350606. Marketing research methodology

Title350606. Marketing research methodology
Parent3506. Marketing

Latest research outputs

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Developing a conceptual model for repurchase intention in the performing arts: the roles of emotion, core service and service delivery
Hume, Margee. 2008. "Developing a conceptual model for repurchase intention in the performing arts: the roles of emotion, core service and service delivery ." International Journal of Arts Management. 10 (2), pp. 40-55.


Experiential consumption behaviour in sport: a suggested methodology
Johnson Morgan, Melissa, Jocumsen, Graham and West, Kristy. 2004. "Experiential consumption behaviour in sport: a suggested methodology." ANZMAC 2004: Marketing Accountabilities and Responsibilities. Wellington, New Zealand 29 Nov - 01 Dec 2004 Wellington, New Zealand.


Sport consumption: exploring the duality of constructs in experiential research
Johnson Morgan, Melissa and Summers, Jane. 2004. "Sport consumption: exploring the duality of constructs in experiential research." Pitts, Brenda G. (ed.) Inaugural Annual Sport Marketing Association Conference: Sharing Best Practices in Sport Marketing (SMA 2003). Florida, United States 13 - 15 Nov 2003 Morgantown, W. Va..


Identifying the ecotourist market using the core criteria of ecotourism: is there a true ecotourist that seeks nature, learning and sustainability?
Beaumont, Narelle. 2010. "Identifying the ecotourist market using the core criteria of ecotourism: is there a true ecotourist that seeks nature, learning and sustainability?" Wells, Malcolm (ed.) 20th Annual Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education Conference (CAUTHE 2010). Hobart, Tasmania 08 - 11 Feb 2010 Hobart, Australia.


Seeing jazz: doing research
Mills, Michael K.. 2009. "Seeing jazz: doing research." International Journal of Market Research. 51 (3), pp. 383-402. https://doi.org/10.2501/S147078530920061X


Marketing research: an integrated approach: solving business problems: the value of marketing research
Wilson, Alan, Johns, Raechel, Miller, Karen W. and Pentecost, Robin. 2010. Marketing research: an integrated approach: solving business problems: the value of marketing research. Frenchs Forest, NSW. Pearson Education Australia.

Authored book

Developing positive consumer attitudes: examining attitudes towards mobile phone brands
Miller, Karen and O'Cass, Aron. 2006. "Developing positive consumer attitudes: examining attitudes towards mobile phone brands." Ali, Yunus and van Dessel, Maria (ed.) ANZMAC 2006: Advancing Theory, Maintaining Relevance. Brisbane Australia 04 - 06 Dec 2006 Brisbane, Australia.


How market research can help grow your business
Chadee, Doren and Miller, Karen. 2008. "How market research can help grow your business ." Wine Business Magazine.


Insights into public preferences for pharmaceutical funding
Whitty, Jennifer A., Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn R. and Scuffham, Paul A.. 2008. "Insights into public preferences for pharmaceutical funding." International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing. 2 (3), pp. 216-234. https://doi.org/10.1108/17506120810903980


Raising the bar: from corporate social responsibility to corporate social performance
Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn, Ball, Kim and Gillespie, Meghan. 2008. "Raising the bar: from corporate social responsibility to corporate social performance." Journal of Consumer Marketing. 25 (4), pp. 245-253. https://doi.org/10.1108/07363760810882434


Determination of the financial return on marketing investment for sports events in Canada
Johnson Morgan, Melissa, Seaton, Sheilagh and Summers, Jane. 2008. "Determination of the financial return on marketing investment for sports events in Canada." James, Jeffrey, Summers, Jane and Johnson Morgan, Melissa (ed.) 6th Annual Sport Marketing Association Conference: Bridging the Gap: Bringing the World Down Under 6th Annual Sport Marketing Association Conference (SMA 2008). Gold Coast, Australia 17 - 19 Jul 2008 Toowoomba, Australia.


