School of Psychology and Wellbeing

Faculty/DepartmentAcademic Affairs
HeadProf Peter Terry

Latest research outputs

1273 results found
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Sleepiness: How a biological drive can influence other risky road user behaviours
Watling, C. N., Armstrong, K. A. and Smith, S. S.. 2013. "Sleepiness: How a biological drive can influence other risky road user behaviours." Australasian College of Road Safety National Conference (2013). Adelaide, Australia 06 - 12 Nov 2013 Adelaide, Australia.


In the blink of an eye: The circadian effects on ocular and subjective indices of driver sleepiness
Watling, C. N. and Smith, S. S. 2013. "In the blink of an eye: The circadian effects on ocular and subjective indices of driver sleepiness." Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference (2013). Brisbane, Australia 28 - 30 Aug 2013 Brisbane, Australia.


I know, but I Don’t Care: How Awareness of Queensland’s Drug Driving Testing Methods Impact Upon Perceptions of Deterrence and Offending Behaviours
Watling, Christopher, Freeman, James and Davey, Jeremy. 2014. "I know, but I Don’t Care: How Awareness of Queensland’s Drug Driving Testing Methods Impact Upon Perceptions of Deterrence and Offending Behaviours." Modern Traffic and Transportation Engineering Research.


Continuing to drive while sleepy: The influence of sleepiness countermeasures, motivation for driving sleepy, and risk perception
Watling, Christopher N., Armstrong, Kerry A., Obst, Patricia L. and Smith, Simon S.. 2014. "Continuing to drive while sleepy: The influence of sleepiness countermeasures, motivation for driving sleepy, and risk perception." Accident Analysis and Prevention. 73, pp. 262-268.


What aspects of demographic, personality, attitudes and perceptions of law enforcement influence self-reported likelihood of drink driving?
MacKenzie, Janelle E., Watling, Christopher N. and Leal, Nerida L.. 2015. "What aspects of demographic, personality, attitudes and perceptions of law enforcement influence self-reported likelihood of drink driving?" Journal of Risk Research. 18 (9), pp. 1203-219.


Sleepy driving and drink driving: attitudes, behaviours, and perceived legitimacy of enforcement of younger and older drivers
Watling, Christopher N. and Watling, Hanna A.. 2015. "Sleepy driving and drink driving: attitudes, behaviours, and perceived legitimacy of enforcement of younger and older drivers." Cameron, I., Haworth, N. and McIntosh, L. (ed.) Australasian Road Safety Conference (ARSC 2015). Gold Coast, Australia 14 - 16 Oct 2015 Gold Coast, Australia.


Signs of driver sleepiness and risky sleepy driving behaviours: the associations with demographic, work and sleep-related factors
Watling, Christopher N., Armstrong, Kerry A. and Haworth, Narelle. 2015. "Signs of driver sleepiness and risky sleepy driving behaviours: the associations with demographic, work and sleep-related factors." Cameron, I., Haworth, N. and McIntosh, L. (ed.) 2015 Australasian Road Safety Conference (ARSC 2015). Gold Coast, Australia 14 - 16 Oct 2015 Gold Coast, Australia.


Examining signs of driver sleepiness, usage of sleepiness countermeasures and the associations with sleepy driving behaviours and individual factors
Watling, Christopher N., Armstrong, Kerry A. and Radun, Igor. 2015. "Examining signs of driver sleepiness, usage of sleepiness countermeasures and the associations with sleepy driving behaviours and individual factors." Accident Analysis and Prevention. 85, pp. 22-29.


The influence of social factors and personality constructs on drink driving among young licenced drivers
Watling, Hanna, Hooijer, Johanna, Armstrong, Kerry and Watling, Christopher N.. 2018. "The influence of social factors and personality constructs on drink driving among young licenced drivers." Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 52, pp. 210-221.


Is it safe to cross? Identification of trains and their approach speed at level crossings
Larue, Gregoire S., Filtness, Ashleigh J., Wood, Joanne M., Demmel, Sebastien, Watling, Christopher N., Naweed, Anjum and Rakotonirainy, Andry. 2018. "Is it safe to cross? Identification of trains and their approach speed at level crossings." Safety Science. 103, pp. 33-42.


Student work-study boundary flexibility and relationships with burnout and study engagement
Creed, Peter A., Hood, Michelle, Brough, Paula, Bialocerkowski, Andrea, Machin, M. Anthony, Winterbotham, Sonya and Eastgate, Lindsay. 2022. "Student work-study boundary flexibility and relationships with burnout and study engagement." Journal of Education and Work. 35 (3), pp. 256-271.


