47. Language, Communication and Culture

Title47. Language, Communication and Culture
ParentANZSRC Field of Research

Latest research outputs

Sort by Date Title
Perceptions of diversity in Australian language policy and planning since the 1990s
Taylor-Leech, Kerry. 2010. "Perceptions of diversity in Australian language policy and planning since the 1990s." Hayes, Anna and Mason, Robert (ed.) Migrant Security 2010: Citizenship and Social Inclusion in a Transnational Era. Toowoomba, Australia 15 - 16 Jul 2010 Toowoomba, Australia.


Pragmatic effects of 'so' in reasons for the sport psychology consultation
Christensen, Steven A.. 2009. "Pragmatic effects of 'so' in reasons for the sport psychology consultation." 11th International Pragmatics Conference. Melbourne, Australia 12 - 17 Jul 2009


Climate change communication in times of uncertainty
Eddington, Ian and Eddington, Noela. 2010. "Climate change communication in times of uncertainty." Leal, Walter (ed.) Commonwealth Climate Change Communication Conference (C5) (2010). Online 24 - 26 Nov 2010


NETPAW and English instruction: reaching out to Australia [Keynote speaker]
O'Neill, Shirley. 2010. "NETPAW and English instruction: reaching out to Australia [Keynote speaker]." ROCMELIA 2010: Colorful Multimedia Language Instruction and Testing. Kaohsiung, Taiwan 17 - 18 Dec 2010 Kaohsiung, Taiwan.


Peer assessment of assignment
Basnet, Badri, Brodie, Lyn and Worden, John. 2010. "Peer assessment of assignment." Richards, Larry (ed.) 40th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2010): Celebrating 40 Years of Innovation. Washington, United States 27 - 30 Oct 2010 Champaign, IL, United States. https://doi.org/10.1109/FIE.2010.5673273


We're here all week: public formation and the Brisbane Queer Film Festival
McWilliam, Kelly. 2007. "We're here all week: public formation and the Brisbane Queer Film Festival." Queensland Review. 14 (2), pp. 79-91.


Refereed proceedings of the national symposium titled Migrant Security 2010: Citizenship and Social Inclusion in a Transnational Era
Hayes, Anna and Mason, Robert (ed.) 2010. Refereed proceedings of the national symposium titled Migrant Security 2010: Citizenship and Social Inclusion in a Transnational Era. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.

Authored book

Forgiveness and interpersonal skills in same-sexed friendships
Passmore, Nola L., Fogarty, Bronwyn T., Conroy, Kathleen L., Zelakiewicz, Pualani M. L. and Rea, Vivienne C.. 2010. "Forgiveness and interpersonal skills in same-sexed friendships." Djokic, Tatjana (ed.) PORIG 2010: Building Resilience through Personal, Family and Community Relationships. Brisbane, Australia 06 - 07 Nov 2010 Melbourne, Australia.


Henry Archibald Lawson
Lee, Christopher. 2009. "Henry Archibald Lawson." The Literary Encyclopedia. 11 June 2009.


Introduction [to Joe Wilson and his mates]
Lee, Christopher. 2009. "Introduction [to Joe Wilson and his mates]." Lawson, Henry (ed.) Joe Wilson and his mates. Sydney, Australia. Sydney University Press.

Edited book (chapter)

A society of country women and the functions of literary property
Lee, Christopher. 1997. "A society of country women and the functions of literary property." Journal of Australian Studies. 21 (52), pp. 138-147. https://doi.org/10.1080/14443059709387304


Sinister signs of professionalism? Literary gang warfare in the 1950s and 60s
Lee, Christopher. 1999. "Sinister signs of professionalism? Literary gang warfare in the 1950s and 60s ." Bartlett, Alison, Dixon, Robert and Lee, Christopher (ed.) ASALA 1998: Australian Literature and the Public Sphere . Toowoomba, Australia 03 - 07 Jul 1998 Toowoomba, Australia.


GUI faces/sticky ethics
Johnson, Laurie. 2010. "GUI faces/sticky ethics." Transformations.


