School of Psychology and Wellbeing

Faculty/DepartmentAcademic Affairs
HeadProf Peter Terry

Latest research outputs

1273 results found
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Child sexual abuse in the context of disability
Bryce, India and Glasby, Karen. 2020. "Child sexual abuse in the context of disability." Bryce, India and Petherick, Wayne (ed.) Child Sexual Abuse: Forensic Issues in Evidence, Impact, and Management. London, United Kingdom. Elsevier. pp. 137-158

Edited book (chapter)

Child Sexual Abuse: Forensic Issues in Evidence, Impact, and Management
Bryce, India and Petherick, Wayne (ed.) 2020. Child Sexual Abuse: Forensic Issues in Evidence, Impact, and Management. London, United Kingdom. Elsevier.

Edited book

The Use of Unusual Psychological Theories in Psychobiography: A Case Study and Discussion
du Plessis, Carol and Stones, Christopher R.. 2019. "The Use of Unusual Psychological Theories in Psychobiography: A Case Study and Discussion." Mayer, Claude-Helene and Kovary, Zoltan (ed.) New Trends in Psychobiography. Cham, Switzerland. Springer. pp. 209-227

Edited book (chapter)

Why do we sabotage love? A thematic analysis of lived experiences of relationship breakdown and maintenance
Peel, Raquel and Caltabiano, Nerina. 2020. "Why do we sabotage love? A thematic analysis of lived experiences of relationship breakdown and maintenance." Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy.


The Vocational Psychology of Agriculture: Fiat Panis
McIlveen, Peter and McDonald, Nicole. 2019. "The Vocational Psychology of Agriculture: Fiat Panis." Athanasou, James A. and Perera, Harsha N. (ed.) International Handbook of Career Guidance. Cham, Switzerland. Springer. pp. 459-474

Edited book (chapter)

Experiencing the Journey Together: The Role of Social Support during the Doctorate
Machin, Tanya, M. and Parsons-Smith, Renee L.. 2019. "Experiencing the Journey Together: The Role of Social Support during the Doctorate." Machin, Tanya, M., Clara, Marc and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) Traversing the Doctorate: Reflections and Strategies from Students, Supervisors and Administrators. Cham, Switzerland. Springer. pp. 269-285

Edited book (chapter)

Planning for caregiving of adults with intellectual disability: Australian perspectives
Winterbotham, Sonya. 2020. Planning for caregiving of adults with intellectual disability: Australian perspectives. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

Responding to the accumulation of adverse childhood experiences in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic: implications for practice
Bryce, India. 2020. "Responding to the accumulation of adverse childhood experiences in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic: implications for practice." Children Australia. 45 (2), pp. 80-87.


‘Farming is not Just an Occupation [but] a Whole Lifestyle’: A Qualitative Examination of Lifestyle and Cultural Factors Affecting Mental Health Help-Seeking in Australian Farmers
Vayro, Caitlin, Brownlow, Charlotte, Ireland, Michael and March, Sonja. 2020. "‘Farming is not Just an Occupation [but] a Whole Lifestyle’: A Qualitative Examination of Lifestyle and Cultural Factors Affecting Mental Health Help-Seeking in Australian Farmers." Sociologia Ruralis. 60 (1), pp. 151-173.


Helping children who have been affected by bushfires
Krishnamoorthy, Govind, Ayre, Kay and Rees, Bronwyn. 2020. "Helping children who have been affected by bushfires." Reflections. 2020 (1), pp. 3-6.


Effects of the ‘Circle of Security’ group parenting program (COS-P) with foster carers: An observational study
Krishnamoorthy, Govind, Hessing, Paula, Middeldorp, Christel and Branjerdporn, Melissa. 2020. "Effects of the ‘Circle of Security’ group parenting program (COS-P) with foster carers: An observational study." Children and Youth Services Review. 115, pp. 1-8.


Decent Work’s Association With Job Satisfaction, Work Engagement, and Withdrawal Intentions in Australian Working Adults
McIlveen, Peter, Hoare, P. Nancey, Perera, Harsha N., Kossen, Chris, Mason, Louisa, Munday, Shannon, Alchin, Carolyn, Creed, Allison and McDonald, Nicole. 2021. "Decent Work’s Association With Job Satisfaction, Work Engagement, and Withdrawal Intentions in Australian Working Adults." Journal of Career Assessment. 29 (1), pp. 18-35.


The security to lead: a systematic review of leader and follower attachment styles and leader–member exchange
Fein, Erich C., Benea, Daniela, Izadikhah, Zahra and Tziner, Aharon. 2019. "The security to lead: a systematic review of leader and follower attachment styles and leader–member exchange." European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 29 (1), pp. 106-125.


