School of Psychology and Wellbeing

Faculty/DepartmentAcademic Affairs
HeadProf Peter Terry

Latest research outputs

1273 results found
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Ego depletion in real-time: an examination of the sequential-task paradigm
Arber, Madeleine M., Ireland, Michael J., Feger, Roy, Marrington, Jessica, Tehan, Joshua and Tehan, Gerald. 2017. "Ego depletion in real-time: an examination of the sequential-task paradigm." Frontiers in Psychology. 8, pp. 1-12.


Recommendations for male-friendly individual counseling with men: A qualitative systematic literature review for the period 1995–2016
Beel, Nathan, Jeffries, Carla, Brownlow, Charlotte, Winterbotham, Sonya and du Preez, Jan. 2018. "Recommendations for male-friendly individual counseling with men: A qualitative systematic literature review for the period 1995–2016." Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 19 (4), pp. 600-611.


Psychosocial interventions for managing occupational stress and burnout among medical doctors: a systematic review
Clough, Bonnie A., March, Sonja, Chan, Raymond J., Casey, Leanne M., Phillips, Rachel and Ireland, Michael J.. 2017. "Psychosocial interventions for managing occupational stress and burnout among medical doctors: a systematic review." Systematic Reviews. 6, pp. 1-19.


The Development of a Motor-Free Short-Form of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Fifth Edition
Piovesana, Adina M., Harrison, Jessica L. and Ducat, Jacob J.. 2019. "The Development of a Motor-Free Short-Form of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Fifth Edition." Assessment. 26 (8), pp. 1564 -1572.


Psychometric testing of the revised “Families’ Importance in Nursing Care—Nurses’ Attitudes instrument”
Mackie, Benjamin R., Marshall, Andrea, Mitchell, Marion and Ireland, Michael J.. 2017. "Psychometric testing of the revised “Families’ Importance in Nursing Care—Nurses’ Attitudes instrument” ." Journal of Advanced Nursing. 74 (2), pp. 482-490.


Identification and description of novel mood profile clusters
Parsons-Smith, Renee L., Terry, Peter C. and Machin, M. Anthony. 2017. "Identification and description of novel mood profile clusters." Frontiers in Psychology. 8, pp. 1-13.


Can alcohol sponsorship be diluted by health messaging?
Kelly, Sarah Jane, Ireland, Michael, Mangan, John and Williamson, Harley. 2018. "Can alcohol sponsorship be diluted by health messaging?" Sport in Society. 21 (3), pp. 434-451.


Lived experiences among transgender and gender diverse offenders and their knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding sexual behaviours and HIV/STIs, and knowledge and attitudes among prison officers towards transgender and gender diverse prisoners, sexuality and HIV/STIs: protocol for a systematic review
Bromdal, Annette, Mullens, Amy, Phillips, Tania and Gow, Jeff. 2017. "Lived experiences among transgender and gender diverse offenders and their knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding sexual behaviours and HIV/STIs, and knowledge and attitudes among prison officers towards transgender and gender diverse prisoners, sexuality and HIV/STIs: protocol for a systematic review." PROSPERO: International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews. 18 Sept 2017.


affron® a novel saffron extract (Crocus sativus L.) improves mood in healthy adults over 4 weeks in a double-blind, parallel, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial
Kell, Graham, Rao, Amanda, Beccaria, Gavin, Clayton, Paul, Inarejos-Garcia, Antonio Manuel and Prodanov, Marin. 2017. "affron® a novel saffron extract (Crocus sativus L.) improves mood in healthy adults over 4 weeks in a double-blind, parallel, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial." Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 33, pp. 58-64.


Wisdom across the ages and its modern day relevance
Mitchell, Leander. K., Knight, Bob G. and Pachana, Nancy. A.. 2017. "Wisdom across the ages and its modern day relevance." International Psychogeriatrics. 29 (8), pp. 1231-1234.


A randomised controlled trial of a web-based multi-modal therapy program to improve executive functioning in children and adolescents with acquired brain injury
Piovesana, Adina, Ross, Stephanie, Lloyd, Owen, Whittingham, Koa, Ziviani, Jenny, Ware, Robert S., McKinlay, Lynne and Boyd, Roslyn N.. 2017. "A randomised controlled trial of a web-based multi-modal therapy program to improve executive functioning in children and adolescents with acquired brain injury." Clinical Rehabilitation. 31 (10), pp. 1351-1363.


