Rural Economies Centre of Excellence (Research)

Latest research outputs

122 results found
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Deconstructing Doctoral Discourses: Stories and Strategies for Success
Mulligan, Deborah L., Ryan, Naomi and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) 2022. Deconstructing Doctoral Discourses: Stories and Strategies for Success. Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan.

Edited book

Recruitment and retention of a rural and regional workforce: a regional development perspective
Lyons, Ben and De Daunton, Fynn. 2022. "Recruitment and retention of a rural and regional workforce: a regional development perspective." Farm Policy Journal. (1092), pp. 58-72.


Social Identity Influences in Two Small Australian Rural Communities
Ham, Saleena. 2022. Social Identity Influences in Two Small Australian Rural Communities. PhD by Publication Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD by Publication

Sustainable open vehicle routing with release-time and time-window: a two-echelon distribution system
Babagolzadeh, M., Shrestha, A., Abbasi, B., Zhang, S., Atefi, R. and Woodhead, A.. 2019. "Sustainable open vehicle routing with release-time and time-window: a two-echelon distribution system." Ivanov, Dmitry, Dolgui, Alexandre and Yalaoui, Farouk (ed.) 9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM 2019). Berlin, Germany 28 - 30 Aug 2019 Laxenburg, Austria.


Resilience for women on the land: how rural discourses enable or constrain their well-being, empowerment and resilience
McInnerney, Marlyn. 2021. "Resilience for women on the land: how rural discourses enable or constrain their well-being, empowerment and resilience." 14th Rural Women's Studies Association Triennial Conference (RWSA 2021). Ontario, Canada 11 - 15 May 2021


Local consumer demands and domestic supply of sheep and goat meat
Star, Megan, Rolfe, John and Lyons, Ben. 2021. Local consumer demands and domestic supply of sheep and goat meat. Toowoomba, Queensland. University of Southern Queensland.

Government report

Supply chains of the sheep and goat meat industry
Star, Megan, Rolfe, John, Morrish, Fleur and Lyons, ben. 2021. Supply chains of the sheep and goat meat industry. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.

Government report

Role of regional economic development in Australia' s landscape
Lyons, Benjamin. 2021. "Role of regional economic development in Australia' s landscape." Repairing the environmental deficit in the land management sector (2021). Brisbane, Australia 03 Sep 2021 Brisbane, Australia.


Creating Liveable and Accessible Social and Affordable Higher Density Housing: the case of Green Square, Brisbane
Reid, S., Kraatz, J., Caldera, S. and Woolcock, G.. 2021. Creating Liveable and Accessible Social and Affordable Higher Density Housing: the case of Green Square, Brisbane . Australia. Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre.

Technical report

Workforce in regional Queensland: Challenges and opportunities post-COVID: a Rapid Appraisal
Lyons, Ben, Babacan, Hurriyet, Renando, Chad, McVeigh, John and Rolfe, John. 2021. Workforce in regional Queensland: Challenges and opportunities post-COVID: a Rapid Appraisal. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.

Government report

Navigating the Affordances and Limits of Ethnographic Research in Exploring Career Development for Marginalised Youth in an Australian Flexible Learning Programme
Ryan, Naomi. 2020. "Navigating the Affordances and Limits of Ethnographic Research in Exploring Career Development for Marginalised Youth in an Australian Flexible Learning Programme." Mulligan, Deborah L. and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) Researching Within the Educational Margins: Strategies for Communicating and Articulating Voices. Cham, Switzerland. Springer. pp. 79-93

Edited book (chapter)

Child-friendly third places
Woolcock, Geoffrey. 2019. "Child-friendly third places." Dolley, Joanne and Bosman, Caryl (ed.) Rethinking Third Places: Informal Public Spaces and Community Building. United Kingdom. Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 56-72

Edited book (chapter)

How Can the Lived Environment Support Healthy Ageing? A Spatial Indicators Framework for the Assessment of Age-Friendly Communities
Davern, Melanie, Winterton, Rachel, Brasher, Kathleen and Woolcock, Geoffrey. 2020. "How Can the Lived Environment Support Healthy Ageing? A Spatial Indicators Framework for the Assessment of Age-Friendly Communities." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17 (20), pp. 1-20.


QMF Outback Trail: Community Wellbeing Impacts of Hosting Regional Music Festivals
Woolcock, Geoffrey and Forbes, Meg. 2021. QMF Outback Trail: Community Wellbeing Impacts of Hosting Regional Music Festivals. Australia. Queensland Music Festival.