A case study of isolated NESB adult migrant women's experience learning english: a sociocultural approach to decoding household texts
O'Neill, Shirley and Hewagodage, Vineetha. 2010. "A case study of isolated NESB adult migrant women's experience learning english: a sociocultural approach to decoding household texts." International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 6 (1), pp. 23-40.


English language teaching with multimedia
Son, Jeong-Bae. 2009. "English language teaching with multimedia." Im, Byoung-Bin and Jeong, Dong-Bin (ed.) Childhood english education II. Seoul, Korea. Hankook Munhwasa.

Edited book (chapter)

Improving English language and computer literacy skills in an adult refugee program
van Rensburg, Henriette Janse and Son, Jeong-Bae. 2010. "Improving English language and computer literacy skills in an adult refugee program." International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 6 (1), pp. 69-81.


The sociocultural landscape of English: the discursive constructions of attitudes toward English among Japanese undergraduates on a study English abroad program
Saito, Akihiro. 2010. "The sociocultural landscape of English: the discursive constructions of attitudes toward English among Japanese undergraduates on a study English abroad program." 12th International Conference on Language and Social Psychology. Brisbane, Australia 16 - 19 Jun 2010 Brisbane, Australia.


Methodology, the Western, and myself: the West/non-West binary in a non-Western educational researcher's pursuit for a PhD
Saito, Akihiro. 2011. "Methodology, the Western, and myself: the West/non-West binary in a non-Western educational researcher's pursuit for a PhD." Midgley, Warren, Tyler, Mark A., Danaher, Patrick Alan and Mander, Alison (ed.) Beyond binaries in education research. New York, USA. Routledge. pp. 17-26

Edited book (chapter)

Living the punk life in Green Bay, Wisconsin: exploring contradiction in the music of NOFX
James, Kieran. 2010. "Living the punk life in Green Bay, Wisconsin: exploring contradiction in the music of NOFX." Musicology Australia. 32 (1), pp. 95-120. https://doi.org/10.1080/08145851003794018


From 'The Undead Will Feast' to 'The Time to Kill is Now': Frankfurt School and Freudian perspectives on death-metal
James, Kieran. 2009. "From 'The Undead Will Feast' to 'The Time to Kill is Now': Frankfurt School and Freudian perspectives on death-metal." Musicology Australia. 31, pp. 17-39.


An overview of energy profile for Bangladesh: past, present and future uses
Khan, Kamrujjaman, Islam, Md Mainul, Rahman, M. L. and Ali, Md Nawsher. 2003. "An overview of energy profile for Bangladesh: past, present and future uses." 2003 National Seminar on the Role of Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources for National Development (SRRAESND-2003). Khulna, Bangladesh 19 - 20 Dec 2003 Pathumthani, Thailand.


Responding to social networking risks
Huijser, Hendrik. 2010. "Responding to social networking risks ." Directions in Education. 19 (4), pp. 2-3.


Quo vadis: transplanting lives of South African women settling in Australia
van Rensburg, Henriette and Hatoss, Aniko. 2007. "Quo vadis: transplanting lives of South African women settling in Australia." Albion, Majella J. and Collins, Pauline (ed.) 2007 International Women's Conference: Education, Employment and Everything... theTriple Layers of a Woman's Life. Toowoomba, Australia 26 - 29 Sep 2007 Toowoomba, Australia.


Transmit: M/C Journal, Vol. 9, No. 1
Huijser, Hendrik and Collins-Gearing, Brooke (ed.) 2006. Transmit: M/C Journal, Vol. 9, No. 1. Brisbane, Australia. Queensland University of Technology.

Edited book

L1 literacy amongst generation 1b: a study of an Australian Afrikaans speaking community
van Rensburg, Henriette, Hatoss, Aniko and Starks, Donna. 2008. "L1 literacy amongst generation 1b: a study of an Australian Afrikaans speaking community ." New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics. 14 (2), pp. 83-92.


From humiliation to triumph: Sir Henry Parkes, the squatters and the anti-Chinese movement, 1877-1878
Griffiths, Phil. 2010. "From humiliation to triumph: Sir Henry Parkes, the squatters and the anti-Chinese movement, 1877-1878." Journal of Australian Colonial History. 12, pp. 143-170.


