47. Language, Communication and Culture

Title47. Language, Communication and Culture
ParentANZSRC Field of Research

Latest research outputs

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EFL teachers professional learning needs: working with multimedia and the cloud
O'Neill, Shirley. 2015. "EFL teachers professional learning needs: working with multimedia and the cloud." Wong, Lap Tuen and Dubey-Jhaveri, Aditi (ed.) English language education in a global world: practices, issues and challenges. New York. Nova Science Publishers. pp. 45-60

Edited book (chapter)

Dear Tip [Letter]
Sulway, Nike. 2015. "Dear Tip [Letter]." Pierce, Alexandra and Krasnostein, Alisa (ed.) Letters to Tiptree. Australia. Twelfth Planet Press. pp. 182-186

Edited book (chapter)

Regaining lost humanity: dealing with trauma in exile
Parkes, Geoffrey and Mason, Robert. 2015. "Regaining lost humanity: dealing with trauma in exile." Goodall, Jane and Lee, Chirstopher (ed.) Trauma and public memory. New York. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 163-173

Edited book (chapter)

Where is she? Katherine Mansfield and Elizabeth Bowen
Gildersleeve, Jessica. 2015. "Where is she? Katherine Mansfield and Elizabeth Bowen." Ailwood, Sarah and Harvey, Melinda (ed.) Katherine Mansfield and literary influence. Edinburgh. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 35-47

Edited book (chapter)

Cultural pedagogies and the logics of culture: learning to be a 'community type of person'
Hickey, Andrew. 2015. "Cultural pedagogies and the logics of culture: learning to be a 'community type of person'." Watkins, Megan, Noble, Greg and Driscoll, Catherine (ed.) Cultural pedagogies and human conduct. New York. Routledge. pp. 110-125

Edited book (chapter)

Teaching for transfer in EAP: hugging and bridging revisited
Green, Jonathan H.. 2015. "Teaching for transfer in EAP: hugging and bridging revisited." English for Specific Purposes. 37, pp. 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esp.2014.06.003


John Curtin: how he won over the media
Coatney, Caryn. 2016. John Curtin: how he won over the media. North Melbourne, Australia. Australian Scholarly Publishing.

Authored book

Humor as a wartime communication strategy: Franklin D. Roosevelt, John Curtin and allied journalists, 1941-1945
Coatney, Caryn Michelle. 2015. "Humor as a wartime communication strategy: Franklin D. Roosevelt, John Curtin and allied journalists, 1941-1945." 27th International Humor Conference of the International Society for Humor Studies 2015. Oakland, California 29 Jun - 03 Jul 2015 Oakland, California.


Communication techniques for blended learning: Barack Obama and Julia Gillard, 2010-2013
Coatney, Caryn. 2015. "Communication techniques for blended learning: Barack Obama and Julia Gillard, 2010-2013." 12th Annual Online Learning Consortium Blended Learning Conference and Workshop 2015. Denver, Colorado 07 - 08 Jul 2015 United States.


Personalising politics in a global crisis: the media communication techniques of John Curtin and Franklin D. Roosevelt in the Pacific War, 1941-45
Coatney, Caryn. 2015. "Personalising politics in a global crisis: the media communication techniques of John Curtin and Franklin D. Roosevelt in the Pacific War, 1941-45." Communication, Politics and Culture. 48 (1), pp. 66-84.


Structural competition in second language production: towards a constraint-satisfaction model
Austin, Gavin, Pongpairoj, Nattama and Trenkic, Danijela. 2015. "Structural competition in second language production: towards a constraint-satisfaction model." Language Learning: a journal of research in language studies. 65 (3), pp. 689-722. https://doi.org/10.1111/lang.12108


Unremembered: memorial, sentimentality, dislocation
Johnson, Laurie. 2015. "Unremembered: memorial, sentimentality, dislocation." Goodall, Jane and Lee, Christopher (ed.) Trauma and public memory. London. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 70-84

Edited book (chapter)

The changing role of copyright in China's emergent media economy
Montgomery, Lucy and Ren, Xiang. 2015. "The changing role of copyright in China's emergent media economy." Rawnsley, Gary D. and Rawnsley, Ming-Yeh T. (ed.) Routledge handbook of Chinese media. Routledge. pp. 315-329

Edited book (chapter)

Language, culture, and society - an introduction to linguistic anthropology by Zdenek Salzmann, James Stanlaw, & Nobuko Adachi
Nooriafshar, Mehryar. 2015. "Language, culture, and society - an introduction to linguistic anthropology by Zdenek Salzmann, James Stanlaw, & Nobuko Adachi ." International Journal of Society, Culture & Language. 3 (2), pp. 125-130.