The impact of localised general practice training on Queensland’s rural and remote general practice workforce
Peel, Raquel, Young, Louise, Reeve, Carole, Kanakis, Katerina, Malau-Aduli, Bunmi, Sen Gupta, Tarun and Hays, Richard. 2020. "The impact of localised general practice training on Queensland’s rural and remote general practice workforce." BMC Medical Education. 20, pp. 1-10.


Effectiveness of Interventions for Hepatitis B and C: A Systematic Review of Vaccination, Screening, Health Promotion and Linkage to Care Within Higher Income Countries
Ortiz, Elizabeth, Scanlon, Brighid, Mullens, Amy and Durham, Jo. 2019. "Effectiveness of Interventions for Hepatitis B and C: A Systematic Review of Vaccination, Screening, Health Promotion and Linkage to Care Within Higher Income Countries." Journal of Community Health. 45, pp. 201 -218.


Effect of Suvorexant vs Placebo on Total Daytime Sleep Hours in Shift Workers: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Zeitzer, Jamie M., Joyce, Daniel, Mcbean, Amanda, Quevedo, Yvonne L., Hernandez, Beatriz and Holty, Jon-Erik. 2020. "Effect of Suvorexant vs Placebo on Total Daytime Sleep Hours in Shift Workers: A Randomized Clinical Trial." JAMA Network Open. 3 (6), pp. 1-10.


Suicidal behaviours and moderator support in online health communities: protocol for a scoping review
Perry, Amanda, Lamont-Mills, Andrea, du Plessis, Carol, du Preez, Jan and Pyle, Denise. 2020. "Suicidal behaviours and moderator support in online health communities: protocol for a scoping review." BMJ Open. 10 (1).


Child abuse and neglect: forensic issues in evidence, impact and management
Bryce, India, Robinson, Yolande and Petherick, Wayne. 2019. Child abuse and neglect: forensic issues in evidence, impact and management. London, United Kingdom. Elsevier.

Edited book

Stimulant expectancy questionnaire for men who have sex with men: a measure of substance‐related beliefs
Mullens, Amy B., Fein, Erich C., Young, Ross, Dunne, Michael P., Norton, Graham and Daken, Kirstie. 2020. "Stimulant expectancy questionnaire for men who have sex with men: a measure of substance‐related beliefs." Health Promotion Journal of Australia. 31 (2), pp. 309-319.


Effectiveness of psychological interventions on young refugees' social adjustment: a meta-analysis
Ahmadi Forooshani, Sayedhabibilah, Izadikhah, Zahra, Renzaho, Andre M. N. and O'Connor, Peter J.. 2021. "Effectiveness of psychological interventions on young refugees' social adjustment: a meta-analysis." Journal of Refugee Studies. 34 (1), pp. 976-992.


Mentoring matters: findings from the APS College of Health Psychologists Survey
Mullens, Amy, Stapleton, Peta, Clarke, Allison and Strodl, Esben. 2019. "Mentoring matters: findings from the APS College of Health Psychologists Survey." In-Psych.


Patience mediates the relationship between mindfulness and pain in patients with cardiovascular diseases
Azizi Ziabari, Leila Sadat, Valikhani, Ahmad, Abouata Amlashi, Mahrooz and Ireland, Michael. 2019. "Patience mediates the relationship between mindfulness and pain in patients with cardiovascular diseases." Mental Health, Religion and Culture. 22 (3), pp. 319-329.


Psychometric characteristics of the Brunel Mood Scale in a Singaporean context
Han, Christie, Parsons-Smith, Renee L., Fogarty, Gerard J. and Terry, Peter C.. 2019. "Psychometric characteristics of the Brunel Mood Scale in a Singaporean context." 15th European Congress of Sport and Exercise Psychology (FEPSAC Congress 2019). Münster, Germany 15 - 20 Jul 2019


Older parents caring for adults with intellectual disability
Winterbotham, Sonya, Knight, Bob G. and du Preez, Jan. 2019. "Older parents caring for adults with intellectual disability." Innovations and Advances in Ageing Well: Joint Conference of the NZ Psychologists of Older People and the Australian Psychological Society’s Psychology & Ageing Interest Group in partnership with the Auckland University of Technology Centre for Active Ageing (2019). Auckland, New Zealand 28 - 29 Jun 2019 Aukland, New Zealand.


Re-evaluating the factor structure of the self-assessed wisdom scale (saws)
Leeman, Trilas M., Knight, Bob G., Fein, Erich C. and Winterbotham, Sonya. 2019. "Re-evaluating the factor structure of the self-assessed wisdom scale (saws)." Innovations and Advances in Ageing Well: Joint Conference of the NZ Psychologists of Older People and the Australian Psychological Society’s Psychology & Ageing Interest Group in partnership with the Auckland University of Technology Centre for Active Ageing (2019). Auckland, New Zealand 28 - 29 Jun 2019 Aukland, New Zealand.


