350605. Marketing management (incl. strategy and customer relations)
Title | 350605. Marketing management (incl. strategy and customer relations) |
Parent | 3506. Marketing |
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Improving marketing intelligence through learning systems and knowledge communities in Not-for-Profit workplaces
Murray, Peter and Carter, Leanne. 2005. "Improving marketing intelligence through learning systems and knowledge communities in Not-for-Profit workplaces." Journal of Workplace Learning: employee counselling today. 17 (7), pp. 421-435. https://doi.org/10.1108/13665620510620016Article
The consequence of appraisal emotion, service quality, perceived value and customer satisfaction on repurchase intent in the performing arts
Hume, Margee and Sullivan Mort, Gillian. 2010. "The consequence of appraisal emotion, service quality, perceived value and customer satisfaction on repurchase intent in the performing arts." Journal of Services Marketing. 24 (2), pp. 170-182. https://doi.org/10.1108/08876041011031136Article
Creating sustainable practice in a museum context: adopting service-centricity in non-profit museums
Alcaraz, Celeste, Hume, Margee and Sullivan Mort, Gillian. 2009. "Creating sustainable practice in a museum context: adopting service-centricity in non-profit museums." Australasian Marketing Journal. 17 (4), pp. 219-229. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ausmj.2009.06.003Article
The coexistence of manufacturer brands and retailer brands in FMCG product categories
Chimhundu, Ranga. 2010. The coexistence of manufacturer brands and retailer brands in FMCG product categories. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Otago.PhD Thesis
Impact of manufacturer brand innovation on retailer brands
Chimhundu, Ranga, Hamlin, Robert P. and McNeill, Lisa. 2010. "Impact of manufacturer brand innovation on retailer brands." International Journal of Business and Management. 5 (9), pp. 10-18.Article
Exploring the nature of price satisfaction in the Australian wine supply chain
Gyau, Amos, Sidali, Katia and Somogyi, Simon. 2010. "Exploring the nature of price satisfaction in the Australian wine supply chain ." 2010 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Tourismuswissenschaft, Wein & Tourismus Symposium. Freiburg, Germany 12 - 13 Apr 2010Paper
Understanding B2B supplier selection relationships: the case of Taiwan agribusinesses
Ng, Eric. 2010. "Understanding B2B supplier selection relationships: the case of Taiwan agribusinesses." Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing. 17 (2), pp. 149-172. https://doi.org/10.1080/10517120902762492Article
Local tourism governance: a comparison of three network approaches
Beaumont, Narelle and Dredge, Dianne. 2010. "Local tourism governance: a comparison of three network approaches." Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 18 (1), pp. 7-28. https://doi.org/10.1080/09669580903215139Article
Examining client/accountant relationships: rural versus urban consumer selection criteria
Tidwell, Paula M., Weekes, David, Scott, Mark, White, Robert and Murphy, Alex. 2000. "Examining client/accountant relationships: rural versus urban consumer selection criteria ." Journal of Professional Services Marketing. 20 (2), pp. 107-119. https://doi.org/10.1300/J090v20n02_08Article
Supplier satisfaction within the Australian wine industry
Somogyi, Simon. 2007. "Supplier satisfaction within the Australian wine industry." 2007 Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Doctoral Colloquium. Dunedin, New Zealand 01 - 02 Dec 2007 Australia.Paper
The impact of price satisfaction on supplier relationship performance
Somogyi, Simon and Gyau, Amos. 2009. "The impact of price satisfaction on supplier relationship performance." Luxton, Sandra (ed.) ANZMAC 2009: Sustainable Management and Marketing. Melbourne, Australia 30 Nov - 02 Dec 2009 Canning Bridge, Western Australia.Paper
Defining the experiential value of auxiliary special events in shopping centres: a shopper's perspective
Sit, Jason and Johnson Morgan, Melissa. 2009. "Defining the experiential value of auxiliary special events in shopping centres: a shopper's perspective." EAERCD 2009: 15th Annual Conference of European Association for Education and Research in Commercial Distribution. Guildford, United Kingdom 15 - 17 Jul 2009 Surrey, UK.Paper
Call centres, recent history - where have they come from and how did they get here?