Project report

Findings from the Kids in Communities Study (KiCS): A mixed methods study examining community-level influences on early childhood development
Goldfeld, Sharon, Villanueva, Karen, Tanton, Robert, Katz, Ilan, Brinkman, Sally, Giles-Corti, Billie and Woolcock, Geoffrey. 2021. "Findings from the Kids in Communities Study (KiCS): A mixed methods study examining community-level influences on early childhood development." PLoS One. 16 (9).


State of Play for Australia’s Agricultural Trade with China: Challenges & the Road Ahead
Wilson, Jeffery, Waldron, Scott, Lyons, Ben and Felton-Taylor, Arlie. 2020. "State of Play for Australia’s Agricultural Trade with China: Challenges & the Road Ahead." Rural Press Club Online (2020). Online 28 Oct 2020


Shredding the Evidence: Whose Collective Impact are We Talking About?
Woolcock, Geoffrey. 2019. "Shredding the Evidence: Whose Collective Impact are We Talking About?" Kee, Youngwha, Lee, Seung Jong and Phillips, Rhonda (ed.) Perspectives on Community Well-Being. Switzerland. Springer. pp. 157-173

Edited book (chapter)

Local economic development strategy for vibrant regions
Babacan, Hurriyet and Lyons, Ben. 2020. "Local economic development strategy for vibrant regions." 2020 North West Mineral Province Economic Development Workshop. Online 15 Sep 2020 Toowoomba, Australia.


View From the Paddock: Saying Thanks For Bunny's Life
Lyons, Ben. 2018. "View From the Paddock: Saying Thanks For Bunny's Life." Queensland Country Life. 14 March 2018.


Local housing characteristics associated with early childhood development outcomes in Australian disadvantaged communities
Villanueva, Karen, Badland, Hannah, Tanton, Robert, Katz, Ilan, Brinkman, Sally, Lee, Ju-Lin, Woolcock, Geoffrey, Giles-Corti, Billie and Goldfeld, Sharon. 2019. "Local housing characteristics associated with early childhood development outcomes in Australian disadvantaged communities." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16 (10).


SDP and Social Capital
Skinner, James, Woolcock, Geoff and Milroy, Arthur. 2019. "SDP and Social Capital." Collison, Holly, Darnell, Simon C., Giulianotti, Richard and Howe, P. David (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Sport for Development and Peace. Abingdon, United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 296-307

Edited book (chapter)

Risk Management and contractual Issues in Sino-Australian Wool Trade in the WTO Era
Lyons, Ben. 2003. "Risk Management and contractual Issues in Sino-Australian Wool Trade in the WTO Era." 15th Annual Conference of the Association of Chinese Economic Studies Australia (ACESA 2003). Melbourne, Australia 02 - 03 Oct 2003


Natural, Biodegradable and Sustainable: Australian Merino Wool
Lyons, Ben. 2009. "Natural, Biodegradable and Sustainable: Australian Merino Wool." Launch of the International Year of Natural Fibres 2009. Rome, Italy 22 Jan 2009


Is there a sustainable fibre?: the case of Australian Merino Wool
Lyons, Ben. 2008. "Is there a sustainable fibre?: the case of Australian Merino Wool." Reducing the Impact of Textiles on the Environment Group 3rd Annual Conference (RITE 2008). London, United Kingdom 06 Oct 2009


Rebuilding an industry brand with green credentials: the global wool industry
Lyons, Ben. 2009. "Rebuilding an industry brand with green credentials: the global wool industry." Ecotextiles Japan Forum (2009). Osaka, Japan 14 Sep 2009 Tokyo, Japan.


Research and rural economies: delivering insight and impact in regional Australia
Lyons, Benjamin B.. 2018. "Research and rural economies: delivering insight and impact in regional Australia." Regional Universities: Anchor Institutions Transforming their Regions (2018). Gold Coast, Australia 13 Sep 2018 Australia.


Australian financial services business in China
Schubert, Jeff and Lyons, Ben. 2016. Australian financial services business in China. Shanghai, China. Australian Chamber of Commerce Shanghai.

Discussion paper

Sowing the seeds: creating a regional innovation ecosystem in Goondiwindi
Renando, Chad and Lyons, Ben. 2019. Sowing the seeds: creating a regional innovation ecosystem in Goondiwindi. Toowoomba, Queensland. Rural Economies Centre of Excellence.

