390102. Curriculum and pedagogy theory and development

Title390102. Curriculum and pedagogy theory and development
Parent3901. Curriculum and pedagogy

Latest research outputs

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Using innovative curriculum design and pedagogy to create reflective and adaptive health promotion practitioners within the context of a master of public health degree
Hickman, Amy, Shelley, Karen, Rutherford, Zoe, Gardiner, Paul, Buckley, Lisa and Lawler, Sheleigh. 2022. "Using innovative curriculum design and pedagogy to create reflective and adaptive health promotion practitioners within the context of a master of public health degree." International Handbook of Teaching and Learning in Health Promotion: Practices and Reflections from Around the World. Cham, Switzerland. Springer. pp. 377-398

Edited book (chapter)

Introduction: Taking the Spectrum of Teaching Styles to Sport Coaching
Pill, Shane and SueSee, Brendan. 2021. "Introduction: Taking the Spectrum of Teaching Styles to Sport Coaching." Pill, Shane, SueSee, Brendan, Rankin, Rankin and Hewitt, Mitch (ed.) The Spectrum of Sport Coaching Styles. New York, United States. Routledge. pp. 1-6

Edited book (chapter)

A conception of practical global citizenship education: locating and situating ‘allosyncracy’
Palmer, Nicholas. 2024. "A conception of practical global citizenship education: locating and situating ‘allosyncracy’." Globalization Societies and Education. 22 (2), pp. 292-302. https://doi.org/10.1080/14767724.2022.2052811


Learning by...knowledge and skills acquisition through work-based learning and research
Fergusson, Lee. 2022. "Learning by...knowledge and skills acquisition through work-based learning and research." Journal of Work-Applied Management. 14 (2), pp. 184-199. https://doi.org/10.1108/JWAM-12-2021-0065


Community solutions for schooling engagement: Two Australian case studies
McGregor, Glenda, Mills, M., Riddle, S. and Howell, A.. 2024. "Community solutions for schooling engagement: Two Australian case studies." Pedagogy Culture and Society. 32 (3), p. 657–674. https://doi.org/10.1080/14681366.2022.2068050


Authentic assessment and work-based learning: the case of professional studies in a post-COVID Australia
Fergusson, Lee, van der Laan, Luke, Imran, Sophie and Danaher, Patrick. 2022. "Authentic assessment and work-based learning: the case of professional studies in a post-COVID Australia ." Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning. 12 (6), pp. 1189-1210. https://doi.org/10.1108/HESWBL-03-2022-0074


Using The Spectrum to assist teachers meet syllabus/learning objectives – WHY?
SueSee, Brendan. 2022. "Using The Spectrum to assist teachers meet syllabus/learning objectives – WHY?" 2022 SITL Zoom Workshop Series: Hearing from the Spectrum Experts. Online 31 Jan 2022


Critical and Collaborative Problem-solving: An Action Research Project on the Development of Cognition-Centred Inquiry for Year 11 and 12 Senior History
Bedford, Alison. 2022. "Critical and Collaborative Problem-solving: An Action Research Project on the Development of Cognition-Centred Inquiry for Year 11 and 12 Senior History." Global Forum on Girls Education III (ISCGS 2022). Boston, United States 27 - 30 Jun 2022 United States.


Relational pedagogy and democratic education
Hickey, Andrew, Riddle, Stewart, Robinson, Janean, Hattam, Robert, Down, Barry and Wrench, Alison. 2022. "Relational pedagogy and democratic education." Riddle, Stewart, Heffernan, Amanda and Bright, David (ed.) New perspectives on education for democracy: creative responses to local and global challenges. New York, United States. Routledge. pp. 200-212

Edited book (chapter)

Why is Peter Dutton trying to start another political fight over the school curriculum?
Riddle, Stewart. 2022. "Why is Peter Dutton trying to start another political fight over the school curriculum?" The Conversation.


Meditation practice by primary and secondary students in Peru: a confirmatory study of health and school performance
Fergusson, Lee, Cabrejos, Javier Ortiz and Bonshek, Anna. 2022. "Meditation practice by primary and secondary students in Peru: a confirmatory study of health and school performance." Revista Innova Educacion. 4 (1), pp. 21-38. https://doi.org/10.35622/j.rie.2022.01.002


O encantamento como pedagogia feminista: rompendo a cumplicidade feminista com a colonialidade
Ramos, Fabiane and Roberts, Laura. 2022. "O encantamento como pedagogia feminista: rompendo a cumplicidade feminista com a colonialidade." Cassiani, Suzani, Giraldi, Patricia Montanari, Conde, Soraya Franzoni and De-Carvalho, Robert (ed.) Resistir, (re)existir e (re)inventar II : pedagogias decoloniais em dialogo com o Sul Global. Sao Paulo, Brazil. Editora Livraria da Fisica. pp. 221-250

Edited book (chapter)

Work + learning: unpacking the agglomerated use of pedagogical terms
Fergusson, Lee and van der Laan, Luke. 2021. "Work + learning: unpacking the agglomerated use of pedagogical terms." Journal of Work-Applied Management. 13 (2), pp. 302-314. https://doi.org/10.1108/JWAM-12-2020-0053


Australian curriculum review: strengthened but still a long way from an amazing curriculum for all Australian students
Riddle, Stewart. 2021. "Australian curriculum review: strengthened but still a long way from an amazing curriculum for all Australian students ." EduResearch Matters: A Voice for Australian Education Researchers. 3 May 2021, pp. 1-6.


