Academic Development

ParentAcademic Transformation Portfolio

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128 results found
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Project #pstn: engaging pre-service teachers in the Twitterverse
Lemon, Narelle, Thorneycroft, Sarah, Jones, David and Forner, Lauren. 2012. "Project #pstn: engaging pre-service teachers in the Twitterverse." 3rd International Conference on Personal Learning Environments (PLE 2012). Aveiro, Portugal and Melbourne, Australia 11 - 13 Jul 2012


Analytics and complexity: learning and leading for the future
Beer, Colin, Jones, David and Clark, Damien. 2012. "Analytics and complexity: learning and leading for the future." Brown, M., Hartnett, M. and Stewart, T. M. (ed.) 29th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2012). Wellington, New Zealand 25 - 28 Nov 2012 Gold Coast, Australia.


Rethinking Online Teaching and Learning: A Case Study of an Approach to Designing an Online Learning Environment
Bricknell, Lisa K. and Muldoon Nona. 2013. "Rethinking Online Teaching and Learning: A Case Study of an Approach to Designing an Online Learning Environment." International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society. 8 (4), pp. 33-47.


Turn on the book: using affordance theory to understand the adoption of digital textbooks by university lecturers
Smith, Debborah, Brand, Jeffrey E. and Kinash, Shelley. 2013. "Turn on the book: using affordance theory to understand the adoption of digital textbooks by university lecturers." Carter, Helen, Gosper, Maree and Hedbrg, John (ed.) 30th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2013). Sydney, Australia 01 - 04 Dec 2013 Australia.


The life and death of Webfuse: principles for learning and leading into the future
Jones, David. 2012. "The life and death of Webfuse: principles for learning and leading into the future." Brown, M., Hartnett, M. and Stewart, T. M. (ed.) 29th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2012). Wellington, New Zealand 25 - 28 Nov 2012 Gold Coast, Australia.


Hunters and gatherers: strategies for curriculum mapping and data collection for assurance of learning
Lawson, Romy, Taylor, Tracy, Fallshaw, Eveline, French, Erica, Hall, Cathy, Kinash, Shelley and Summers, Jane. 2011. "Hunters and gatherers: strategies for curriculum mapping and data collection for assurance of learning." Yorke, J. D. (ed.) Australian Technology Network Assessment Conference 2011: Meeting the Challenges. Perth, Australia 20 - 21 Oct 2011 Bentley, Australia.


From maintaining to sustaining: moving beyond binaries toward a framework for cultural sustainability in higher education
Hammer, Sara, Lawrence, Jill and Huijser, Hendrik. 2011. "From maintaining to sustaining: moving beyond binaries toward a framework for cultural sustainability in higher education." Midgley, Warren, Tyler, Mark A., Danaher, Patrick Alan and Mander, Alison (ed.) Beyond binaries in education research. New York, USA. Routledge. pp. 181-194

Edited book (chapter)

Expectations of Ability and Disability at University: The Fine Art of Managing Lives, Perceptions, and Curricula
Hammer, Sara, Werth, Shalene, Dunn, Peter, Lawson, Kym and d'Abadie, Danielle. 2011. "Expectations of Ability and Disability at University: The Fine Art of Managing Lives, Perceptions, and Curricula." Midgley, Warren, Tyler, Mark A., Danaher, Patrick Alan and Mander, Alison (ed.) Beyond Binaries in Education Research. New York, NY. United States. Routledge. pp. 211-220

Edited book (chapter)

Legal educators' perceptions of lifelong learning: conceptualisation and practice
Hammer, Sara Jeanne, Chardon, Toni, Collins, Pauline and Hart, Caroline. 2012. "Legal educators' perceptions of lifelong learning: conceptualisation and practice." International Journal of Lifelong Education. 31 (2), pp. 187-201.


Criterion referenced assessment as a form of feedback: student and staff perceptions in the initial stages of a new law degree
Chardon, Toni, Collins, Pauline, Hammer, Sara and Hart, Caroline. 2011. "Criterion referenced assessment as a form of feedback: student and staff perceptions in the initial stages of a new law degree." International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 6 (3), pp. 232-242.


Contractual income support policies: the pursuit of civic health and social cohesion in Australia and Britain
Hammer, Sara. 2004. "Contractual income support policies: the pursuit of civic health and social cohesion in Australia and Britain." Patton, Stephen (ed.) Contemporary Governance and the Question of the Social Conference (2004). Edmondon, Canada 11 - 13 Jun 2004 Edmonton, Canada.


Cheating to cope in the hothouse
Hammer, Sara, Star, Cassandra and Norton, Paul. 2004. "Cheating to cope in the hothouse." The Australian (Higher Education Review).


Working on work skills
Hammer, Sara and Green, Wendy. 2006. "Working on work skills." The Australian (Higher Education Review).


