (2), pp. 178-181. https://doi.org/10.2304/ciec.2008.9.2.178Article
A critical reflection on career development
McIlveen, Peter and Patton, Wendy. 2006. "A critical reflection on career development." International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. 6 (1), pp. 15-27. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10775-006-0005-1Article
A Glimpse at Some Isolated Schools in Northern Scotland
King, Sheila. 1993. "A Glimpse at Some Isolated Schools in Northern Scotland." Australian and International Journal of Rural Education. 3 (1), pp. 31-33. https://doi.org/10.47381/aijre.v3i1.348Article
A picture postcard perspective of rural communities
King, Sheila. 1997. "A picture postcard perspective of rural communities." Murdoch, Colin and Wood, Giovanna (ed.) SPERA 1997: Celebrating Rural Education . Adelaide, Australia 06 - 08 Jul 1997 Adelaide, Australia.Paper
A preliminary study to determine attitudes towards plagiarism in information systems
Roberts, Dave and Gururajan, Raj. 2004. "A preliminary study to determine attitudes towards plagiarism in information systems." Elliot, Steve, Williams, Mary-Anne, Williams, Sue and Pollard, Carol (ed.) 15th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2004). Hobart, Australia 01 - 03 Dec 2004 Hobart, Australia.Paper
A simple time-management tool for students' online learning activities
de Raadt, Michael and Dekeyser, Stijn. 2009. "A simple time-management tool for students' online learning activities." Atkinson, Roger J. and McBeath, Clare (ed.) 26th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2009). Auckland, New Zealand 06 - 09 Dec 2009 Auckland, New Zealand.Paper
A Study of the Orthographic Influence of Learning Romaji Before English in Japanese Elementary Schools
Dusza, Daniel. 2021. A Study of the Orthographic Influence of Learning Romaji Before English in Japanese Elementary Schools. PhD Thesis Doctor of Education. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/q7q4qPhD Thesis
A study of the understanding of knowledge and learning of a cohort of mature age students
Dowling, David G. and Burton, Lorelle J.. 2009. "A study of the understanding of knowledge and learning of a cohort of mature age students." Mann, Llewellyn and Hadgraft, Roger (ed.) Research in Engineering Education Symposium (REES 2009) . Cairns, Australia 20 - 23 Jul 2009 Melbourne, Australia.Paper
A Systematic Literature Review of Strategies Implemented in Extended Education Settings to Address Children's Mental Health and Wellbeing
Murray, Sarah, March, Sonja, Pillay, Yosheen and Senyard, Emma‑Leigh. 2024. "A Systematic Literature Review of Strategies Implemented in Extended Education Settings to Address Children's Mental Health and Wellbeing." Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review. 27, pp. 863-877. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10567-024-00494-3Article
A systematic review of interventions targeting self-regulation in higher education
Balloo, Kieran, Panadero, Ernesto and Winstone, Naomi. 2020. "A systematic review of interventions targeting self-regulation in higher education." 2020 AERA Annual Meeting [Cancelled]. San Francisco, United States 17 - 21 Apr 2020 United States.Paper
Abuse and Misuse of Psychometrics as a Threat to Vocational Psychology
McIlveen, Peter and Perera, Harsha N.. 2019. "Abuse and Misuse of Psychometrics as a Threat to Vocational Psychology." Athanasou, James A. and Perera, Harsha N. (ed.) International Handbook of Career Guidance. Cham, Switzerland. Springer. pp. 721-734Edited book (chapter)
Academic credit and career education for engineering and surveying students
McIlveen, Peter and Gibson, Ellen. 2000. "Academic credit and career education for engineering and surveying students." Australian Journal of Career Development. 9 (2), pp. 6-7.Article
Access and retention programs for tertiary students: new directions
Bull, David. 2000. "Access and retention programs for tertiary students: new directions." New Horizons in Education.Article
Accommodating environmental controversies in the classroom curriculum: too hot to handle or opportunities for deep learning?