Project report

Sustainable cold supply chain management under demand uncertainty and carbon tax regulation
Babagolzadeh, Mahla, Shrestha, Anup, Abbasi, Babak, Zhang, Yahua, Woodhead, Alice and Zhang, Anming. 2020. "Sustainable cold supply chain management under demand uncertainty and carbon tax regulation." Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 80, pp. 1-30.


Neighbourhood effects influencing early childhood development: conceptual model and trial indicator measurement methodologies from the kids in communities study
Goldfeld, Sharon, Woolcock, Geoffrey, Katz, Ilan, Tanton, Robert, Brinkman, Sally, O'Connor, E., Mathews, T. and Giles-Corti, Billi. 2015. "Neighbourhood effects influencing early childhood development: conceptual model and trial indicator measurement methodologies from the kids in communities study." Social Indicators Research: an international and interdisciplinary journal for quality-of-life measurement. 120 (1), pp. 197-212.


Enablers and barriers of tourism as a driver of economic and social‐cultural growth in remote Queensland
Summers, Jane, Cavaye, Jim and Woolcock, Geoffrey. 2019. "Enablers and barriers of tourism as a driver of economic and social‐cultural growth in remote Queensland." Economic Papers: a journal of applied economics and policy. 38 (2), pp. 77-94.


Feasibility study for developing an Indigenous branded range of beef products and services (Producer Innovation Fast-track)
Burey, P., Woodhead, A., Kille, T., Zhang, S., Miller, K., Babagolzadeh, M., Pfingst, Jason, Dunrobin, Kelvin, Gorringe, Max, Malone, Johnathon and Perkins, Ian. 2019. Feasibility study for developing an Indigenous branded range of beef products and services (Producer Innovation Fast-track). North Sydney, Australia. Meat & Livestock Australia.

Project report

Clean Growth Choices for Communities in Transition Pilot Program: Final Report
Chamberlain, A., Woolcock, G., Dale, A. and Cole, J.. 2020. Clean Growth Choices for Communities in Transition Pilot Program: Final Report .

Project report

Aged care isn’t working, but we can create neighbourhoods to support healthy ageing in place
Davern, Melanie, Woolcock, Geoffrey, Winterton, Kathleen and Brasher, Rachel. 2020. "Aged care isn’t working, but we can create neighbourhoods to support healthy ageing in place." The Conversation.


Young people were already struggling before the pandemic. Here are 7 ways to help them navigate a changed world
Lycett, Kate, Olsson, Craig, Stanley, Fiona, Woolcock, Geoffrey and Struthers, Karen. 2020. "Young people were already struggling before the pandemic. Here are 7 ways to help them navigate a changed world." The Conversation.


Insider Research: Articulating the Voices of Women Schooling Their Children in Remote Queensland, Australia
McInnerney, Marlyn. 2020. "Insider Research: Articulating the Voices of Women Schooling Their Children in Remote Queensland, Australia." Mulligan, Deborah L. and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) Researching within the educational margins: Strategies of communicating and articulating voices. Switzerland . Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 251-265

Edited book (chapter)

Can the neighbourhood built environment make a difference to children’s development? Building the research agenda to create evidence for place-based children’s policy
Villanueva, Karen, Badland, Hannah, Kvalsvig, Amanda, O'Connor, Meredith, Christian, Hayley, Woolcock, Geoffrey, Giles-Corti, Billie and Goldfeld, Sharon. 2016. "Can the neighbourhood built environment make a difference to children’s development? Building the research agenda to create evidence for place-based children’s policy." Academic Pediatrics. 16 (1), pp. 10-19.


More than fun: capitalising sport's social goods
Woolcock, Geoffrey. 2016. "More than fun: capitalising sport's social goods." Griffith Review. 53, pp. 68-75.


ASEAN high value add red meat opportunities
Woodhead, Alice, Zhang, Shane, Burey, Polly, Earl, Greg and Miller, Karen. 2018. ASEAN high value add red meat opportunities. North Sydney, Australia. Meat & Livestock Australia.

Technical report

Adoption of Temperature Monitoring Technologies in vegetable value chains: case studies in South East Queensland
Habib, Habib. 2019. "Adoption of Temperature Monitoring Technologies in vegetable value chains: case studies in South East Queensland ." International Horticulture Supply Chain Workshop. Brisbane, Australia 17 - 19 Oct 2019 Australia.


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