47. Language, Communication and Culture

Title47. Language, Communication and Culture
ParentANZSRC Field of Research

Latest research outputs

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The salted heart [Short story]
Sulway, N. A.. 2011. "The salted heart [Short story]." Thompson, Stephen (ed.) Mythic resonance. Brisbane, Australia. Esstee Media. pp. 11-30

Edited book (chapter)

Their golden daughters
Sulway, N. A.. 2011. "Their golden daughters." Kenny, John (ed.) Box of delights. Dublin, Ireland. Aeon Press. pp. 32-38

Edited book (chapter)

The fox's child [Short story]
Sulway, Nike. 2012. "The fox's child [Short story]." Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine.


Success factors in cultural heritage tourism enterprise management
Carlsen, Jack, Hughes, Michael, Frost, Warwick, Pocock, Celmara and Peel, Vicki. 2008. Success factors in cultural heritage tourism enterprise management. Gold Coast, Australia. Sustainable Tourism CRC.

Technical report

My Queensland: this is not for you
Bourke, Nike. 2008. "My Queensland: this is not for you." Griffith Review.


Finding love in the archives: editing the 'lost' love letters of 'Michael Field'
Bickle, Sharon. 2008. "Finding love in the archives: editing the 'lost' love letters of 'Michael Field'." Smith, Thomas R. (ed.) Lifewriting annual: Biographical and autobiographical studies. New York. AMS Press, Inc.. pp. 73-91

Edited book (chapter)

Muddy death: fate, femininity and mourning in Jean Rhys's Good Morning Midnight
Gildersleeve, Jessica. 2010. "Muddy death: fate, femininity and mourning in Jean Rhys's Good Morning Midnight." Wisker, Gina and Dodgson-Katiyo, Pauline (ed.) Rites of passage in postcolonial women's writing. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Rodopi. pp. 227-244

Edited book (chapter)

My Queensland
Shapcott, Thomas, Winch, Tara June, Sheahan-Bright, Robyn, Bourke, Nike and Elliott, Will. 2008. "My Queensland." Griffith Review.


Bourke, N. A.. 2009. "Arboretum." The Lifted Brow.


Bourke, N. A.. 2010. "Gibraltar." The Lifted Brow.


Her lover's golden hair [Short story]
Sulway, Nike. 2011. "Her lover's golden hair [Short story]." Fantasy Magazine. 57.


Moving beyond basics: from CALL coursework to classroom practice and professional development
Son, Jeong-Bae. 2014. "Moving beyond basics: from CALL coursework to classroom practice and professional development." Son, Jeong-Bae (ed.) Computer-assisted language learning: learners, teachers and tools. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 122-149

Edited book (chapter)

Nicknames in Australian secondary schools: insights into nicknames and adolescent views of self
Starks, Donna, Taylor-Leech, Kerry Jane and Willoughby, Louisa. 2012. "Nicknames in Australian secondary schools: insights into nicknames and adolescent views of self ." Names: a journal of onomastics. 60 (3), pp. 135-149. https://doi.org/10.1179/0027773812Z.00000000019


Beyond the four theories of the press: A new model of national media systems
Ostini, Jennifer and Fung, Anthony Y.H.. 2002. "Beyond the four theories of the press: A new model of national media systems." Mass Communication and Society. 5 (1), pp. 41-56. https://doi.org/10.1207/S15327825MCS0501_4


Applied sport psychology: beware the sun, Icarus
Terry, Peter C.. 2011. "Applied sport psychology: beware the sun, Icarus." Martin, Paul R., Cheung, Fanny M., Knowles, Michael C., Kyrios, Michael, Littlefield, Lyn, Overmier, J.Bruce and Prieto, Jose M. (ed.) IAAP Handbook of Applied Psychology. Oxford, UK. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 386-410

Edited book (chapter)

Dancing to different tunes: the challenge of cultural diversity in the doctoral candidate-supervisor relationship
Malan, Renee, Erwee, Ronel, van Rensburg, Henriette and Danaher, Patrick. 2011. "Dancing to different tunes: the challenge of cultural diversity in the doctoral candidate-supervisor relationship." 3rd Biennial Conference on Postgraduate Supervision (CHAE 2011): Promoting a Culture of Postgraduate Scholarship. Stellenbosch, South Africa 18 - 21 Apr 2011 Stellenbosch, South Africa.


