390201. Education policy
Title | 390201. Education policy |
Parent | 3902. Education policy, sociology and philosophy |
Latest research outputs
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Principals' voices via modelling? Issues of voice in quantitative studies and the use of complexity theory
Trimmer, Karen. 2014. "Principals' voices via modelling? Issues of voice in quantitative studies and the use of complexity theory." Midgley, Warren, Davies, Andy, Oliver, Mark E. and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) Echoes: ethics and issues of voice in education research. Rotterdam, Netherlands. Sense Publishers. pp. 197-209Edited book (chapter)
Preparing teachers to meet the challenges of inclusive education in Negara Brunei Darussalam
Tait, Kathleen and Mundia, Lawrence. 2012. "Preparing teachers to meet the challenges of inclusive education in Negara Brunei Darussalam." Forlin, Chris (ed.) Future directions for inclusive teacher education: an international perspective. Abingdon, Oxon. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 61-70Edited book (chapter)
Testing teachers' basic literacy and numeracy skills is pointless
Riddle, Stewart. 2015. "Testing teachers' basic literacy and numeracy skills is pointless." The Conversation. 1 December 2015, pp. 1-3.Blog
Illuminative evaluation as a method applied to Australian Government policy borrowing and implementation in higher education
Alderman, Lyn. 2015. "Illuminative evaluation as a method applied to Australian Government policy borrowing and implementation in higher education." Evaluation Journal of Australasia. 15 (1), pp. 4-14. https://doi.org/10.1177/1035719X1501500102Article
Knowledge and basic skills in Singapore
Green, Nicole, Li, Jen Yi and Tzuo, Pei Wen. 2006. "Knowledge and basic skills in Singapore." International Journal of Education Sevres. 43, pp. 33-45.Article
Network of Australiasian Tertiary Associations: a space for discussion, collaboration and advocacy in tertiary education
Keppell, Mike, Suddaby, Gordon and Hard, Natasha. 2013. "Network of Australiasian Tertiary Associations: a space for discussion, collaboration and advocacy in tertiary education." 36th Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Conference (HERDSA 2013). Auckland, New Zealand 01 - 04 Jul 2013 Sydney, Australia.Paper
Will Race to the Top have the same mixed results No Child Left Behind had on student learning and preservice teacher preparation?
Hurley, Marlene M., Padro, Fernando F. and Hawke, Michael F.. 2013. "Will Race to the Top have the same mixed results No Child Left Behind had on student learning and preservice teacher preparation? " Quality Approaches in Higher Education. 4 (2), pp. 20-29.Article

Bridging the gap between rhetoric and practice: data from 4 studies into the arts and creative writing for personal and professional learning
Jones, Janice K.. 2013. "Bridging the gap between rhetoric and practice: data from 4 studies into the arts and creative writing for personal and professional learning." White, Julie (ed.) Annual International Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education 2013 (AARE 2013): Shaping Australian Educational Research. Adelaide, Australia 01 - 05 Dec 2013 Melbourne, Australia.Presentation
A case study of a Queensland senior physical education syllabus: does the rubber (ever) meet the road?
SueSee, Brendan and Edwards, Ken. 2013. "A case study of a Queensland senior physical education syllabus: does the rubber (ever) meet the road?" Mooney, Amanda and Quay, John (ed.) 28th ACHPER International Conference (ACHPER 2013): A Defining Time. Melbourne, Australia 27 - 29 Nov 2013 Hindmarsh, South Australia.Paper
Closing the gap on Indigenous literacy requires more than increased attendance
Riddle, Stewart. 2014. "Closing the gap on Indigenous literacy requires more than increased attendance." The Conversation. 14 February 2014, pp. 1-3.Blog
'Biggest Loser' policy on literacy will not deliver long-term gains
Riddle, Stewart. 2014. "'Biggest Loser' policy on literacy will not deliver long-term gains." The Conversation. 2 July 2014, pp. 1-3.Blog
Feasibility protocol: an instrument to assist institutional adoption of OER
