A/Pr Annette Bromdal

A/Pr Annette Bromdal
NameA/Pr Annette Bromdal
Email Addressannette.bromdal@unisq.edu.au
Job TitleAssociate Professor (Sport, Health and Physical Education)
QualificationsMSocSc Sodertorns Hogskola, PhD Monash
DepartmentSchool of Education
AffiliationsCentre for Health Research
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Associate Professor Annette Brömdal’s health promotion and rights research focuses on bodies, gender, and sexuality through co-designing and working in partnerships with LGBTQIA+ Sistergirl and Brotherboy community stakeholders. As an inter/nationally recognised expert, their research contributes to an important evidence-base utilised by multi-stakeholders to alleviate injustices for diverse LGBTQIA+ communities across societal settings.

Annette has contributed to 50+ high-quality research outputs (including 1 solo-authored book; 2 creative works displayed at a high-profile art exhibition with international curator contributions; 2 stakeholder research reports in the LGBTQIA+ health and rights promotion space; one evidence-based teacher toolkit for the QLD Department of Education [677 citations; h-index 16; i10-index 23 [Google Scholar; 20 May 2024]), and have been awarded over AUD$6.3 million in research/grant funding as Chief/Co-Investigator, including two MRFF grants in 2024.

They have been invited to deliver transgender affirming PDs to inter/national staff caring for transgender persons in prison, provided policy directives to the VIC and the NT Departments of Corrections on transgender incarcerated persons, are currently an Editor for the International Journal of Transgender Health, and have had their work cited by the UN report "Mapping of Good Practices for the Management of Transgender Prisoners" (2020) and the recent Word Professional Association for Transgender Health's Standards of Care (2022).

Annette has a wealth of supervisory experience, currently supervising RA staff, 11 HDR students, and since 2017 Annette has supervised 7 HDR, 9 Postgraduate, and 11 Honours students to completion. Furthermore, their inter/national leadership in the gender, sexuality, health, and rights space is recognised through their receipt of two UniSQ Publication Excellence Awards (2019; 2020), a UniSQ Highly Commended Excellence Award for Diversity and Inclusion (2020, 2022), and the Rosalind Franklin Society Special Award in Science (shared award) for the journal article ‘Developing the “Oppression-to-Incarceration Cycle” of Black American and First Nations Australian Trans Women: Applying the Intersectionality Research for Transgender Health Justice Framework’ selected as the best paper of the year in the Journal of Correctional Health Care.

A/Prof Brömdal is leading a number of funded/non-funded research projects in partnership with LGBTQIA+ communities and government stakeholders (e.g., Queensland Health, Queensland Council for LGBTI Health, Queensland Positive People, LGBTI Community Ageing Network Sunshine Coast, DiversityWise, True Relationships & Reproductive Health Queensland, Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art), including with international scholars at world-renowned institutions (such as the Universities of Brown, and Vanderbilt in the US), and for the last 18 years their research has specifically centred around promoting the health and rights of Rainbow community-members in healthcare, sports, educational, and carceral settings through innovative methodological approaches.

Annette’s publications include articles in scholarly journals such as the International Journal of Transgender Health; Archives of Sexual Behaviour; Journal of Homosexuality; Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health; Feminism & Psychology; Journal of Personality; Ethos; Punishment & Society; Journal of Interpersonal Violence; International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics; Sport, Education and Society; Sex Education; Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education; Qualitative Research Journal; book chapters in Responsibility and Responsibilisation in Education (2018 Routledge); The Palgrave Handbook of Sexuality Education (2017); The Palgrave Handbook of Incarceration across Popular Media (2020); Uplifting Careers in Gender & Sexuality in Education (2019; Palgrave); and single authored books: Intersex – A Challenge for Human Rights and Citizenship Rights (2008 VDM Verlag).


Associate Professor in Sport, Health and Physical EducationUniversity of Southern Queensland2022
Director of Non-Initial Teacher Education Programs - School of EducationUniversity of Southern Queensland2019
Academic Team Leader - School of EducationUniversity of Southern Queensland2019


Critical intersex studies, Critical trans studies,

Trans discourses in carceral settings,

Trans discourses in Carceral Settings

Bodies, Gender and Sexuality in Sociology of Sport

Bodies, Gender and Sexuality in Education

Bodies, Gender and Sexuality in Health and Wellbeing Discourses


EDH2152 Health and Wellbeing

EDH3150 Physical Activity and Society

Fields of Research

  • 390406. Gender, sexuality and education
  • 440202. Correctional theory, offender treatment and rehabilitation
  • 440209. Gender and crime
  • 440504. Gender relations
  • 440505. Intersectional studies
  • 440508. Transgender studies
  • 441010. Sociology of gender

Professional Membership

Professional MembershipYear
The Australian Sociological Association (TASA)
The Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE)
The Queensland Queering Education Consultative Committee (QQECQ)
Sodertorns Hogskola