Hingst, Raymond D.. 2004. "Call centres, recent history - where have they come from and how did they get here?" 2nd National Call Centre Research Conference. Churchill, Australia 19 - 20 Aug 2004 Melbourne, Australia.Paper
How do small business managers make strategic marketing decisions?: A model of process
Jocumsen, Graham. 2004. "How do small business managers make strategic marketing decisions?: A model of process ." European Journal of Marketing. 38 (5/6), pp. 659-674. https://doi.org/10.1108/03090560410529277Article
Understanding service experience in non-profit performing arts: implications for operations and service management
Hume, Margee, Sullivan Mort, Gillian, Liesch, Peter and Winzar, Hume. 2006. "Understanding service experience in non-profit performing arts: implications for operations and service management." Journal of Operations Management. 24 (4), pp. 304-324. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jom.2005.06.002Article
Satisfaction in performing arts: the role of value?
Hume, Margee and Sullivan Mort, Gillian. 2008. "Satisfaction in performing arts: the role of value?" European Journal of Marketing. 42 (3-4), pp. 311-326. https://doi.org/10.1108/03090560810852959Article
If the show must go on ..... don't neglect the service!
Hume, Margee, Sullivan Mort, Gillian and Winzar, Hume. 2006. "If the show must go on ..... don't neglect the service!" Journal of Management and World Business Research. 3 (1), pp. 81-119.Article
Gift vouchers and expiry dates: when the gift stops giving
Jones, Nicky. 2009. "Gift vouchers and expiry dates: when the gift stops giving." QUT Law Review. 9 (2), pp. 213-231.Article
Rugby League: a game in crisis
Summers, Jane, Johnson Morgan, Melissa and Volkov, Michael. 2005. "Rugby League: a game in crisis." Pitts, Brenda G. (ed.) 2nd Annual Sport Marketing Association Conference: Where Sport Marketing Theory meets Practice (SMA 2004). Memphis, TN, United States 18 - 20 Nov 2004 Morgantown, WV. United States.Paper
Experiential consumption behaviour in sport: a suggested methodology
Johnson Morgan, Melissa, Jocumsen, Graham and West, Kristy. 2004. "Experiential consumption behaviour in sport: a suggested methodology." ANZMAC 2004: Marketing Accountabilities and Responsibilities. Wellington, New Zealand 29 Nov - 01 Dec 2004 Wellington, New Zealand.Paper
Manufacturer and retailer brand innovation in grocery packaged goods categories
Chimhundu, Ranga. 2008. "Manufacturer and retailer brand innovation in grocery packaged goods categories." 12th Annual Waikato Management School Student Research Conference. Hamilton, New Zealand 20 Oct 2008 Hamilton, New Zealand.Paper
FMCG brand, supermarket chain and consumer relationships
Chimhundu, Ranga. 2005. "FMCG brand, supermarket chain and consumer relationships." 2005 Otago Marketing Doctoral Colloquium. Dunedin, New Zealand 17 - 18 Oct 2005 Dunedin, New Zealand.Paper
Future of the brand management structure in FMCG: A two-dimensional perspective
Chimhundu, Ranga. 2004. Future of the brand management structure in FMCG: A two-dimensional perspective. Masters Thesis Master of Commerce. University of Otago.Masters Thesis
How market research can help grow your business
Chadee, Doren and Miller, Karen. 2008. "How market research can help grow your business ." Wine Business Magazine.Article
Sports marketing in an economic quagmire
Fullerton, Sam and Johnson Morgan, Melissa. 2009. "Sports marketing in an economic quagmire." 7th Annual Sport Marketing Association Conference (SMA 2009). Cleveland, Ohio 28 - 30 Oct 2009 Memphis, TN, USA.Paper
The brand management structure in consumer packaged goods: A research monograph on its current status and future prospects
Chimhundu, Ranga and Hamlin, Robert P.. 2008. The brand management structure in consumer packaged goods: A research monograph on its current status and future prospects. Saarbrucken, Germany. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller.Authored book
Branding and relationship marketing within the trifecta of power: Managing simultaneous relationships in consumer goods marketing
Hamlin, Robert P. and Chimhundu, Ranga. 2007. "Branding and relationship marketing within the trifecta of power: Managing simultaneous relationships in consumer goods marketing." Journal of Customer Behavior. 6 (2), pp. 179-194.Article
The effectiveness of reappraisal as an emotional regulation technique for minimizing negative emotional contagion during angry complaint interactions
Dallimore, Karen and Sparks, Beverley. 2008. "The effectiveness of reappraisal as an emotional regulation technique for minimizing negative emotional contagion during angry complaint interactions." EIRASS 2008: Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science. Zagreb, Croatia 14 - 17 Jul 2008Paper
Future of the brand management structure in FMCG
Chimhundu, Ranga and Hamlin, Robert P.. 2007. "Future of the brand management structure in FMCG." Journal of Brand Management. 14 (3), pp. 232-239. https://doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.bm.2550064Article
An empirical investigation on the dyad perspective of buyer-seller relationships in Australian regional agribusinesses
Ng, Eric. 2009. "An empirical investigation on the dyad perspective of buyer-seller relationships in Australian regional agribusinesses." Contemporary Management Research: an international journal. 5 (3), pp. 287-299.Article
Mktg, 1st Asia Pacific ed.
