390499. Specialist studies in education not elsewhere classified

Title390499. Specialist studies in education not elsewhere classified
Parent3904. Specialist studies in education

Latest research outputs

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Legal principles for educators: An investigation into the implications of education law principles for educators in independent schools in Queensland
Butlin, Mark Andrew. 2024. Legal principles for educators: An investigation into the implications of education law principles for educators in independent schools in Queensland. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/zqyq9

PhD Thesis

Conflict, communication, and the ‘good’ parent construct: separated parents’ experiences with Australian schools
Desmarchelier, Renee, Bryce, India and Cantrell, Kate. 2024. "Conflict, communication, and the ‘good’ parent construct: separated parents’ experiences with Australian schools." Pedagogy Culture and Society. https://doi.org/10.1080/14681366.2024.2445810


Exploring “What if . . .?” with Renewable Assignments
Tualaulelei, Eseta. 2024. "Exploring “What if . . .?” with Renewable Assignments." Barber, A., Fatayer, D.M., McLennan, R., Luetchford, A., McQuillen, S. and Williamson, A. (ed.) Open Education Down UndOER: Australasian Case Studies. Online. Pressbooks.

Edited book (chapter)

Strengthening Initial Teacher Education Students’ Evidentiary Practices in Scientific Reasoning—Towards the Development of Principles of Task Design
Digan, Sarah, Puslednik, Louise, Naylor, Wade and Geiger, Vince. 2024. "Strengthening Initial Teacher Education Students’ Evidentiary Practices in Scientific Reasoning—Towards the Development of Principles of Task Design." White, Peta J., Tytler, Russell, Ferguson, Joseph Pau and Cripps, Clarke J. (ed.) Methodological Approaches to STEM Education Research. United Kingdom. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 265-290

Edited book (chapter)

The door opens inward: Meeting Linda Tuhiwai Smith
Meyer, Manulani Aluli and Tualaulelei, Eseta. 2024. "The door opens inward: Meeting Linda Tuhiwai Smith." Qualitative Research Journal. 24 (5), pp. 621-629. https://doi.org/10.1108/QRJ-04-2024-0083


A Third Space Approach to Integrated Academic Student Success Advising (ASSA)
Picton, Catherine, Jaquet, Alison, Simons, Leah, Byrne, Kaylenne, Oostergo, Natalie, Henderson, Amanda and Wood, Denise. 2024. "A Third Space Approach to Integrated Academic Student Success Advising (ASSA)." Student Success. 15 (1), pp. 35-47. https://doi.org/10.5204/ssj.2855


Investigating Gender-Based Violence Experienced by Female Coaches and How Trauma-Informed Research Approaches Were Used to Prevent Further Harm
Zehntner, Chris, McMahon, Jenny and McGannon, Kerry R.. 2024. "Investigating Gender-Based Violence Experienced by Female Coaches and How Trauma-Informed Research Approaches Were Used to Prevent Further Harm." McMahon, Jenny and McGannon, Kerry R. (ed.) Trauma-Informed Research in Sport, Exercise, and Health: Qualitative Methods. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 31-47

Edited book (chapter)

Arts-based methods as a trauma-informed approach to research: Making trauma visible and limiting harm
McMahon, Jenny, McGannon, Kerry R. and Zehntner, Chris. 2024. "Arts-based methods as a trauma-informed approach to research: Making trauma visible and limiting harm." Methods in Psychology. 10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.metip.2024.100141


Australian senior-secondary teachers’ perceptions of leadership and policy for differentiated instruction
Porta, Tom, Todd, Nicole and Gaunt, Lorraine. 2024. "Australian senior-secondary teachers’ perceptions of leadership and policy for differentiated instruction." British Educational Research Journal. 50 (3), pp. 1022-1042. https://doi.org/10.1002/berj.3967


“What’s in a Name”: An “Asian” Australian Educator’s Autoethnographic Account of Critical Pedagogical Practice that Deconstructs Whiteness in Teacher Education Spaces
Teo, Aaron. 2024. "“What’s in a Name”: An “Asian” Australian Educator’s Autoethnographic Account of Critical Pedagogical Practice that Deconstructs Whiteness in Teacher Education Spaces ." Ravulo, Jioji, Olcoń, Katarzyna, Dune, Tinashe, Workman, Alex and Liamputtong, Pranee (ed.) Handbook of Critical Whitness: Deconstructing Dominant Discourses Across Disciplines. Singapore. Springer. pp. 1-14

Handbook (chapter)

Co-creating affirmative transitions for children with refugee and asylum-seeker backgrounds
Tualaulelei, Eseta, Taylor-Leech, Kerry and Homer, Diana. 2024. "Co-creating affirmative transitions for children with refugee and asylum-seeker backgrounds." 2024 Australasian Journal of Early Childhood (AJEC) Research Symposium . 08 - 09 Feb 2024 Australia.