Supervision Interests

Critical intersex studies, Critical trans discourses, Trans discourses in carceral settings, Bodies, gender and sexuality in sport, Bodies, gender and sexuality in education, LGBTQIA+ Sistergirl and Brotherboy ageing

Current Supervisions

Research TitleSupervisor TypeLevel of StudyCommenced
Breaking Down Barriers: Exploring the implications of `school can¿t¿ in LGBTIQ+ StudentsPrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2025
Leading over the rainbow: The impact, challenges and complexities of being a gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender primary school leader in AustraliaAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2024
Perspectives on gender diversity within Social Work and Human Service fields of practices across a range of sectors in AustraliaAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2024
Facilitating empathetic, safe and authentic conversations surrounding the topic of LGBTQ+ inclusion and awareness in evangelical Christian spaces.Principal SupervisorMasters2023
From knowing to being: Embodied change through exposure to others with intersex lived experienceAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2022
Who¿s who in the loo: a Virtual Reality - Electroencephalogram study exploring stress in public bathroom use.Associate SupervisorMasters2022
Mental Health within the Rainbow: Examining the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Young People who Identify as Sexual Orientation Diverse and/or Gender DiverseAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2022
LGBTQIA+ Culturally Competent Allyship Training for Caring Professionals in Regional Australia: Evaluating the 'Safe Connections' WorkshopsAssociate SupervisorMasters2022
A Satellite Clinic Initiative for regular sexually transmitted infection testing in a Queensland Correctional Centre: A Replicating Effective Programs FrameworkAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2021
Exploring Virtual Care Benefits for Gastrointestinal Cancer Patients: Insights from Patients, Carers, and Health ProfessionalsPrincipal SupervisorMasters2020
Three-dimensional High-Performance University Based Structure (HUBS) on the development of NRL Match OfficialsAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2018
Gender Identity and Autism Spectrum DisorderAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2016

Completed Supervisions

Research TitleSupervisor TypeLevel of StudyCompleted
Pelvic Floor Health: Examining the Knowledge, Attitudes and Experiences of Personal Trainers and Middle-Aged Women in Inner Regional QueenslandAssociate SupervisorMasters2023
A Scoping Review of Black African Men participating in civic life as they migrate, resettle, and integrate in Australia.Associate SupervisorMasters2023
Intergenerational ambivalence in cohabiting parent-adult child families:An anti-narrative account of cohabiting families in regional AustraliaAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2022
A Mentoring Model for Women Doctoral Students in Regional, Rural, and Remote Queensland: Developing Female Entrepreneurial Intelligence Using a Quantum FrameworkAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2016
Project titleDetailsYear
A ‘whole-of-setting’ model of care for trans and gender diverse people in prisonGranting Agency: NHMRC/MRFF Amount: $987,4232024
Improving the physical and mental health of people born with innate variations of sex characteristicsGranting Agency: NHMRC/MRFF Amount: $4,991,0662024
Queensland World AIDS Day Regional Funding GrantsGranting Agency: Queensland Positive People, Queensland Council for LGBTI Health and Queensland World AIDS Day Alliance Amount: $1,495 2023
Teaching in the Time of Social Media Misinformation, Mal-information and Marginalisation: An Intersectional Model and Toolkit for Empowering Students through Inclusive Critical Social Media LiteracyGranting Agency: QLD Government Education Horizon Research Grant Amount: $82,076 2022
Safe Connections Toowoomba: Connecting and Supporting LGBTIQA+ CommunitiesGranting Agency: Lifeline Darling Downs & South West QLD Amount: $51,598 2021
Mapping Intimate Transgender Citizenship while Incarcerated in Australia and the US Granting Agency: Research Capacity Building Grant, University of Southern Queensland Amount: $13,478 2020
Influence of a three-dimensional High-Performance University Based Structure (HUBS) on the development of Match OfficialsGranting Agency: NRL Ltd Amount: $90,0002019
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices regarding Sexual behaviours, HIV/STIs and Substance Use Among Previously Incarcerated Transgender and Gender Diverse People in QueenslandGranting Agency: HIV Foundation QLD Amount: $31,790.70 2017
DateNameAwarding organisationUnderpinning research
2020Highly Commended Excellence Award for Diversity and InclusionUniversity of Southern Queensland
2020Q1 Research Publication Excellence Award for the School of EducationUniversity of Southern Queensland
2019UNISQ Unit-Specific Publication Excellence AwardUniversity of Southern Queensland
2015Teaching Award, School of Education, Faculty of Arts and EducationDeakin University
2022Highly Commended Excellence Award for Diversity and Inclusion UniSQ
2024Rosalind Franklin Society Special Award in Science Rosalind Franklin Society

A nurse-led satellite clinic initiative for STI testing in an Australian correctional center: a qualitative study

Balmer, Amanda, Bromdal, Annette, Mullens, Amy B., Kynoch, Kathryn, Osborne, Sonya and East, Leah. 2025. "A nurse-led satellite clinic initiative for STI testing in an Australian correctional center: a qualitative study." Scientific Reports. 15. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-025-89468-1

