The management consulting profession in Queensland: some issues and perspectives


Millett, Bruce, Jocumsen, Graham, Lennon, Alexia, Neylan, Mark and Pedersen, Cec. 1996. "The management consulting profession in Queensland: some issues and perspectives." Browne, Michael (ed.) 10th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (ANZAM 1996). Wollongong, Australia 04 - 07 Dec 1996 Woolongong, Australia.
Paper/Presentation Title

The management consulting profession in Queensland: some issues and perspectives

Presentation TypePaper
AuthorsMillett, Bruce (Author), Jocumsen, Graham (Author), Lennon, Alexia (Author), Neylan, Mark (Author) and Pedersen, Cec (Author)
EditorsBrowne, Michael
Journal or Proceedings TitleProceedings of the 10th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (ANZAM 1996)
Number of Pages16
Place of PublicationWoolongong, Australia
Conference/Event10th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (ANZAM 1996)
Event Details
10th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (ANZAM 1996)
Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference
In person
Event Date
04 to end of 07 Dec 1996
Event Location
Wollongong, Australia

[Abstract]: Academics and practitioners have recently intensified the debate on the relevance or otherwise of organisational and management theory to actual practice in today’s environment. A multidisciplinary team of five academics from three departments at the University of Southern Queensland has embarked upon a study to identify the major issues, perspectives and strategies espoused by leading practising management consultants in assisting their clients to become more effective in managing change within their respective organisations. The initial phase of the study involved in-depth semi-structured interviews of 24 consultants based in Brisbane, Queensland. The consultants were selected on the basis of depth and diversity of experience, size of operation and types of specialisations. This paper reports a number of themes that have emerged from the data analysis to date. In particular, the themes relate to the status of management consulting in Queensland, the quality of Australian management, differences between public and public sector clients, and the role of marketing.

Keywordsconsultants; organisational and management theory; management
ANZSRC Field of Research 2020350710. Organisational behaviour
350709. Organisation and management theory
350711. Organisational planning and management
Public Notes

File reproduced in accordance with the copyright policy of the publisher/author.

Byline AffiliationsSchool of Management and Marketing
Faculty of Business
University of Southern Queensland
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