Teaching marketing research: preaching what we practice


Lawley, Meredith and Gardiner, Michael. 1999. "Teaching marketing research: preaching what we practice." Cadeaux, Jack and Uncles, Mark (ed.) ANZMAC 1999: Marketing in the Third Millennium. Sydney, Australia 28 Nov - 01 Dec 1999 Sydney.
Paper/Presentation Title

Teaching marketing research: preaching what we practice

Presentation TypePaper
AuthorsLawley, Meredith (Author) and Gardiner, Michael (Author)
EditorsCadeaux, Jack and Uncles, Mark
Journal or Proceedings TitleProceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC 1999)
Number of Pages6
Place of PublicationSydney
Conference/EventANZMAC 1999: Marketing in the Third Millennium
Event Details
ANZMAC 1999: Marketing in the Third Millennium
ANZMAC Conference
Event Date
28 Nov 1999 to end of 01 Dec 1999
Event Location
Sydney, Australia

The teaching of Marketing Research, like many marketing courses, has generally followed the linear process as presented in many popular texts in this area. This paper proposes that the marketing research process should be presented and taught as it is applied in practice, that is, as a reiterative process of refinement and development during the discovery and analysis of the information relevant to management decision making. In making this argument, current models of the marketing research process are reviewed and an alternative marketing research process model is presented. Academics and practitioner alike can use this alternative model in the application and teaching of marketing research.

ANZSRC Field of Research 2020350606. Marketing research methodology
Byline AffiliationsSchool of Management and Marketing
Institution of OriginUniversity of Southern Queensland
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