350605. Marketing management (incl. strategy and customer relations)

Title350605. Marketing management (incl. strategy and customer relations)
Parent3506. Marketing

Latest research outputs

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Emerging from my youth - intra-cohort segmentation
Pentecost, Robin, Donoghue, Sune and Thaichon, Park. 2019. "Emerging from my youth - intra-cohort segmentation." International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management. 47 (5), pp. 571-588. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJRDM-06-2018-0113


Consumer engagement with social media marketing in Australia
Deo, Kirtika, Chimhundu, Ranga and Hafeez-Baig, Abdul. 2018. "Consumer engagement with social media marketing in Australia." 2018 International Congress on Banking, Economics, Finance and Business (BEFB- Sydney 2018). Sydney, Australia 17 - 19 Dec 2018


A study investigating the relationships between consumers' cultural values, their functional food perception and behaviour
Neupane, Saugat, Chimhundu, Ranga and Chan, K. C.. 2018. "A study investigating the relationships between consumers' cultural values, their functional food perception and behaviour." Melbourne International Business and Social Science Research Conference (MIBSRC 2018). Melbourne, Australia 27 - 28 Oct 2018


Motivating intention to take action on behalf of an out-group: implications for the use of advocacy messages in social marketing strategies
Summers, Jane and Summers, Jessica. 2017. "Motivating intention to take action on behalf of an out-group: implications for the use of advocacy messages in social marketing strategies." Journal of Marketing Management. 33 (11-12), pp. 973-1002. https://doi.org/10.1080/0267257X.2017.1311933


Consumer behaviour: implications for marketing strategy, 5th ed.
Summers, Jane, Johnson Morgan, Melissa and Volkov, Michael. 2007. "Consumer behaviour: implications for marketing strategy, 5th ed." Quester, Pascale, Neal, Cathy, Pettigrew, Simone, Grimmer, Martin, Davis, Teresa and Hawkins, Del I. (ed.) Consumer behaviour: implications for marketing strategy, 5th ed.. Sydney, Australia. McGraw-Hill Australia.

Textbook (chapter)

Discovering small business strategic marketing decision making behaviour
Gardiner, Michael and Jocumsen, Graham. 2002. "Discovering small business strategic marketing decision making behaviour." ANZMAC 2002. Melbourne, Australia 02 - 04 Dec 2002 Melbourne, Australia.


The role of creativity and project management in enhancing service quality of advertising agencies: A qualitative approach
Levin, Elizabeth, Thaichon, Park, Quach, Sara and Lobo, Antonio. 2018. "The role of creativity and project management in enhancing service quality of advertising agencies: A qualitative approach ." Australasian Marketing Journal. 26 (1), pp. 31-40. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ausmj.2017.10.002


Hybrid sales structures in the age of e-commerce
Thaichon, Park, Surachartkumtonkun, Jiraporn, Quach, Sara, Weaven, Scott and Palmatier, Robert W.. 2018. "Hybrid sales structures in the age of e-commerce." Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. 38 (3), pp. 277-302. https://doi.org/10.1080/08853134.2018.1441718


Dark motives-counterfeit selling framework An investigate on the supply side of the non-deceptive market
Quach, Sara and Thaichon, Park. 2018. "Dark motives-counterfeit selling framework An investigate on the supply side of the non-deceptive market ." Marketing Intelligence and Planning. 36 (2), pp. 245-259. https://doi.org/10.1108/MIP-04-2017-0069


From connoisseur luxury to mass luxury: Value co-creation and co-destruction in the online environment
Quach, Sara and Thaichon, Park. 2017. "From connoisseur luxury to mass luxury: Value co-creation and co-destruction in the online environment." Journal of Business Research. 81, pp. 163-172. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.06.015


Marketing planning challenges in international business: a managerial analysis framework for regional and global strategy development considerations
Mills, Michael K.. 2012. "Marketing planning challenges in international business: a managerial analysis framework for regional and global strategy development considerations." 2012 Regional Development: Connectedness, Business and Learning: Creating Sustainable Communities Workshop. Brisbane, Australia 20 Jun 2012 Toowoomba, Australia.