Factors influencing experiences of non-consensual sex: results from a mixed data cross-sectional online survey of Australian university students

Wenham, Kathryn, Durham, Jo, Mullens, Amy B., Bromdal, Annette, Debattista, Joseph, Parma, Gianna, Gu, Zhihong, Ariana, Armin, Gilks, Charles F., Bell, Sara F. and Dean, Judith A.. 2025. "Factors influencing experiences of non-consensual sex: results from a mixed data cross-sectional online survey of Australian university students." Sexual Health. https://doi.org/10.1071/SH24165

Age-related differences regarding ageing and care service concerns and information preferences among LGBT, Sistergirl and Brotherboy people in Australia: a cross-sectional study

Bromdal, Annette, Stanners, Melinda N, Mullens, Amy B., Beccaria, Lisa, Debattista, Joseph, Sargent, Jennifer, Howard, Chris, Matson, Ann and Farmer, Ged. 2024. "Age-related differences regarding ageing and care service concerns and information preferences among LGBT, Sistergirl and Brotherboy people in Australia: a cross-sectional study." Ageing and Society. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0144686X24000540

"I Know the Degradation, the Humiliation around Being Incarcerated and Ostracized, and Marginalized, and Sexualized"

Phillips, Tania, Clark, Kirsty A., Bromdal, Annette, Mullens, Amy, Sanders, Tait, Halliwell, Sherree, Gildersleeve, Jessica, Daken, Kirstie, Debattista, Joseph, du Plessis, Carol, Simpson, Paul and Hughto, Jaclyn M.W.. 2025. ""I Know the Degradation, the Humiliation around Being Incarcerated and Ostracized, and Marginalized, and Sexualized"." Maycock, Matthew, O‘Shea, Saoirse and Jenness, Valerie (ed.) Transgender People Involved with Carceral Systems: International Perspectives. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 21-45

The lived experiences and minority stress of lesbian-identifying teachers in Australia

Taylor-Cornwell, Rebecca-Jayne, van Leent, Lisa and Bromdal, Annette. 2024. "The lived experiences and minority stress of lesbian-identifying teachers in Australia ." Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1080/13540602.2024.2438168

Ageing and Caring through the Lens of LGBT Sistergirl and Brotherboy people with HIV in Queensland

Howard, C., Wojciechowski , L., Matson, A., Farmer, G., Sargeant, J., Debattista, J., Beccaria, L., Mullens, A. and Bromdal, A.. 2024. "Ageing and Caring through the Lens of LGBT Sistergirl and Brotherboy people with HIV in Queensland." Australasian HIV & AIDS conference 2024 . Sydney, Australia 16 - 18 Sep 2024 Australia.

Exploratory perceptions of successful ageing and preferences for information and support amongst sexually and gender diverse people living with HIV in Australia

Bromdal, Annette, Stanners, Melinda, Mullens, Amy B., Beccaria, Lisa, Debattista, Josep, Sargent, Jennifer, Wojciechowski, Lisa, Howard, Chris, Matson, Ann and Farmer, Ged. 2024. "Exploratory perceptions of successful ageing and preferences for information and support amongst sexually and gender diverse people living with HIV in Australia." Discover Psychology. 4 (1). https://doi.org/10.1007/s44202-024-00280-w

Models of Publicly Available Gender Affirming Surgery Forum

Bromdal, A., Mulcahy, F., Debattista, J., Batchelor, V., Brown, D., Clarke, J., Daken, K., Forbes, P., Neilsen, G., Stimpson, B., Zerafa-Payne, E. and Mullens, A.. 2024. Models of Publicly Available Gender Affirming Surgery Forum. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/zq17q

Knowledge and dispositions of caring professionals in school settings regarding trans, gender diverse and non-binary students: A scoping review of empirical research

Williams, Nicole and Bromdal, Annette. 2024. "Knowledge and dispositions of caring professionals in school settings regarding trans, gender diverse and non-binary students: A scoping review of empirical research." International Journal of Transgender Health. https://doi.org/10.1080/26895269.2024.2387662

Developing a gender affirming health response for trans and gender diverse Australians: a qualitative study

Windt, Isabella K, Mullens, Amy B., Debattista, Joseph, Stanners, Melinda and Bromdal, Annette. 2024. "Developing a gender affirming health response for trans and gender diverse Australians: a qualitative study." International Journal of Transgender Health. https://doi.org/10.1080/26895269.2024.2374007

Pretty Bi for an Ally: A Critical Autoethnography

Johnson, Amber, Mullens, Amy B., Burton, Lorelle, Sanders, Tait and Bromdal, Annette. 2024. "Pretty Bi for an Ally: A Critical Autoethnography." Journal of Bisexuality. 24 (4), pp. 574-602. https://doi.org/10.1080/15299716.2024.2360896

Mental health outcomes of transgender and gender diverse students in schools: a systematic literature review

Day, Mahaila and Bromdal, Annette. 2024. "Mental health outcomes of transgender and gender diverse students in schools: a systematic literature review." International Journal of Transgender Health. https://doi.org/10.1080/26895269.2024.2359934

Building a Better Picture of LGBT, Sistergirl, and Brotherboy Ageing and Caring in Queensland

Bromdal, A., Stanners, M., Howard, C., Matson, A., Beccaria, L., Farmer, G., Debattista, J., Sargeant, J., Wojciechowski , l. and Mullens, A.. 2024. "Building a Better Picture of LGBT, Sistergirl, and Brotherboy Ageing and Caring in Queensland." 6th National LGBTI Ageing and Aged Care Conference. Australia.