Proposed new curriculum acknowledges First Nations' view of British 'invasion' and a multicultural Australia
Riddle, Stewart. 2021. "Proposed new curriculum acknowledges First Nations' view of British 'invasion' and a multicultural Australia." The Conversation.


Aymara childrens’ practice of transcendental meditation in Peru: a learning history model of parent and teacher perceptions
Fergusson, Lee, Cabrejos, Javier Ortiz and Bonshek, Anna. 2023. "Aymara childrens’ practice of transcendental meditation in Peru: a learning history model of parent and teacher perceptions." Journal of Latinos and Education. 22 (3), pp. 893-910. https://doi.org/10.1080/15348431.2021.1876695


Relational pedagogy and the role of informality in renegotiating learning and teaching encounters
Hickey, Andrew and Riddle, Stewart. 2022. "Relational pedagogy and the role of informality in renegotiating learning and teaching encounters." Pedagogy Culture and Society. 30 (5), pp. 787-799. https://doi.org/10.1080/14681366.2021.1875261


Recognition of Prior Learning + Portfolio: A Fortuitous Blending
Lindsay, Julie, Quadrelli, Carol and Cook-Watkins, Clarissa. 2022. "Recognition of Prior Learning + Portfolio: A Fortuitous Blending." 7th Students Transitions Achievement Retention & Success Conference (STARS 2022). Online 04 - 06 Jul 2022


Capacity and opportunity in creating effective summative assessment: The practice based perceptions of early career teachers in Queensland
Brownlie, Nicole, van der Laan, Luke and Burke, Katie. 2021. "Capacity and opportunity in creating effective summative assessment: The practice based perceptions of early career teachers in Queensland." 43rd Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Annual Conference (HERDSA 2021). Brisbane, Australia 07 - 10 Jul 2021 Australia.


Schooling for democracy in a time of global crisis: towards a more caring, inclusive and sustainable future
Riddle, Stewart. 2022. Schooling for democracy in a time of global crisis: towards a more caring, inclusive and sustainable future. Abingdon, United Kingdom. Routledge.

Authored book

A crucial graduate attribute? Embedding feedback literacy into curricula across higher education
Balloo, Kieran, Winstone, Naomi E. and Carless, David. 2019. "A crucial graduate attribute? Embedding feedback literacy into curricula across higher education." Society for Research into Higher Education International Research (SRHE) Conference 2019 . Newport, United Kingdom 05 - 07 Dec 2018 United Kingdom.


HDR Cafe: A Group Supervision Model for HDR Students
Oprescu, Florin, Gray, Marion A. and Verdonck, Michele. 2016. "HDR Cafe: A Group Supervision Model for HDR Students." Picard, Michelle and McCulloch, Alistair (ed.) 12th Biennial Quality in Postgraduate Research Conference (QPR 2016). Adelaide, Australia 20 - 22 Apr 2016 Adelaide, Australia.


More than an ePortfolio: adopting PebblePad as a learning management tool to structure curriculum delivery, track competency achievement and build a graduate entry showcase
Hamilton, Anita, Trahar, Priscilla, Hansen, Angela, Kennedy-Behr, Ann, Verdonck, Michele, Broome, Kieran, Gray, Marion, Bruce, Rosie, Scott, Heather, Miller, Heidi, Taylor, Penny, Hilly, Cate and Bridgman, Marie. 2017. "More than an ePortfolio: adopting PebblePad as a learning management tool to structure curriculum delivery, track competency achievement and build a graduate entry showcase." Occupational Therapy Australia 27th National Conference and Exhibition. Perth, Australia 19 - 21 Jul 2017 Australia. https://doi.org/10.1111/1440-1630.12406


'Getting the Tip of the Pen on the Paper': How the Spectrum of Teaching Styles Narrows the Gap Between the Hope and the Happening
SueSee, Brendan, Pill, Shane, Davies, Michael and Williams, John. 2021. "'Getting the Tip of the Pen on the Paper': How the Spectrum of Teaching Styles Narrows the Gap Between the Hope and the Happening." Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 41 (4), pp. 640-649. https://doi.org/10.1123/jtpe.2021-0164


Redefining and interrogating pedagogical practices
Hillier, Mathew, Jacka, Lisa, Koh, Josiah and Vallis, Carmen. 2022. Redefining and interrogating pedagogical practices. Australia. Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE).