Internet-based delivery of cognitive behaviour therapy compared to monitoring, feedback and support for problem gambling: a randomised controlled trial
Casey, Leanne M., Oei, Tian P. S., Raylu, Namrata, Horrigan, Katherine, Day, Jamin, Ireland, Michael and Clough, Bonnie A.. 2017. "Internet-based delivery of cognitive behaviour therapy compared to monitoring, feedback and support for problem gambling: a randomised controlled trial." Journal of Gambling Studies. 33 (3), pp. 993-1010.


Farmers tell us how to help improve their mental health help-seeking
Vayro, C., Brownlow, C., Ireland, M. and March, S.. 2017. "Farmers tell us how to help improve their mental health help-seeking." 9th Australian Rural and Remote Mental Health Symposium. Albury, Australia 11 - 13 Oct 2017 Nerang, Qld, Australia.


Mental Health and Indigenous Connection to Land and Community
Toombs, M., Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan, S., Kisely, S., Gill, N., Hayman, N., Ranmuthugala, G., Beccaria, G., Ostini, R., Nicholson, G. and Nasir, B.. 2018. "Mental Health and Indigenous Connection to Land and Community." Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) 2018 Congress. New Zealand 12 201 - 17 May 2018 Australia. SAGE Publications Ltd.


The Cultural Appropriateness of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV TR, AXIS I for Indigenous Populations
Toombs, M, Nasir, B, Kisely, S, Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan, S, Gill, N, Black, E, Hayman, N, Ranmuthugala, G, Beccaria, G, Ostini, R and Nicholson, G. 2018. "The Cultural Appropriateness of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV TR, AXIS I for Indigenous Populations." Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) 2018 Congress. New Zealand 12 201 - 17 May 2018 Australia. SAGE Publications Ltd.


Using Mahalanobis distance to evaluate recovery in acute stroke
Tehan, Hannah, Witteveen, Kate, Tolan, G. Anne, Tehan, Gerald and Senior, Graeme J.. 2018. "Using Mahalanobis distance to evaluate recovery in acute stroke." Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 33, pp. 577-582.


A review of cumulative harm: a comparison of international child protection practices
Bryce, India R.. 2018. "A review of cumulative harm: a comparison of international child protection practices." Children Australia. 43 (1), pp. 23-31.


The dependent aged in Hobart
Kay, D. W. K., Holding, T. A., Jones, B. and Littler, S.. 1984. The dependent aged in Hobart. Hobart, Tasmania. University of Tasmania.

Government report

Early feeding, child behaviour and parenting as correlates of problem eating
Adamson, Michelle and Morawska, Alina. 2017. "Early feeding, child behaviour and parenting as correlates of problem eating." Journal of Child and Family Studies. 26 (11), pp. 3167-3178.


Dependency in old age: a comparison of mental and physical factors
Kay, D. W. K., Holding, T. A., Jones, B. and Littler, S.. 1991. "Dependency in old age: a comparison of mental and physical factors." International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 6 (12), pp. 833-844.


Psychiatric morbidity in Hobart's dependent aged
Kay, D. W. K., Holding, T. A., Jones, Bonita and Littler, Sue. 1987. "Psychiatric morbidity in Hobart's dependent aged." Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 21, pp. 463-475.


An Integrated Theatre Production for School Nutrition Promotion Program
Bush, Robert, Capra, Sandra, Box, Selina, McCallum, David, Khalil, Stephanie and Ostini, Remo. 2018. "An Integrated Theatre Production for School Nutrition Promotion Program." Children. 5 (3), pp. 1-11.


The epidemiology of dependency in the aged: a Hobart study
Kay, D.W.K., Holding, T.A., Jones, B. and Littler, S.. 1980. "The epidemiology of dependency in the aged: a Hobart study." Transactions of the Menzies Foundation. 1, pp. 33-38.


Restoration of organisational climate: an advanced (in)civility model and measure of experienced, instigated and observed workplace incivility
Smith, D., Dearman, D., Machin, M. A. and Beccaria, G.. 2017. "Restoration of organisational climate: an advanced (in)civility model and measure of experienced, instigated and observed workplace incivility." European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology 2017: Enabling Change Through Work and Organizational Psychology: Opportunities and Challenges for Research and Practice.. Dublin, Ireland 17 - 20 May 2017 Ireland.


Self-determined leadership and motivation: relating two European constructs of engaging leadership and six dimensions of employee work motivation
Smith, D., Machin, M. A., Schaufeli, W. and Alban-Metcalfe, J.. 2017. "Self-determined leadership and motivation: relating two European constructs of engaging leadership and six dimensions of employee work motivation." European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology 2017: Enabling Change Through Work and Organizational Psychology: Opportunities and Challenges for Research and Practice.. Dublin, Ireland 17 - 20 May 2017 Ireland.


