School of Psychology and Wellbeing

Faculty/DepartmentAcademic Affairs
HeadProf Peter Terry

Latest research outputs

1273 results found
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Family-based treatment takes longer for adolescents with mental health comorbidities: findings from a community mental health service
Lim, Jacqueline, White, Jacinda, Withington, Tania, Catania, Salvatore, Wilson, Daniel, Knight, Penny, Rees, Bronwyn, Middeldorp, Christel and Krishnamoorthy, Govind. 2023. "Family-based treatment takes longer for adolescents with mental health comorbidities: findings from a community mental health service ." Eating Disorders. 31 (6), pp. 588-609.


Neurobiological Link between Stress and Gaming: A Scoping Review
Wang, Grace Y., Simkute, Dovile and Griskova-Bulanova, Inga. 2023. "Neurobiological Link between Stress and Gaming: A Scoping Review." Journal of Clinical Medicine. 12 (9), pp. 1-15.


Chinese and Indian interpretations of pain: A qualitative evidence synthesis to facilitate chronic pain management
Lewis, Gwyn N., Shaikh, Nusratnaaz, Wang, Grace, Chaudhary, Shikha, Bean, Debbie J. and Terry, Gareth. 2023. "Chinese and Indian interpretations of pain: A qualitative evidence synthesis to facilitate chronic pain management." Pain Practice.


The higher degree research student experience in Australian universities: a systematic literature review
Brownlow, Charlotte, Eacersall, Douglas C., Martin, Neil and Parsons-Smith, Renée. 2023. "The higher degree research student experience in Australian universities: a systematic literature review." Higher Education Research and Development. 42 (7), pp. 1608-1623.


Out of sight and out of mind? Safety and procedural issues with disused and seasonal rail corridors
Watling, Chris, Larue, Grégoire, Kidcaff, Andrew and Luke, Claudia. 2023. "Out of sight and out of mind? Safety and procedural issues with disused and seasonal rail corridors." Case Studies on Transport Policy. 12, pp. 1-9.


Teacher Mental Health Literacy and Child Development in Australian Primary Schools: A Program Evaluation
Bowyer, Melissa, Fein, Erich C. and Krishnamoorthy, Govind. 2023. "Teacher Mental Health Literacy and Child Development in Australian Primary Schools: A Program Evaluation." Education Sciences. 13 (4), pp. 1-22.


Understanding health literacy from a traditional Chinese medicine perspective
Qian, Zhiyi, Wang, Grace Y., Henning, Marcus and Chen, Yan. 2023. "Understanding health literacy from a traditional Chinese medicine perspective." Journal of Integrative Medicine. 21 (3), pp. 215-220.


Building a transdisciplinary expert consensus on the cognitive drivers of performance under pressure: An international multi-panel Delphi study
Albertella, Lucy, Kirkham, Rebecca, Adler, Amy B., Crampton, John, Drummond, Sean P. A., Fogarty, Gerard J., Gross, James J., Zaichkowsky, Leonard, Andersen, Judith P., Bartone, Paul T., Boga, Danny, Bond, Jeffrey W., Brunyé, Tad T., Campbell, Mark J., Ciobanu, Liliana G., Clark, Scott R., Crane, Monique F., Dietrich, Arne, Doty, Tracy J., ..., Yücel, Murat. 2023. "Building a transdisciplinary expert consensus on the cognitive drivers of performance under pressure: An international multi-panel Delphi study." Frontiers in Psychology. 13, pp. 1-17.


Real change or more of the same? Analysing Australian media's portrayal of intellectual disability during the NDIS rollout
Winterbotham, Sonya, Knight, Bob G. and du Preez, Jan du. 2023. "Real change or more of the same? Analysing Australian media's portrayal of intellectual disability during the NDIS rollout." Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities.