Transformative trans incarceration research: now and into the future

Bromdal, Annette, Winter, Charlie, Sanders, Tait, Simpson, Paul Leslie, Maycock, Matthew and Clark, Kirsty A.. 2024. "Transformative trans incarceration research: now and into the future ." International Journal of Transgender Health. 25 (2), pp. 123-129. https://doi.org/10.1080/26895269.2024.2334499

Depression and thoughts of self-harm or suicide among gender and sexually diverse people in a regional Australian community

Phillips, Tania M., Austin, Gavin, Sanders, Tait, Martin, Margaret, Hudson, Jacqueline, Fort, Alexandra, Excell, Tarra, Mullens, Amy B. and Bromdal, Annette. 2024. "Depression and thoughts of self-harm or suicide among gender and sexually diverse people in a regional Australian community." Health Promotion Journal of Australia. 35 (4), pp. 1231-1243. https://doi.org/10.1002/hpja.855

Supporting the health and wellbeing of trans autistic school-aged youth: a systematic literature review

Manley, Jessica, Brownlow, Charlotte and Bromdal, Annette. 2024. "Supporting the health and wellbeing of trans autistic school-aged youth: a systematic literature review." International Journal of Transgender Health. 25 (3), pp. 439-455. https://doi.org/10.1080/26895269.2024.2317392

A Kid Called Troy at 30: this beautiful Aussie film was one of the most important HIV/AIDS documentaries ever produced

Gildersleeve, Jessica, Mullens, Amy, Bromdal, Annette, Cantrell, Kate and Sanders, Tait. 2023. "A Kid Called Troy at 30: this beautiful Aussie film was one of the most important HIV/AIDS documentaries ever produced ." The Conversation.

Barriers and facilitators to publicly‑funded gender‑affirming surgery: the perspectives amongst a cohort of Australian clinicians

Piñón‑O’Connor, Katie E., Mullens, Amy B., Debattista, Joseph, Sanders, Tait and Bromdal, Annette. 2023. "Barriers and facilitators to publicly‑funded gender‑affirming surgery: the perspectives amongst a cohort of Australian clinicians." Discover Health Systems. 2. https://doi.org/10.1007/s44250-023-00055-5

Where do incarcerated trans women prefer to be housed and why? Adding nuanced understandings to a complex debate through the voices of formerly incarcerated trans women in Australia and the United States

Bromdal, Annette, Sanders, Tait, Stanners, Melinda, du Plessis, Carol, Gildersleeve, Jessica, Mullens, Amy B., Phillips, Tania M., Debattista, Joseph, Daken, Kirstie, Clark, Kirsty A. and Hughto, Jaclyn M. W.. 2024. "Where do incarcerated trans women prefer to be housed and why? Adding nuanced understandings to a complex debate through the voices of formerly incarcerated trans women in Australia and the United States." International Journal of Transgender Health. 25 (2), pp. 167-186. https://doi.org/10.1080/26895269.2023.2280167

Correctional staff knowledge, attitudes and behaviors toward incarcerated trans people: A scoping review of an emerging literature

Daken, Kirstie, Excell, Tarra, Clark, Kirsty A., Hughto, Jaclyn M. W, Sanders, Tait, Debattista, Joseph, du Plessis, Carol, Mullens, Amy, Phillips, Tania, Gildersleeve, Jessica and Bromdal, Annette. 2024. "Correctional staff knowledge, attitudes and behaviors toward incarcerated trans people: A scoping review of an emerging literature ." International Journal of Transgender Health. 25 (2), pp. 149-166. https://doi.org/10.1080/26895269.2023.2265386

Building a Better Picture of LGBT Sistergirl and Brotherboy Ageing and Caring in Queensland

Bromdal, Annette, Stanners, Melinda, Howard, Chris, Matson, Ann, Farmer, Ged, Debattista, Joseph, Beccaria, Lisa, Sargent, Jennifer and Mullens, Amy B.. 2023. Building a Better Picture of LGBT Sistergirl and Brotherboy Ageing and Caring in Queensland. Australia. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.25414.45128

Gender affirmation and mental health in prison: A critical review of current corrections policy for trans people in Australia and New Zealand

Dalzell, Laura, Pang, Sam C and Bromdal, Annette. 2024. "Gender affirmation and mental health in prison: A critical review of current corrections policy for trans people in Australia and New Zealand ." Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 58 (1), pp. 21-36. https://doi.org/10.1177/00048674231195285

High-risk Antenatal Women's Perceptions of Dietitian Appointments and Information

