47. Language, Communication and Culture

Title47. Language, Communication and Culture
ParentANZSRC Field of Research

Latest research outputs

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Phoneys and the dash man: the hypnotic voice of J. D. Salinger
Goodall, Jane. 2010. "Phoneys and the dash man: the hypnotic voice of J. D. Salinger." Australian Book Review.


Entertaining Australian troops at war in Afghanistan and Iraq
Gehrmann, Richard. 2014. "Entertaining Australian troops at war in Afghanistan and Iraq." Popular Entertainment Studies. 5 (1), pp. 128-143.


Victorian Maenads: on Michael Field's Callirrhoe and being driven mad
Bickle, Sharon. 2010. "Victorian Maenads: on Michael Field's Callirrhoe and being driven mad." The Michaelian.


iTESOL: analogous practices in the SLA classroom
McDonald, Lisa. 2010. "iTESOL: analogous practices in the SLA classroom." Tesol in Context. 20 (2), pp. 42-51.


A possible science: topologies of interest in corporeal cultural flows
McDonald, Lisa. 2009. "A possible science: topologies of interest in corporeal cultural flows." International Journal of Science in Society. 1 (1), pp. 69-77.


Identities made in the kitchen taste the best: consumption and denial of Italian Australian ethnicity as food in Capaldo's Love takes you home
Carniel, Jessica. 2007. "Identities made in the kitchen taste the best: consumption and denial of Italian Australian ethnicity as food in Capaldo's Love takes you home." Rando, Gaetano and Turcotte, Gerry (ed.) Literary and social diasporas: an Italian Australian perspective. Brussels, Belgium. Peter Lang Publishing.

Edited book (chapter)

A cultural affair to remember: nostalgia, whiteness and migration in Love's Brother
Carniel, Jessica. 2009. "A cultural affair to remember: nostalgia, whiteness and migration in Love's Brother." Studies in Australasian Cinema. 3 (1), pp. 93-105. https://doi.org/10.1386/sac.3.1.93/1


Goodall, Jane. 2009. "Footprints ." Australian Book Review.


Explaining negotiation outcomes: process or context?
Irmer, Cynthia and Druckman, Daniel. 2009. "Explaining negotiation outcomes: process or context?" Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2 (3), pp. 209-235. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1750-4716.2009.00038.x


A challenging middle school SOSE unit and a resource for teaching teachers explicit strategies to support literacy learning (episode 2)
Norton, Patsy. 2009. "A challenging middle school SOSE unit and a resource for teaching teachers explicit strategies to support literacy learning (episode 2)." Literacy Learning: The Middle Years. 17 (3), pp. i-viii.


Fashioning the plot: why literature should get back on the catwalk
Goodall, Jane. 2008. "Fashioning the plot: why literature should get back on the catwalk." HEAT.


Women, migration and well-being: building epistemological resilience through ontologies of wholeness and relationship
Williams, Lewis and Hall, Laura. 2014. "Women, migration and well-being: building epistemological resilience through ontologies of wholeness and relationship ." Global Change, Peace and Security. 26 (2), pp. 211-221. https://doi.org/10.1080/14781158.2014.881335


Is speaking fluency strand necessary for the college students to develop in the EFL class?
Yang, Yingjie I. J.. 2014. "Is speaking fluency strand necessary for the college students to develop in the EFL class?" Theory and Practice in Language Studies. 4 (2), pp. 225-231. https://doi.org/10.4304/tpls.4.2.225-231


A heuristic model to aid the western business people working in culturally different societies to adjust to the environment
Nooriafshar, Mehryar and Vibert, Conor. 2013. "A heuristic model to aid the western business people working in culturally different societies to adjust to the environment." Filipovic, Davor and Goltnik Urnaut, Anita (ed.) 2nd International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development (ESD 2013): Enterprise in Turbulent Environment. Paris, France 04 - 05 Apr 2013 Varazdin, Croatia.


English language in the Malaysian education system: its existence and implications
Darmi, Ramiza and Albion, Peter. 2013. "English language in the Malaysian education system: its existence and implications." Noor, M. M., Rahman, M. M. and Ismail, J. (ed.) 3rd Malaysian Postgraduate Conference (MPC 2013). Sydney, Australia 04 - 05 Jul 2013 Sydney, Australia.