Roadblocks and Enablers for Teacher Engagement in Professional Development Opportunities Aimed at Supporting Trauma-informed Classroom Pedagogical Practice
Collier, Simone, Trimmer, Karen, Bryce, India and Krishnamoorthy, Govind. 2022. "Roadblocks and Enablers for Teacher Engagement in Professional Development Opportunities Aimed at Supporting Trauma-informed Classroom Pedagogical Practice." Journal of Graduate Education Research. 3, pp. 51-65.


Organisational career growth: implications for future perceived employability in students who work
Creed, Peter A., Hood, Michelle, Bagley, Louella, Brough, Paula, Bialocerkowski, Andrea, Machin, M. Anthony and Winterbotham, Sonya. 2022. "Organisational career growth: implications for future perceived employability in students who work." International Journal of Educational Research. 112, pp. 1-13.


Characteristics and treatment outcomes of children and adolescents accessing treatment in Child and Youth Mental Health Services
Lu, Zhen Qi, de Geus, Hanna, Roest, Sanna, Payne, Leanne, Krishnamoorthy, Govind, Littlewood, Robyn, Hoyland, Margaret, Stathis, Stephen, Bor, William and Middeldorp, Christel. 2022. "Characteristics and treatment outcomes of children and adolescents accessing treatment in Child and Youth Mental Health Services." Early Intervention in Psychiatry. 16 (12), pp. 1297-1308.


Exploring self-care practices in foster carers: a qualitative study
Miko, Amy L., Berger, Emily and Krishnamoorthy, Govind. 2022. "Exploring self-care practices in foster carers: a qualitative study." Journal of Public Child Welfare. 17 (2), pp. 333-355.


Prevalence and dynamics of distracted pedestrian behaviour at railway level crossings: Emerging issues
Larue, Gregoire S. and Watling, Christopher N.. 2022. "Prevalence and dynamics of distracted pedestrian behaviour at railway level crossings: Emerging issues." Accident Analysis and Prevention. 165, pp. 1-13.


Does distance to hospital affect emergency department presentations and hospital length of stay among COPD patients?
Rana, Rezwanul, Gow, Jeff, Moloney, Clint, King, Alex, Keijzers, Gerben, Beccaria, Gavin and Mullens, Amy. 2022. "Does distance to hospital affect emergency department presentations and hospital length of stay among COPD patients?" Internal Medicine Journal. 52 (3), pp. 403-410.


Validating the barriers and enablers for teachers accessing professional development of trauma informed pedagogy
Collier, Simone, Bryce, India, Trimmer, Karen and Krishnamoorthy, Govind. 2022. "Validating the barriers and enablers for teachers accessing professional development of trauma informed pedagogy." Social Sciences & Humanities Open. 6 (1), pp. 1-7.


Sustaining rural interprofessional initiatives in the current landscape: A short report on interprofessional education in rural health services in Queensland
Martin, Priya, Hill, Anne, Graham, Nicky, Argus, Geoffrey and Ford, Martelle. 2021. "Sustaining rural interprofessional initiatives in the current landscape: A short report on interprofessional education in rural health services in Queensland." Australian Journal of Rural Health. 29 (2), pp. 245-247.


Teaching Mental Health and Well-Being Online in a Crisis: Fostering Love and Self-compassion in Clinical Social Work Education
Gates, Trevor G., Ross, Dyann, Bennett, Bindi and Jonathan, Kate. 2022. "Teaching Mental Health and Well-Being Online in a Crisis: Fostering Love and Self-compassion in Clinical Social Work Education." Clinical Social Work Journal. 50 (1), pp. 22-34.


Self-reported circumstances and consequences of driving while sleepy
Radun, Igor, Radun, Jenni, Wahde, Matyias, Watling, Christopher N. and Kecklund, Goran. 2015. "Self-reported circumstances and consequences of driving while sleepy." Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 32, pp. 91-100.


Getting the Attention of Drivers Back on Passive Railway Level Crossings: Evaluation of Advanced Flashing Lights
Larue, Gregoire S., Watling, Christopher N., Black, Alexander A. and Wood, Joanne M.. 2019. "Getting the Attention of Drivers Back on Passive Railway Level Crossings: Evaluation of Advanced Flashing Lights." Transportation Research Record. 2673 (2), pp. 789-798.


How to be Yourself: Student Perspectives on Learning Use of Self
Newcomb, Michelle, Burton, Judith and Edwards, Niki. 2022. "How to be Yourself: Student Perspectives on Learning Use of Self." Clinical Social Work Journal. 50, pp. 337-346.


Leadership for change: pathways to activism for African women with disability
King, Julie, Edwards, Nicole and Watling, Hanna. 2023. "Leadership for change: pathways to activism for African women with disability." Disability and Society. 38 (7), pp. 1164-1185.