Lang, M., Dafny, H., Fergusson, L. and Bromdal, A.. 2023. "High-risk Antenatal Women's Perceptions of Dietitian Appointments and Information." Heliyon. 9 (8). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e18106

Just How Radical Is Radical: Children’s Picture Books and Trans Youth

Bedford, Alison, Bromdal, Annette, Kerby, Martin and Baguley, Margaret. 2025. "Just How Radical Is Radical: Children’s Picture Books and Trans Youth ." Children's Literature in Education: an international quarterly. 56 (1), pp. 17-33. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10583-023-09537-9

“Never Let Anyone Say That a Good Fight for the Fight for Good Wasn’t a Good Fight Indeed”: The Enactment of Agency Through Military Metaphor by One Australian Incarcerated Trans Woman

Halliwell, Sherree, Hickey, Andrew, du Plessis, Carol du, Mullens, Amy B., Sanders, Tait, Gildersleeve, Jessica, Phillips, Tania M., Debattista, Joseph, Clark, Kirsty A., Hughto, Jaclyn M. W., Daken, Kirstie and Bromdal, Annette. 2023. "“Never Let Anyone Say That a Good Fight for the Fight for Good Wasn’t a Good Fight Indeed”: The Enactment of Agency Through Military Metaphor by One Australian Incarcerated Trans Woman." Paner, Heather and Dwyer, Angela (ed.) Transgender People and Criminal Justice: An Examination of Issues in Victimology, Policing, Sentencing, and Prisons. Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 183-212

Effectiveness of interventions to reduce sexually transmitted infections and blood-borne viruses in incarcerated adult populations: a systematic review protocol

Balmer, Amanda, Bromdal, Annette, Mullens, Amy, Kynoch, Kathry and Osborne, Sonya. 2023. "Effectiveness of interventions to reduce sexually transmitted infections and blood-borne viruses in incarcerated adult populations: a systematic review protocol ." JBI Evidence Synthesis. 21 (11), pp. 2247-2254. https://doi.org/10.11124/JBIES-22-00444

Transgender Youth, Challenges, Responses, and the Juvenile Justice System: A Systematic Literature Review of an Emerging Literature

Watson, Jennifer, Bryce, India, Phillips, Tania, Sanders, Tait and Bromdal, Annette. 2024. "Transgender Youth, Challenges, Responses, and the Juvenile Justice System: A Systematic Literature Review of an Emerging Literature." Youth Justice: an international journal. 24 (1), pp. 88-112. https://doi.org/10.1177/14732254231167344

Navigating Detransition Borders: An Exploration of Social Media Narratives

Sanders, Tait, du Plessis, Carol, Mullens, Amy B. and Bromdal, Annette. 2023. "Navigating Detransition Borders: An Exploration of Social Media Narratives ." Archives of Sexual Behavior: an interdisciplinary research journal. 52 (3), p. 1061–1072. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-023-02556-z

Developing the “Oppression-to-Incarceration Cycle” of Black American and First Nations Australian Trans Women: Applying the Intersectionality Research for Transgender Health Justice Framework

Clark, Kirsty A., Bromdal, Annette, Phillips, Tania, Sanders, Tait, Mullens, Amy B. and Hughto, Jaclyn M.W.. 2023. "Developing the “Oppression-to-Incarceration Cycle” of Black American and First Nations Australian Trans Women: Applying the Intersectionality Research for Transgender Health Justice Framework ." Journal Of Correctional Health Care. 29 (1), pp. 1-112. https://doi.org/10.1089/jchc.21.09.0084

The ethics review and the humanities and social sciences: disciplinary distinctions in ethics review processes

Carniel, Jessica, Hickey, Andrew, Southey, Kim, Bromdal, Annette, Crowley-Cyr, Lynda, Eacersall, Douglas, Farmer, Will, Gehrmann, Richard, Machin, Tanya and Pillay, Yosheen. 2023. "The ethics review and the humanities and social sciences: disciplinary distinctions in ethics review processes." Research Ethics. 19 (2), pp. 139-156. https://doi.org/10.1177/17470161221147202

Intersex awareness and education: what part can health and physical education bodies of learning and teaching play?

Hunter, Lisa, Zavros-Orr, Agli, Bromdal, Annette, Hand, Kirstine and Hart, Bonnie. 2023. "Intersex awareness and education: what part can health and physical education bodies of learning and teaching play?" Sport, Education and Society. 28 (9), pp. 1047-1067. https://doi.org/10.1080/13573322.2022.2115477

A Critical Discourse Analysis of an Australian Incarcerated Trans Woman’s Letters of Complaint and Self-Advocacy

Halliwell, Sherree D., du Plessis, Carol, Hickey, Andrew, Gildersleeve, Jessica, Mullens, Amy B., Sanders, Tait, Clark, Kirsty A., Hughto, Jaclyn M. W., Debattista, Joseph, Phillips, Tania M., Daken, Kirstie and Bromdal, Annette. 2022. "A Critical Discourse Analysis of an Australian Incarcerated Trans Woman’s Letters of Complaint and Self-Advocacy." Ethos. 50 (2), pp. 208-232. https://doi.org/10.1111/etho.12343