Bossu, Carina, Brown, Mark and Bull, David. 2013. Feasibility protocol: an instrument to assist institutional adoption of OER. Armidale, Australia. University of New England.Working paper
Putting the 'E' into STEM [Keynote speaker]
Bullen, Frank and Haeusler, Carole. 2010. "Putting the 'E' into STEM [Keynote speaker]." Hudson, Peter, Vinesh, Chandra, King, Donna and Kar-Tin, Lee (ed.) 1st Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in Education Conference (STEM 2010). Brisbane, Australia 26 - 27 Nov 2010 Brisbane, Australia.Presentation
The open education movement in Australia: the need for political leadership
Bossu, Carina, Bull, David and Brown, Mark. 2012. "The open education movement in Australia: the need for political leadership." Dhanarajan, Gajaraj and Porter, David (ed.) Regional Symposium on Open Educational Resources(OER 2012): An Asian Perspective on Policy and Practices . Penang, Malaysia 19 - 21 Sep 2012 Penang, Malaysia.Paper
Independent public schools: a move to increased autonomy and devolution of decision-making in Western Australian public schools
Trimmer, Karen. 2013. "Independent public schools: a move to increased autonomy and devolution of decision-making in Western Australian public schools." Childhood Education. 89 (3), pp. 178-184. https://doi.org/10.1080/00094056.2013.792703Article
Epilogue: directions for future research
Tynan, B. and Willems, J.. 2013. "Epilogue: directions for future research." Willems, J., Tynan, B. and James, R. (ed.) Global challenges and perspectives in blended and distance learning. Hershey, PA. United States. IGI Global. pp. 258-261Edited book (chapter)
Widening participation: challenges confronting a research-intensive university
Cuthill, Michael and Schmidt, Christopher. 2011. "Widening participation: challenges confronting a research-intensive university." Journal of Institutional Research. 16 (2), pp. 13-25.Article
Mother tongue-based multilingual education for Timor-Leste: a new direction for language-in-education
Caet, Agustinho and Taylor-Leech, Kerry. 2012. "Mother tongue-based multilingual education for Timor-Leste: a new direction for language-in-education ." Leach, Michael, Mendes, Nuno Canas, da Silva, Antero B., Boughton, Bob and Ximenes, Alarico da Costa (ed.) TLSA 2011: 3rd Timor-Leste Studies Association Conference: Communicating New Research on Timor-Leste . Dili, Timor-Leste 30 Jun - 01 Jul 2011 Melbourne, Australia.Paper
Distance education regulatory frameworks: readiness for openness in Southwest Pacific/South East Asia region nations
Tynan, Belinda and James, Rosalind. 2013. "Distance education regulatory frameworks: readiness for openness in Southwest Pacific/South East Asia region nations." Open Praxis. 5 (1), pp. 91-97. https://doi.org/10.5944/openpraxis.5.1.31Article
Postgraduate research students: you are the future of the Academy
Blass, Eddie, Jasman, Anne and Shelley, Steve. 2012. "Postgraduate research students: you are the future of the Academy." Futures. 44 (2), pp. 166-173. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.futures.2011.09.009Article
From behind closed doors: making the tacit explicit in research supervision practice
Jasman, Anne. 2012. "From behind closed doors: making the tacit explicit in research supervision practice." International Journal of Organisational Behaviour. 17 (1), pp. 28-41.Article
From school improvement to sustained capacity: the parallel leadership pathway
Crowther, Frank. 2011. From school improvement to sustained capacity: the parallel leadership pathway. Thousand Oaks, CA. United States. Corwin.Authored book
Measuring learning with ICTs: an external evaluation of Education Queensland's ICT curriculum integration performance measurement instrument
Finger, Glenn, Jamieson-Proctor, Romina and Watson, Glenice. 2006. "Measuring learning with ICTs: an external evaluation of Education Queensland's ICT curriculum integration performance measurement instrument." AARE 2005: Australian Association for Research in Education Annual Conference 2005: Creative Dissent: Constructive Solutions. Sydney, Australia 27 Nov - 01 Dec 2005 Coldstream, Australia.Paper
How well do selection tools predict performance later in a medical programme?