Aesthetic labor and visible diversity: The role in retailing service encounters
Quach, Sara, Jebarajakirthy, Charles and Thaichon, Park. 2017. "Aesthetic labor and visible diversity: The role in retailing service encounters." Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 38, pp. 34-43. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2017.05.004


Differences between high and low performing exporting firms in a developing country
Sibanda, Khutula, Erwee, Ronel and Ng, Eric. 2011. "Differences between high and low performing exporting firms in a developing country." Zou, Shaoming and Fu, Huifen (ed.) International marketing: emerging markets. Emerald. pp. 207-228

Edited book (chapter)

Emotion and advertising effectiveness: A novel facial expression analysis approach
Hamelin, Nicolas, El Moujahid, Othmane and Thaichon, Park. 2017. "Emotion and advertising effectiveness: A novel facial expression analysis approach." Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 36, pp. 103-111. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2017.01.001


Marketing store brands and manufacturer brands: Role of referent and expert power in merchandising decisions
Chimhundu, Ranga. 2016. "Marketing store brands and manufacturer brands: Role of referent and expert power in merchandising decisions." Journal of Brand Management. 23 (5), pp. 24-40. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41262-016-0003-7


Consumer socialization process: The role of age in children's online shopping behavior
Thaichon, Park. 2017. "Consumer socialization process: The role of age in children's online shopping behavior." Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 34, pp. 38-47. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2016.09.007


An analysis of product-place co-branding: the case of Ceylon Tea
Ranasinghe, Wasanee Tharanga, Thaichon, Park and Ranasinghe, Malanee. 2017. "An analysis of product-place co-branding: the case of Ceylon Tea." Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. 29 (1), pp. 200-214. https://doi.org/10.1108/APJML-10-2015-0156


Dark motives-counterfeit purchase framework: Internal and external motives behind counterfeit purchase via digital platforms
Thaichon, Park and Quach, Sara. 2016. "Dark motives-counterfeit purchase framework: Internal and external motives behind counterfeit purchase via digital platforms." Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 33, pp. 82-91. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2016.08.003


Consumer motives and impact of western media on the Moroccan luxury buyer
Hamelin, Nicolas and Thaichon, Park. 2016. "Consumer motives and impact of western media on the Moroccan luxury buyer ." Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 32, pp. 164-170. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2016.06.010


Segmenting consumers of tomato in Nepal: implications for value chain development
Adhikari, Rajendra Prasad, Collins, Ray and Sun, Ximing. 2012. "Segmenting consumers of tomato in Nepal: implications for value chain development." 22nd Annual IFAMA World Forum and Symposium . Shanghai, China 11 - 12 Jun 2012 College Station, TX, United States.


Relationship management in a value chain involving 'bottom of the pyramid' participants: a case study from Nepal
Adhikari, R. P., Collins, R. and Sun, X.. 2013. "Relationship management in a value chain involving 'bottom of the pyramid' participants: a case study from Nepal." Acta Horticulturae. 1006, pp. 41-48. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2013.1006.3


Are supply-chain relationships more influenced by buyer-supplier relationships or the business environment of the country itself? Evidence from the 'China-Australia' trading relationship
Collins, Ray, Sun, Ximing and Li, Chong Guang. 2012. "Are supply-chain relationships more influenced by buyer-supplier relationships or the business environment of the country itself? Evidence from the 'China-Australia' trading relationship." Asia Pacific Business Review. 18 (3), pp. 391-405. https://doi.org/10.1080/13602381.2011.624359


Segmenting consumers to inform agrifood value chain development in Nepal
Adhikari, Rajendra Prasad, Collins, Ray and Sun, Ximing. 2012. "Segmenting consumers to inform agrifood value chain development in Nepal ." International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 15 (4), pp. 93-114.


Assessment of the Shikarpur Pickle Value Chain
Khooharo, Aijaz Ali, Sun, Tim and Suthar, Velo. 2014. "Assessment of the Shikarpur Pickle Value Chain." European Academic Research. 2 (6), pp. 7714-7731.


Eco-apparel marketing strategy: An innovative approach to overcome marketing barriers
Neupane, Saugat, Chimhundu, Ranga and Kong, Eric. 2015. "Eco-apparel marketing strategy: An innovative approach to overcome marketing barriers." 2015 Academy of International Business Australia and New Zealand Chapter (AIB-ANZ) Annual Symposium: Interdisciplinarity and Methodological Pluralism in Internationalisation Research. Brisbane, Australia 20 Nov 2015 Brisbane, Australia.