The Organisational Socio-Ecological (In)Civility Model: framing multilevel (in)civility effects on employees within organisational climate and culture
Smith, D., Machin, M. A. and Beccaria, G.. 2017. "The Organisational Socio-Ecological (In)Civility Model: framing multilevel (in)civility effects on employees within organisational climate and culture." European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology 2017: Enabling Change Through Work and Organizational Psychology: Opportunities and Challenges for Research and Practice.. Dublin, Ireland 17 - 20 May 2017 Ireland.


Socio-demographic factors drive regional differences in participation in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program – An ecological analysis
Sun, Jiandong, March, Sonja, Ireland, Michael J., Crawford-Williams, Fiona, Goodwin, Belinda, Hyde, Melissa K., Chambers, Suzanne K., Aitken, Joanne F. and Dunn, Jeff. 2018. "Socio-demographic factors drive regional differences in participation in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program – An ecological analysis." Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. 42 (1), pp. 92-97.


Does neighborhood size really cause the word length effect?
Guitard, Dominic, Saint-Aubin, Jean, Tehan, Gerald and Tolan, Anne. 2018. "Does neighborhood size really cause the word length effect?" Memory and Cognition. 46 (2), pp. 244-260.


A systematic review of geographical differences in management and outcomes for colorectal cancer in Australia
Ireland, Michael J., March, Sonja, Crawford-Williams, Fiona, Cassimatis, Mandy, Aitken, Joanne F., Hyde, Melissa K., Chambers, Suzanne K., Sun, Jiandong and Dunn, Jeff. 2017. "A systematic review of geographical differences in management and outcomes for colorectal cancer in Australia." BMC Cancer. 17 (1).


Psychosocial wellbeing in active older adults: a systematic review of qualitative literature
Winterbotham, Sonya and du Preez, Jan. 2016. "Psychosocial wellbeing in active older adults: a systematic review of qualitative literature." International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 9 (1), pp. 96-115.


Metacognitions mediate HIV stigma and depression/anxiety in men who have sex with men living with HIV
Strodl, Esben, Stewart, Lauren, Mullens, Amy B. and Deb, Sibnath. 2015. "Metacognitions mediate HIV stigma and depression/anxiety in men who have sex with men living with HIV." Health Psychology Open. 2 (1), pp. 1-11.


A randomized controlled trial of mindfulness to reduce stress and burnout among intern medical practitioners
Ireland, Michael J., Clough, Bonnie, Gill, Kim, Langan, Fleur, O'Connor, Angela and Spencer, Lyndall. 2017. "A randomized controlled trial of mindfulness to reduce stress and burnout among intern medical practitioners." Medical Teacher. 39 (4), pp. 409-414.


Predicting fruit and vegetable consumption in long-haul heavy goods vehicle drivers: Application of a multi-theory, dual-phase model and the contribution of past behaviour
Brown, D.J., Hagger, M.S., Morrissey, S. and Hamilton, K.. 2018. "Predicting fruit and vegetable consumption in long-haul heavy goods vehicle drivers: Application of a multi-theory, dual-phase model and the contribution of past behaviour." Appetite. 121, pp. 326-336.


Mediating the Complexities of Practice: Practitioner Understandings of Technology in Contemporary Social Work
Harris, Sera. 2018. Mediating the Complexities of Practice: Practitioner Understandings of Technology in Contemporary Social Work. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. Western Sydney University .

PhD Thesis

Financial capacity in older adults: a growing concern for clinicians
Gardiner, Paul A., Byrne, Gerard J., Mitchell, Leander K. and Pachana, Nancy A.. 2015. "Financial capacity in older adults: a growing concern for clinicians." Medical Journal of Australia. 202 (2), pp. 82-86.


The impact of alcohol sponsorship in sport upon varsity sportspeople
Kelly, Sarah Jane, Ireland, Michael, Mangan, John and Alpert, Frank. 2014. "The impact of alcohol sponsorship in sport upon varsity sportspeople." Journal of Sport Management. 28 (4), pp. 418-432.


Young consumers’ exposure to alcohol sponsorship in sport
Kelly, Sarah, Ireland, Michael, Alpert, Frank and Mangan, John. 2015. "Young consumers’ exposure to alcohol sponsorship in sport." International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship. 16 (2), pp. 2-21.


