47. Language, Communication and Culture

Title47. Language, Communication and Culture
ParentANZSRC Field of Research

Latest research outputs

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Writing women: the virtual cookbook and Pinterest
Antonio, Amy Brooke. 2013. "Writing women: the virtual cookbook and Pinterest." M/C Journal. 16 (3), pp. 1-7.


A conversation with Venero Armanno
Carniel, Jessica. 2005. "A conversation with Venero Armanno." Italian Studies in Southern Africa. 18 (1), pp. 143-159.


Cloudland, Stronzoland, Brisbane: urban development and ethnic Bildung in Venero Armanno's fiction
Carniel, Jessica. 2005. "Cloudland, Stronzoland, Brisbane: urban development and ethnic Bildung in Venero Armanno's fiction." Italian Studies in Southern Africa. 18 (1), pp. 122-142.


Who's the weird mob anyway? Assimilation and authenticity in They're A Weird Mob
Carniel, Jessica. 2012. "Who's the weird mob anyway? Assimilation and authenticity in They're A Weird Mob." Bennett, James E. and Beirne, Rebecca (ed.) Making film and television histories: Australia and New Zealand. New York, NY. United States. I.B.Tauris Publishers. pp. 241-245

Edited book (chapter)

In the spirit of reconciliation: migrating spirits and Australian postcolonial multiculturalism in Hoa Pham's Vixen
Carniel, Jessica. 2013. "In the spirit of reconciliation: migrating spirits and Australian postcolonial multiculturalism in Hoa Pham's Vixen." Kroger, Lisa and Anderson, Melanie R. (ed.) The ghostly and the ghosted in literature and film: spectral identities. Newark, DE. United States. University of Delaware Press. pp. 75-89

Edited book (chapter)

Of nerds and men: dimensions and discourses of masculinity in Nerds FC
Carniel, Jessica. 2013. "Of nerds and men: dimensions and discourses of masculinity in Nerds FC." Ingle, Zachary and Sutera, David M. (ed.) Identity and myth in sports documentaries: critical essays. Lanham, MD. United States. Scarecrow Press. pp. 93-107

Edited book (chapter)

Music in higher education: an emergent social learning environment in a regional university
Forbes, Melissa. 2013. "Music in higher education: an emergent social learning environment in a regional university." 11th Australasian Piano Pedagogy Conference (APPC 2013): Opening Doors: The Complete Musician in a Digital Age. Toowoomba, Australia 02 - 06 Jul 2013 Melbourne, Australia.


e-campaigning in local elections: out with the old, in with the new?
Jones, Dianne. 2011. "e-campaigning in local elections: out with the old, in with the new?" 2011 Local Government Association of Queensland Annual Conference: Dare to be Different. Gold Coast, Australia 03 - 06 Oct 2011 Brisbane, Australia.


The electronic side-step: candidates' communication strategies in a local election
Jones, D.. 2011. "The electronic side-step: candidates' communication strategies in a local election." 2011 Journalism Education Association of Australia Conference (JEAA 2011) . Adelaide, Australia 28 - 30 Nov 2011 South Australia.


Does measurement of intentions allow us to assume behavior? A disaster information seeking perspective
Ryan, Barbara. 2013. "Does measurement of intentions allow us to assume behavior? A disaster information seeking perspective." International Research Committee on Disasters Annual Meeting (2013). Broomfield, United States 16 Jul 2013 Boulder CO USA.


Caring dialogue: a step toward realising the dream of online learning communities
Swann, Jennie and Albion, Peter. 2013. "Caring dialogue: a step toward realising the dream of online learning communities." Carter, Helen, Gosper, Maree and Hedberg, John (ed.) 30th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2013). Sydney, Australia 01 - 04 Dec 2013 Sydney, Australia.


Looking back to look forward: creating and sustaining peer connections through digital communities
Reushle, Shirley and Antonio, Amy. 2013. "Looking back to look forward: creating and sustaining peer connections through digital communities." Carter, Helen, Gosper, Maree and Hedberg, John (ed.) 30th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2013). Sydney, Australia 01 - 04 Dec 2013 Sydney, Australia.