Fostering Gender-IQ: Barriers and Enablers to Gender-affirming Behavior Amongst an Australian General Practitioner Cohort

Franks, Nia, Mullens, Amy, Aitken, Stuart and Bromdal, Annette. 2023. "Fostering Gender-IQ: Barriers and Enablers to Gender-affirming Behavior Amongst an Australian General Practitioner Cohort." Journal of Homosexuality. 70 (13), pp. 3247-3270. https://doi.org/10.1080/00918369.2022.2092804

A Trans Agent of Social Change in Incarceration: A Psychobiographical Study of Natasha Keating

du Plessis, Carol, Halliwell, Sherree, Mullens, Amy, Sanders, Tait, Gildersleeve, Jessica, Phillips, Tania and Bromdal, Annette. 2023. "A Trans Agent of Social Change in Incarceration: A Psychobiographical Study of Natasha Keating." Journal of Personality. 91 (1), pp. 50-67. https://doi.org/10.1111/jopy.12745

Navigating intimate trans citizenship while incarcerated in Australia and the United States

Bromdal, Annette, Halliwell, Sherree, Sanders, Tait, Clark, Kirsty A., Gildersleeve, Jessica, Mullens, Amy B., Phillips, Tania M., Debattista, Joseph, du Plessis, Carol, Daken, Kirstie and Hughto, Jaclyn. 2023. "Navigating intimate trans citizenship while incarcerated in Australia and the United States." Feminism and Psychology. 33 (1), pp. 42-64. https://doi.org/10.1177/09593535221102224

Trans architecture and the prison as archive: 'don’t be a queen and you won’t be arrested'

Sanders, Tait, Gildersleeve, Jessica, Halliwell, Sherree, du Plessis, Carol, Clark, Kirsty A., Hughto, Jaclyn M. W., Mullens, Amy B., Phillips, Tania M., Daken, Kirstie and Bromdal, Annette. 2023. "Trans architecture and the prison as archive: 'don’t be a queen and you won’t be arrested'." Punishment and Society: the international journal of penology. https://doi.org/10.1177/14624745221087058

Make Visible: It's O.K To Be Me [Original Artwork in Group Exhibition]

Mullens, Amy, Bromdal, Annette, Batorowicz, Beata, Taylor, Brodie, Novak, Shannon, Mills-Kelly, Chris, Walker, Gwen, Pottinger, Sandy, Lostroch, Sue and Breeden, Georgia. 2022. Make Visible: It's O.K To Be Me [Original Artwork in Group Exhibition]. Toowoomba 21 Mar - 29 Apr 2022

Make Visible: It's Ok To Be Me (Curatorial/Creative Portfolio)

Novak, Shannon, Mullens, Amy, Batorowicz, Beata, Bromdal, Annette, Taylor, Brodie, Mills-Kelly, Chris and Walker, Gwen. 2022. Make Visible: It's Ok To Be Me (Curatorial/Creative Portfolio). Toowoomba 21 Mar - 29 Apr 2022

Mental health and quality of life outcomes of gender-affirming surgery: A systematic literature review

Swan, Jaime, Phillips, Tania M., Sanders, Tait, Mullens, Amy B., Debattista, Joseph and Bromdal, Annette. 2023. "Mental health and quality of life outcomes of gender-affirming surgery: A systematic literature review." Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health. 27 (1), pp. 2-45. https://doi.org/10.1080/19359705.2021.2016537

Victimization Within and Beyond the Prison Walls: A Latent Profile Analysis of Transgender and Gender Diverse Adults

Hughto, Jaclyn M. W., Clark, Kirsty A., Daken, Kirstie, Bromdal, Annette, Mullens, Amy B., Sanders, Tait, Phillips, Tania, Mimiaga, Matthew J., Cahill, Sean, du Plessis, Carol, Gildersleeve, Jessica, Halliwell, Sherree D. and Reisner, Sari L.. 2022. "Victimization Within and Beyond the Prison Walls: A Latent Profile Analysis of Transgender and Gender Diverse Adults." Journal of Interpersonal Violence: concerned with the study and treatment of victims and perpetrators of physical and sexual violence. 37 (23-24), pp. 23075-23106. https://doi.org/10.1177/08862605211073102

‘Eligibility regulations for the female classification’: somatechnics, women’s bodies, and elite sport

Bromdal, Annette and Rasmussen, Mary Lou. 2022. "‘Eligibility regulations for the female classification’: somatechnics, women’s bodies, and elite sport." International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics. 14 (2), pp. 239-254. https://doi.org/10.1080/19406940.2022.2028878

Publishing in the academy: An arts-based, metaphorical reflection towards self-care

Barton, Georgina, Bromdal, Annette, Burke, Katie, Fanshawe, Melissa, Farwell, Vicki, Larsen, Ellen and Pillay, Yosheen. 2023. "Publishing in the academy: An arts-based, metaphorical reflection towards self-care." The Australian Educational Researcher. 50 (4), pp. 1105-1126. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13384-022-00547-y