A contemporary snapshot of consumer attitudes to sport sponsorship in Australia
Fullerton, Sam, Johnson Morgan, Melissa and Garland, Ron. 2008. "A contemporary snapshot of consumer attitudes to sport sponsorship in Australia." James, Jeffrey, Summers, Jane and Johnson Morgan, Melissa (ed.) 6th Annual Sport Marketing Association Conference: Bridging the Gap: Bringing the World Down Under 6th Annual Sport Marketing Association Conference (SMA 2008). Gold Coast, Australia 17 - 19 Jul 2008 Toowoomba, Australia.


How do in-mall entertainment events impact on consumers' shopping mall behaviours? a model of special event entertainment
Sit, Jason, Johnson Morgan, Melissa and Woodside, Frances M.. 2008. "How do in-mall entertainment events impact on consumers' shopping mall behaviours? a model of special event entertainment." 2008 Global Marketing Conference: Marketing in the Dynamic Global World. Shanghai, China 20 - 23 Mar 2008 Gyeongnam, Republic of Korea.


The effect of the category of sport team on the role of nostalgia in an individual supporter's psychological connection to that sport team
Volkov, Michael, Summers, Jane and Johnson Morgan, Melissa. 2008. "The effect of the category of sport team on the role of nostalgia in an individual supporter's psychological connection to that sport team." Spanjaard, Daniela, Denize, Sara and Sharma, Neeru (ed.) ANZMAC 2008: Shifting the Focus from Mainstream to Offbeat. Sydney, Australia 01 - 03 Dec 2008 Australia.


I'm not playing anymore: developing a model of why consumers stop playing social sport
Powell, Brendan, Lawley, Meredith and Johnson Morgan, Melissa. 2008. "I'm not playing anymore: developing a model of why consumers stop playing social sport." Spanjaard, Daniela, Denize, Sara and Sharma, Neeru (ed.) ANZMAC 2008: Shifting the Focus from Mainstream to Offbeat. Sydney, Australia 01 - 03 Dec 2008 Australia.


Roll up, roll up! The effect of social crowding on consumer enjoyment of special event entertainment
Sit, Jason and Johnson Morgan, Melissa. 2008. "Roll up, roll up! The effect of social crowding on consumer enjoyment of special event entertainment." Spanjaard, Daniela, Denize, Sara and Sharma, Neeru (ed.) ANZMAC 2008: Shifting the Focus from Mainstream to Offbeat. Sydney, Australia 01 - 03 Dec 2008 Australia.


Segmentation: a tourism stakeholder view
Tkaczynski, Aaron, Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn R. and Beaumont, Narelle. 2009. "Segmentation: a tourism stakeholder view." Tourism Management: research, policies, practice. 30 (2), pp. 169-175. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2008.05.010


A dyad perspective of buyer-seller relationships - the case of Taiwan agribusinesses
Ng, Eric. 2008. "A dyad perspective of buyer-seller relationships - the case of Taiwan agribusinesses." Spanjaard, Daniela, Denize, Sara and Sharma, Neeru (ed.) ANZMAC 2008: Shifting the Focus from Mainstream to Offbeat. Sydney, Australia 01 - 03 Dec 2008 Australia.


Developing a presence in a mainstream market with a product perceived as offbeat
Miller, Karen, Brown, Les and Chadee, Doren. 2008. "Developing a presence in a mainstream market with a product perceived as offbeat." Spanjaard, Daniela, Denize, Sara and Sharma, Neeru (ed.) ANZMAC 2008: Shifting the Focus from Mainstream to Offbeat. Sydney, Australia 01 - 03 Dec 2008 Australia.


Teaching strategic marketing: applying the jazz metaphor
Mills, Michael K.. 2008. "Teaching strategic marketing: applying the jazz metaphor." Spanjaard, Daniela, Denize, Sara and Sharma, Neeru (ed.) ANZMAC 2008: Shifting the Focus from Mainstream to Offbeat. Sydney, Australia 01 - 03 Dec 2008 Australia.