The positioning tensions between early career teachers’ and mentors’ perceptions of the mentor role
Curtis, Elizabeth, Nguyen, Hoa Thi Mai, Larsen, Ellen and Loughland, Tony. 2024. "The positioning tensions between early career teachers’ and mentors’ perceptions of the mentor role." British Educational Research Journal. 50 (3), pp. 1327-1349. https://doi.org/10.1002/berj.3974


Gender order through social censure: an examination of social exclusion in sport coaching
Zehntner, Chris, McMahon, Jenny and McGannon, Kerry R.. 2023. "Gender order through social censure: an examination of social exclusion in sport coaching." Sport, Education and Society. 28 (1), pp. 105-116. https://doi.org/10.1080/13573322.2021.1979506


Learning to Become Politically Incorrect: A Non-indigenous ‘Asian’ Australian Teacher’s AsianCrit Autoethnographic Account
Teo, Aaron. 2023. "Learning to Become Politically Incorrect: A Non-indigenous ‘Asian’ Australian Teacher’s AsianCrit Autoethnographic Account." 2023 International Symposium on Autoethnography and Narrative (2023 ISAN). Online 03 - 05 Jan 2023


AsianCrit and Autoethnography: A future-focussed fugue of collaborative inquiry
Teo, Aaron. 2023. "AsianCrit and Autoethnography: A future-focussed fugue of collaborative inquiry." Qualitative Inquiry. 29 (5), pp. 582-588. https://doi.org/10.1177/10778004221118692


A Tumultuous Tale of Socially Just Teaching: A Migrant Asian Australian Teacher’s Critical Autoethnographic Account of Guiding White Bodies Through an Asian Ethnoburb
Teo, Aaron. 2023. "A Tumultuous Tale of Socially Just Teaching: A Migrant Asian Australian Teacher’s Critical Autoethnographic Account of Guiding White Bodies Through an Asian Ethnoburb." Vesperman, Dean P., Aydinian-Perry, Anne, Missias, Matthew T. and Blankenship, Whitney G. (ed.) Out of Turmoil: Catalysts for Re-Learning, Re-Teaching, and Re-Imagining History and Social Sciences. United States. Information Age Publishing. pp. 129-142

Edited book (chapter)

Autoethnographically interrogating school-based anti-“Asian” racism in post(?)-pandemic times: An AsianCrit-informed composite palimpsest
Teo, Aaron. 2023. "Autoethnographically interrogating school-based anti-“Asian” racism in post(?)-pandemic times: An AsianCrit-informed composite palimpsest." Cultural Studies: Critical Methodologies. 23 (5), pp. 451-462. https://doi.org/10.1177/15327086231176098


Social participation, altruism and learning opportunism: A phenomenography of adults’ learning through workplace experiences in rural community volunteering
Arden, Catherine. 2023. "Social participation, altruism and learning opportunism: A phenomenography of adults’ learning through workplace experiences in rural community volunteering." Australian Journal of Adult Learning. 63 (3), pp. 367-397.


Internationalisation and TESOL academics professional development: Towards an intercultural model
Khatun, Mst Momena. 2023. Internationalisation and TESOL academics professional development: Towards an intercultural model. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/z1wv8

PhD Thesis

Making the most of cognitive surplus: Descriptive case studies of student-generated Open Educational Resources
Fatayer, Mais and Tualaulelei, Eseta. 2023. "Making the most of cognitive surplus: Descriptive case studies of student-generated Open Educational Resources." Education Sciences. 13 (10). https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci13101011


An exploratory case study investigating offshore high school teacher perspectives of the delivery of transnational curriculum in senior years
Gado, Jane. 2023. An exploratory case study investigating offshore high school teacher perspectives of the delivery of transnational curriculum in senior years. Masters Thesis Master of Professional Studies (Research). University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/z0wvw

Masters Thesis

It’s a question of balance: Reconsidering learning partnerships through genuine teacher mentoring conversations
Larsen, Ellen, Nguyen, Hoa T.M., Curtis, Elizabeth and Loughland, Tony. 2023. "It’s a question of balance: Reconsidering learning partnerships through genuine teacher mentoring conversations." Teaching and Teacher Education. 133. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2023.104280


Careers and employability learning: pedagogical principles for higher education
Healy, Michael. 2023. "Careers and employability learning: pedagogical principles for higher education." Studies in Higher Education. 48 (8), pp. 1303-1314. https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2023.2196997


The higher degree research student experience in Australian universities: a systematic literature review
Brownlow, Charlotte, Eacersall, Douglas C., Martin, Neil and Parsons-Smith, Renée. 2023. "The higher degree research student experience in Australian universities: a systematic literature review." Higher Education Research and Development. 42 (7), pp. 1608-1623. https://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2023.2183939


Hearts and Minds: Mental Health Support for Schools
Morris, Ashleigh, Hyslop, Bianca, Mitchell, Angela, Jannusch, Waneka, Cuffe, Bronwyn, Sidoti, Tracey, Fullerton, Suzannah, Jacovou, Suzanna, Rohde, Kim, Pujol, Leticia, Dillon, Kay, Maizon, Katlego, Stringer, Katherine, Nhung, Le Thi Phuong, Wilkinson, Susan, Grossmann, Sabrina, Callaghan, Liam, Shaw, Deborah, Deans, Christina, ..., Brushe, Amy. Pillay, Yosheen and Tualaulelei, Eseta (ed.) 2022. Hearts and Minds: Mental Health Support for Schools. Australia. University of Southern Queensland.