Edwards, Niki. 2008. "Jane." Advances in Mental Health and Learning Disabilities. 2 (2), pp. 49-54.


Disadvantage and disability: Experiences of people from refugee backgrounds with disability living in Australia
King, Julie, Edwards, Niki, Correa-Velez, Ignacio, Hair, Sara and Fordyce, Maureen. 2016. "Disadvantage and disability: Experiences of people from refugee backgrounds with disability living in Australia." Disability and the Global South (DGS). 3 (1), pp. 843-864.


Restrictive practices on refugees in Australia with intellectual disability and challenging behaviours: a family’s story
King, Julie, Edwards, Niki, Correa-Velez, Ignacio, Darracott, Rosalyn and Fordyce, Maureen. 2016. "Restrictive practices on refugees in Australia with intellectual disability and challenging behaviours: a family’s story." Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities. 10 (4), pp. 222-232.


Service user or service provider? How social work and human services students integrate dual identities
Newcomb, Michelle, Burton, Judith and Edwards, Niki. 2017. "Service user or service provider? How social work and human services students integrate dual identities." Social Work Education. 36 (6), pp. 678-689.


Childhood Adversity and Self-Care Education for Undergraduate Social Work and Human Services Students
Newcomb, Michelle, Burton, Judith and Edwards, Niki. 2017. "Childhood Adversity and Self-Care Education for Undergraduate Social Work and Human Services Students." Journal of Teaching in Social Work. 37 (4), pp. 337-352.


Qualitative exploration of psychotropic medication to manage challenging behaviour in adults with intellectual disability: views of family members
Edwards, Nicole, King, Julie, Watling, Hanna and Hair, Sara. 2017. "Qualitative exploration of psychotropic medication to manage challenging behaviour in adults with intellectual disability: views of family members." Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities. 11 (5 - 6), pp. 207-218.


Pretending to be authentic: challenges for students when reflective writing about their childhood for assessment
Newcomb, Michelle, Burton, Judith and Edwards, Niki. 2018. "Pretending to be authentic: challenges for students when reflective writing about their childhood for assessment." Reflective Practice. 19 (3), pp. 333-344.


Addressing transport safety and accessibility for people with a disability in developing countries: a formative evaluation of the Journey Access Tool in Cambodia
King, Julie A., King, Mark J., Edwards, Niki, Hair, Sara A., Cheang, Sarim, Pearson, Anita and Coelho, Sophie. 2018. "Addressing transport safety and accessibility for people with a disability in developing countries: a formative evaluation of the Journey Access Tool in Cambodia." Global Health Action. 11 (1), pp. 1-11.


Human-trafficking prevention is not 'sexy': Impact of the rescue industry on Thailand NGO programs and the need for a human rights approach
Jones, Stephanie, King, Julie and Edwards, Niki. 2018. "Human-trafficking prevention is not 'sexy': Impact of the rescue industry on Thailand NGO programs and the need for a human rights approach." Journal of Human Trafficking. 4 (3), pp. 231-255.


Media participation by people with disability and the relevance of Australian community broadcasting in the digital era
Stewart, Kim, Spurgeon, Christina and Edwards, Niki. 2019. "Media participation by people with disability and the relevance of Australian community broadcasting in the digital era." 3CMedia. 9, pp. 44-63.


Maternal Healthcare Experiences of and Challenges for Women with Physical Disabilities in Low and Middle‑Income Countries: A Review of Qualitative Evidence
Nguyen, Thi Vinh, King, Julie, Edwards, Niki, Pham, Cong Tuan and Dunne, Michael. 2019. "Maternal Healthcare Experiences of and Challenges for Women with Physical Disabilities in Low and Middle‑Income Countries: A Review of Qualitative Evidence." Sexuality and Disability: a journal devoted to the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in rehabilitation and community settings. 37 (2), pp. 175-201.


Older transgender women in Thailand: views of service providers
Hair, Sara Amy, King, Julie, Edwards, Niki and Hayes, Sharon. 2019. "Older transgender women in Thailand: views of service providers." Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services: issues in practice, policy and research. 31 (1), pp. 65-88.


Barriers to disability-inclusive disaster management in the Solomon Islands: Perspectives of people with disability
King, Julie, Edwards, Nicole, Watling, Hanna and Hair, Sara. 2019. "Barriers to disability-inclusive disaster management in the Solomon Islands: Perspectives of people with disability." International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 34, pp. 459-466.