On the offbeat: applying the jazz metaphor to move from mainstream to more holistic marketing research
Mills, Michael K.. 2008. "On the offbeat: applying the jazz metaphor to move from mainstream to more holistic marketing research." Spanjaard, Daniela, Denize, Sara and Sharma, Neeru (ed.) ANZMAC 2008: Shifting the Focus from Mainstream to Offbeat. Sydney, Australia 01 - 03 Dec 2008 Australia.


Growing your wine business: the value of market research
Chadee, Doren and Miller, Karen. 2008. "Growing your wine business: the value of market research ." 2008 Queensland Wine Business Conference. Toowoomba, Australia 29 Jul 2008


Investigating strategy use for a single choice decision
Shao, Wei, Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn and Lye, Ashley. 2008. "Investigating strategy use for a single choice decision." Robinson, Leroy Jr. (ed.) 2008 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference: Creating Value in a Global Marketplace. Vancouver, Canada 28 - 31 May 2008 Coral Gables, FL. United States.


Integrating web and database marketing: Australian study of direct marketing firms
Lane, Michael S. and Cavaye, Angele. 2000. "Integrating web and database marketing: Australian study of direct marketing firms." Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology. 32 (3/4), pp. 168-184.


Environmentally-active consumers' preferences for zero-emission vehicles: public sector and marketing implications
Mills, Michael. 2008. "Environmentally-active consumers' preferences for zero-emission vehicles: public sector and marketing implications." Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing. 19 (1), pp. 1-33. https://doi.org/10.1300/J054v19n01_01


Talking theatre: an audience development programme for regional Queensland and the Northern Territory 2004-2006
Scollen, Rebecca, Martin, Jacqueline, Radbourne, Jennifer and Haseman, Brad. 2006. Talking theatre: an audience development programme for regional Queensland and the Northern Territory 2004-2006. Brisbane, Australia. Queensland University of Technology.

Project report

Corporate social responsibility and bank customer satisfaction: a research agenda
McDonald, Lynette M. and Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn. 2008. "Corporate social responsibility and bank customer satisfaction: a research agenda." International Journal of Bank Marketing. 26 (3), pp. 170-182. https://doi.org/10.11108/02652320810864643


Investigating the idiosyncratic nature of brand value
Miller, Karen W.. 2007. "Investigating the idiosyncratic nature of brand value." Australasian Marketing Journal. 15 (2), pp. 81-96. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1441-3582(07)70045-9


Lessons learned from renewable electricity marketing attempts: a case study
Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn, Paladino, Angela and Apostol, Sergio Antonio G. Jr.. 2008. "Lessons learned from renewable electricity marketing attempts: a case study." Business Horizons. 51 (3), pp. 181-190. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bushor.2008.01.005


Understanding consumer responses to special event entertainment (SEE) in shopping centres
Sit, Jason, Johnson Morgan, Melissa and Summers, Jane. 2006. "Understanding consumer responses to special event entertainment (SEE) in shopping centres." Yu, Chian Son and Wang, Chih Chien (ed.) 2006 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI 2006). Singapore 12 - 14 Jul 2006 Taiwan.


Consumer response to sponsorship leveraged packaging (SLP) - a FMCG Context
Woodside, Frances. 2007. "Consumer response to sponsorship leveraged packaging (SLP) - a FMCG Context." Thyne, Maree, Deans, Kenneth R. and Gnoth, Juergen (ed.) ANZMAC 2007: 3Rs Reputation, Responsibility and Relevance: Doctoral Colloquium Writing Workshop. Dunedin, New Zealand 30 Nov - 02 Dec 2007 Dunedin, New Zealand.