Beel, Nathan, Chinchen, Christine, Machin, Tanya and du Plessis, Carol. 2023. "Introduction." Beel, Nathan, Chinchen, Christine, Machin, Tanya and du Plessis, Carol (ed.) Common client issues in counselling: An Australian perspective.. Australia. University of Southern Queensland. pp. 1-11

Edited book (chapter)

Review: Recommendations for male-friendly counselling with adolescent males: A qualitative systematic literature review
Boerma, Micah, Beel, Nathan, Jeffries, Carla and Ruse, Jesse. 2023. "Review: Recommendations for male-friendly counselling with adolescent males: A qualitative systematic literature review ." Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 28 (4), pp. 536-549.


Brown, James and Beel, Nathan. 2023. "Depression." Beel, Nathan, Chinchen, Christine, Machin, Tanya and du Plessis, Carol (ed.) Common client issues in counselling: An Australian perspective. Australia. University of Southern Queensland. pp. 102-117

Edited book (chapter)

Common Client Issues in Counselling: An Australian Perspective
Beel, Nathan, Chinchen, Christine, Machin, Tanya, du Plessis, Carol, Mullens, Amy B., Rees, Bronwyn, Purnell-Webb, Trish, Brown, Samantha, Murray, Judith, Ayre, Kay, Gilmour, John, Falcon, John, Flanagan, John, Brown, James, Krishnamoorthy, Govind, Bryce, India, Malengret, Claire, Dall'Osto, Claire and King, Deborah. Beel, Nathan, Chinchen, Christine, Machin, Tanya and du Plessis, Carol (ed.) 2023. Common Client Issues in Counselling: An Australian Perspective . University of Southern Queensland.


Trauma in Children and Adolescence
Krishnamoorthy, Govind and Mullens, Amy B.. 2023. "Trauma in Children and Adolescence." Beel, Nathan, Chinchen, Christine, Machin, Tanya and du Plessis, Carol (ed.) Common Client Issues in Counselling: An Australian Perspective. Australia. University of Southern Queensland. pp. 189-197

Edited book (chapter)

Trauma in Adults
Mullens, Amy B., Krishnamoorthy, Govind, Gilmour, John and Bryce, India. 2023. "Trauma in Adults." Beel, Nathan, Chinchen, Christine, Machin, Tanya and du Plessis, Carol (ed.) Common Client Issues in Counselling: An Australian Perspective. Australia. University of Southern Queensland. pp. 171-188

Edited book (chapter)

Child Maltreatment
Krishnamoorthy, Govind, Ayre, Kay, Rees, Bronwyn and Brown, Samantha. 2023. "Child Maltreatment." Beel, Nathan, Chinchen, Christine, Machin, Tanya and du Plessis, Carol (ed.) Common Client Issues in Counselling: An Australian Perspective. Australia. University of Southern Queensland. pp. 66-85

Edited book (chapter)

A thematic analysis of the personal factors influencing mental health help-seeking in farmers
Vayro, Caitlin, Brownlow, Charlotte, Ireland, Michael and March, Sonja. 2023. "A thematic analysis of the personal factors influencing mental health help-seeking in farmers." Journal of Rural Health. 39 (2), pp. 374-382.


Navigating Detransition Borders: An Exploration of Social Media Narratives
Sanders, Tait, du Plessis, Carol, Mullens, Amy B. and Bromdal, Annette. 2023. "Navigating Detransition Borders: An Exploration of Social Media Narratives ." Archives of Sexual Behavior: an interdisciplinary research journal. 52 (3), p. 1061–1072.


Developing the “Oppression-to-Incarceration Cycle” of Black American and First Nations Australian Trans Women: Applying the Intersectionality Research for Transgender Health Justice Framework
Clark, Kirsty A., Bromdal, Annette, Phillips, Tania, Sanders, Tait, Mullens, Amy B. and Hughto, Jaclyn M.W.. 2023. "Developing the “Oppression-to-Incarceration Cycle” of Black American and First Nations Australian Trans Women: Applying the Intersectionality Research for Transgender Health Justice Framework ." Journal Of Correctional Health Care. 29 (1), pp. 1-112.


