47. Language, Communication and Culture

Title47. Language, Communication and Culture
ParentANZSRC Field of Research

Latest research outputs

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Conceptual model development of local cultural brand experiences
Lien, Ching-Yu and Ng, Eric. 2014. "Conceptual model development of local cultural brand experiences." 7th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT 2014). Singapore 23 - 25 Sep 2014 Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICMIT.2014.6942395


Providing students with written feedback on their assessment: a collaborative self-study exploring the nexus of research and practice
Pittaway, Sharon and Dowden, Tony. 2014. "Providing students with written feedback on their assessment: a collaborative self-study exploring the nexus of research and practice." Studying Teacher Education. 10 (3), pp. 197-209. https://doi.org/10.1080/17425964.2014.949659


Incorporating injustice: immigrant vulnerability and Latin Americans in multicultural Australia
Mason, Robert. 2014. "Incorporating injustice: immigrant vulnerability and Latin Americans in multicultural Australia ." Journal of Intercultural Studies. 35 (5), pp. 549-562. https://doi.org/10.1080/07256868.2014.944112


Digital social media is nothing new
Mason, Andrew. 2014. "Digital social media is nothing new." Bossio, Diana (ed.) 2014 Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference: The Digital and the Social: Communication for Inclusion and Exchange (ANZCA 2014). Melbourne, Australia 09 - 11 Jul 2014 Australia.


The impact of workplace incivility on the satisfaction of basic needs: the role of past experience
Machin, M. A. and Jeffries, C. H.. 2013. "The impact of workplace incivility on the satisfaction of basic needs: the role of past experience." 48th Australian Psychological Society Annual Conference (APS 2013): Psychology for a Healthy Nation. Cairns, Australia 08 - 12 Oct 2013 Melbourne, Australia.


The spell of the cell: molecular reproduction and the genetic imaginary
McDonald, Lisa. 2005. "The spell of the cell: molecular reproduction and the genetic imaginary." Lorek-Jezinska, Edyta and Wieckowska, Kararzyna (ed.) Corporeal inscriptions: representations of the body in cultural and literary texts and practices. Torun, Poland. Nicolaus Copernicus University Press. pp. 237-249

Edited book (chapter)

Digital editing as cultural practice
McDonald, Lisa. 2002. "Digital editing as cultural practice." Emergences: Journal for the Study of Media and Composite Cultures. 12 (2), pp. 235-253. https://doi.org/10.1080/10457220216363


'Create a better online you': designing online learning resources to develop undergraduate social media skills
Pozzi, Megan. 2015. "'Create a better online you': designing online learning resources to develop undergraduate social media skills." International Journal Of Social Media And Interactive Learning Environments. 3 (4), pp. 305-321. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJSMILE.2015.074011


Social media in higher education: Strategy and support for staff and students
Hutley, Sue and Pozzi, Megan. 2015. "Social media in higher education: Strategy and support for staff and students." The Higher Education Technology Agenda 2015 (THETA 2015). Gold Coast, Australia 11 2015 - 13 May 2023 Australia.


The suffragettes were rebels, certainly, but not slaves
Stevenson, Ana. 2015. "The suffragettes were rebels, certainly, but not slaves." The Conversation.


Hellish enfleshment: embodying anti-Catholicism in early modern English culture
Malone, Lachlan. 2015. Hellish enfleshment: embodying anti-Catholicism in early modern English culture. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

The constitutional context of secularism, religious freedoms, and the state
Meacham, Anthony Paul. 2015. The constitutional context of secularism, religious freedoms, and the state. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

An investigation of the relationship between Japanese university students' English syntactic awareness and their use of cognitive and meta-cognitive reading stratagies.
Kamita, Hideki. 2015. An investigation of the relationship between Japanese university students' English syntactic awareness and their use of cognitive and meta-cognitive reading stratagies. PhD Thesis Doctor of Education. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

The language of ecotourism
Fenton Keane, Jayne. 2015. The language of ecotourism. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