We can’t always measure what matters: revealing opportunities to enhance online student engagement through pedagogical care
Burke, Katie, Fanshawe, Melissa and Tualaulelei, Eseta. 2022. "We can’t always measure what matters: revealing opportunities to enhance online student engagement through pedagogical care." Journal of Further and Higher Education. 46 (3), pp. 287-300. https://doi.org/10.1080/0309877X.2021.1909712


Transition approaches for autistic young adults: A case series study
Pillay, Yosheen, Brownlow, Charlotte and March, Sonja. 2022. "Transition approaches for autistic young adults: A case series study." PLoS One. 17 (5), pp. 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0267942


Life-Oriented Education: A 30-Year Empirical Research Program in Cambodia
Fergusson, Lee. Fergusson, Lee, Bonshek, Anna, Muon, Veasna, Hun, Monivann and Sambo, Huy (ed.) 2022. Life-Oriented Education: A 30-Year Empirical Research Program in Cambodia. Oxenford, Australia. Maharishi Vedic Research Institute Press.

Edited book

Cover Artwork, Australian Art Education
Clark, Linda. 2021. Cover Artwork, Australian Art Education. Australia. Australian Art Education.

Visual artwork

And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda: Australian picture books (1999 - 2016) and the First World War
Kerby, Martin Charles, Baguley, Margaret Mary and MacDonald, Abbey. 2019. "And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda: Australian picture books (1999 - 2016) and the First World War." Children's Literature in Education: an international quarterly. 50 (2), pp. 91-109. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10583-017-9337-3


Doing Decoloniality in the Writing Borderlands of the PhD
McDowall, Ailie and Ramos, Fabiane. 2017. "Doing Decoloniality in the Writing Borderlands of the PhD." The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education. 47 (1), pp. 54-63. https://doi.org/10.1017/jie.2017.23


An exploratory study of students’ weekly stress levels and sources of stress during the semester
Pitt, Adele, Oprescu, Florin, Tapia, Geraldine and Gray, Marion. 2017. "An exploratory study of students’ weekly stress levels and sources of stress during the semester." Active Learning in Higher Education. 19 (1), pp. 61-75. https://doi.org/10.1177/1469787417731194


Rethinking Deficit Discourses in Education Through Rural Education Research and the Concept of Querencia
Gouwens, Judith A. and Henderson, Robyn. 2021. "Rethinking Deficit Discourses in Education Through Rural Education Research and the Concept of Querencia." Australian and International Journal of Rural Education. 31 (3), pp. 1-14.


Are you one of the many Australians who never learned to swim? Here’s how to get started
Zehntner, Chris. 2022. "Are you one of the many Australians who never learned to swim? Here’s how to get started." The Conversation.


Sport and Health Risk Culture
McMahon, Jennifer, McGannon, Kerry and Zehntner, Chris. 2022. "Sport and Health Risk Culture." Sanderson, Jimmy and Weathers, Melinda R (ed.) Health Communication and Sport: Connections, Applications, and Opportunities. United Kingdom. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 139-154

Edited book (chapter)

A timed crisis: Australian education, migrant Asian teachers, and critical autoethnography
Teo, Aaron. 2022. "A timed crisis: Australian education, migrant Asian teachers, and critical autoethnography." Kara, Helen and Khoo, Su-ming (ed.) Qualitative and Digital Research in Times of Crisis: Methods, Reflexivity and Ethics. United Kingdom. Policy Press. pp. 191-203

Edited book (chapter)

Pedagogy in and through paradox: A migrant ‘Asian’ Australian teacher’s excursion with white students through Sunnybank’s Market Square
Teo, Aaron. 2022. "Pedagogy in and through paradox: A migrant ‘Asian’ Australian teacher’s excursion with white students through Sunnybank’s Market Square." 2022 International Symposium on Autoethnography and Narrative (2022 ISAN). 03 - 05 Jan 2022


Australian nurses' perceptions about workplace violence management, strategies and support services
Dafny, Hila A., Beccaria, Gavin and Muller, Amanda. 2022. "Australian nurses' perceptions about workplace violence management, strategies and support services." Journal of Nursing Management. 30 (6), pp. 1629-1638. https://doi.org/10.1111/jonm.13522


Super-Elite Athlete Performance in International and Professional Sports - The David Nilsson Story
Wilson-Gahan, Susan. 2022. Super-Elite Athlete Performance in International and Professional Sports - The David Nilsson Story. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/yy246

PhD Thesis

How can renewable assignments enhance students’ graduate attributes? Insights from an action research project
Tualaulelei, Eseta and Pillay, Yosheen. 2022. "How can renewable assignments enhance students’ graduate attributes? Insights from an action research project." 39th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2022). Sydney, Australia 04 - 07 Dec 2022 Australia. Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE). https://doi.org/10.14742/apubs.2022.107