Shulruf, Boaz, Poole, Phillippa, Wang, Grace Ying, Rudland, Joy and Wilkinson, Tim. 2012. "How well do selection tools predict performance later in a medical programme?" Advances in Health Sciences Education. 17 (5), pp. 615-626. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10459-011-9324-1Article
Stepping up: what works in pre-service teacher education
Price, Kaye and Hughes, Paul (ed.) 2009. Stepping up: what works in pre-service teacher education. Canberra, Australia. National Curriculum Services and the Australian Curriculum.Edited book
Considering learning futures: educating educators for tomorrow
Kehrwald, Benjamin. 2006. "Considering learning futures: educating educators for tomorrow." International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 2 (3), pp. 4-14. https://doi.org/10.5172/ijpl.2.3.4Article
Career development learning & work-integrated learning in Australian higher education: a discussion paper
McIlveen, Peter, Brooks, Sally, Lichtenberg, Anna, Smith, Martin, Torjul, Peter and Tyler, Joanne. 2008. "Career development learning & work-integrated learning in Australian higher education: a discussion paper." National Symposium on Career Development Learning (2008). Melbourne, Australia 19 Jun 2008Paper
Three pedagogies of mobility for Australian show people: teaching about, through and towards the questioning of sedentarism
Danaher, Patrick Alan, Moriarty, Beverley and Danaher, Geoff. 2004. "Three pedagogies of mobility for Australian show people: teaching about, through and towards the questioning of sedentarism." Melbourne Studies in Education. 45 (2), pp. 47-66.Article
Editorial Introduction
Coombes, Phyllida, Danaher, Mike and Danaher, Patrick Alan. 2004. "Editorial Introduction." Coombes, Phyllida, Danaher, Mike and Danaher, Patrick Alan (ed.) Strategic uncertainties: ethics, politics and risk in contemporary educational research. Australia. Post Pressed. pp. 1-7Edited book (chapter)
Best practice and 'challenges' in university teaching and learning: an editorial introduction and a contextual framework
Aldred, S., Hinton, L. and Danaher, P.. 2004. "Best practice and 'challenges' in university teaching and learning: an editorial introduction and a contextual framework." Studies in Learning Evaluation Innovation and Development. 1 (1), pp. 1-7.Editorial
Situating and interrogating contemporary Australian rural education research
Moriarty, Beverley, Danaher, Patrick Alan and Danaher, Geoff. 2003. "Situating and interrogating contemporary Australian rural education research." Journal of Research in Rural Education. 18 (3), pp. 133-138.Article
The re-historicisation and increased contextualisation of curriculum and its associated pedagogies
Torok, Robyn. 2007. "The re-historicisation and increased contextualisation of curriculum and its associated pedagogies." International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 3 (1), pp. 67-81.Article
Children as citizens: not on campus
Phillips, Louise. 2011. "Children as citizens: not on campus." Australian Universities' Review. 53 (2), pp. 5-10.Article
The future of higher education provision in the UK: workforce implications. A review of the literature: a report to HEFCE
Blass, Eddie, Jasman, Anne and Shelley, Steve. 2010. The future of higher education provision in the UK: workforce implications. A review of the literature: a report to HEFCE . London, United Kingdom. Higher Education Funding Council for England.Project report
Policy coordination: an analysis of issues
Eddington, Noela and Eddington, Ian. 2010. "Policy coordination: an analysis of issues." 19th National Vocational Education and Training Research Conference: Australian Workforce Futures: a National Workforce Development Strategy. Perth, Australia 07 - 09 Jul 2010 Adelaide, South Australia.Paper
Building capacity through sustainable engagement: lessons for the learning community from the GraniteNet Project
Arden, Catherine, McLachlan, Kathryn and Cooper, Trevor. 2009. "Building capacity through sustainable engagement: lessons for the learning community from the GraniteNet Project." Australian Journal of Adult Learning. 49 (1), pp. 75-101.Article
Children speaking up in Singapore: progress or peril
Teh, Mui Kim and Stott, Kenneth. 2005. "Children speaking up in Singapore: progress or peril." 14th Annual Conference of the Australia and New Zealand Education Law Association: Free Speech, Privacy & Property Rights in Education (ANZELA 2005). Freemantle, Western Australia 28 - 30 Sep 2005 Sydney, Australia.Paper
On the pulse of change: the new beat of special education in higher education
Keeffe, Mary and De George-Walker, Linda. 2010. "On the pulse of change: the new beat of special education in higher education." Australasian Journal of Special Education. 34 (2), pp. 99-108. https://doi.org/10.1375/ajse.34.2.99Article
Visioning 2035: the future of the higher education sector in the UK
Blass, Eddie, Jasman, Anne and Shelley, Steve. 2010. "Visioning 2035: the future of the higher education sector in the UK." Futures. 42 (5), pp. 445-453. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.futures.2009.11.029Article
A school's duty of care and the management of illicit drug related incidents
Barnett, Eola and McNamara, Noeleen. 2010. "A school's duty of care and the management of illicit drug related incidents." International Journal of Law and Education. 15 (1), pp. 41-53.Article