Negotiating identity: experiences of 'visiting home' among Chinese Americans
Maruyama, Naho U., Weber, Ian and Stronza, Amanda L.. 2010. "Negotiating identity: experiences of 'visiting home' among Chinese Americans." Tourism, Culture and Communication. 10 (1), pp. 1-14. https://doi.org/10.3727/109830410X12629765735551


The impact of price satisfaction on supplier relationship performance
Somogyi, Simon and Gyau, Amos. 2009. "The impact of price satisfaction on supplier relationship performance." Luxton, Sandra (ed.) ANZMAC 2009: Sustainable Management and Marketing. Melbourne, Australia 30 Nov - 02 Dec 2009 Canning Bridge, Western Australia.


Belonging, being, and becoming: challenges for children in transition
Ebbeck, Marjory, Yim, Hoi Yin Bonnie and Lee, Lai Wan Maria. 2010. "Belonging, being, and becoming: challenges for children in transition." Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education. 4 (2), pp. 103-117. https://doi.org/10.1080/15595691003635864


Culture and identity, 2nd ed.
Austin, Jon (ed.) 2005. Culture and identity, 2nd ed. Sydney, Australia. Pearson Education Australia.

Edited book

A ghost of a chance, after all
Johnson, Laurie. 2009. "A ghost of a chance, after all." Derrida Today. 2 (2), pp. 166-176. https://doi.org/10.3366/E1754850009000505


Review: Between Women: Friendship, Desire, and Marriage in Victorian England, by Sharon Marcus
Bickle, Sharon. 2010. "Review: Between Women: Friendship, Desire, and Marriage in Victorian England, by Sharon Marcus ." Nineteenth-Century Literature (Berkeley). 65 (1), pp. 127-130. https://doi.org/10.1525/ncl.2010.65.1.127

Book review

Local media representations of Islam before 9/11
Brown, Malcolm. 2008. "Local media representations of Islam before 9/11 ." Petersson, Bo and Tyler, Katharine (ed.) Majority cultures and the everyday politics of ethnic difference: whose house is this? . Basingstoke, United Kingdom. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 188-205

Edited book (chapter)

Student perspectives on scholarship: a contemporary issue in higher education
Dashwood, Ann, Lawrence, Jill, Burton, Lorelle and Brown, Alice. 2009. "Student perspectives on scholarship: a contemporary issue in higher education." International Journal of Arts and Sciences. 3 (5), pp. 64-79.


Relational concepts: language, thinking and pedagogy and the spatial metaphor of time
O'Neill, Shirley. 2009. Relational concepts: language, thinking and pedagogy and the spatial metaphor of time. Brisbane, Australia. Post Pressed.

Authored book

Commodifying digital television in China: a socio-linguistic analysis of media discourse, technology deployment and control
Weber, Ian. 2010. "Commodifying digital television in China: a socio-linguistic analysis of media discourse, technology deployment and control." New Media and Society. 12 (2), pp. 289-308. https://doi.org/10.1177/1461444809341442


Call centres, recent history - where have they come from and how did they get here?
Hingst, Raymond D.. 2004. "Call centres, recent history - where have they come from and how did they get here?" 2nd National Call Centre Research Conference. Churchill, Australia 19 - 20 Aug 2004 Melbourne, Australia.


Issues and challenges in language policy research in Timor-Leste
Taylor-Leech, Kerry. 2008. "Issues and challenges in language policy research in Timor-Leste." AILA 2008: Multilingulaism: Challenges and Opportunities. Essen, Germany 24 - 29 Aug 2008 Essen, Germany.


Digital storytelling as a 'discursively-ordered domain'
McWilliam, Kelly. 2008. "Digital storytelling as a 'discursively-ordered domain'." Lundby, Knut (ed.) Digital storytelling, mediatized stories: self-representations in new media. New York, NY. United States. Peter Lang Publishing. pp. 145-160

Edited book (chapter)

Alternatives to questions: language use in UNIPREP classroom discussion
Dashwood, Ann and Wood, Lyndal. 2006. "Alternatives to questions: language use in UNIPREP classroom discussion." International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 2 (1), pp. 99-113.