Trauma Informed Education: Interdisciplinary Insights
Krishnamoorthy, Govind, Ayre, Kay, Schimke, Dayna and King, Deborah. Schimke, Dayna (ed.) 2023. Trauma Informed Education: Interdisciplinary Insights. University of Southern Queensland.


Short Research Article: Changes in life functioning in a self-help, online program for child and adolescent anxiety
Rowe, Arlen K., Evan, Jocelyn L., Donovan, Caroline L., Spence, Susan H. and March, Sonja. 2023. "Short Research Article: Changes in life functioning in a self-help, online program for child and adolescent anxiety." Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 28 (4), pp. 565-572.


When quantity takes on a quality of its own: A retrospective exploration of the lived experience of cumulative harm
Bryce India, Beccaria, Gavin, McIlveen Peter and Du Preez Jan Du. 2023. "When quantity takes on a quality of its own: A retrospective exploration of the lived experience of cumulative harm." Child Abuse Review. 32 (4).


Factors reducing the detectability of train horns by road users: a laboratory study
Larue, Grégoire S., Watling, Christopher N., Khakzar, Mahrokh, Villoresi, Danielle and Dehkordi, Sepehr Ghasemi. 2023. "Factors reducing the detectability of train horns by road users: a laboratory study." Applied Ergonomics: human factors in technology and society. 109, pp. 1-10.


Transformative change comes from more than structured content: Qualitative exploration of parent experiences of a post-separation group program
Bayliss, Luke, Krishnamoorthy, Govind, Malhotra, Aastha, Beel, Nathan, du Plessis, Carol, Crathern, Jennifer, Hall, Stuart and Burton, Lorelle. 2023. "Transformative change comes from more than structured content: Qualitative exploration of parent experiences of a post-separation group program." Family Relations. 72 (5), pp. 3067-3083.


Prediction of Tinnitus Treatment Outcomes Based on EEG Sensors and TFI Score Using Deep Learning
Doborjeh, Maryam, Liu, Xiaoxu, Doborjeh, Zohreh, Shen, Yuanyuan, Searchfield, Grant, Sanders, Philip, Wang, Grace Y., Sumich, Alaxander and Yan, Wei Qi. 2023. "Prediction of Tinnitus Treatment Outcomes Based on EEG Sensors and TFI Score Using Deep Learning." Sensors. 23 (2), pp. 1-17.


Why Vilifying the Status Quo Can Derail a Change Effort: Kotter’s Contradiction, and Theory Adaptation
McLaren, Tom A. S., van der Hoorn, Bronte and Fein, Erich C.. 2023. "Why Vilifying the Status Quo Can Derail a Change Effort: Kotter’s Contradiction, and Theory Adaptation ." The Journal of Change Management. 23 (1), pp. 93-111.


The 4R Model of Mood and Emotion for Sustainable Mental Health in Organisational Settings
Beedie, Christopher J., Lane, Andrew M., Udberg, Robert and Terry, Peter C.. 2022. "The 4R Model of Mood and Emotion for Sustainable Mental Health in Organisational Settings." Sustainability. 14 (18), pp. 1-28.


Undercurrent: Arts and Wellbeing [Curatorial Work with Exhibition Tour and Catalogue Publication 'Creative Returns']
Batorowicz, Beata, McLean, Tarn, Devenish, S., Baguley, M., Steggall, D. and Cantrell, Kate. 2022. Undercurrent: Arts and Wellbeing [Curatorial Work with Exhibition Tour and Catalogue Publication 'Creative Returns']. Toowoomba, Queensland 11 Aug - 22 Dec 2023