McLaine, John and Dowden, Tony. 2011. "Accommodating environmental controversies in the classroom curriculum: too hot to handle or opportunities for deep learning?" The Social Educator. 29 (2), pp. 22-29.Article
Additional professional induction strategy (APIS): Education Commons, a strategy to support transition to the world of work
Henderson, Robyn, Noble, Karen and Cross, Kathleen. 2013. "Additional professional induction strategy (APIS): Education Commons, a strategy to support transition to the world of work." Australian and International Journal of Rural Education. 23 (1), pp. 43-59.Article
Addressing interests and values in a consensus building framework for water allocation
Baldwin, Claudia and Pretty, Grace. 2005. "Addressing interests and values in a consensus building framework for water allocation." Gardiner, Dave and Scott, Katie (ed.) International Conference on Engaging Communities (2005). Brisbane, Australia 14 - 17 Aug 2005 Brisbane, Australia.Paper
Addressing the needs of disadvantaged youth - the Toowoomba Flexi School: a sustainable alternative
Lewis, Marian, Brennan, Jo and Bates, Darryl. 2014. "Addressing the needs of disadvantaged youth - the Toowoomba Flexi School: a sustainable alternative." Postle, Glen David, Burton, Lorelle J. and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) Community capacity building: lessons from adult learning in Australia. Leicester, United Kingdom. NIACE. pp. 79-90Edited book (chapter)
Adults returning to study mathematics
Galligan, Linda and Taylor, Janet A.. 2008. "Adults returning to study mathematics." Forgasz, Helen, Barkatsas, Anastasios, Bishop, Alan, Clarke, Barbara, Keast, Stephen, Seah, Wee Tiong and Sullivan, Peter (ed.) Research in mathematics education in Australasia 2004-2007. Rotterdam, Netherlands. Sense Publishers. pp. 99-118Edited book (chapter)
Affective responses, emotional intelligence and examination performance of university undergraduates
Hulme, R. and Terry, Peter C.. 2010. "Affective responses, emotional intelligence and examination performance of university undergraduates." Mrowinski, Vicky, Kyrios, Michael and Voudouris, Nicholas (ed.) 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP 2010). Melbourne, Australia 11 - 16 Jul 2010 Melbourne, Australia.Presentation
Age and redintegration in immediate memory and their relationship to task difficulty
Neale, Kerry and Tehan, Gerald. 2007. "Age and redintegration in immediate memory and their relationship to task difficulty." Memory and Cognition. 35 (8), pp. 1940-1953. https://doi.org/10.3758/BF03192927Article
An empirical research on Singaporean polytechnic students' rationale in selecting Australian universities in the new millennium
Muthaly, Sita, Wee, Keng Neo Lynda and Kek, Megan. 2003. "An empirical research on Singaporean polytechnic students' rationale in selecting Australian universities in the new millennium." 1st Doing Business Across Borders Conference (DBAB 2001). Newscastle, Australia 22 - 23 Nov 2001 Newcastle, Australia.Paper
An exploratory study to determine students' perceptions of the value of interaction in an Australian classroom context and the perceived impact on learning outcomes
McDonald, Jacquelin, Birch, Dawn, Gray, Anthony, Gururajan, Raj, Hingst, Raymond D. and Maguire, Michael. 2005. "An exploratory study to determine students' perceptions of the value of interaction in an Australian classroom context and the perceived impact on learning outcomes." CRLL 2005: What a Difference a Pedagogy Makes: Researching Lifelong Learning and Teaching. Glasgow, Scotland 24 - 26 Jun 2005 London, United Kingdom.Paper
An holistic approach for counsellors: embracing multiple intelligences
Booth, Rosslyn and O'Brien, Patrick John. 2008. "An holistic approach for counsellors: embracing multiple intelligences." International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling. 30 (2), pp. 79-92. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10447-008-9046-0Article
An interactive approach to writing essays and research reports in psychology
Burton, Lorelle J.. 2010. An interactive approach to writing essays and research reports in psychology. Brisbane, Australia. John Wiley & Sons.Authored book
An international study of career drivers of accounting students in Singapore, Australia and Hong Kong
Chia, Yew Ming, Koh, Hian Chye and Pragasam, John. 2008. "An international study of career drivers of accounting students in Singapore, Australia and Hong Kong ." Journal of Education and Work. 21 (1), pp. 41-60. https://doi.org/10.1080/13639080801957014Article
An inverted remote laboratory - makers and gamers
Maxwell, Andrew D., Orwin, Lindy, Kist, Alexander A., Maiti, Ananda, Midgley, Warren and Ting, Wu. 2013. "An inverted remote laboratory - makers and gamers." Lemckert, Charles, Jenkins, Graham and Lang-Lemckert, Susan (ed.) 24th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE 2013). Gold Coast, Australia 08 - 11 Dec 2013 Brisbane, Australia.Paper
An investigation into contemporary factors influencing parents' perceptions of private tutoring services: a case study in Vietnam
Nguyen, The Cuong. 2020. An investigation into contemporary factors influencing parents' perceptions of private tutoring services: a case study in Vietnam. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/q6wwwPhD Thesis
An investigation of early career teachers' perceptions of professional development opportunities and career advancement for teachers in rural and remote Queensland
Motley, Emma, Rossi, Tony and King, Sheila. 2005. "An investigation of early career teachers' perceptions of professional development opportunities and career advancement for teachers in rural and remote Queensland." Australian and International Journal of Rural Education. 15 (1), pp. 54-64.Article
An invitation to grieve: reconsidering critical incident responses by support teams in the school setting
O'Brien, Patrick, Mills, Katrina, Fraser, Amanda and Andersson, John. 2011. "An invitation to grieve: reconsidering critical incident responses by support teams in the school setting." Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling. 21 (1), pp. 60-73.Article
An item and order processing analysis of word length, generation and perceptual interference effects in human memory
Hendry, Liam. 2004. An item and order processing analysis of word length, generation and perceptual interference effects in human memory . PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.PhD Thesis
An item/order tradeoff explanation of word length and generation effects
Hendry, Liam and Tehan, Gerald. 2005. "An item/order tradeoff explanation of word length and generation effects ." Memory. 13 (3/4), pp. 364-371. https://doi.org/10.1080/09658210344000341Article
Analysis of 'on-time' and 'late' assignment submitter students
Maraseni, Tek Narayan and Cockfield, Geoff. 2006. "Analysis of 'on-time' and 'late' assignment submitter students." International Journal of Business and Management Education. 14 (2), pp. 14-25.Article