Teachers’ language ideologies and classroom practices in English bilingual education: an ethnographic case study of a senior high school in central Java, Indonesia
Fitriati, Sri Wuli. 2015. Teachers’ language ideologies and classroom practices in English bilingual education: an ethnographic case study of a senior high school in central Java, Indonesia. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

Hanging in the balance: when refugee learners’ naturalization depends on their acquisition of cultural knowledge and English language proficiency
Hewagodage, Vineetha. 2015. Hanging in the balance: when refugee learners’ naturalization depends on their acquisition of cultural knowledge and English language proficiency. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

The fowl and the pussycat: Love letters of Michael Field, 1876-1909
Bickle, Sharon A. and Field, Michael. 2008. The fowl and the pussycat: Love letters of Michael Field, 1876-1909. Charlottesville, United States. University of Virginia Press.

Textual work

Baroque inclinations: The Politics of Imagination. Benjamin, Kracauer, Kluge, by Tara Forrest
McDonald, Lisa. 2008. "Baroque inclinations: The Politics of Imagination. Benjamin, Kracauer, Kluge, by Tara Forrest." Cultural Studies Review. 14 (2), pp. 210-214.

Book review

Sheilas, wogs and metrosexuals: masculinity, ethnicity and Australian soccer
Carniel, Jessica. 2010. "Sheilas, wogs and metrosexuals: masculinity, ethnicity and Australian soccer." Hallinan, Christopher J. and Hughson, John E. (ed.) The containment of soccer in Australia: fencing off the world game. London, United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 73-83

Edited book (chapter)

Sheilas, wogs and metrosexuals: masculinity, ethnicity and Australian soccer
Carniel, Jessica. 2009. "Sheilas, wogs and metrosexuals: masculinity, ethnicity and Australian soccer." Soccer and Society. 10 (1), pp. 73-83. https://doi.org/10.1080/14660970802472676


You don't know what you don't know: ethics and participant consent issues for eResearch users
Ostini, Jenny, Gacenga, Francis, Pocock, Celmara and Whiteside, Eliza. 2014. "You don't know what you don't know: ethics and participant consent issues for eResearch users." eResearch Australasia 2014 Conference: Towards Unified Global Research. Melbourne, Australia 27 - 31 Oct 2014 Sydney, Australia.


How do we 'get at' people's everyday practices of digital technology?
Ostini, Jenny. 2014. "How do we 'get at' people's everyday practices of digital technology?" Social Science Research Questions and Methodological Challenges in the 21st Century. Sheffield, United Kingdom 15 Oct 2014


How the business professional can utilise the latest technologies to learn another language
Nooriafshar, Mehryar and Kurakake, Hiroko. 2014. "How the business professional can utilise the latest technologies to learn another language." Asian Journal of Management Sciences and Education. 3 (3), pp. 1-8.


Electrical romanticism
Goodall, Jane. 2008. "Electrical romanticism." Knellwolf, Christa and Goodall, Jane (ed.) Frankenstein's science: experimentation and discovery in romantic culture, 1780-1830. Aldershot, United Kingdom. Ashgate Publishing Limited. pp. 117-132

Edited book (chapter)

Stage presence
Goodall, Jane. 2008. Stage presence. London, United Kingdom. Routledge.

Authored book

Nightmares in the engine room
Goodall, Jane. 2009. "Nightmares in the engine room." Smith, Hazel and Dean, Roger T. (ed.) Practice-led research, research-led practice in the creative arts. Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 200-207

Edited book (chapter)

Nicknames in Australian secondary schools: insights into nicknames and adolescent views of self
Starks, Donna, Taylor-Leech, Kerry and Willoughby, Louisa. 2012. "Nicknames in Australian secondary schools: insights into nicknames and adolescent views of self." Ponsonnet, Maia, Dao, Loan and Bowler, Margit (ed.) 42nd Australian Linguistics Society Conference (ALS 2011): Applied Linguistics as a Meeting Place. Canberra, Australia 01 - 04 Dec 2011 Canberra, Australia.