Embedding graduate skills into a first year, management course: theory, practice and reflection
Green, Wendy, Hammer, Sara and Stephens, Robyn. 2006. "Embedding graduate skills into a first year, management course: theory, practice and reflection." Bunker, Alison and Vardi, Iris (ed.) 29th Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Annual Conference (HERDSA 2006). Perth, Australia 10 - 12 Jul 2006 Sydney, Australia.


Healing the divisions: unemployment, underemployment and overwork in Australia
Hammer, Sara. 2004. "Healing the divisions: unemployment, underemployment and overwork in Australia." Just Policy. 34, pp. 32-37.


Plagiarism: an original explanation?
Hammer, Sara, Norton, Paul and Star, Cassandra. 2004. "Plagiarism: an original explanation?" Directions in Education. 13 (14), pp. 3-4.


The real deal: using authentic assessment to promote student engagement in the first and second years of a regional law program
Hart, Caroline, Hammer, Sara, Collins, Pauline and Chardon, Toni. 2011. "The real deal: using authentic assessment to promote student engagement in the first and second years of a regional law program." Legal Education Review. 21 (1), pp. 97-121.


Critical thinking in a first year management unit: the relationship between disciplinary learning, academic literacy and learning progression
Hammer, Sara Jeanne and Green, Wendy. 2011. "Critical thinking in a first year management unit: the relationship between disciplinary learning, academic literacy and learning progression." Higher Education Research and Development. 30 (3), pp. 303-315.


Accounting graduates and the capabilities that count: perceptions of graduates, employers and accounting academics in four Australian universities
Oliver, Beverley, Whelan, Barbara, Hunt, Lynne and Hammer, Sara. 2011. "Accounting graduates and the capabilities that count: perceptions of graduates, employers and accounting academics in four Australian universities." Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability. 2 (1), pp. 2-27.


Exploring the affordances of second life machinima as an anchor for classroom-based apprenticeship
Muldoon, Nona and Kofoed, Jennifer. 2011. "Exploring the affordances of second life machinima as an anchor for classroom-based apprenticeship." International Journal on E-learning: corporate, government, healthcare and higher education. 10 (4), pp. 419-439.


iwant does not equal iwill: correlates of mobile learning with ipads, e-textbooks, blackboard mobile learn and a blended learning experience
Brand, Jeffrey, Kinash, Shelley, Mathew, Trishita and Kordyban, Ron. 2011. "iwant does not equal iwill: correlates of mobile learning with ipads, e-textbooks, blackboard mobile learn and a blended learning experience." 28th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2011). Hobart, Australia 04 - 07 Dec 2011 Australia.


Framing a research project to explore the experiences of international staff in an Australian university
Hammer, Sara, Colclough, Gillian and Huijser, Hendrik. 2010. "Framing a research project to explore the experiences of international staff in an Australian university." Hayes, Anna and Mason, Robert (ed.) Migrant Security 2010: Citizenship and Social Inclusion in a Transnational Era. Toowoomba, Australia 15 - 16 Jul 2010 Toowoomba, Australia.


The graduate employability indicators: capturing broader stakeholder perspectives on the achievement and importance of employability attributes
Oliver, Beverley, Hunt, Lynne, Jones, Sandra, Pearce, Amanda, Hammer, Sara, Jones, Sue and Whelan, Barbara. 2010. "The graduate employability indicators: capturing broader stakeholder perspectives on the achievement and importance of employability attributes." Australian Quality Forum 2010 - Higher Education: Quality in Uncertain Times. Gold Coast, Australia 30 Jun - 02 Jul 2010 Melbourne, Australia.


Capturing stakeholder perceptions of graduate capability development: challenges associated with graduate employability indicators
Whelan, Barbara, Oliver, Beverley, Hunt, Lynne, Hammer, Sara, Jones, Sandra and Pearce, Amanda. 2010. "Capturing stakeholder perceptions of graduate capability development: challenges associated with graduate employability indicators." Campbell, Matthew (ed.) ACEN 2010: Work Integrated Learning (WIL): Responding to Challenges . Perth, Australia 29 Sep - 01 Oct 2010 Melbourne, Australia.


Mature aged job seekers' experiences of Centrelink and Job Network Services in an Australian regional centre
Kossen, Chris and Hammer, Sara. 2010. "Mature aged job seekers' experiences of Centrelink and Job Network Services in an Australian regional centre." Australian Journal of Career Development. 19 (1), pp. 45-53.


Tertiary educator identity: we know who we are
Kinash, Shelley A. and Hughes, Stephen. 2008. "Tertiary educator identity: we know who we are." Studies in Learning Evaluation Innovation and Development. 5 (3), pp. 19-29.


