52. Psychology

Title52. Psychology
ParentANZSRC Field of Research

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Immunity to proactive interference is not a property of the focus of attention in working memory
Ralph, Alicia, Walters, Jade N., Stevens, Alison, Fitzgerald, Kirra J., Tehan, Gerald, Surprenant, Aimee M., Neath, Ian and Turcotte, Josee. 2011. "Immunity to proactive interference is not a property of the focus of attention in working memory." Memory and Cognition. 39 (2), pp. 217-230. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13421-010-0030-7


Constructing and deconstructing binaries in education research
Mander, Alison, Danaher, Patrick Alan, Tyler, Mark A. and Midgley, Warren. 2011. "Constructing and deconstructing binaries in education research." Midgley, Warren, Tyler, Mark A., Danaher, Patrick Alan and Mander, Alison (ed.) Beyond binaries in education research. United States. Routledge. pp. 1-12

Edited book (chapter)

Developing teacher presence in online course
Neuendorf, Penny, Waters, Kristin and Duong, Khaison. 2011. "Developing teacher presence in online course." Barton, Siew-Mee, Hedberg, John and Suzuki, Katsuaki (ed.) 2nd Annual Global Conference on Learning and Technology (AACE 2011): Global Learn Asia Pacific . Melbourne, Australia 28 Mar - 01 Apr 2011 Chesapeake, VA, USA.


Impact of formal institutional environment on innovativeness and performance
Roxas, Banjo and Chadee, Doren. 2011. "Impact of formal institutional environment on innovativeness and performance." Sohal, Amrik (ed.) QIK 2011: Aligning Innovation in Developed and Emerging Economies. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 15 - 18 Feb 2011 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


Socio-economic characteristics of HIV in a South African prison
Gow, Jeff, Grant, Bligh and Colvin, Mark. 2012. "Socio-economic characteristics of HIV in a South African prison." International Journal of Business and Management. 7 (5), pp. 31-39. https://doi.org/10.5539/ijbm.v7n5p31


Distance learners: connected, mobile and resourceful individuals
Andrews, Trish and Tynan, Belinda. 2012. "Distance learners: connected, mobile and resourceful individuals." Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 28 (4), pp. 565-579.


Competition the new collaboration? Employing inter-team competitiveness to motivate health students to learn together
Moran, Monica, Boyce, Rosalie A. and Nissen, Lisa. 2011. "Competition the new collaboration? Employing inter-team competitiveness to motivate health students to learn together." Kitto, Simon, Chesters, Janice, Thistlethwaite, Jill and Reeves, Scott (ed.) Sociology of interprofessional health care practice: critical reflections and concrete solutions. Hauppauge, NY. United States. Nova Science Publishers. pp. 155-168

Edited book (chapter)

Identifying interactive components of the horse-rider partnership during competition dressage
Bridgeman, D. J., Pretty, G. M. and Terry, P. C.. 2011. "Identifying interactive components of the horse-rider partnership during competition dressage." van Dierendonck, Machteld, de Cocq, Patricia and Visser, Kathalijne (ed.) 7th International Equitation Science Conference: Equitation Science: Principles and Practices - Science at Work. Hooge Mierde, Netherlands 26 - 29 Oct 2011 Wageningen, Netherlands.


Beyond observer and observed in reflexive analysis
Midgley, Warren. 2011. "Beyond observer and observed in reflexive analysis." Midgley, Warren, Tyler, Mark A., Danaher, Patrick Alan and Mander, Alison (ed.) Beyond binaries in education research. United States. Routledge. pp. 34-45

Edited book (chapter)

Whole-of-community approaches to reducing alcohol-related harm: what do communities think?
Czech, Suzanne, Shakeshaft, Anthony P., Breen, Courtney and Sanson-Fisher, Robert W.. 2010. "Whole-of-community approaches to reducing alcohol-related harm: what do communities think? " Journal of Public Health. 18 (6), pp. 543-551. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10389-010-0339-5


The development and application of a proxy measure of alcohol-related traffic crashes for rural communities
Czech, Suzanne, Shakeshaft, Anthony, Sanson-Fisher, Robert and Breen, Courtney. 2011. "The development and application of a proxy measure of alcohol-related traffic crashes for rural communities." Accident Analysis and Prevention. 43 (6), pp. 2160-2165. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2011.06.007


Comparing the cost of alcohol-related traffic crashes in rural and urban environments
Czech, Suzanne, Shakeshaft, Anthony P., Byrnes, Joshua M. and Doran, Christopher M.. 2010. "Comparing the cost of alcohol-related traffic crashes in rural and urban environments." Accident Analysis and Prevention. 42 (4), pp. 1195-1198. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2010.01.010


