Wine tasting: to charge or not to charge?


McNamara, Noeleen and Cassidy, Frances. 2015. "Wine tasting: to charge or not to charge?" International Journal of Hospitality Management. 49 (8), pp. 8-16.
Article Title

Wine tasting: to charge or not to charge?

ERA Journal ID19662
Article CategoryArticle
AuthorsMcNamara, Noeleen (Author) and Cassidy, Frances (Author)
Journal TitleInternational Journal of Hospitality Management
Journal Citation49 (8), pp. 8-16
Number of Pages9
Place of PublicationUnited Kingdom
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Web Address (URL)

In Australia there is an inconsistency of practice between cellar door operators as to whether they charge for a wine tasting or not. The liquor licensing legislation in each State permits cellar door operators to charge for a wine tasting. Some charge for tastings but deduct this from any purchase made, some provide food to accompany the tasting and others provide a free tasting. This paper considers the practice from a consumer’s (wine tourist’s) viewpoint. A survey was conducted of wine tourists who have attended a cellar door wine tasting to gauge their attitude about charges for wine tastings and probable impacts on their purchasing decisions. The majority expressed a preference for free tastings and stated they would not stay if there was a charge for tastings. However some tourists were willing to pay in a range of circumstances, depending on the services provided and overall experience.

Keywordscellar door; wine tasting; wine tasting charges; Australian wine tourism; liquor licensing; consumer behaviour; consumer satisfaction
ANZSRC Field of Research 2020489999. Other law and legal studies not elsewhere classified
350804. Tourism marketing
Public Notes

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Byline AffiliationsSchool of Law and Justice
School of Management and Enterprise
Institution of OriginUniversity of Southern Queensland
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