Creative e-transitions

Edited book (chapter)

Hunt, Lynne. 2004. "Creative e-transitions." Ghaoui, Claude (ed.) e-Education applications: human factors and innovative approaches. Hershey, PA, USA. IGI Global. pp. 153-163
Chapter Title

Creative e-transitions

Book Chapter CategoryEdited book (chapter)
ERA Publisher ID2177
Book Titlee-Education applications: human factors and innovative approaches
AuthorHunt, Lynne
EditorsGhaoui, Claude
Page Range153-163
Number of Pages11
PublisherIGI Global
Place of PublicationHershey, PA, USA
Web Address (URL)

The creative use of e-learning to facilitate the transition to and from university is the subject of this chapter. It describes a pilot, online transition to university project entitled Click Around ECU (Edith Cowan University) and an online, generic skills and career planning project called Careering Ahead in Health Promotion. Both projects are informed by authentic learning pedagogy that seeks to engage students in problem solving and learning by engaging in purposeful activities. The projects also seek to empower students to decide for themselves what they need to know about the transition process. Each project is describe in the context of the implications for e-learning. The core thesis is e-learning produces creative outcomes when embedded in appropriate pedagogy.

ANZSRC Field of Research 2020390303. Higher education
390499. Specialist studies in education not elsewhere classified
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Byline AffiliationsEdith Cowan University
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