Developing strategic capability through a knowledge network communication work space


Ryan, Charmaine, Rhodes, Debbie and Millett, Bruce. 2005. "Developing strategic capability through a knowledge network communication work space." James, Paul (ed.) actKM Sixth Annual Conference 2005. Canberra, Australia 26 - 27 Oct 2005 Canada.
Paper/Presentation Title

Developing strategic capability through a knowledge network communication work space

Presentation TypePaper
AuthorsRyan, Charmaine (Author), Rhodes, Debbie (Author) and Millett, Bruce (Author)
EditorsJames, Paul
Journal or Proceedings TitleActKM Online Journal of Knowledge Management
Journal Citation2 (1), pp. 82-91
Number of Pages10
Place of PublicationCanada
Web Address (URL) of Paper
Conference/EventactKM Sixth Annual Conference 2005
Event Details
actKM Sixth Annual Conference 2005
Event Date
26 to end of 27 Oct 2005
Event Location
Canberra, Australia

The USQIndex – The Knowledge Network (USQ-KN) is designed to facilitate staff collaboration, knowledge integration and use through a common communication space both within and across university divisions. It utilises a logically central information and knowledge repository that reduces the opportunity for information and knowledge silos to develop and improves the management of access, search, and discovery. USQ-KN further offers knowledge workers the capability to work asynchronously or synchronously on tasks and projects, reduces the opportunity of having multiple working versions of the same work documents on individual desktops, reduces email attachment traffic, and has the potential to reduce time to task or project completion.

This paper focuses on USQ-KN’s pilot study within the Faculty of Business (FOB) which has operationalised the network as a communication space for the strategic management of the faculty. Eight key faculty decision points were identified and the communication space was developed around these decision points. The faculty’s resource centre was developed and ‘experts’ identified at each decision point to be the gatekeeper for the publication of resources to ensure the quality, relevance, timeliness, and security of the available resources.

Initial implementation of the pilot has been in the faculty’s administration department. An initial workshop of administration staff was conducted to introduce USQ-KN and to encourage staff ownership. The administration decision point was chosen as the initial implementation site and performance evaluation measures defined as current usage rates, intention to continue use, as well as interviews of users and/or intended users. Outcomes indicate that there is a favourable perception of the benefits of USQ-KN and an ongoing intention to continued use.

KeywordsUSQIndex; knowledge network; USQ-KN
ANZSRC Field of Research 2020350302. Business information management (incl. records, knowledge and intelligence)
390303. Higher education
460908. Information systems organisation and management
Public Notes

Authors retain copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced or re-used for any commercial purposes whatsoever without prior written permission of actKM. Enquires may be directed to: Webmaster email

Byline AffiliationsSchool of Information Systems
Division of Academic Information Services
School of Management and Marketing
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