Student Constructions of Resilience: Understanding the Role of Childhood Adversity
Newcomb, Michelle, Burton, Judith and Edwards, Niki. 2019. "Student Constructions of Resilience: Understanding the Role of Childhood Adversity." Australian Social Work. 72 (2), pp. 166-178.


Articulation of a Best Practice Model of Guardianship Advocacy Services: For Older People and People with Cognitive Disability at Risk of Abuse or Neglect
Edwards, Niki, King, Julie, Hair, Sara and Walton, Kate. 2019. Articulation of a Best Practice Model of Guardianship Advocacy Services: For Older People and People with Cognitive Disability at Risk of Abuse or Neglect. Brisbane, Australia. Queensland University of Technology.

Project report

Teaching disability using problem-based learning in the international context: utility for social work
Edwards, Nicole, King, Julie, Pfeffer, Sabine, Lovric, Esha and Watling, Hanna. 2021. "Teaching disability using problem-based learning in the international context: utility for social work." European Journal of Social Work: the forum for the social work professional. 26 (1), pp. 3-15.


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Acikdeniz, Merve

Adie, Joshua

Agostinelli, Elisa

Alchin, Carolyn Elizabeth

Barclay-Timmis, Victoria

Barry, Jaimie

Barua, Prabal

Basit, Tabinda

Bates, Matt

Beccaria, Gavin

Beccaria, Lisa

Beel, Nathan

Black, Rebecca

Bolton, Brigid

Booth, Fiona

Brinton, Lisa

Brown, Daniel

Brown, Samantha

Brownlow, Charlotte

Bryce, India

Busch, Jennifer

Ceccato, Jo-Maree

Chan, Lynette

Chen, Daniel

Chi, May

Childs, Nicole

Christensen, Steven

Collins, Katelyn

Cope, Adriana

Costanzo, Marcela

Crowther, Tammy

Cullin, Marcella

Daken, Kirstie

Dallinger, Vicki

Dalziel, Victor

Darracott, Ros

Devereux, Mel

Doolan, Karyna

du Plessis, Carol

Duric, Vlatka

Edmonds, Eileen

Edwards, Niki

Edwards, Rob

Eivers, Areana

Else, David

Erdelyi, Kelsey

Fazackerley, Lewis

Feger, Roy

Fein, Erich

Forbes, Meg

Forrest, Lee

Fox, Jessica

Frost, Aaron

Gain, Ada

Gawthorne, Emma

Gildersleeve, Matthew

Girdlestone, Denise

Glasheen, Kevin

Goadby, Elizabeth

Goh, Hong Eng

Goh, Yong

Gonzalez, Carolina

Gregory, Peter

Gunewardena, Niyara

Hale, Maike

Harness, Jacqueline

Harvey, Logan

Hensen, Amanda

Hodgkin, Isabelle

Howard, Glenn

Ireland, Michael

Ireland, Renee

Izadikhah, Zahra

Jayasinghe, Thenuja

Jeffries, Carla

Jones, Ben

Jones, Brett

Joyce, Daniel

Kelly, Eliza

Kidcaff, Andrew

King, Julie

King, Rebekah

Krishnamoorthy, Govind

Lajoie, Genevieve

Landers, Therese

Lim, Jacqueline

Machin, Tanya

Malhotra, Aastha

Mander, Sarah

March, Sonja

Mathisen, Bernice

McCausland-Green, Jean

McDonald, Ellen

McHale, Mala

McMullen, Crystal

McQuillan, Paul

Mullens, Amy

Nepean-Hutchison, Anita

Ottobrino, Simone

Parmar, Sonali

Parsons, Hayley

Perich, Evee

Powell, Nicole

Richardson, Alan

Richardson, Meg

Riley, Emma

Roberts, Casey

Rose, Jayln

Rose, Penelope

Rowe, Arlen

Ryatt, James

Sagaidak, Maryke

Saxton, Kate

Schaffer, Krystal

Schimke, Dayna

Scott, Florence

Scott, Josie

Scott, Riley

Scully, Paul

Senyard, Emma-Leigh

Sharp, Aaron

Sims, Rebecca

Slatter, Grace

Smith, Amber

Smith, Nina

Stanojevic, Istok

Steggall, David

Stewart, Heidi

Stewart, Kim

Tan, Fen

Tehan, Hannah

Terry, Peter

Thirkettle, Hayley

Thompson, Merinda

Walton, Kathryn

Wang, Grace

Ward, Aletha

Ward, Natalie

Ward, Raelene

Watling, Chris

Weeks, Kayhler

Weerasinghe, Sakuni

White, Leonie

Whitlock, Juliet

Wigell, Chris

Wilson, Lee-Ann

Winterbotham, Sonya

Zieschank, Kirsty