The transformative potential of the signature pedagogies of arts education: a Deweyan pragmatist analysis
O'Brien, Mia. 2022. "The transformative potential of the signature pedagogies of arts education: a Deweyan pragmatist analysis." Australian Art Education. 43 (2), pp. 127-139.


Critical and Collaborative Problem-solving: An Action Research Project on the Development of Cognition-Centred Inquiry for Year 11 Senior History
Bedford, Alison. 2022. Critical and Collaborative Problem-solving: An Action Research Project on the Development of Cognition-Centred Inquiry for Year 11 Senior History. Global Action Research Collaborative on Girls’ Education (GARC).


Negotiating the enactment of the arts curriculum in early years classrooms: Opening spaces to reveal other ways of knowing
Watson, Marthy. 2022. "Negotiating the enactment of the arts curriculum in early years classrooms: Opening spaces to reveal other ways of knowing." Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) 2022 Annual Conference. Adelaide, South Australia 27 Nov - 01 Dec 2022 Australia. Australian Association for Research in Education.


Brain-based Learning: Beliefs and Practice in one Australian Primary School Implementing a Neuroscience Pedagogical Framework
Deans, Christina and Larsen, Ellen. 2022. "Brain-based Learning: Beliefs and Practice in one Australian Primary School Implementing a Neuroscience Pedagogical Framework." Australian Journal of Teacher Education. 47 (10), pp. 18-38. https://doi.org/10.14221/ajte.2022v47n10.2


Beyond instructional leadership: A new model recognising complexity, context and practices
Farwell, Vicki. 2022. Beyond instructional leadership: A new model recognising complexity, context and practices. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Education. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/wq87q

Doctorate other than PhD

Managing expectations: The experiences of early career teachers in Queensland, Australia
Chamlin, Tracey Lehua. 2022. Managing expectations: The experiences of early career teachers in Queensland, Australia. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD). University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/w8w42

PhD Thesis

Looking ahead: Towards a national framework for Australian Enabling programs
Davis, C., Syme, S., Cook, C., Dempster, S., Duffy, L., Hattam, S., Lambrinidis, G., Lawson, K. and Levi, S.. 2022. "Looking ahead: Towards a national framework for Australian Enabling programs." National Association of Enabling Educators of Australia (NAEEA) Conference 2022. Adelaide, Australia 05 - 06 Dec 2022 Australia. National Association of Enabling Educators in Australia (NAEEA).


Realising the vision of technology integration: a case study of K-12 private schools in the United Arab Emirates
Mahmoud, Kheder. 2022. Realising the vision of technology integration: a case study of K-12 private schools in the United Arab Emirates. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Education. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/q7220

Doctorate other than PhD

Future considerations on the spectrum
SueSee, Brendan and Pill, Shane. 2021. "Future considerations on the spectrum." 2021 AIESEP Scientific Conference: Descending the Mountain. Canada 07 - 10 Jun 2021 Canada.


Reconsidering The Spectrum of Teaching Styles and models based practice
SueSee, Brendan and Pill, Shane. 2021. "Reconsidering The Spectrum of Teaching Styles and models based practice." 2021 AIESEP Scientific Conference: Descending the Mountain. Canada 07 - 10 Jun 2021 Canada.


Capacity and opportunity in creating effective summative assessment: the the practice-based perceptions of early career teachers in Queensland
Brownlie, Nicole, Burke, Katie and van der Laan, Luke. 2021. "Capacity and opportunity in creating effective summative assessment: the the practice-based perceptions of early career teachers in Queensland." 43rd Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Annual Conference (HERDSA 2021). Brisbane, Australia 07 - 10 Jul 2021 Australia.


Towards a typology of learning and teaching professional development practice uptake by university academics in Australia
Herbert, Katherine and van der Laan, Luke. 2024. "Towards a typology of learning and teaching professional development practice uptake by university academics in Australia." Professional Development in Education. 50 (5), pp. 862-877. https://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2021.1973068


Student engagement in schools serving marginalised communities
Riddle, Stewart, Howell, Angelique, McGregor, Glenda and Mills, Martin. 2024. "Student engagement in schools serving marginalised communities." International Journal of Inclusive Education. 28 (6), pp. 723-738. https://doi.org/10.1080/13603116.2021.1956605

Case Study

The higher degree by research student as ‘master’: utilising a design thinking approach to improve learner experience in higher degree research supervision
van der Laan, Luke, Ormsby, Gail, Fergusson, Lee and Pau, Maria. 2021. "The higher degree by research student as ‘master’: utilising a design thinking approach to improve learner experience in higher degree research supervision." Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice. 18 (1), pp. 1-20.


Where Does Critical Pedagogy Happen? Young People, ‘Relational Pedagogy’ and the Interstitial Spaces of School
Hickey, Andrew. 2020. "Where Does Critical Pedagogy Happen? Young People, ‘Relational Pedagogy’ and the Interstitial Spaces of School." Steinberg, Shirley R. and Down, Barry (ed.) The SAGE Handbook of Critical Pedagogies. United States. SAGE Publications Ltd. pp. 1343-1357

Edited book (chapter)