Discussing the interest in age, vitality and proximity in dispersed regional communities
McDonald, Lisa. 2014. "Discussing the interest in age, vitality and proximity in dispersed regional communities." International Journal of Critical Cultural Studies. 12 (2), pp. 23-38.


An active citizen: a personal female response
Collins, P. T.. 2010. "An active citizen: a personal female response." Language and Culture Symposium 2010. Toowoomba, Australia 22 Sep 2010 Toowoomba, Australia.


Gazing into a kaleidoscope of world news: an insight into Australian city editors' views of some developing neighbours
Coatney, Caryn. 2008. "Gazing into a kaleidoscope of world news: an insight into Australian city editors' views of some developing neighbours." Baldwin, Janet, Baker, Janice and Fordham, Helen (ed.) 9th Humanities Postgraduate Conference (EPEC 2008): Engaging place(s)/engaging culture(s). Perth, Australia 05 - 08 Nov 2008 Perth, Australia.


John Curtin: Prime Minister and journalist
Coatney, Caryn. 2011. "John Curtin: Prime Minister and journalist." Museum of Australian Democracy.


Curtin is doing a splendid job: how a wartime labour Prime Minister won press support, 1941-45
Coatney, Caryn. 2009. "Curtin is doing a splendid job: how a wartime labour Prime Minister won press support, 1941-45." Oliver, Bobie (ed.) Labour history in the new century. Perth, Australia. Black Swan Press. pp. 91-101

Edited book (chapter)

Face-to-face or Facebook: can social connectedness be derived online?
Grieve, Rachel, Indian, Michaelle, Witteveen, Kate, Tolan, G. Anne and Marrington, Jessica. 2013. "Face-to-face or Facebook: can social connectedness be derived online? " Computers in Human Behavior. 29 (3), pp. 604-609. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2012.11.017


Making meaning in mathematics problem-solving using the reciprocal teaching approach
Meyer, Kylie. 2014. "Making meaning in mathematics problem-solving using the reciprocal teaching approach." Literacy Learning: The Middle Years. 22 (2), pp. 7-14.


Canadian children's literature: an Alberta survey
Bainbridge, Joyce, Carbonaro, Mike and Green, Nicole. 2005. "Canadian children's literature: an Alberta survey." Alberta Journal of Educational Research. 51 (4), pp. 311-327.


Great war leaders' successful media strategies for business: how Franklin Delano Roosevelt and John Curtin won journalists' support
Coatney, Caryn. 2012. "Great war leaders' successful media strategies for business: how Franklin Delano Roosevelt and John Curtin won journalists' support." Jalbert, Mercedes (ed.) Global Conference on Business and Finance (IBFR 2012). Honolulu, United States 03 - 06 Jan 2012 Hilo, HI. United States.


Read all about it: John Curtin's key to generating positive news coverage, 1941-1945
Coatney, Caryn. 2010. "Read all about it: John Curtin's key to generating positive news coverage, 1941-1945." Lunn, Julie, Baker, Janice and Gerbaz, Alex (ed.) 10th Humanities Graduate Research Conference 2009: Creative Margins. Perth, Australia 05 - 06 Nov 2009 Perth, Australia.


War secrets: how an Australian Prime Minister developed investigative journalism techniques, 1941-1945
Coatney, Caryn. 2014. "War secrets: how an Australian Prime Minister developed investigative journalism techniques, 1941-1945." Resiliency in Investigative Journalism Conference 2014. Springfield, Australia 11 Jul 2014 Springfield, Australia.