Safe Connection Toowoomba: Connecting and Supporting LGBTQIA+ Communities

Bromdal, Annette, Phillips, Tania, Sanders, Tait, Excell, Tarra, Mullens, Amy B and Lifeline Darling Downs and South West QLD Ltd. 2022. Safe Connection Toowoomba: Connecting and Supporting LGBTQIA+ Communities. Australia. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.23857.25446

Towards a whole-school approach for sexuality education in supporting and upholding the rights and health of students with intersex variations

Bromdal, Annette, Zavross-Orr, Agli, Hunter, Lisa, Hand, Kirstine and Hart, Bonnie. 2021. "Towards a whole-school approach for sexuality education in supporting and upholding the rights and health of students with intersex variations." Sex Education. 21 (5), pp. 568-583. https://doi.org/10.1080/14681811.2020.1864726

Beyond criticism of ethics review boards: strategies for engaging research communities and enhancing ethical review processes

Hickey, Andrew, Davis, Samantha, Farmer, Will, Dawidowicz, Julianna, Moloney, Clint, Lamont-Mills, Andrea, Carniel, Jess, Pillay, Yosheen, Akenson, David, Bromdal, Annette, Gehrmann, Richard, Mills, Dean, Kolbe-Alexander, Tracy, Machin, Tanya, Reich, Suzanne, Southey, Kim, Crowley-Cyr, Lynda, Watanabe, Taiji, Davenport, Josh, ..., Maxwell, Jacinta. 2021. "Beyond criticism of ethics review boards: strategies for engaging research communities and enhancing ethical review processes." Journal of Academic Ethics. 20, pp. 549-567. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10805-021-09430-4

'We don’t recognize transsexuals … and we’re not going to treat you': cruel and unusual and the lived experiences of transgender women in US prisons

Phillips, Tania, Bromdal, Annette, Mullens, Amy, Gildersleeve, Jessica and Gow, Jeff. 2020. "'We don’t recognize transsexuals … and we’re not going to treat you': cruel and unusual and the lived experiences of transgender women in US prisons." Harmes, Marcus, Harmes, Meredith and Harmes, Barbara (ed.) The Palgrave handbook of incarceration in popular culture. Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 331-360

Competency, capability and professional identity: the case for advanced practice

Fergusson, Lee C., Bromdal, Annette, Gough, Murray and Mears, Stephen. 2020. "Competency, capability and professional identity: the case for advanced practice." Work Based Learning e-journal. 9 (1), pp. 95-131.

Questioning representations of athletes with elevated testosterone levels in elite women’s sports: a critical policy analysis

Bromdal, Annette, Olive, Rebecca and Walker, Brooke. 2020. "Questioning representations of athletes with elevated testosterone levels in elite women’s sports: a critical policy analysis." International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics. 12 (4), pp. 699-715. https://doi.org/10.1080/19406940.2020.1834432

The Pedagogical Possibilities of Critically Examining Gender and Sexuality in Initial Teacher Education Through the Lens of Intersex

Bromdal, Annette and Davis, Ian. 2020. "The Pedagogical Possibilities of Critically Examining Gender and Sexuality in Initial Teacher Education Through the Lens of Intersex." van Rensburg, Henriette and O'Neill, Shirley (ed.) Inclusive Theory and Practice in Special Education. Hershey, United States. IGI Global. pp. 99-123

A Critical Investigation of Masculinity in Education: Using a Narrative Method

Davis, Ian and Bromdal, Annette. 2020. "A Critical Investigation of Masculinity in Education: Using a Narrative Method." van Rensburg, Henriette and O'Neill, Shirley (ed.) Inclusive Theory and Practice in Special Education. Hershey, United States. IGI Global. pp. 288-300

Memoirs and manifestos for early career researchers in gender and sexuality education research

Coll, Leanne, van Leent, Lisa and Bromdal, Annette. 2019. "Memoirs and manifestos for early career researchers in gender and sexuality education research." Jones, Tiffany, Coll, Leanne, van Leent, Lisa and Taylor, Yvette (ed.) Uplifting gender and sexuality education research. Cham, Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 279-302

Experiences of transgender prisoners and their knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding sexual behaviors and HIV/STIs: a systematic review

Bromdal, Annette, Mullens, Amy B., Phillips, Tania M. and Gow, Jeff. 2019. "Experiences of transgender prisoners and their knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding sexual behaviors and HIV/STIs: a systematic review." International Journal of Transgenderism. 20 (1), pp. 4-20. https://doi.org/10.1080/15532739.2018.1538838

Whole-incarceration-setting approaches to supporting and upholding the rights and health of incarcerated transgender people

Bromdal, Annette, Clark, Kirsty A., Hughto, Jaclyn M. W., Debattista, Joseph, Phillips, Tania M., Mullens, Amy B., Gow, Jeff and Daken, Kirstie. 2019. "Whole-incarceration-setting approaches to supporting and upholding the rights and health of incarcerated transgender people." International Journal of Transgenderism. 20 (4), pp. 341-350. https://doi.org/10.1080/15532739.2019.1651684

Experiences of transgender prisoners and their knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding sexual behaviours and HIV/STIs: a systematic review

Mullens, Amy, Bromdal, Annette, Phillips, Tania and Gow, Jeff. 2018. "Experiences of transgender prisoners and their knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding sexual behaviours and HIV/STIs: a systematic review." International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 25, p. S42.