Malaysian graduates: what and why
Darmi, Ramiza and Albion, Peter. 2013. "Malaysian graduates: what and why." Noor, M. M., Rahman, M. M. and Ismail, J. (ed.) 3rd Malaysian Postgraduate Conference (MPC 2013). Sydney, Australia 04 - 05 Jul 2013 Sydney, Australia.


Crime shows and Islam: the modern and the medieval
Henderson, Lindsay. 2013. "Crime shows and Islam: the modern and the medieval." Mountfort, Paul (ed.) 4th Annual Popular Culture Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference (PopCAANZ 2013). Brisbane, Australia 24 - 26 Jun 2013 Auckland, New Zealand.


Democratising the digital divide: civics and citizenship curriculum, Australian Aboriginal communities and social media
Antonio, Amy. 2013. "Democratising the digital divide: civics and citizenship curriculum, Australian Aboriginal communities and social media ." The Social Educator. 31 (1), pp. 35-42.


Twisting Dickens: modding childhood for the steampunk marketplace in Cory Doctorow's 'Clockwork Fagin' (2011)
Bickle, Sharon A.. 2013. "Twisting Dickens: modding childhood for the steampunk marketplace in Cory Doctorow's 'Clockwork Fagin' (2011)." Australasian Journal of Victorian Studies. 18 (3), pp. 58-71.


The fierce earth: 'Michael Field's' pagan politics
Bickle, Sharon. 2013. "The fierce earth: 'Michael Field's' pagan politics." Hecate: an interdisciplinary journal of women's liberation. 38 (1/2), pp. 78-90.


Doctor Who and the art of adaptation: fifty years of storytelling
Harmes, Marcus K.. 2014. Doctor Who and the art of adaptation: fifty years of storytelling. Lanham, MD, USA. Rowman & Littlefield Education.

Authored book

Can open access save monograph publishing? (开放获取能否拯救学术专著出版?)
Ren, Xiang. 2013. "Can open access save monograph publishing? (开放获取能否拯救学术专著出版?)." View on Publishing (Chuban Guangjiao).


The digital transition and challenges of educational publishing in the UK and US (英美教材出版的数字转型与危机)
Ren, Xiang. 2013. "The digital transition and challenges of educational publishing in the UK and US (英美教材出版的数字转型与危机)." Vast View on Publishing (Chuban Guangjiao).


O, let me view his visage, being dead: decapitation and the legitimating of power in early modern England
Harmes, Marcus. 2011. "O, let me view his visage, being dead: decapitation and the legitimating of power in early modern England." Johnson, Laurie and Chalk, Darryl (ed.) 1st Shakespearean Reverie Symposium 2011. Toowoomba, Australia 06 - 08 Oct 2011 Toowoomba, Australia.


Enhancing student communication skills: the development of the PCR communication model for engineers
Dowling, David G.. 2013. "Enhancing student communication skills: the development of the PCR communication model for engineers." Froyen, Ludo (ed.) 41st Annual Engineering Education Conference(SEFI 2013): Engineering Education Fast Forward 1973-2013 . Leuven, Belgium 16 - 20 Sep 2013 Brussels, Belgium.


Why does your church look like a fortress? God and the gothic in Doctor Who and Hammer
Harmes, Marcus. 2014. "Why does your church look like a fortress? God and the gothic in Doctor Who and Hammer." Science Fiction Film and Television. 7 (1), pp. 99-116. https://doi.org/10.3828/sfftv.2014.5


Nothing but sunshine: writing across monsoonal lines, inflecting electronic arts
McDonald, Lisa. 2009. "Nothing but sunshine: writing across monsoonal lines, inflecting electronic arts." The International Journal of the Arts in Society. 4 (4), pp. 369-380.


