350711. Organisational planning and management
Title | 350711. Organisational planning and management |
Parent | 3507. Strategy, management and organisational behaviour |
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Lifecycle project management
McGrath, Steve. 2006. "Lifecycle project management." Project Management Strategies for Team Leaders and Managers in the Public Sector 2006. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 06 - 07 Dec 2006 Kuala Lumpur.Paper
OnQ - a journey through project, program and portfolio methodology
McGrath, S. K.. 2005. "OnQ - a journey through project, program and portfolio methodology." 2nd Annual Project Management Australia Conference (PMOz 2005): Projects: Making it Happen. Brisbane, Australia 30 Aug - 02 Sep 2005 Sydney, Australia.Paper
Changing culture in a government department
McGrath, Steve. 2003. "Changing culture in a government department." 3rd World Project Management Week Conference 2003. Gold Coast, Australia 24 - 28 Mar 2003 Sydney, Australia.Paper
Integrating project, program, portfolio, asset and corporate management
McGrath, Stephen K.. 2007. "Integrating project, program, portfolio, asset and corporate management." 4th Annual Project Management Australia Conference (PMOz 2007): Creating Success. Gold Coast, Australia 28 - 31 Aug 2007 Australia.Paper
Carbon offsetting by Queensland local government
Zeppel, Heather. 2013. "Carbon offsetting by Queensland local government." Research Colloquia and Showcase 2013. Springfield, Australia 12 - 13 Jun 2013 Brisbane, Australia.Paper
The effect of emotions on an individual's decision to accept organizational change following a merger
Kavanagh, Marie H. and Windsor, Carolyn A.. 2007. "The effect of emotions on an individual's decision to accept organizational change following a merger." Ashkanasy, Neal M. and Griffiths, Paul E. (ed.) International Symposium on Research in Emotions (ISRE 2007). Sunshine Coast, Australia 11 - 14 Jul 2007 Brisbane, Australia.Paper
Making strategic decisions on B2B E-commerce models: an empirical study on Australian agribusinesses
Ng, Eric. 2013. "Making strategic decisions on B2B E-commerce models: an empirical study on Australian agribusinesses." International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies. 4 (1), pp. 1-20. https://doi.org/10.7903/ijecs.995Article
Combining theory, survey methodology, and database technologies in support of an organisational climate improvement strategy research
Fogarty, Gerard J. and Machin, Tony. 2013. "Combining theory, survey methodology, and database technologies in support of an organisational climate improvement strategy research." Lacey, Ron (ed.) Advances in organisational research methods and analysis, Australia. New York, United States. Chamber & Row. pp. 86-98Edited book (chapter)
Management skills and accessing to finance: evidence from Libya's SMEs
Zarook, Tarek, Rahman, Mohammad Mafizur and Khanam, Rasheda. 2013. "Management skills and accessing to finance: evidence from Libya's SMEs." International Journal of Business and Social Science. 4 (7), pp. 106-115.Article
The role of human resource strategies and practices in developing intellectual capital for innovation in nonprofit organizations
Kong, Eric. 2013. "The role of human resource strategies and practices in developing intellectual capital for innovation in nonprofit organizations." Ordonez de Pablos, Patricia, Tennyson, Robert D. and Zhao, Jingyuan (ed.) Intellectual capital strategy management for knowledge-based organizations. Hershey, PA. United States. IGI Global. pp. 174-194Edited book (chapter)
Understanding and implementing strategic asset management at the University of Southern Queensland
Povey, David and Peach, Neil. 2013. "Understanding and implementing strategic asset management at the University of Southern Queensland ." Facilities. 31 (7/8), pp. 343-356. https://doi.org/10.1108/02632771311317484Article
Infrastructure asset management (IAM): evolution and evaluation
Too, Eric and Tay, Linda. 2008. "Infrastructure asset management (IAM): evolution and evaluation." Haigh, Richard and Amaratunga, Dilanthi (ed.) CIB International Conference on Building Education and Research (BEAR 2008): Building Resilience. Heritance Kandalama, Sri Lanka 11 - 15 Feb 2008Paper
Library research support in Queensland: a survey
Richardson, Joanna, Nolan-Brown, Therese, Loria, Pat and Bradbury, Stephanie. 2012. "Library research support in Queensland: a survey." Australian Academic and Research Libraries. 43 (4), pp. 258-277.Article
From training to learning in enterprise resource planning systems
Kerr, Don, Murray, Peter A. and Burgess, Kevin. 2012. "From training to learning in enterprise resource planning systems." International Journal of Learning and Change. 6 (1/2), pp. 18-32. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJLC.2012.045854Article
Adopting organisation learning theory in the classroom: advancing learning through the use of blogging and self-reflection
Hume, Margee. 2012. "Adopting organisation learning theory in the classroom: advancing learning through the use of blogging and self-reflection." International Journal of Learning and Change. 6 (1-2), pp. 49-65. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJLC.2012.045856Article
Improving competitive strategic planning concepts: a study to enhance professional practice in professional services
Yap, Teow Hiong. 2013. Improving competitive strategic planning concepts: a study to enhance professional practice in professional services. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Professional Studies. University of Southern Queensland.Doctorate other than PhD
An empirical study of manufacturing flexibility of exporting firms in China: how do strategic and organizational contexts matter?
Li, Ling-yee and Ogunmokun, Gabriel O.. 2008. "An empirical study of manufacturing flexibility of exporting firms in China: how do strategic and organizational contexts matter?" Industrial Marketing Management. 37 (6), pp. 738-751. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2007.05.007Article
Capability model to improve infrastructure asset performance
Too, Eric G.. 2012. "Capability model to improve infrastructure asset performance." Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 138 (7), pp. 885-896. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0000489Article
On the day of surgery: how long does preventable disruption prolong the patient journey?
Al-Hakim, Latif and Gong, Xiao Yan. 2012. "On the day of surgery: how long does preventable disruption prolong the patient journey?" International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance. 25 (4), pp. 322-342. https://doi.org/10.1108/09526861211221509Article
Predicting normalised monthly patterns of domestic external water demand using rainfall and temperature data
Taylor, B. A.. 2012. "Predicting normalised monthly patterns of domestic external water demand using rainfall and temperature data." Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 12 (2), pp. 168-178. https://doi.org/10.2166/ws.2012.125Article
Social intelligence and top management team: an exploratory study of external knowledge acquisition for strategic change in global IT service providers in India
Kong, Eric, Chadee, Doren and Raman, Revti. 2012. "Social intelligence and top management team: an exploratory study of external knowledge acquisition for strategic change in global IT service providers in India." International Journal of Learning and Change. 6 (1/2), pp. 1-17.Article
The fit of mobile work support functionalities with pharmaceutical sales-force worker tasks
Lembach, Markus and Lane, Michael Steven. 2011. "The fit of mobile work support functionalities with pharmaceutical sales-force worker tasks." Siriluck, Rotchanakitumnuai / RS and Kaewkitipong, Laddawan / KL (ed.) 11th International Conference on Electronic Business: Borderless e-Business for the Next Decade (ICEB 2011). Bangkok, Thailand 28 Nov - 02 Dec 2011 Bangkok Thailand.Paper
Building leadership capacity of engineering academics in a leadership vacuum constructed within a participatory group to engage a professional body
Goh, Steven, Hartle, Todd and Brodie, Megan. 2011. "Building leadership capacity of engineering academics in a leadership vacuum constructed within a participatory group to engage a professional body." Hernandez, Wilmar (ed.) Research in Engineering Education Symposium (REES 2011) . Madrid, Spain 04 - 07 Oct 2011 Madrid, Spain.Paper
A marriage of convenience: the Hervey Bay University/Public Library, Queensland
Parker, Jo and Strachan, Brenda. 2011. "A marriage of convenience: the Hervey Bay University/Public Library, Queensland." Bundy, Alan (ed.) 2nd International Conference on Joint Use Libraries: Connection and Convergence. Adelaide, South Australia 03 - 04 Nov 2011 Blackwood, South Australia .Paper
Carbon and energy price increases - how can companies prepare themselves for rising energy costs?
Nissen, Ulrich. 2011. "Carbon and energy price increases - how can companies prepare themselves for rising energy costs? " 2011 Annual Energy Users Association of Australia Queensland Energy Forum (QEF 2011) . Brisbane, Australia 25 May 2011 Melbourne, Australia.Paper
Access without support is not opportunity...but stop singling them out!
White, Christie. 2011. "Access without support is not opportunity...but stop singling them out!" Journal of the Australia and New Zealand Student Services Association.Article
Leadership for learning: what it means for teachers
Lovett, Susan and Andrews, Dorothy. 2011. "Leadership for learning: what it means for teachers." Townsend, Tony and MacBeath, John (ed.) International handbook of leadership for learning. Part 2. Dordrecht, Netherlands. Springer. pp. 719-740Edited book (chapter)
A confirmatory factor analysis on the views and constructs for knowledge management in India
Gururajan, Raj, Hafeez-Baig, Abdul and Tsai, Heng-Sheng. 2012. "A confirmatory factor analysis on the views and constructs for knowledge management in India." Computer Technology and Application. 3 (1), pp. 98-104.Article
Existentialism, evolution, and the matter of project management enquiry
Whitty, Stephen Jonathan. 2011. "Existentialism, evolution, and the matter of project management enquiry." 25th IPMA World Congress: Project Management - Delivering the Promise. Brisbane, Australia 09 - 12 Oct 2011 Sydney, Australia.Paper
Corporate governance quality and voluntary disclosures of corporate governance information: practices of listed Malaysian family controlled businesses
Lokman, Norziana, Mula, Joseph M. and Cotter, Julie. 2011. "Corporate governance quality and voluntary disclosures of corporate governance information: practices of listed Malaysian family controlled businesses." Doyle, Karen (ed.) FBA 2011: Family Business Research, Practice and Policy: Interpretation and Integration . Perth, Australia 31 Aug 2011 Sydney, Australia.Paper
Productivity and efficiency measurement techniques: Identifying the efficacy of techniques for financial Institutions in developing countries
Jayamaha, Ariyarathna and Mula, Joseph M.. 2011. "Productivity and efficiency measurement techniques: Identifying the efficacy of techniques for financial Institutions in developing countries." Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences. 2 (5), pp. 454-460.Article
Strategy diversity in Australian family owned businesses: impact of environment induced constraints
Moores, Ken and Mula, Joe. 2011. "Strategy diversity in Australian family owned businesses: impact of environment induced constraints." Moores, Ken and Craig, Justin B. (ed.) Understanding family enterprise: a book of readings. Gold Coast, Australia. Bond University Press. pp. 309-319Edited book (chapter)
Assessing 'strategic conservatism' of Australian family firms: an examination of strategies and funding for growth
Moores, Ken and Mula, Joseph. 2011. "Assessing 'strategic conservatism' of Australian family firms: an examination of strategies and funding for growth." Moores, Ken and Craig, Justin B. (ed.) Understanding family enterprise: a book of readings. Gold Coast, Australia. Bond University Press. pp. 295-308Edited book (chapter)
The second C-B dynamic: organizational diagnosis and coherence
Crowther, Frank and Jeyaraj, Senthu. 2011. "The second C-B dynamic: organizational diagnosis and coherence." Crowther, Frank (ed.) From school improvement to sustained capacity: the parallel leadership pathway. Thousand Oaks, California, United States. Corwin (Sage). pp. 45-63Edited book (chapter)
The role of strategic planning and HR managerial involvement and types and sources of analytic information on SME performance
Innes, Peter and Wiesner, Retha. 2011. "The role of strategic planning and HR managerial involvement and types and sources of analytic information on SME performance." Sohal, Amrik (ed.) QIK 2011: Aligning Innovation in Developed and Emerging Economies. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 15 - 18 Feb 2011 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.Paper
Business performance and organisational sustainability – lessons from the first 2 years of ACSBD
Cole, John. 2011. "Business performance and organisational sustainability – lessons from the first 2 years of ACSBD." Building Business Communities: Justice, Performance and Change Creating a Sustainable Scholarly Community Colloquia (2011). Brisbane, Australia 09 Nov 2011 Toowoomba, Australia.Paper
Insights from complexity for organisations
Whitty, Jon. 2011. "Insights from complexity for organisations." Building Business Communities: Justice, Performance and Change Creating a Sustainable Scholarly Community Colloquia (2011). Brisbane, Australia 09 Nov 2011 Toowoomba, Australia.Paper
Building social and community cohesion: the role of social enterprises in facilitating settlement experiences for immigrants from non-English speaking backgrounds
Kong, Eric. 2011. "Building social and community cohesion: the role of social enterprises in facilitating settlement experiences for immigrants from non-English speaking backgrounds." International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. 6 (3), pp. 115-128.Article
Business ethics competencies: KSAOS for business ethics practitioners
Cramm, David S.. 2012. Business ethics competencies: KSAOS for business ethics practitioners. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Business Administation. University of Southern Queensland.Doctorate other than PhD
The utilisation of organisational learning capabilities for organisational sustainability
Demetrius, David G.. 2012. The utilisation of organisational learning capabilities for organisational sustainability. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Business Administation. University of Southern Queensland.Doctorate other than PhD