Development of ASB 1: the development of antisocial behaviour in adolescents and young adults
Czech, Suzanne and Kemp, Richard I.. 2010. "Development of ASB 1: the development of antisocial behaviour in adolescents and young adults." Australian Journal of Psychology. 62 (3), pp. 149-159. https://doi.org/10.1080/00049530903334471


Effects of synchronous music use in ultra-distance events
Curran, M. and Terry, P.. 2011. "Effects of synchronous music use in ultra-distance events ." Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 14 (1 (Supplement)), pp. e83-e84. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2011.11.172


In the mood: development of an online mood profiling system
Terry, Peter C. and Lim, Julian. 2011. "In the mood: development of an online mood profiling system." Liu, Suyen (ed.) ASPASP 2011: Turning a New Page: A Refreshing Look at Sports and Exercise Psychology from an Asian Perspective. Taipei, Taiwan 11 - 14 Nov 2011 Taipei, Taiwan.


Thinking about 'thinking together': what can career development practitioners learn from the experiences of teachers?
Dawson, Mark. 2011. "Thinking about 'thinking together': what can career development practitioners learn from the experiences of teachers?" Australian Career Practitioner. 22 (3), pp. 11-12.


Turning points in negotiation
Druckman, Daniel and Olekalns, Mara. 2011. "Turning points in negotiation ." Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 4 (1), pp. 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1750-4716.2010.00068.x


Moving beyond the pleasure principle: within and between-occasion effects of employee eudaimonia within a school organizational climate context
Burns, Richard Andrew and Machin, Michael Anthony. 2012. "Moving beyond the pleasure principle: within and between-occasion effects of employee eudaimonia within a school organizational climate context." Journal of Vocational Behavior. 80 (1), pp. 118-128. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvb.2011.04.007


Management quality achieving excellence in physiotherapy service provision
Jones, R., Jenkins, F., Mueller, J., Boyce, R. and Diener, I.. 2011. "Management quality achieving excellence in physiotherapy service provision." 2011 World Confederation for Physical Therapy Conference (WCPT 2011) . Amsterdam, Netherlands 20 - 23 Jun 2011 London, United Kingdom.


The role of behavioral, normative, and control beliefs in the consumption of Australian products and services by Chinese consumers
Smith, Joanne R., Liu, Shuang, Liesch, Peter, Callois, Cindy, Yi, Ren and Daly, Stephanie. 2010. "The role of behavioral, normative, and control beliefs in the consumption of Australian products and services by Chinese consumers." Australasian Marketing Journal. 18 (4), pp. 206-213. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ausmj.2010.07.001


What can we learn from what works across therapies?
Beel, Nathan. 2011. "What can we learn from what works across therapies?" Counselling Australia. 11 (4), pp. 14-18.


Demand side response to mitigate electrical peak demand in eastern and southern Australia
Marwan, M. and Kamel, F.. 2011. "Demand side response to mitigate electrical peak demand in eastern and southern Australia ." Huang, Qi and Kang, Jason Z. (ed.) ICSGCE 2011: IEEE 1st International Conference on Smart Grid and Clean Energy Technologies. Chengdu, China 27 - 30 Sep 2011 Amsterdam, Netherlands . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2011.10.019


Gestures and phases: the dynamics of speech-hand communication
Treffner, Paul, Peter, Mira and Kleidon, Mark. 2008. "Gestures and phases: the dynamics of speech-hand communication ." Ecological Psychology. 20 (1), pp. 32-64. https://doi.org/10.1080/10407410701766643


Apprentice, collaborator, colleague, competitor: negotiating the trajectory(ies) of a doctoral student: an activity theory perspective
Larkin, Kevin M.. 2009. "Apprentice, collaborator, colleague, competitor: negotiating the trajectory(ies) of a doctoral student: an activity theory perspective ." Ryan, Mary and Gough, Noel (ed.) AARE 2008: Australian Association for Research in Education Annual Conference 2008: Changing Climates - Education for Sustainable Futures?. Brisbane, Australia 30 Nov - 04 Dec 2008 Coldstream, Vic., Australia.


Stigma, stress and emotional labour: experiences of women with chronic illness at work
Werth, Shalene. 2011. "Stigma, stress and emotional labour: experiences of women with chronic illness at work." Laneyrie, Frances, Li, Lizzie and Markey, Ray (ed.) 25th Conference of the Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ 2011): Dialogue Downunder. Auckland, New Zealand 01 - 04 Feb 2011 Auckland, New Zealand.