The cadence of becoming
Hourigan, Daniel. 2010. "The cadence of becoming." Westbrook, Anna and Farrell, Charlotte (ed.) UNSW Postgraduate Symposium (EMPA 2010): Metamorphoses: Transformations, Transgressions. Sydney, Australia 10 Sep 2010 Sydney, Australia. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1817373


Palahniuk's tyranny of language and ontological minimalism
Hourigan, Daniel. 2010. "Palahniuk's tyranny of language and ontological minimalism." Kritike. 4 (2), pp. 26-32.


Badiou and Zizek on Mallarme: the critique of object-art
Hourigan, Daniel. 2012. "Badiou and Zizek on Mallarme: the critique of object-art." Minerva: an internet journal of philosophy. 16, pp. 25-35.


Augmenting transcultural diffusion through knowledge management: the critical role of internal marketing
Hume, Craig and Hume, Margee. 2014. "Augmenting transcultural diffusion through knowledge management: the critical role of internal marketing." Christiansen, Bryan, Yıldız, Salih and Yıldız, Emel (ed.) Handbook of research on effective marketing in contemporary globalism . Hershey, PA. United States. IGI Global. pp. 104-127

Edited book (chapter)

Creative users, social networking, and new models of publishing
Ren, Xiang. 2014. "Creative users, social networking, and new models of publishing." Cultural Science. 7 (1), pp. 58-67.


He whanaunga tera: the politics and practice of an indigenous and intercultural approach to ecological well-being
Williams, Lewis. 2012. "He whanaunga tera: the politics and practice of an indigenous and intercultural approach to ecological well-being." Williams, Lewis, Roberts, Rose and McIntosh, Alastair (ed.) Radical human ecology: intercultural and indigenous approaches. Farnham, Surrey. United Kingdom. Ashgate Publishing Limited. pp. 397-419

Edited book (chapter)

On-line communities
Rennie, Frank and Keppell, Mike. 2010. On-line communities. Oxford, United Kingdom. Association for Learning Technology.


Gold, ink, and bitter disappointment: Swedish journalist Corfitz Cronqvist in Australasia, 1857-95
Emmerson, Mark. 2013. "Gold, ink, and bitter disappointment: Swedish journalist Corfitz Cronqvist in Australasia, 1857-95." Melbourne Historical Journal. 41, pp. 65-81.


Finding one's own linguistic space: views on English, Afrikaans and identity in a semi-urban Australian context
Hatoss, Aniko, van Rensburg, Henriette and Starks, Donna. 2011. "Finding one's own linguistic space: views on English, Afrikaans and identity in a semi-urban Australian context." Sociolinguistic Studies. 5 (2), pp. 257-289. https://doi.org/10.1558/sols.v5i2.257


Language learning and cross-cultural attitudes: an international study of the attitudes of Japanese students of English
O'Neill, Shirley, Ingram, David E., Kono, Minoru and Sasaki, S.. 2008. Language learning and cross-cultural attitudes: an international study of the attitudes of Japanese students of English. Akita, Japan. Akita University.

Project report

Raising young children with autism spectrum disorders in Hong Kong: the impact of cultural values and stigma on Chinese parents' coping strategies
Tait, K., Mundia, L. and Fung, F.. 2014. "Raising young children with autism spectrum disorders in Hong Kong: the impact of cultural values and stigma on Chinese parents' coping strategies." International Journal Advances in Social Science and Humanities. 2 (1), pp. 7-15.


Post-modernising the museum: the ration shed
Smith, Carly. 2014. "Post-modernising the museum: the ration shed." Historical Encounters. 1 (1), pp. 32-49.


The impact of a child with autism on the Bruneian family system
Tait, Kathleen J. and Mundia, Lawrence. 2012. "The impact of a child with autism on the Bruneian family system." International Journal of Special Education. 27 (3), pp. 199-212.