Writing the story of the wartime occupation of the Channel Islands
Goodall, Peter. 2013. "Writing the story of the wartime occupation of the Channel Islands." Shaw, Jan, Kelly, Philippa and Semler, L. E. (ed.) Storytelling: critical and creative approaches. London, United Kingdom. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 114-123

Edited book (chapter)

Branding the muscled male body as military costume
Smith, Heather and Gehrmann, Richard. 2014. "Branding the muscled male body as military costume." Rall, Denise N. (ed.) Fashion and War in Popular Culture. Bristol, United Kingdom. Intellect Press / University of Chicago Press. pp. 57-71

Edited book (chapter)

He's gonna be a little gay: redneckognising the queer American family in Here comes Honey Boo Boo
Parkes, Geoff. 2013. "He's gonna be a little gay: redneckognising the queer American family in Here comes Honey Boo Boo." Mountfort, Paul (ed.) 4th Annual Popular Culture Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference (PopCAANZ 2013). Brisbane, Australia 24 - 26 Jun 2013 Auckland, New Zealand.


Figuring fertility: poetics in the cultural practices of reproductive science
McDonald, Lisa. 2011. Figuring fertility: poetics in the cultural practices of reproductive science. Brisbane, Australia. Post Pressed.

Authored book

The significance of the linguistic representation of self in research
Salton, Yvonne. 2013. "The significance of the linguistic representation of self in research." Midgley, Warren, Danaher, Patrick Alan and Baguley, Margaret (ed.) The role of participants in education research: ethics, epistemologies, and methods. Abingdon, OX. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 85-92

Edited book (chapter)

(Inter)national bilingual networking: maximising the educational potential of the Australian NBN
Singh, Michael, Harreveld, R. E. (Bobby) and Danaher, Patrick. 2014. "(Inter)national bilingual networking: maximising the educational potential of the Australian NBN." Bekirogullari, Zafer (ed.) 4th International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology (ICEEPSY 2013). Antalya, Turkey 02 - 05 Oct 2013 Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Reading online and offline: language teachers' perspectives
Son, Jeong-Bae. 2013. "Reading online and offline: language teachers' perspectives." International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching. 3 (4), pp. 25-32. https://doi.org/10.4018/ijcallt.2013100103


Finding gems in computer-assisted language learning: clues from GLoCALL 2011 and 2012 papers
Son, Jeong-Bae and Rossade, Klaus-Dieter. 2013. "Finding gems in computer-assisted language learning: clues from GLoCALL 2011 and 2012 papers." International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching. 3 (4), pp. 1-8.


Is English a nuisance or an asset? Japanese youths' discursive constructions of language attitudes
Saito, Akihiro. 2014. "Is English a nuisance or an asset? Japanese youths' discursive constructions of language attitudes." System. 44 (1), pp. 13-23. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2014.02.001


My teacher told me Toowoomba will never flood: regional community uses of Facebook during the 2011 Queensland floods
McWilliam, Kelly. 2013. "My teacher told me Toowoomba will never flood: regional community uses of Facebook during the 2011 Queensland floods." Queensland Review. 20 (1), pp. 86-95. https://doi.org/10.1017/qre.2013.7


Disrupting the label: a 4D research method for re-constituting 'the other' and 'othered' through theory, narrative, metaphor and constructive conversation
Findlay, Yvonne S. and Jones, Janice K.. 2013. "Disrupting the label: a 4D research method for re-constituting 'the other' and 'othered' through theory, narrative, metaphor and constructive conversation." White, Julie (ed.) Annual International Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education 2013 (AARE 2013): Shaping Australian Educational Research. Adelaide, Australia 01 - 05 Dec 2013 Melbourne, Australia.


Image schemas and political ontology
Harrison, Karey. 2013. "Image schemas and political ontology." da Silva, Augusto Soares, Martins, Jose Candido, Magalhaes, Luisa and Goncalves, Miguel (ed.) Communication, cognition and media: political and economic discourse. Braga, Portugal. Universidade Catolica Portuguesa. pp. 239-254

Edited book (chapter)

Enriching career experience of international academics through language training and practicing programs
Zhou, Hong, Basnet, Badri and Pigozzo, Robyn. 2013. "Enriching career experience of international academics through language training and practicing programs." Lemckert, Charles, Jenkins, Graham and Lang-Lemckert, Susan (ed.) 24th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE 2013). Gold Coast, Australia 08 - 11 Dec 2013 Gold Coast, Australia.