The OnTrack Diabetes Group Therapy Project: Feasibility Trial of a Web-based CBT Program with Conjunctive Group Therapy
Cassimatis, Mandy, Kavanagh, David, Kazantzis, Nikolaos and Mullens, Amy B.. 2019. "The OnTrack Diabetes Group Therapy Project: Feasibility Trial of a Web-based CBT Program with Conjunctive Group Therapy." International Society for Research on Internet Interventions - ISRII: The Next Generation (2019). Auckland, New Zealand 13 - 15 Feb 2019


Cumulative harm: chronicity, re-victimisation and developmental victimology
Bryce, India. 2019. "Cumulative harm: chronicity, re-victimisation and developmental victimology." Bryce, India, Robinson, Yolande and Petherick, Wayne (ed.) Child abuse and neglect: forensic issues in evidence, impact and management. London, United Kingdom. Elsevier. pp. 151-173

Edited book (chapter)

HIV Point of Care Testing (PoCT) at late-night sex on premises venues (SOPV) for gay and bisexual men and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM): a mixed methods analysis
Mullens, Amy B., Daken, Kirstie, Lemoire, Jime, Brownlow, Charlotte, Driver, Glen and Gow, Jeff. 2020. "HIV Point of Care Testing (PoCT) at late-night sex on premises venues (SOPV) for gay and bisexual men and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM): a mixed methods analysis." AIDS and Behavior. 24 (2), pp. 450-466.


Geographic variations in stage at diagnosis and survival for colorectal cancer in Australia: a systematic review
Crawford-Williams, Fiona, March, Sonja, Goodwin, Belinda C., Ireland, Michael J., Chambers, Suzanne K., Aitken, Joanne F. and Dunn, Jeff. 2019. "Geographic variations in stage at diagnosis and survival for colorectal cancer in Australia: a systematic review." European Journal of Cancer Care. 28 (3), pp. 1-16.


Facebook-Based Social Support and Health: A Systematic Review
Gilmour, John, Machin, Tanya, Brownlow, Charlotte, Jeffries, Carla, Gilmour, John, Machin, Tanya, Brownlow, Charlotte and Jeffries, Carla. 2020. Facebook-Based Social Support and Health: A Systematic Review. United States.


The role of masculinities in psychological and emotional help seeking by men with prostate cancer
Goodwin, Belinda C., Ralph, Nicholas, Ireland, Michael J., Hyde, Melissa K., Oliffe, John L., Dunn, Jeff and Chambers, Suzanne. 2020. "The role of masculinities in psychological and emotional help seeking by men with prostate cancer." Psycho-Oncology: journal of the psychological, social and behavioral dimensions of cancer. 29 (2), pp. 356-363.


Cultural validation of the structured clinical interview for diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders in Indigenous Australians
Toombs, Maree, Nasir, Bushra, Kisely, Steve, Ranmuthugala, Geetha, Gill, Neeraj S., Beccaria, Gavin, Hayman, Noel, Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan, Srinivas N. and Nicholson, Geoffrey C.. 2019. "Cultural validation of the structured clinical interview for diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders in Indigenous Australians." Australasian Psychiatry. 27 (4), pp. 362-365.


Strategies for increasing participation in mail-out colorectal cancer screening programs: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Goodwin, Belinda C., Ireland, Michael J., March, Sonja, Myers, Larry, Crawford-Williams, Fiona, Chambers, Suzanne K., Aitken, Joanne F. and Dunn, Jeff. 2019. "Strategies for increasing participation in mail-out colorectal cancer screening programs: a systematic review and meta-analysis." Systematic Reviews. 8 (1), pp. 1-11.


Physical Activity in Peri-Urban Communities: Testing Intentional and Implicit Processes within an Ecological Framework
Olson, Jenny L., Ireland, Michael J., March, Sonja, Biddle, Stuart J. H., Hagger, Martin S., Olson J.L., Ireland M.J., March S., Biddle S.J.H. and Hagger M.S.. 2020. "Physical Activity in Peri-Urban Communities: Testing Intentional and Implicit Processes within an Ecological Framework." Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being. 12 (2), pp. 357-383.


Not quite city and not quite rural: Active lifestyle beliefs in peri-urban Australians
Olson, Jenny L., March, Sonja, Clough, Bonnie, Biddle, Stuart J. H. and Ireland, Michael. 2019. "Not quite city and not quite rural: Active lifestyle beliefs in peri-urban Australians." Health Promotion Journal of Australia. 30 (S1), pp. 72-84.


Therapy dropouts and strategies to reduce them
Beel, Nathan. 2019. "Therapy dropouts and strategies to reduce them." Psychotherapy & Counselling Today. 1, pp. 18-26.


Rural and urban older adults perceptions of mental health services accessibility
Knight, Bob G. and Winterbotham, Sonya. 2020. "Rural and urban older adults perceptions of mental health services accessibility." Aging and Mental Health. 24 (6), pp. 978-984.