Beyond open access: open publishing and the future of digital scholarship
Ren, Xiang. 2013. "Beyond open access: open publishing and the future of digital scholarship." Carter, Helen, Gosper, Maree and Hedberg, John (ed.) 30th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2013). Sydney, Australia 01 - 04 Dec 2013 Sydney, Australia.


Taste: a bloodless revolution
Finkelstein, Joanne. 2013. "Taste: a bloodless revolution." Hospitality and Society. 3 (1), pp. 57-66. https://doi.org/10.1386/hosp.3.1.57_1


Assessing stories before sites: identifying the tangible from the intangible
Pocock, Celmara, Collett, David and Baulch, Linda. 2013. "Assessing stories before sites: identifying the tangible from the intangible." Lira, Sergio, Amoeda, Rogerio and Pinheeiro, Cristina (ed.) 3rd International Conference on Intangible Heritage 2013: Sharing Cultures. Aveiro, Portugal 24 - 26 Jul 2013 Barcelos, Portugal.


To love-to live: barrow and cart
McDonald, Lisa and Crowley, Vicki. 2013. "To love-to live: barrow and cart." Cultural Studies Review. 19 (2), pp. 290-306.


Bronzed, buffed and tattooed: the new brand of soldier shaped and shipped by popular culture
Gehrmann, Richard and Smith, Heather. 2013. "Bronzed, buffed and tattooed: the new brand of soldier shaped and shipped by popular culture." Mountfort, Paul (ed.) 4th Annual Popular Culture Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference (PopCAANZ 2013). Brisbane, Australia 24 - 26 Jun 2013 Auckland, New Zealand.


The Australian symphony from Federation to 1960
McNeill, Rhoderick. 2014. The Australian symphony from Federation to 1960. Farnham, Surrey. England. Ashgate Publishing Limited.

Authored book

School meaning systems: the symbiotic nature of culture and 'language-in-use'
Abawi, Lindy. 2013. "School meaning systems: the symbiotic nature of culture and 'language-in-use'." Improving Schools. 16 (2), pp. 89-106. https://doi.org/10.1177/1365480213492407


All the World Wide Web’s a Stage: Teenage Girls’ Self-Presentation and Identities Formation Through Status Updates
Pozzi, Megan. 2014. All the World Wide Web’s a Stage: Teenage Girls’ Self-Presentation and Identities Formation Through Status Updates. Masters Thesis Master of Education (Research). Queensland University of Technology.

Masters Thesis

Two Lives of Frankenstein: Text and Moral Compass
Bedford, Alison. 2014. "Two Lives of Frankenstein: Text and Moral Compass." 18th Annual Work-in-Progress Conference: The Life of Things (2014). Brisbane, Australia Brisbane, Australia.


The 'Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner' No More: Marathons and Social Worlds
Robinson, Richard, Patterson, Ian and Axelsen, Megan. 2014. "The 'Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner' No More: Marathons and Social Worlds." Journal of Leisure Research. 46 (4), pp. 375-394. https://doi.org/10.1080/00222216.2014.11950333


Digital Lives: Everyday Digital Literacies
Ostini, Jenny and Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia. 2014. Digital Lives: Everyday Digital Literacies. Toowoomba. https://doi.org/10.4227/113/5936480255168


Integrating mobile phones in English language classrooms to alleviate language anxiety and enhance oral interaction skills of Malaysian undergraduate learners: a mixed methods study
Darmi, Ramiza. 2014. Integrating mobile phones in English language classrooms to alleviate language anxiety and enhance oral interaction skills of Malaysian undergraduate learners: a mixed methods study. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

A case study of Omani English-language instructors’ attitudes towards English and towards native speakers of English in an Omani university
Denman, Christopher. 2014. A case study of Omani English-language instructors’ attitudes towards English and towards native speakers of English in an Omani university. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Education. University of Southern Queensland.

Doctorate other than PhD

Raising literacy levels in Mozambique: The challenges of bilingualeducation in a multilingual post-colonial society
Mataruca, Carlos Quenesse. 2014. Raising literacy levels in Mozambique: The challenges of bilingualeducation in a multilingual post-colonial society. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Education. University of Southern Queensland.