Make Visible: It's O.K To Be Me [Original Artwork in Group Exhibition]
Mullens, Amy, Bromdal, Annette, Batorowicz, Beata, Taylor, Brodie, Novak, Shannon, Mills-Kelly, Chris, Walker, Gwen, Pottinger, Sandy, Lostroch, Sue and Breeden, Georgia. 2022. Make Visible: It's O.K To Be Me [Original Artwork in Group Exhibition]. Toowoomba 21 Mar - 29 Apr 2022


Technology Acceptance, Adoption and Workforce on Australian Cotton Farms
McDonald, Nicole, Fogarty, Eloise S., Cosby, Amy and McIlveen, Peter. 2022. "Technology Acceptance, Adoption and Workforce on Australian Cotton Farms." Agriculture. 12 (8), pp. 1-16.


Mail-out bowel cancer screening: Identifying the behavioural stumbling blocks
Myers, Larry, Goodwin, Belinda, Ireland, Michael, March, Sonya, Aitken, Joanne, Myers L., Goodwin B.C., Ireland M., March S. and Aitken J.. 2021. "Mail-out bowel cancer screening: Identifying the behavioural stumbling blocks." Psycho-Oncology: journal of the psychological, social and behavioral dimensions of cancer. 31 (5), pp. 816-823.


Exploring predictors of and barriers to online prostate cancer community use: A cross‐sectional survey of users and non‐users
Pyle, Denise, Tehan, Gerry, Lamont-Mills, Andrea and Chambers, Suzanne K.. 2021. "Exploring predictors of and barriers to online prostate cancer community use: A cross‐sectional survey of users and non‐users." Psycho-Oncology: journal of the psychological, social and behavioral dimensions of cancer.


Physiological signal-based drowsiness detection using machine learning: Singular and hybrid signal approaches
Hasan, MD Mahmudul, Watling, Christopher N. and Larue, Gregoire S.. 2021. "Physiological signal-based drowsiness detection using machine learning: Singular and hybrid signal approaches." Journal of Safety Research. 80, pp. 215-225.


Pedestrians distracted by their smartphone: Are in-ground flashing lights catching their attention? A laboratory study
Larue, Gregoire S., Watling, Christopher N., Black, Alexander A., Wood, Joanne M. and Khakzar, Mahrokh. 2020. "Pedestrians distracted by their smartphone: Are in-ground flashing lights catching their attention? A laboratory study." Accident Analysis and Prevention. 134, pp. 1-10.


Sleep-impaired emotional regulation, impaired cognition, and poor sleep health are associated with risky sleepy driving in young adults
Watling, Christopher N., Shaw, Lauren M. and Watling, Hanna. 2020. "Sleep-impaired emotional regulation, impaired cognition, and poor sleep health are associated with risky sleepy driving in young adults." Traffic Injury Prevention. 21 (2), pp. 133-138.


Young drivers who continue to drive while sleepy: What are the associated sleep‐ and driving‐related factors?
Watling, Christopher N.. 2019. "Young drivers who continue to drive while sleepy: What are the associated sleep‐ and driving‐related factors?" Journal of Sleep Research. 29 (3), pp. 1-7.


Acceptance of visual and audio interventions for distracted pedestrians
Larue, Gregoire S. and Watling, Christopher N.. 2021. "Acceptance of visual and audio interventions for distracted pedestrians." Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 76, pp. 369-383.


Sensitivity and specificity of the driver sleepiness detection methods using physiological signals: a systematic review
Watling, Christopher N., Hasan, Md Mahmudul and Larue, Gregoire S.. 2021. "Sensitivity and specificity of the driver sleepiness detection methods using physiological signals: a systematic review." Accident Analysis and Prevention. 150, pp. 1-11.


Younger drivers executive functioning and the relationship with experiencing signs of sleepiness
Watling, Christopher N. and Watling, Hanna A.. 2021. "Younger drivers executive functioning and the relationship with experiencing signs of sleepiness." Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 80, pp. 359-367.