Book review

Language, Culture and Technology in a Connected World Symposium: abstract book
Nooriafshar, Mehryar (ed.) 2015. Language, Culture and Technology in a Connected World Symposium: abstract book. Toowoomba, Australia. Future Academy.

Edited book

Open access and soft power: Chinese voices in international scholarship
Ren, Xiang and Montgomery, Lucy. 2015. "Open access and soft power: Chinese voices in international scholarship." Media Culture and Society. 37 (3), pp. 394-408. https://doi.org/10.1177/0163443714567019


'Ropes of stories': Jean Rhys, Vivienne Cleven, and Melissa Lucashenko
Gildersleeve, Jessica. 2015. "'Ropes of stories': Jean Rhys, Vivienne Cleven, and Melissa Lucashenko." Queensland Review. 22 (1), pp. 75-84. https://doi.org/10.1017/qre.2015.7


Law and enjoyment: power, pleasure and psychoanalysis
Hourigan, Daniel. 2015. Law and enjoyment: power, pleasure and psychoanalysis. Abingdon, Oxfordshire, England. Routledge.

Authored book

From Burma battles to 'the bright lights of Brisbane': how an Australian wartime prime minister won, lost, and recaptured American journalists’ support, 1941 to 1945
Coatney, Caryn. 2015. "From Burma battles to 'the bright lights of Brisbane': how an Australian wartime prime minister won, lost, and recaptured American journalists’ support, 1941 to 1945." Journalism History. 40 (4), pp. 229-239.


The quandary between communication and certification: individual academics’ views on Open Access and open scholarship
Ren, Xiang. 2015. "The quandary between communication and certification: individual academics’ views on Open Access and open scholarship." Online Information Review. 39 (5), pp. 682-697. https://doi.org/10.1108/OIR-04-2015-0129


Skirting the issue: finding queer and geopolitical belonging at the Eurovision Song Contest
Carniel, Jessica. 2015. "Skirting the issue: finding queer and geopolitical belonging at the Eurovision Song Contest." Contemporary Southeastern Europe. 2 (1), pp. 136-154.


Professional skills for nurses and other health professionals: contexts and capability of practice
Perrin, Cheryl, Stanley, David and Taylor, Melissa. 2015. "Professional skills for nurses and other health professionals: contexts and capability of practice." Lawrence, Jill, Perrin, Cheryl and Kiernan, Eleanor (ed.) Building professional nursing communication. Port Melbourne, Australia. Cambridge University Press. pp. 182-204

Textbook (chapter)

Building lifelong learning capacities and resilience in changing academic and healthcare contexts
Lawrence, Jill. 2015. "Building lifelong learning capacities and resilience in changing academic and healthcare contexts." Lawrence, Jill, Perrin, Cheryl and Kiernan, Eleanor (ed.) Building professional nursing communication. Port Melbourne, Australia. Cambridge University Press. pp. 48-69

Textbook (chapter)

Communicating in academic and clinical contexts
Parker, Steve and Lawrence, Jill. 2015. "Communicating in academic and clinical contexts." Lawrence, Jill, Perrin, Cheryl and Kiernan, Eleanor (ed.) Building professional nursing communication. Port Melbourne, Australia. Cambridge University Press. pp. 70-102

Textbook (chapter)

Digital skills in healthcare practice
Moloney, Clint and Farley, Helen. 2015. "Digital skills in healthcare practice." Lawrence, Jill, Perrin, Cheryl and Kiernan, Eleanor (ed.) Building professional nursing communication. Port Melbourne, Australia. Cambridge University Press. pp. 155-181

Textbook (chapter)