Assessment of revised recruitment standards for asthma in the Australian Defence Force
Ireland, Renee, Waller, Michael, MacKenzie, Alison, Peake, Jonathan and Nasveld, Peter. 2014. "Assessment of revised recruitment standards for asthma in the Australian Defence Force." Military Medicine: international journal of AMSUS. 179 (11), pp. 1384-1390.


The effect of multiple deployments on military families: a cross sectional study of health and wellbeing of partners and children.
McGuire, Annabel C. L., Kanesarajah, Jeeva, Runge, Catherine E., Ireland, Renee, Waller, Michael and Dobson, Annette J.. 2016. "The effect of multiple deployments on military families: a cross sectional study of health and wellbeing of partners and children." Military Medicine: international journal of AMSUS. 181 (4), pp. 319-327.


How Small Is Big: Sample Size and Skewness
Piovesana, Adina and Senior, Graeme. 2018. "How Small Is Big: Sample Size and Skewness." Assessment. 25 (6), pp. 793-800.


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Acikdeniz, Merve

Adie, Joshua

Agostinelli, Elisa

Alchin, Carolyn Elizabeth

Barclay-Timmis, Victoria

Barry, Jaimie

Barua, Prabal

Basit, Tabinda

Bates, Matt

Beccaria, Gavin

Beccaria, Lisa

Beel, Nathan

Black, Rebecca

Bolton, Brigid

Booth, Fiona

Brinton, Lisa

Brown, Daniel

Brown, Samantha

Brownlow, Charlotte

Bryce, India

Busch, Jennifer

Ceccato, Jo-Maree

Chan, Lynette

Chen, Daniel

Chi, May

Childs, Nicole

Christensen, Steven

Collins, Katelyn

Cope, Adriana

Costanzo, Marcela

Crowther, Tammy

Cullin, Marcella

Daken, Kirstie

Dallinger, Vicki

Dalziel, Victor

Darracott, Ros

Devereux, Mel

Doolan, Karyna

du Plessis, Carol

Duric, Vlatka

Edmonds, Eileen

Edwards, Niki

Edwards, Rob

Eivers, Areana

Else, David

Erdelyi, Kelsey

Fazackerley, Lewis

Feger, Roy

Fein, Erich

Forbes, Meg

Forrest, Lee

Fox, Jessica

Frost, Aaron

Gain, Ada

Gawthorne, Emma

Gildersleeve, Matthew

Girdlestone, Denise

Glasheen, Kevin

Goadby, Elizabeth

Goh, Hong Eng

Goh, Yong

Gonzalez, Carolina

Gregory, Peter

Gunewardena, Niyara

Hale, Maike

Harness, Jacqueline

Harvey, Logan

Hensen, Amanda

Hodgkin, Isabelle

Howard, Glenn

Ireland, Michael

Ireland, Renee

Izadikhah, Zahra

Jayasinghe, Thenuja

Jeffries, Carla

Jones, Ben

Jones, Brett

Joyce, Daniel

Kelly, Eliza

Kidcaff, Andrew

King, Julie

King, Rebekah

Krishnamoorthy, Govind

Lajoie, Genevieve

Landers, Therese

Lim, Jacqueline

Machin, Tanya

Malhotra, Aastha

Mander, Sarah

March, Sonja

Mathisen, Bernice

McCausland-Green, Jean

McDonald, Ellen

McHale, Mala

McMullen, Crystal

McQuillan, Paul

Mullens, Amy

Nepean-Hutchison, Anita

Ottobrino, Simone

Parmar, Sonali

Parsons, Hayley

Perich, Evee

Powell, Nicole

Richardson, Alan

Richardson, Meg

Riley, Emma

Roberts, Casey

Rose, Jayln

Rose, Penelope

Rowe, Arlen

Ryatt, James

Sagaidak, Maryke

Saxton, Kate

Schaffer, Krystal

Schimke, Dayna

Scott, Florence

Scott, Josie

Scott, Riley

Scully, Paul

Senyard, Emma-Leigh

Sharp, Aaron

Sims, Rebecca

Slatter, Grace

Smith, Amber

Smith, Nina

Stanojevic, Istok

Steggall, David

Stewart, Heidi

Stewart, Kim

Tan, Fen

Tehan, Hannah

Terry, Peter

Thirkettle, Hayley

Thompson, Merinda

Walton, Kathryn

Wang, Grace

Ward, Aletha

Ward, Natalie

Ward, Raelene

Watling, Chris

Weeks, Kayhler

Weerasinghe, Sakuni

White, Leonie

Whitlock, Juliet

Wigell, Chris

Wilson, Lee-Ann

Winterbotham, Sonya

Zieschank, Kirsty