The effects of personality, social support and religiosity on posttraumatic growth
Wilson, Julie T. and Boden, Joseph M.. 2008. "The effects of personality, social support and religiosity on posttraumatic growth ." Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies. 2008 (1), pp. 1-19.


A critical enquiry into the implementation of the Montessori teaching method as a first step towards inclusive practice in early childhood settings specifically in developing countries
Vettivello, Roshini. 2008. "A critical enquiry into the implementation of the Montessori teaching method as a first step towards inclusive practice in early childhood settings specifically in developing countries ." Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood. 9 (2), pp. 178-181. https://doi.org/10.2304/ciec.2008.9.2.178


The influence of psychological factors on breastfeeding duration
O'Brien, Maxine, Buikstra, Elizabeth and Hegney, Desley. 2008. "The influence of psychological factors on breastfeeding duration ." Journal of Advanced Nursing. 63 (4), pp. 397-408. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2648.2008.04722.x


Environmental sustainability change management in SMEs: learning from sustainability champions
Chadee, Doren, Wiesner, Retha and Roxas, Banjo. 2011. "Environmental sustainability change management in SMEs: learning from sustainability champions." International Journal of Learning and Change. 5 (3/4), pp. 194-207. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJLC.2011.045068


You use! I use! We use! Questioning the orthodoxy of 1:1 computing in primary schools
Larkin, Kevin. 2011. "You use! I use! We use! Questioning the orthodoxy of 1:1 computing in primary schools." Journal of Research on Technology in Education. 44 (2), pp. 101-120. https://doi.org/10.1080/15391523.2011.10782581


Acute psychological responses to qigong exercise of varying durations
Johansson, Mattias and Hassmen, Peter. 2008. "Acute psychological responses to qigong exercise of varying durations." The American Journal Of Chinese Medicine. 36 (3), pp. 449-458. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0192415X08005898


A cultural history of tarot: from entertainment to esotericism
Farley, Helen. 2009. A cultural history of tarot: from entertainment to esotericism. London, United Kingdom. I.B.Tauris Publishers.

Authored book

Exploring the interconnectedness among strategy development, shared mental models, organisational learning and organisational change
Malan, Renee. 2011. "Exploring the interconnectedness among strategy development, shared mental models, organisational learning and organisational change." International Journal of Learning and Change. 5 (3/4), pp. 227-241. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJLC.2011.045070


A qualitative analysis of burnout in elite Swedish athletes
Gustafsson, Henrik, Hassmen, Peter, Kentta, Goran and Johansson, Mattias. 2008. "A qualitative analysis of burnout in elite Swedish athletes ." Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 9 (6), pp. 800-816. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychsport.2007.11.004


Evaluating functional connectivity in alcoholics based on maximal weight matching
Zhu, Guohun, Li, Yan and Wen, Peng. 2011. "Evaluating functional connectivity in alcoholics based on maximal weight matching." Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics. 15 (9), pp. 1221-1227.


Language, culture and social connectedness in our diverse landscape: connecting students and staff through principles of pedagogy in higher education
Dashwood, Ann and Lawrence, Jill. 2011. "Language, culture and social connectedness in our diverse landscape: connecting students and staff through principles of pedagogy in higher education." Dashwood, Ann and Son, Jeong-Bae (ed.) Language, culture and social connectedness. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 1-15

Edited book (chapter)

Assessing environmental stewardship motivation
Bramston, Paul, Pretty, Grace and Zammit, Charlie. 2011. "Assessing environmental stewardship motivation." Environment and Behavior. 43 (6), pp. 776-788. https://doi.org/10.1177/0013916510382875


The influence of learning behaviour on team adaptability
Murray, Peter A. and Millett, Bruce. 2011. "The influence of learning behaviour on team adaptability." International Journal of Learning and Change. 5 (3/4), pp. 257-270. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJLC.2011.045072


The relationship between interpersonal relational competence and employee performance: a developmental model
Carter, Leanne, Murray, Peter and Gray, David. 2011. "The relationship between interpersonal relational competence and employee performance: a developmental model." International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. 6 (3), pp. 213-229.


Engaging students through student voice: negotiating pedagogy
Fraser, Ian. 2011. "Engaging students through student voice: negotiating pedagogy." Abawi, Lindy, Conway, Joan M. and Henderson, Robyn (ed.) Creating connections in teaching and learning. Charlotte, NC, United States. Information Age Publishing. pp. 59-69

Edited book (chapter)