Analysing brand status' impact on brand value
Miller, Karen. 2007. "Analysing brand status' impact on brand value." Thyne, Maree, Deans, Kenneth R. and Gnoth, Juergen (ed.) ANZMAC 2007: 3Rs Reputation, Responsibility and Relevance: Doctoral Colloquium Writing Workshop. Dunedin, New Zealand 30 Nov - 02 Dec 2007 Dunedin, New Zealand.


An agenda to construct an improved understanding of Australian organic consumers
Adamsen, Jannie Mia, Lyons, Kristen, Winzar, Hume and Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn. 2007. "An agenda to construct an improved understanding of Australian organic consumers." Thyne, Maree, Deans, Kenneth R. and Gnoth, Juergen (ed.) ANZMAC 2007: 3Rs Reputation, Responsibility and Relevance: Doctoral Colloquium Writing Workshop. Dunedin, New Zealand 30 Nov - 02 Dec 2007 Dunedin, New Zealand.


Organic food: observations of Chinese purchasing behaviours
Roberts, Robin and Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn R.. 2007. "Organic food: observations of Chinese purchasing behaviours." Thyne, Maree, Deans, Kenneth R. and Gnoth, Juergen (ed.) ANZMAC 2007: 3Rs Reputation, Responsibility and Relevance: Doctoral Colloquium Writing Workshop. Dunedin, New Zealand 30 Nov - 02 Dec 2007 Dunedin, New Zealand.


Innovative fee structures by Australian franchisors
Frazer, Lorelle and Perry, Chad. 1998. "Innovative fee structures by Australian franchisors." Small Enterprise Research. 6 (1), pp. 10 - 30.


Profiling the caravanning market: an exploratory Australian study
McClymont, Hoda, Prideaux, Bruce and McMahon, David. 2004. "Profiling the caravanning market: an exploratory Australian study." Chon, K. S. and Tan, Amy (ed.) 2nd Asia Pacific CHRIE Conference and 6th Biennial Conference on Tourism in Asia (APacCHRIE 2004): Hospitality, Tourism and Foodservice Industry in Asia: Development, Marketing andSustainability. Phuket, Thailand 27 - 29 May 2004 Hong Kong.


Evoking the past: exploring nostalgia's relevance to sport consumption
McColl-Kennedy, Janet, Summers, Jane and Johnson Morgan, Melissa. 2001. "Evoking the past: exploring nostalgia's relevance to sport consumption." Tidwell, Paula M. and Muller, Thomas E. (ed.) Association for Consumer Research 2000 Asia Pacific Conference. Gold Coast, Australia 16 - 18 Mar 2000 Provo, UT. United States.


Consumer construction of sport consumption experiences through role play: a literature review
Volkov, Michael, Johnson Morgan, Melissa and Summers, Jane. 2007. "Consumer construction of sport consumption experiences through role play: a literature review." James, Jeffrey D. (ed.) 4th Annual Sport Marketing Association Conference: Sport Marketing Across the Spectrum: Research from Emerging, Developing and Established Sholars (SMA 2006). Denver, Colorado 04 - 06 Nov 2006 Morganstown, VA.


E-marketing strategy: an exploratory investigation into Chinese business use of the Internet
Johnson Morgan, Melissa, Lawley, Meredith and Spinks, Wendy. 2006. "E-marketing strategy: an exploratory investigation into Chinese business use of the Internet." Ali, Yunus and van Dessel, Maria (ed.) ANZMAC 2006: Advancing Theory, Maintaining Relevance. Brisbane Australia 04 - 06 Dec 2006 Brisbane, Australia.


The effect of sponsorship endorsed packaging on consumer attitudes: a conceptual enquiry
Woodside, Frances M., Summers, Jane and Johnson Morgan, Melissa. 2006. "The effect of sponsorship endorsed packaging on consumer attitudes: a conceptual enquiry." Ali, Yunus and van Dessel, Maria (ed.) ANZMAC 2006: Advancing Theory, Maintaining Relevance. Brisbane Australia 04 - 06 Dec 2006 Brisbane, Australia.