Developing interpersonal capabilities for health professionals
Martyn, Julie and Kiernan, Eleanor. 2015. "Developing interpersonal capabilities for health professionals." Lawrence, Jill, Perrin, Cheryl and Kiernan, Eleanor (ed.) Building professional nursing communication. Port Melbourne, Australia. Cambridge University Press. pp. 130-154

Textbook (chapter)

Communication theory and its applications in nursing and healthcare
Kiernan, Eleanor. 2015. "Communication theory and its applications in nursing and healthcare." Lawrence, Jill, Perrin, Cheryl and Kiernan, Eleanor (ed.) Building professional nursing communication. Port Melbourne, Australia. Cambridge University Press. pp. 20-47

Textbook (chapter)

Conflicting conceptualisations of cultural identity within Australian public policy debate
Judith, Kate. 2015. "Conflicting conceptualisations of cultural identity within Australian public policy debate." International Conference on Intercultural Competence in Communication and Education (ICCEd2015) (2015). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 08 - 09 Mar 2015 Malaysia.


Publishing + Internet: media convergence and business innovations of international publishing groups
Ren, Xiang. 2015. "Publishing + Internet: media convergence and business innovations of international publishing groups ." Science Technology and Publishing (Keji yu Chuban).


Creating words in mathematics
Galligan, Linda. 2016. "Creating words in mathematics." Australian Mathematics Teacher. 72 (1), pp. 21-30.


Going cosmopolitan, staying national: identity construction in popular discourses on English as a lingua franca
Saito, Akihiro. 2017. "Going cosmopolitan, staying national: identity construction in popular discourses on English as a lingua franca." International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 27 (1), pp. 263-285. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijal.12130


Computer-assisted language learning: learners, teachers and tools
Son, Jeong-Bae (ed.) 2014. Computer-assisted language learning: learners, teachers and tools. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Edited book

Regional identity and digital space: Connecting the arts, place and community engagement
Anderson, Esther. 2015. "Regional identity and digital space: Connecting the arts, place and community engagement." Queensland Review. 22 (2), pp. 179-190. https://doi.org/10.1017/qre.2015.24


Menzies, Fadden and Moreton's 'Youthful' Captain: the fall and rise of Australian coalition-press relations, 1939-1945
Coatney, Caryn. 2015. "Menzies, Fadden and Moreton's 'Youthful' Captain: the fall and rise of Australian coalition-press relations, 1939-1945." Queensland History Journal. 22 (11), pp. 812-828.


Phonological effects in forward and backward serial recall: qualitative and quantitative differences
Ritchie, Gabrielle, Tolan, Georgina Anne, Tehan, Gerald, Goh, Hong Eng, Guerard, Katherine and Saint-Aubin, Jean. 2015. "Phonological effects in forward and backward serial recall: qualitative and quantitative differences." Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 69 (1), pp. 95-103. https://doi.org/10.1037/cep0000028


Community enrichment program: developing digital learning in rural aged care
McDonald, Lisa and Arden, Catherine. 2015. Community enrichment program: developing digital learning in rural aged care. Bendigo, VIC, Australia. Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal.

Project report

Affective strategies in the academy: creative methodologies, civic responses and the market
Crowley, Vicki and McDonald, Lisa. 2015. "Affective strategies in the academy: creative methodologies, civic responses and the market." Social Alternatives. 34 (2), pp. 6-11.


Engaging community with social research: using social research to develop and evaluate local government community engagement initiatives
Hickey, Andrew, Reynolds, Paul and McDonald, Lisa. 2015. Engaging community with social research: using social research to develop and evaluate local government community engagement initiatives. Sydney, NSW. Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government.

Project report

The hidden reality of war in Afghanistan and Iraq: challenges for the fiction film
Gehrmann, Richard. 2015. "The hidden reality of war in Afghanistan and Iraq: challenges for the fiction film." Drummond, Phillip (ed.) The London film and media reader 3: the pleasures of the spectacle. London, United Kingdom. London Symposium. pp. 630-641

Edited book (chapter)

Pedagogy of us: a critical research study of the experiences of EAL and international nursing students
Terwijn, Ruth. 2015. Pedagogy of us: a critical research study of the experiences of EAL and international nursing students. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis