399999. Other education not elsewhere classified

Title399999. Other education not elsewhere classified
Parent3999. Other Education

Latest research outputs

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The novice literacy coach: exploring motivation and persistence in the face of challenge
Larsen, Ellen and Allen, Jeanne. 2014. "The novice literacy coach: exploring motivation and persistence in the face of challenge." Annual International Australian Association for Research in Education National Conference 2014 (AARE 2014). Brisbane, Australia 01 - 05 Nov 2014 Australia.


Comparing academic workload models: how Australian universities resource teaching activities
Dekeyser, Stijn, Watson, Richard and Bare, Elizabeth. 2016. "Comparing academic workload models: how Australian universities resource teaching activities." Dobson, Ian R. and Sharma, Raj (ed.) Tertiary Education and Management Conference 2016: From Rhetoric to Reality (TEMC 2016). Auckland, New Zealand 11 - 14 Sep 2016 Australia.


Design transformations: teaching design through evaluations
Morrison, Ann and Knoche, Hendrik. 2014. "Design transformations: teaching design through evaluations." Kybernetes: the international journal of systems, cybernetics and management. 43 (9/10), pp. 1372-1380. https://doi.org/10.1108/K-07-2014-0153


Investigating creative arts practices in Australian home education through design-based research: entering the research maze with the spirit of adventure
Burke, Katie. 2016. "Investigating creative arts practices in Australian home education through design-based research: entering the research maze with the spirit of adventure." Rossi, Dolene, Gacenga, Francis and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) Navigating the education research maze: contextual, conceptual, methodological and transformational challenges and opportunities for researchers. Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 115-130

Edited book (chapter)

When research policy and practice disconnect
Farwell, Vicki. 2016. "When research policy and practice disconnect." Trimmer, Karen (ed.) Political pressures on educational and social research: international perspectives. Oxon, United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 150-166

Edited book (chapter)

The First C-B Dynamic: Committing to Revitalization
Crowther, Frank and Lewis, Marian. 2011. "The First C-B Dynamic: Committing to Revitalization ." Crowther, Frank (ed.) From School Improvement to Sustained Capacity: The Parallel Leadership Pathway. Thousand Oaks, California, United States. Corwin. pp. 23-43

Edited book (chapter)

Investing in Australian youth: a community organisation that makes a difference.
Dowden, Tony and Drager, Mark. 2016. "Investing in Australian youth: a community organisation that makes a difference." Australian Journal of Middle Schooling. 16 (1), pp. 22-25.


Leading, managing and participating in inter-university teaching grant collaborations
Willcoxson, Lesley, Kavanagh, Marie and Cheung, Lily. 2011. "Leading, managing and participating in inter-university teaching grant collaborations." Higher Education Research and Development. 30 (4), pp. 533-548. https://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2010.526095


Home is where the art is: using design-based research to support arts engagement in Australian home education
Burke, Katie. 2016. "Home is where the art is: using design-based research to support arts engagement in Australian home education." Australian Art Education. 37 (2), pp. 133-150.


Personality profiles, learning styles, and the Japanese student: an exploratory study
Moreno, Audrey and Bartlett, Kevin. 2016. "Personality profiles, learning styles, and the Japanese student: an exploratory study." Kwansei Gakuin University Humanities Review. 21, pp. 73-80.


Editors' introduction: the World Alliance for Arts Education: forging forward in and through the arts
Barton, Georgina and Baguley, Margaret. 2017. "Editors' introduction: the World Alliance for Arts Education: forging forward in and through the arts." Barton, Georgina and Baguley, Margaret (ed.) The Palgrave handbook of global arts education. Basingstoke, United Kingdom. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 1-16

Edited book (chapter)

Parents’ Interpretations of Screen Time Recommendations for Children Younger Than 2 Years
Brown, Alice and Smolenaers, Emma. 2018. "Parents’ Interpretations of Screen Time Recommendations for Children Younger Than 2 Years." Journal of Family Issues. 39 (2), pp. 406-429. https://doi.org/10.1177/0192513X16646595


Applying the five R's to traditional assessment
Kille, Tarryn, Bates, Paul and Murray, Patrick. 2015. "Applying the five R's to traditional assessment." Morgan, Robin K., Olivares, Kimberly T. and Becker, Jon (ed.) Quick hits for adjunct faculty and lecturers: successful strategies from award-winning teachers. Bloomington, Indiana. Indiana University Press. pp. 36-38

Edited book (chapter)

Multiple perspectives on the value(s) of Australian teacher education: dialogical pedagogy for and by domestic and international students and staff members
van Rensburg, Henriette, Temmerman, Nita, Tamatea, Laurence, Midgley, Warren, Dashwood, Ann and Danaher, P. A.. 2011. "Multiple perspectives on the value(s) of Australian teacher education: dialogical pedagogy for and by domestic and international students and staff members." Eckersley, Bill and White, Simone (ed.) 2011 Australian Teacher Education Association Conference (2011 ATEA). Melbourne, Australia 03 - 06 Jul 2011 Melbourne, Australia. Australian Teacher Education Association.


Imagining and reimagining the role of participants in education research: ethics, epistemologies, and methods
Danaher, Patrick Alan, Baguley, Margaret and Midgley, Warren. 2013. "Imagining and reimagining the role of participants in education research: ethics, epistemologies, and methods." Midgley, Warren, Danaher, Patrick Alan and Baguley, Margaret (ed.) The role of participants in education research: ethics, epistemologies, and methods. Abingdon, Oxon. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 1-10

Edited book (chapter)

Creativity and collaboration in the education sector
Baguley, Margaret, Midgley, Warren and Kerby, Martin. 2013. "Creativity and collaboration in the education sector." International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 8 (1), pp. 53-54. https://doi.org/10.5172/ijpl.2013.8.1.53


Economy’s gaze: childhood, motherhood and ‘exemplary ordinariness’ in popular parenting magazines
Saltmarsh, Sue and North, Anna. 2011. "Economy’s gaze: childhood, motherhood and ‘exemplary ordinariness’ in popular parenting magazines." Global Studies of Childhood. 1 (4), pp. 314-320. https://doi.org/10.2304/gsch.2011.1.4.314


Open learning and formal credentialing in higher education: curriculum models and institutional policies
Reushle, Shirley, Antonio, Amy and Keppell, Mike (ed.) 2016. Open learning and formal credentialing in higher education: curriculum models and institutional policies. Hershey, PA, United States. IGI Global.

Edited book

Islander and education: the I-Kiribati experience - an Indigenous ethnographic approach
Carey, Melissa. 2011. Islander and education: the I-Kiribati experience - an Indigenous ethnographic approach. Germany. Lambert Academic Publishing.

Authored book

The shades of grey of cyberbullying in Australian schools
Goff, Wendy. 2011. "The shades of grey of cyberbullying in Australian schools." Australian Journal of Education. 55 (2), pp. 176-182. https://doi.org/10.1177/000494411105500207


Remote access laboratories for preparing STEM teachers: A mixed methods study
Ting, Wu, Albion, Peter, Orwin, Lindy, Kist, Alexander, Maxwell, Andrew and Maiti, Ananda. 2015. "Remote access laboratories for preparing STEM teachers: A mixed methods study." Reiners, T., von Konsky, B. R., Gibson, D., Chang, V., Irving, L. and Clarke, K. (ed.) 32nd Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2015) . Perth, Australia 29 Nov - 02 Dec 2015 Australia.


Sub-Prime Scholarship
Austin, Jon. 2015. "Sub-Prime Scholarship." Qualitative Research Journal. 15 (2). https://doi.org/10.1108/QRJ-03-2015-0016


Health and physical education – navigating the chasm of policy, practices and management to enact the intended curriculum and meet the needs of 21st century learners
Wilson-Gahan, Susan V.. 2015. "Health and physical education – navigating the chasm of policy, practices and management to enact the intended curriculum and meet the needs of 21st century learners." 29th Australian Council of Health Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER) International Conference 2015: Values into Action - A Brighter Future. Adelaide, Australia 13 - 15 Apr 2015


Native English-speaking teachers’ perspectives on Korean university students’ learning of English as a foreign language
Shin, Christian Youngwan. 2014. Native English-speaking teachers’ perspectives on Korean university students’ learning of English as a foreign language . Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Education. University of Southern Queensland.

Doctorate other than PhD

See me, hear me: engaging with Australian Indigenous youth and their lifeworlds
Guy, Jillian and Austin, Jon. 2014. "See me, hear me: engaging with Australian Indigenous youth and their lifeworlds." Ibrahim, Awad and Steinberg, Shirley (ed.) Critical youth studies reader. New York, United States. Peter Lang Publishing. pp. 130-140

Textbook (chapter)

Current practice in academic workload allocation processes in Australia
Watson, Richard, King, Rachel, Dekeyser, Stijn, Bare, Liz and Baldock, Clive. 2015. "Current practice in academic workload allocation processes in Australia." Dobson, Ian R. and Sharma, Raj (ed.) Tertiary Education and Management Conference 2015: Leading Locally Competing Globally (TEMC 2015). Wollongong, Australia 30 Aug - 02 Sep 2015 Australia.


The gender digital divide in developing countries
Antonio, Amy and Tuffley, David. 2014. "The gender digital divide in developing countries." Future Internet. 6 (4), pp. 673-687. https://doi.org/10.3390/fi6040673


Construct validity of scores from the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale in a sample of postsecondary students with disabilities
Perera, Harsha N. and Ganguly, Rahul. 2018. "Construct validity of scores from the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale in a sample of postsecondary students with disabilities." Assessment. 25 (2), pp. 193-205. https://doi.org/10.1177/1073191116646444


Margins for error: a discussion of barriers preventing the connection of mainstream and margins when conducting in-school research
Donovan, Jennifer. 2015. "Margins for error: a discussion of barriers preventing the connection of mainstream and margins when conducting in-school research." Trimmer, Karen, Black, Alison L. and Riddle, Stewart (ed.) Mainstreams, margins and the spaces in-between: new possibilities for education research. Abingdon, Oxford. Routledge. pp. 223-238

Edited book (chapter)

Mainstreaming margins: analysing the knowledge of an Australian university research team
Matthews, Karl J. and Danaher, P. A.. 2015. "Mainstreaming margins: analysing the knowledge of an Australian university research team." Trimmer, Karen, Black, Alison L. and Riddle, Stewart (ed.) Mainstreams, margins and the spaces in-between: new possibilities for education research. Abingdon, Oxford. Routledge. pp. 50-65

Edited book (chapter)

Digital literacy in higher education: the rhetoric and the reality
Burton, Lorelle J., Summers, Jane, Lawrence, Jill, Noble, Karen and Gibbings, Peter. 2015. "Digital literacy in higher education: the rhetoric and the reality." Harmes, Marcus K., Huijser, Henk and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) Myths in education, learning and teaching: policies, practices and principles. United Kingdom. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 151-172

Edited book (chapter)

Applying cognitive science to critical thinking among higher education students
Lodge, Jason M., O'Connor, Erin, Shaw, Rhonda and Burton, Lorelle. 2015. "Applying cognitive science to critical thinking among higher education students." Davies, Martin and Barnett, Ronald (ed.) The Palgrave handbook of critical thinking in higher education. New York. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 391-407

Edited book (chapter)

Engineering phenomenography
Gibbings, Peter, Lidstone, John and Bruce, Christine. 2015. "Engineering phenomenography." Huisman , Jeroen and Tight , Malcolm (ed.) Theory and method in higher education research. United Kingdom. Emerald. pp. 295-309

Edited book (chapter)

Structural competition in second language production: towards a constraint-satisfaction model
Austin, Gavin, Pongpairoj, Nattama and Trenkic, Danijela. 2015. "Structural competition in second language production: towards a constraint-satisfaction model." Language Learning: a journal of research in language studies. 65 (3), pp. 689-722. https://doi.org/10.1111/lang.12108


Humanization in decolonizing educational research: a tree of life metaphor
Baynes, Renee. 2015. "Humanization in decolonizing educational research: a tree of life metaphor." Peters, Michael A. and Besley, Tina (ed.) Paulo Freire: the global legacy. New York. Peter Lang Publishing. pp. 103-114

Edited book (chapter)

Get set for success: applications for engineering and applied science students
Wilkes, Janelle and Burton, Lorelle J.. 2015. "Get set for success: applications for engineering and applied science students." International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education. 23 (1), pp. 94-105.


Enhancing educational opportunities with computer-mediated assessment feedback
Tuffley, David and Antonio, Amy. 2015. "Enhancing educational opportunities with computer-mediated assessment feedback." Future Internet. 7 (3), pp. 294-306. https://doi.org/10.3390/fi7030294


Bridging the age-based digital divide
Antonio, Amy and Tuffley, David. 2015. "Bridging the age-based digital divide." International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence. 6 (3), pp. 1-15. https://doi.org/10.4018/IJDLDC.2015070101


Promoting information literacy in higher education through digital curation
Antonio, Amy Brooke and Tuffley, David. 2015. "Promoting information literacy in higher education through digital curation." M/C Journal. 18 (4).


Work performance and your subjective well-being
Carter, Susan. 2012. "Work performance and your subjective well-being." Australian Council for Educational Leaders National Conference (ACEL 2012): An Inquiry Mindset. Brisbane, Australia 03 - 05 Oct 2012 Sydney, Australia.