Lamb, Charles, Hair, Joseph F., McDaniel, Carl, Summers, Jane and Gardiner, Michael. 2009. Mktg, 1st Asia Pacific ed. South Melbourne, Australia. Cengage Learning Australia.Authored book
Essentials of marketing, 3rd ed.
Summers, Jane, Gardiner, Michael, Lamb, Charles W., Hair, Joseph F. and McDaniel, Carl. 2009. Essentials of marketing, 3rd ed. South Melbourne, Australia. Cengage Learning Australia.Authored book
Consumer awareness of sponsorship - a FMCG context
Woodside, Frances M. and Summers, Jane. 2009. "Consumer awareness of sponsorship - a FMCG context." Luxton, Sandra (ed.) ANZMAC 2009: Sustainable Management and Marketing. Melbourne, Australia 30 Nov - 02 Dec 2009 Canning Bridge, Western Australia.Paper
Higher educational services exports: sources of growth of asian students in US and UK
Chadee, Doren and Naidoo, Vikash. 2009. "Higher educational services exports: sources of growth of asian students in US and UK." Service Business: an international journal. 3 (2), pp. 173-187. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11628-008-0041-7Article
Raising the bar: from corporate social responsibility to corporate social performance
Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn, Ball, Kim and Gillespie, Meghan. 2008. "Raising the bar: from corporate social responsibility to corporate social performance." Journal of Consumer Marketing. 25 (4), pp. 245-253. https://doi.org/10.1108/07363760810882434Article
Political advertising in Australia and New Zealand
Stewart, Julianne. 2006. "Political advertising in Australia and New Zealand." Kaid, Lynda Lee and Holtz-Bacha, Christina (ed.) Sage handbook of political advertising. Thousand Oaks, CA. SAGE Publications Ltd. pp. 269-283Edited book (chapter)
Talking theatre is more than a test drive: two audience development methodologies under review
Scollen, Rebecca. 2009. "Talking theatre is more than a test drive: two audience development methodologies under review." International Journal of Arts Management. 12 (1), pp. 4-13.Article
Impact of entertainment on regional shopping centre image: implications for youth shopper segmentation
Sit, Jason and Birch, Dawn. 2003. "Impact of entertainment on regional shopping centre image: implications for youth shopper segmentation." Geursen, G., Kennedy, R. and Tolo, M. (ed.) ANZMAC 2003: Celebration of Ehrenberg and Bass: Marketing Discoveries, Knowledge and Contribution. Adelaide, Australia 01 - 03 Dec 2003 Melbourne, Australia.Paper
Sports consumption behaviour among generation Y in mainland China
Johnson Morgan, Melissa, Summers, Jane and Jocumsen, Graham. 2008. "Sports consumption behaviour among generation Y in mainland China." Ghose, Amitabha (ed.) Dynamics of sports marketing. Hyderabad, India. Icfai University Press. pp. 118-127Edited book (chapter)
The impact of negative publicity on: an individual sporting celebrity's brand DNA; the brand DNA of their associated team and/or sport; and attitudes of their sponsors and partners
Johnson Morgan, Melissa, Summers, Jane and Sassenberg, Anne-Marie. 2008. "The impact of negative publicity on: an individual sporting celebrity's brand DNA; the brand DNA of their associated team and/or sport; and attitudes of their sponsors and partners." James, Jeffrey, Summers, Jane and Johnson Morgan, Melissa (ed.) 6th Annual Sport Marketing Association Conference: Bridging the Gap: Bringing the World Down Under 6th Annual Sport Marketing Association Conference (SMA 2008). Gold Coast, Australia 17 - 19 Jul 2008 Toowoomba, Australia.Paper