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in banking: what we know, what we don't know, and what we should know
McDonald, Lynette M.. 2015. "Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in banking: what we know, what we don't know, and what we should know." Harrison, Tina and Estalami, Hooman (ed.) The Routledge companion to financial services marketing. New York, United States. Routledge. pp. 485-505

Edited book (chapter)

The effects of service quality on internet service provider customers' behaviour A mixed methods study
Quach, Thu Nguyen, Jebarajakirthy, Charles and Thaichon, Park. 2016. "The effects of service quality on internet service provider customers' behaviour A mixed methods study." Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. 28 (3), pp. 435-463. https://doi.org/10.1108/APJML-03-2015-0039


Category captain arrangements in grocery retail marketing
Chimhundu, Ranga, Kong, Eric and Gururajan, Raj. 2015. "Category captain arrangements in grocery retail marketing." Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. 27 (3), pp. 368-384. https://doi.org/10.1108/APJML-08-2014-0124


Compulsory marketing schemes and Section 92 of the Australian Constitution
Gray, Anthony. 2014. "Compulsory marketing schemes and Section 92 of the Australian Constitution." University of Tasmania Law Review. 33 (2), pp. 317-344.


Manufacturer and retailer brands: Is strategic coexistence the norm?
Chimhundu, Ranga, McNeill, Lisa S. and Hamlin, Robert P.. 2015. "Manufacturer and retailer brands: Is strategic coexistence the norm?" Australasian Marketing Journal. 23 (1), pp. 49-60. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ausmj.2014.11.004


A study of marketing implementation in brand portfolio companies
Patrick, Kelly, Chimhundu, Ranga and Summers, Jane. 2014. "A study of marketing implementation in brand portfolio companies." Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn, Kubacki, Krzysztof and Arli, Denni (ed.) ANZMAC 2014: Agents of Change. Brisbane, Australia 01 - 03 Dec 2014 Brisbane, Australia.


Establishing an influence model of green consumption behavior at night market: an exploratory study in Taiwan
Lien, Ching-Yu and Ng, Eric. 2014. "Establishing an influence model of green consumption behavior at night market: an exploratory study in Taiwan." Wang, Chih-Chien (ed.) International Conference on Marketing Studies (ICMS 2014). Taipei, Taiwan 18 - 20 Jun 2014 Taipei, Taiwan.


Marketing strategy for eco-apparel
Neupane, Saugat. 2015. Marketing strategy for eco-apparel. Masters Thesis Master of Business (Research). University of Southern Queensland.

Masters Thesis

The importance of trust in procurement practices and its impact on business performance: an empirical investigation from the perspective of the buyer-supplier Dyad
Dahwa, Masimba Phillip, Al-Hakim, Latif and Ng, Eric. 2013. "The importance of trust in procurement practices and its impact on business performance: an empirical investigation from the perspective of the buyer-supplier Dyad." Journal of Relationship Marketing. 12 (4), pp. 280-300. https://doi.org/10.1080/15332667.2013.846768


Private label brand trends in the grocery retail industry
Chimhundu, Ranga and Chadee, Doren. 2013. "Private label brand trends in the grocery retail industry." Journal of Euromarketing. 22 (1/2), pp. 36-47.


Grower communication: a winery imperative
Somogyi, Simon. 2008. "Grower communication: a winery imperative." Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker.


The development of a multi variant model for market intelligence data gathering for Australian micro businesses and SMEs
Ross, Pauline and Styger, Lee. 2013. "The development of a multi variant model for market intelligence data gathering for Australian micro businesses and SMEs." Davidsson, Per (ed.) 2nd Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange Conference (ACERE 2013). Brisbane, Australia 06 - 08 Feb 2013 Brisbane, Australia.


Strategies to improve retention of postgraduate business students in distance education courses: an Australian case
Carroll, David, Ng, Eric and Birch, Dawn. 2013. "Strategies to improve retention of postgraduate business students in distance education courses: an Australian case." Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education. 14 (1), pp. 140-153.


How to implement marketing strategies using database approaches
McClymont, Hoda and Jocumsen, Graham. 2003. "How to implement marketing strategies using database approaches." Journal of Database Marketing and Customer Strategy Management. 11 (2), pp. 135-148. https://doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.dbm.3240214


A simplified scale for assessing current impact of climate change in the Pacific region
Macfarlane, M.. 2012. "A simplified scale for assessing current impact of climate change in the Pacific region." Climate Adaptation in Action 2012: Sharing Knowledge to Adapt (NCCARF 2012). Melbourne, Australia 26 - 28 Jun 2012 Brisbane, Australia.