Tertiary students with a disability or chronic illness: stigma and study
Hammer, Sara, Werth, Shalene and Dunn, Peter. 2009. "Tertiary students with a disability or chronic illness: stigma and study." Bedford, Tas, Huijser, Henk and Muller, Sarah (ed.) Enabling Pathways: 3rd National Conference of Enabling Educators. Toowoomba, Australia 25 - 27 Nov 2009 Toowoomba, Australia.


Facing up to the challenge: why is it so hard to develop graduate attributes?
Green, Wendy, Hammer, Sara and Star, Cassandra. 2009. "Facing up to the challenge: why is it so hard to develop graduate attributes?" Higher Education Research and Development. 28 (1), pp. 17-29.


Moodle and the institutional repositioning of learning and teaching at CQ university
Tickle, Kevin, Muldoon Nona and Tennent, Beth. 2009. "Moodle and the institutional repositioning of learning and teaching at CQ university." 26th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2009). Auckland, New Zealand 06 - 09 Dec 2009 Australia. pp. 1038-1047


Blended spaces, work based learning and constructive alignment: Impacts on student engagement
Reaburn, Peter, Muldoon, Nona and Bookallil, Cheryl. 2009. "Blended spaces, work based learning and constructive alignment: Impacts on student engagement." 26th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2009). Auckland, New Zealand 06 - 09 Dec 2009 Australia. pp. 820-831


Improving staff practice in criterion-referenced assessment: implementing change in University of Southern Queensland, Faculty of Business
Hammer, Sara and Millett, Bruce. 2007. "Improving staff practice in criterion-referenced assessment: implementing change in University of Southern Queensland, Faculty of Business." AAIR 2007: Change, Evidence And Implementation: Improving Higher Education in Uncertain Times. Sydney, Australia 19 - 21 Nov 2007 Sydney, Australia.


Teaching generic skills: eroding the higher purpose of universities, or an opportunity for renewal?
Star, Cassandra and Hammer, Sara. 2008. "Teaching generic skills: eroding the higher purpose of universities, or an opportunity for renewal? " Oxford Review of Education. 34 (2), pp. 237-251.


Locating learning advisers in the new university: What should be our role?
Green, Wendy, Hammer, Sara and Stephens, Robyn. 2005. "Locating learning advisers in the new university: What should be our role?" Milnes, S., Craswell, G., Rao, V. and Bartlett, A. (ed.) LAS2005 Critiquing and Reflecting. Canberra, Australia 24 - 25 Nov 2005 Canberra, Australia.


From full employment to the the new service economy
Hammer, Sara. 2004. "From full employment to the the new service economy ." Van Acker, Elizabeth and Curran, Giorel (ed.) Governing business and globalisation, 2nd ed.. Frenchs Forest, NSW. Pearson Education Australia. pp. 161-174

Edited book (chapter)

Bringing ‘second life’ to a tough undergraduate course : cognitive apprenticeship through machinimas
Muldoon, Nona, Jones, David, Kofoed, Jennifer and Beer, Colin. 2008. "Bringing ‘second life’ to a tough undergraduate course : cognitive apprenticeship through machinimas." 25th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2008). Melbourne, Australia 30 Nov - 03 Dec 2008 Australia. pp. 653-657


Mark Latham's third way: income support, civic renewal and collectivism
Hammer, Sara. 2004. "Mark Latham's third way: income support, civic renewal and collectivism." Australian Journal of Social Issues. 39 (2), pp. 143-153.


Work for welfare and civic equality
Hammer, Sara. 2004. "Work for welfare and civic equality." Carlson, Ellen (ed.) 6th Path to Full Employment Conference/11th National Unemployment Conference. Newcastle, Australia Newcastle, Australia.


Demonstrating quality outcomes in learning and teaching: examining 'best practice' in the use of criterion-referenced assessment
Hammer, Sara. 2007. "Demonstrating quality outcomes in learning and teaching: examining 'best practice' in the use of criterion-referenced assessment." International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 3 (1), pp. 50-58.


A feminine approach to teaching a large, first year university course: and everyone lived happily ever after!
Southey, Kim, Lynch, Bernadette, Werth, Shalene and Hammer, Sara. 2007. "A feminine approach to teaching a large, first year university course: and everyone lived happily ever after!" Albion, Majella J. and Collins, Pauline (ed.) 2007 International Women's Conference: Education, Employment and Everything... theTriple Layers of a Woman's Life. Toowoomba, Australia 26 - 29 Sep 2007 Toowoomba, Australia.


Healing the divisions: unemployment and overwork in Australia
Hammer, Sara. 2003. "Healing the divisions: unemployment and overwork in Australia." Carlson, E. (ed.) 5th Path to Full Employment Conference and 10th National Conference on Unemployment (CofFee 2003): The Full Employment Imperative. Newcastle, Australia 10 - 12 Dec 2003 Newcastle, Australia.


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