Homophobia, transphobia, young people and the question of responsibility

Rasmussen, Mary Lou, Sanjakdar, Fida, Allen, Louisa, Quinlivan, Kathleen and Bromdal, Annette. 2018. "Homophobia, transphobia, young people and the question of responsibility." Halse, Christine, Hartung, Catherine and Wright, Jan (ed.) Responsibility and responsibilisation in education. Abingdon, UK. Routledge. pp. 30-42

Lived experiences among transgender and gender diverse offenders and their knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding sexual behaviours and HIV/STIs, and knowledge and attitudes among prison officers towards transgender and gender diverse prisoners, sexuality and HIV/STIs: protocol for a systematic review

Bromdal, Annette, Mullens, Amy, Phillips, Tania and Gow, Jeff. 2017. "Lived experiences among transgender and gender diverse offenders and their knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding sexual behaviours and HIV/STIs, and knowledge and attitudes among prison officers towards transgender and gender diverse prisoners, sexuality and HIV/STIs: protocol for a systematic review." PROSPERO: International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews. 18 Sept 2017.

Homophobia, transphobia, young people and the question of responsibility

Rasmussen, Mary Lou, Sanjakdar, Fida, Allen, Louisa, Quinlivan, Kathleen and Bromdal, Annette. 2017. "Homophobia, transphobia, young people and the question of responsibility." Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education. 38 (1), pp. 30-42. https://doi.org/10.1080/01596306.2015.1104850

Intersex bodies in sexuality education: on the edge of cultural difference

Bromdal, Annette, Rasmussen, Mary Lou, Sanjakdar, Fida, Allen, Louisa and Quinlivan, Kathleen. 2017. "Intersex bodies in sexuality education: on the edge of cultural difference." Allen, Louisa and Rasmussen, Mary Lou (ed.) The Palgrave handbook of sexuality education. London, United Kingdom. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 369-390

Sexuality education in public schools in Australia and Aotearoa - New Zealand

Rasmussen, Mary Lou, Sanjakdar, Fida, Quinlivan, Kathleen, Allen, Louisa, Bromdal, Annette and Aspin, Clive. 2016. "Sexuality education in public schools in Australia and Aotearoa - New Zealand." Rasmussen, Mary Lou (ed.) Progressive sexuality education: the conceits of secularism. New York. Routledge. pp. 48-70

Sexuality Education in Public Schools in Australia and Aotearoa New Zeeland

Rasmussen, Mary Lou, Sanjakdar, Fida, Quinlivan, Kathleen, Allen, Louisa, Bromdal, Annette and Aspin, Clive. 2016. "Sexuality Education in Public Schools in Australia and Aotearoa New Zeeland ." Rasmussen, Mary Lou (ed.) Progressive Sexuality Education: The Conceits of Secularism. New York. Routledge. pp. 48-70

In search of critical pedagogy in sexuality education: visions, imaginations, and paradoxes

Sanjakdar, Fida, Allen, Louisa, Rasmussen, Mary Lou, Quinlivan, Kathleen, Bromdal, Annette and Aspin, Clive. 2015. "In search of critical pedagogy in sexuality education: visions, imaginations, and paradoxes." Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies. 37 (1), pp. 53-70. https://doi.org/10.1080/10714413.2015.988537

Meeting at the crossroads: re-conceptualising difference in research teams

Allen, Louisa, Quinlivan, Kathleen, Aspin, Clive, Sanjakdar, Fida, Bromdal, Annette and Rasmussen, Mary Lou. 2014. "Meeting at the crossroads: re-conceptualising difference in research teams." Qualitative Research Journal. 14 (2), pp. 119-133. https://doi.org/10.1108/QRJ-08-2013-0047

Who's afraid of sex at school? The politics of researching culture, religion and sexuality at school

Allen, Louisa, Rasmussen, Mary Lou, Quinlivan, Kathleen, Aspin, Clive, Sanjakdar, Fida and Bromdal, Annette. 2012. "Who's afraid of sex at school? The politics of researching culture, religion and sexuality at school." International Journal of Research and Method in Education. 37 (1), pp. 31-43. https://doi.org/10.1080/1743727X.2012.754006

(Un)Queering the Intersex Body in Elite Sports

Brömdal, Annette C.G.. 2011. "(Un)Queering the Intersex Body in Elite Sports ." Ramello, Stefano (ed.) Fascination of Queer. United Kingdom. Brill. pp. 23-34