A Qualitative Analysis of Internet Trolling
March, Evita and Marrington, Jessica. 2019. "A Qualitative Analysis of Internet Trolling ." CyberPsychology, Behavior and Social Networking. 22 (3), pp. 192-197.


The work-integrated learning program: developing employability skills in psychology undergraduates
Marrington, Jessica Z., O'Shea, Annissa and Burton, Lorelle J.. 2019. "The work-integrated learning program: developing employability skills in psychology undergraduates." Trimmer, Karen, Newman, Tara and Padro, Fernando F. (ed.) Ensuring quality in professional education volume I: human client fields pedagogy and knowledge structures. Cham, Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 241-258

Edited book (chapter)

Ways to use interventions to increase participation in mail-out bowel cancer screening: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Myers, Larry, Goodwin, Belinda, March, Sonja and Dunn, Jeff. 2019. "Ways to use interventions to increase participation in mail-out bowel cancer screening: a systematic review and meta-analysis." Translational Behavioral Medicine. 10 (2), pp. 384-393.


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Acikdeniz, Merve

Adie, Joshua

Agostinelli, Elisa

Alchin, Carolyn Elizabeth

Barclay-Timmis, Victoria

Barry, Jaimie

Barua, Prabal

Basit, Tabinda

Bates, Matt

Beccaria, Gavin

Beccaria, Lisa

Beel, Nathan

Black, Rebecca

Bolton, Brigid

Booth, Fiona

Brinton, Lisa

Brown, Daniel

Brown, Samantha

Brownlow, Charlotte

Bryce, India

Busch, Jennifer

Ceccato, Jo-Maree

Chan, Lynette

Chen, Daniel

Chi, May

Childs, Nicole

Christensen, Steven

Collins, Katelyn

Cope, Adriana

Costanzo, Marcela

Crowther, Tammy

Cullin, Marcella

Daken, Kirstie

Dallinger, Vicki

Dalziel, Victor

Darracott, Ros

Devereux, Mel

Doolan, Karyna

du Plessis, Carol

Duric, Vlatka

Edmonds, Eileen

Edwards, Niki

Edwards, Rob

Eivers, Areana

Else, David

Erdelyi, Kelsey

Fazackerley, Lewis

Feger, Roy

Fein, Erich

Forbes, Meg

Forrest, Lee

Fox, Jessica

Frost, Aaron

Gain, Ada

Gawthorne, Emma

Gildersleeve, Matthew

Girdlestone, Denise

Glasheen, Kevin

Goadby, Elizabeth

Goh, Hong Eng

Goh, Yong

Gonzalez, Carolina

Gregory, Peter

Gunewardena, Niyara

Hale, Maike

Harness, Jacqueline

Harvey, Logan

Hensen, Amanda

Hodgkin, Isabelle

Howard, Glenn

Ireland, Michael

Ireland, Renee

Izadikhah, Zahra

Jayasinghe, Thenuja

Jeffries, Carla

Jones, Ben

Jones, Brett

Joyce, Daniel

Kelly, Eliza

Kidcaff, Andrew

King, Julie

King, Rebekah

Krishnamoorthy, Govind

Lajoie, Genevieve

Landers, Therese

Lim, Jacqueline

Machin, Tanya

Malhotra, Aastha

Mander, Sarah

March, Sonja

Mathisen, Bernice

McCausland-Green, Jean

McDonald, Ellen

McHale, Mala

McMullen, Crystal

McQuillan, Paul

Mullens, Amy

Nepean-Hutchison, Anita

Ottobrino, Simone

Parmar, Sonali

Parsons, Hayley

Perich, Evee

Powell, Nicole

Richardson, Alan

Richardson, Meg

Riley, Emma

Roberts, Casey

Rose, Jayln

Rose, Penelope

Rowe, Arlen

Ryatt, James

Sagaidak, Maryke

Saxton, Kate

Schaffer, Krystal

Schimke, Dayna

Scott, Florence

Scott, Josie

Scott, Riley

Scully, Paul

Senyard, Emma-Leigh

Sharp, Aaron

Sims, Rebecca

Slatter, Grace

Smith, Amber

Smith, Nina

Stanojevic, Istok

Steggall, David

Stewart, Heidi

Stewart, Kim

Tan, Fen

Tehan, Hannah

Terry, Peter

Thirkettle, Hayley

Thompson, Merinda

Walton, Kathryn

Wang, Grace

Ward, Aletha

Ward, Natalie

Ward, Raelene

Watling, Chris

Weeks, Kayhler

Weerasinghe, Sakuni

White, Leonie

Whitlock, Juliet

Wigell, Chris

Wilson, Lee-Ann

Winterbotham, Sonya

Zieschank, Kirsty