Transnational literacies: second language literacy development in immigrant families of non english-speaking background
Taylor-Leech, Kerry Jane. 2012. "Transnational literacies: second language literacy development in immigrant families of non english-speaking background ." Ponsonnet, Maia, Dao, Loan and Bowler, Margit (ed.) 42nd Australian Linguistics Society Conference (ALS 2011): Applied Linguistics as a Meeting Place. Canberra, Australia 01 - 04 Dec 2011 Canberra, Australia.


MergerMarginMark[Me]: exploring digital technologies in film and electronic media
McDonald, Lisa. 2001. "MergerMarginMark[Me]: exploring digital technologies in film and electronic media." Antithesis. 12, pp. 96-115.


Dis/articulating bellies: a reproductive glance
McDonald, Lisa. 2007. "Dis/articulating bellies: a reproductive glance." Cultural Studies Review. 13 (1), pp. 187-207.


Writing, with, t/error. and calling on the body of an artist
McDonald, Lisa. 2007. "Writing, with, t/error. and calling on the body of an artist." Cultural Studies Review. 13 (2), pp. 66-76.


Global diversity issues in counseling
Nassar-McMillan, Sylvia C., Moore III, James L., Warfield, Heather A. and Mayes, Renae D.. 2013. "Global diversity issues in counseling." Hohenshil, Thomas H., Amundson, Norman E. and Niles, Spencer G. (ed.) Counseling around the world: an international handbook. Alexandria, VA. United States. American Counseling Association. pp. 9-20

Edited book (chapter)

Acts of defiance: engaging community from the perspective of local government
Hickey, Andrew T., Bates, Darryl and Reynolds, Paul. 2014. "Acts of defiance: engaging community from the perspective of local government." Postle, Glen David, Burton, Lorelle Jane and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) Community capacity building: lessons from adult learning in Australia. Leicester, United Kingdom. NIACE. pp. 177-189

Edited book (chapter)

Towards an adolescent friendly methodology: accessing the authentic through collective reflection
Keeffe, Mary and Andrews, Dorothy. 2015. "Towards an adolescent friendly methodology: accessing the authentic through collective reflection." International Journal of Research and Method in Education. 38 (4), pp. 357-370. https://doi.org/10.1080/1743727X.2014.931367


'We're all strangers': post-war anxiety in Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap
Gildersleeve, Jessica. 2014. "'We're all strangers': post-war anxiety in Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap." Clues: a journal of detection. 32 (2), pp. 115-123. https://doi.org/10.3172/CLU.32.2.115


Discourses of morality: the news media, human rights and foreign policy in twentieth-century United States
Ostini, Jennifer Anne. 2000. Discourses of morality: the news media, human rights and foreign policy in twentieth-century United States. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Minnesota, USA.

PhD Thesis

In the shadow of the Australia-China Free Trade agreement negotiation: obstacles and suggestions
He, Ling Ling. 2010. "In the shadow of the Australia-China Free Trade agreement negotiation: obstacles and suggestions." 2nd Biennial Global Conference of the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL 2010). Barcelona, Spain 08 - 10 Jul 2010 London, United Kingdom. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1632471


I want sausages for my lunch! Using functional communication training to enhance choice making behaviour
Tait, K.. 2010. "I want sausages for my lunch! Using functional communication training to enhance choice making behaviour." Halloway, Warren and Maurer, John (ed.) International research in teacher education: current perspectives. Armidale, Australia. Kardooair press poetry.

Edited book (chapter)

Learning through story: a collaborative multimodal arts approach
Barton, Georgina and Baguley, Margaret. 2014. "Learning through story: a collaborative multimodal arts approach." English Teaching: Practice and Critique. 13 (2), pp. 93-112.


Assessment of the indigenous national heritage values for Wurrwurrwuy stone picture site
Collett, David and Pocock, Celmara. 2012. Assessment of the indigenous national heritage values for Wurrwurrwuy stone picture site. Canberra, Australia. Commonwealth Government of Australia.