The Future of the Leader-Member Exchange Theory
Fein, Erich C. and Tziner, Aharon. 2021. "The Future of the Leader-Member Exchange Theory." Frontiers in Psychology. 12, pp. 1-3.


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Acikdeniz, Merve

Adie, Joshua

Agostinelli, Elisa

Alchin, Carolyn Elizabeth

Barclay-Timmis, Victoria

Barry, Jaimie

Barua, Prabal

Basit, Tabinda

Bates, Matt

Beccaria, Gavin

Beccaria, Lisa

Beel, Nathan

Black, Rebecca

Bolton, Brigid

Booth, Fiona

Brinton, Lisa

Brown, Daniel

Brown, Samantha

Brownlow, Charlotte

Bryce, India

Busch, Jennifer

Ceccato, Jo-Maree

Chan, Lynette

Chen, Daniel

Chi, May

Childs, Nicole

Christensen, Steven

Collins, Katelyn

Cope, Adriana

Costanzo, Marcela

Crowther, Tammy

Cullin, Marcella

Daken, Kirstie

Dallinger, Vicki

Dalziel, Victor

Darracott, Ros

Devereux, Mel

Doolan, Karyna

du Plessis, Carol

Duric, Vlatka

Edmonds, Eileen

Edwards, Niki

Edwards, Rob

Eivers, Areana

Else, David

Erdelyi, Kelsey

Fazackerley, Lewis

Feger, Roy

Fein, Erich

Forbes, Meg

Forrest, Lee

Fox, Jessica

Frost, Aaron

Gain, Ada

Gawthorne, Emma

Gildersleeve, Matthew

Girdlestone, Denise

Glasheen, Kevin

Goadby, Elizabeth

Goh, Hong Eng

Goh, Yong

Gonzalez, Carolina

Gregory, Peter

Gunewardena, Niyara

Hale, Maike

Harness, Jacqueline

Harvey, Logan

Hensen, Amanda

Hodgkin, Isabelle

Howard, Glenn

Ireland, Michael

Ireland, Renee

Izadikhah, Zahra

Jayasinghe, Thenuja

Jeffries, Carla

Jones, Ben

Jones, Brett

Joyce, Daniel

Kelly, Eliza

Kidcaff, Andrew

King, Julie

King, Rebekah

Krishnamoorthy, Govind

Lajoie, Genevieve

Landers, Therese

Lim, Jacqueline

Machin, Tanya

Malhotra, Aastha

Mander, Sarah

March, Sonja

Mathisen, Bernice

McCausland-Green, Jean

McDonald, Ellen

McHale, Mala

McMullen, Crystal

McQuillan, Paul

Mullens, Amy

Nepean-Hutchison, Anita

Ottobrino, Simone

Parmar, Sonali

Parsons, Hayley

Perich, Evee

Powell, Nicole

Richardson, Alan

Richardson, Meg

Riley, Emma

Roberts, Casey

Rose, Jayln

Rose, Penelope

Rowe, Arlen

Ryatt, James

Sagaidak, Maryke

Saxton, Kate

Schaffer, Krystal

Schimke, Dayna

Scott, Florence

Scott, Josie

Scott, Riley

Scully, Paul

Senyard, Emma-Leigh

Sharp, Aaron

Sims, Rebecca

Slatter, Grace

Smith, Amber

Smith, Nina

Stanojevic, Istok

Steggall, David

Stewart, Heidi

Stewart, Kim

Tan, Fen

Tehan, Hannah

Terry, Peter

Thirkettle, Hayley

Thompson, Merinda

Walton, Kathryn

Wang, Grace

Ward, Aletha

Ward, Natalie

Ward, Raelene

Watling, Chris

Weeks, Kayhler

Weerasinghe, Sakuni

White, Leonie

Whitlock, Juliet

Wigell, Chris

Wilson, Lee-Ann

Winterbotham, Sonya

Zieschank, Kirsty