Doctorate other than PhD

An examination of EFL learning motivation in Japanese engineering students.
Johnson, Michael Paul. 2014. An examination of EFL learning motivation in Japanese engineering students. PhD Thesis Doctor of Education. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

'Vi er alle Australiere': the migrant newspaper Norden and its promotion of pan-Scandinavian unity within Australia, 1896-1940
Emmerson, Mark Joseph. 2014. 'Vi er alle Australiere': the migrant newspaper Norden and its promotion of pan-Scandinavian unity within Australia, 1896-1940. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

Extending news interviews: how John Curtin influenced Australian political journalism, 1941-1945
Coatney, Caryn. 2013. "Extending news interviews: how John Curtin influenced Australian political journalism, 1941-1945." Hanusch, Folker and English, Peter (ed.) Journalism Education Association of Australia Conference (JEAA 2013): Redrawing the Boundaries: Journalism Research, Education and Professional Culture in Times of Change. Sunshine Coast, Australia 02 - 04 Dec 2013 South Australia.


Influencing international news: Robert G. Menzies and wartime journalists, 1939-1966
Coatney, Caryn. 2013. "Influencing international news: Robert G. Menzies and wartime journalists, 1939-1966." Hanusch, Folker and English, Peter (ed.) Journalism Education Association of Australia Conference (JEAA 2013): Redrawing the Boundaries: Journalism Research, Education and Professional Culture in Times of Change. Sunshine Coast, Australia 02 - 04 Dec 2013 South Australia.


John Curtin's forgotten media legacy: the impact of a wartime Prime Minister on news management techniques, 1941-45
Coatney, Caryn. 2013. "John Curtin's forgotten media legacy: the impact of a wartime Prime Minister on news management techniques, 1941-45." Labour History: a journal of labour and social history. 105 (1), pp. 63-78. https://doi.org/10.5263/labourhistory.105.0063


The spectre and the stage: reading and ethics at the intersection of psychoanalysis, the neo-Victorian, and the gothic
Gildersleeve, Jessica. 2013. "The spectre and the stage: reading and ethics at the intersection of psychoanalysis, the neo-Victorian, and the gothic." Australasian Journal of Victorian Studies. 18 (3), pp. 99-108.


The church militant? The Church of England, humanity and the future in Doctor Who
Harmes, Marcus. 2013. "The church militant? The Church of England, humanity and the future in Doctor Who." Crome, Andrew and McGrath, James (ed.) Time and relative dimensions in faith: religion and Doctor Who. London, United Kingdom. Darton, Longman and Todd. pp. 221-234

Edited book (chapter)

Gender, memory and illness in Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea
Gildersleeve, Jessica. 2010. "Gender, memory and illness in Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea." McClinton-Temple, Jennifer (ed.) Encyclopedia of themes in literature, volume 3. New York, NY. United States. Facts on File. pp. 901-904

Edited book (chapter)

Her story: Liza's England (The Century's Daughter)
Gildersleeve, Jessica. 2011. "Her story: Liza's England (The Century's Daughter)." Wheeler, Pat (ed.) Re-reading Pat Barker. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 25-41

Edited book (chapter)

Regarding violence in Pat Barker's Double Vision
Gildersleeve, Jessica. 2009. "Regarding violence in Pat Barker's Double Vision." Peer English. 4, pp. 32-46.


Monstrous child: Rosamond Lehmann's war writing
Gildersleeve, Jessica. 2011. "Monstrous child: Rosamond Lehmann's war writing." Philament. 17 (17), pp. 1-11.


Jean Rhys's Tropographies: unmappable identity and the tropical landscape in Wide Sargasso Sea and selected short fiction
Gildersleeve, Jessica. 2011. "Jean Rhys's Tropographies: unmappable identity and the tropical landscape in Wide Sargasso Sea and selected short fiction." eTropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics. 10, pp. 32-38.


Trauma, memory and landscape in Queensland: women writing 'A New Alphabet of Moss and Water'
Gildersleeve, Jessica. 2012. "Trauma, memory and landscape in Queensland: women writing 'A New Alphabet of Moss and Water'." Queensland Review. 19 (2), pp. 205-216. https://doi.org/10.1017/qre.2012.23


Remembering the family home: emotions, belonging, and migrant men in multicultural Australia
Mason, Robert. 2013. "Remembering the family home: emotions, belonging, and migrant men in multicultural Australia." Journal of Australian Studies. 37 (3), pp. 378-389. https://doi.org/10.1080/14443058.2013.813573
