School of Business

Faculty/DepartmentAcademic Affairs
HeadProf Fabrizio Carmignani
Prof Toni Brackin
Prof Raj Gururajan
Director of ResearchProf Raj Gururajan

Latest research outputs

3820 results found
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Obesity, long-term health problems, and workplace satisfaction: a longitudinal study of Australian workers
Keramat, Syed Afroz, Alam, Khorshed, Gow, Jeff and Biddle, Stuart J. H.. 2020. "Obesity, long-term health problems, and workplace satisfaction: a longitudinal study of Australian workers." Journal of Community Health. 45, pp. 288-300.


Health expenditure and gross domestic product: causality analysis by income level
Rana, Rezwanul Hasan, Alam, Khorshed and Gow, Jeff. 2020. "Health expenditure and gross domestic product: causality analysis by income level." International Journal of Health Economics and Management. 20 (1), pp. 55-77.


The impact of immigration on public and out-of-pocket health expenditure in OECD countries
Rana, Rezwanul Hasan, Alam, Khorshed and Gow, Jeff. 2020. "The impact of immigration on public and out-of-pocket health expenditure in OECD countries." Journal of International Migration and Integration. 21, pp. 485-508.


Risk of postoperative pulmonary complications in adult surgical patients with metabolic syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol
Norris, Philip, Viljoen, Bianca, Ralph, Nicholas, Gow, Jeffrey and Silvey, Natalie. 2019. "Risk of postoperative pulmonary complications in adult surgical patients with metabolic syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol." Systematic Reviews. 8 (1), pp. 1-7.


Design science research in doctoral projects: An analysis of Australian theses
Cater-Steel, Aileen, Toleman, Mark and Rajaeian, Mohammad Mehdi. 2019. "Design science research in doctoral projects: An analysis of Australian theses." Journal of the Association of Information Systems. 20 (12), pp. 1844-1869.


Impact of high-speed rail on market concentration and Lerner index in China’s airline market
Zhang, Qiong, Yang, Hangjun, Wang, Qiang, Zhang, Anming and Zhang, Yahua. 2020. "Impact of high-speed rail on market concentration and Lerner index in China’s airline market." Journal of Air Transport Management. 83, pp. 1-8.


Is multimarket contact an antitrust concern? A case of China’s airline market
Ma, Wenliang, Wang, Qiang, Yang, Hangjun and Zhang, Yahua. 2020. "Is multimarket contact an antitrust concern? A case of China’s airline market." Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 132, pp. 515-526.


Change management and adoption of health information technology (HIT)/eHealth in public hospitals in Ghana: A qualitative study
Yusif, Salifu, Hafeez-Baig, Abdul and Soar, Jeffrey. 2022. "Change management and adoption of health information technology (HIT)/eHealth in public hospitals in Ghana: A qualitative study." Applied Computing and Informatics. 18 (3-4), pp. 279-289.


The determinants of outward foreign direct investment strategies of Chinese energy firms
Xu, Shiteng, Gow, Jeff, Chen, Youzhi, Zhang, Yahua and Huang, Zhibin. 2019. "The determinants of outward foreign direct investment strategies of Chinese energy firms." Singapore Economic Review. 64 (4), pp. 1019-1036.


Towards a Conceptual Framework for Understanding the Attractiveness of Rail Transit-Oriented Shopping Mall Developments (TOSMDs)
Abutaleb, Ayman, McDougall, Kevin, Basson, Marita, Hassan, Rumman and Mahmood, Nateque. 2019. "Towards a Conceptual Framework for Understanding the Attractiveness of Rail Transit-Oriented Shopping Mall Developments (TOSMDs)." Urban Rail Transit. 5 (4), pp. 225-239.


Socially responsible firms and mergers and acquisitions performance: Australian evidence
Krishnamurti, Chandrasekhar, Shams, Syed, Pensiero, Domenico and Velayutham, Eswaran. 2019. "Socially responsible firms and mergers and acquisitions performance: Australian evidence." Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. 57, pp. 1-16.


Optimizing Urban Distribution Routes for Perishable Foods Considering Carbon Emission Reduction
Lin, Diansheng, Zhang, Zhiyong, Wang, Jiaxin, Yang, Liu, Shi, Yongqiang and Soar, Jeffrey. 2019. "Optimizing Urban Distribution Routes for Perishable Foods Considering Carbon Emission Reduction." Sustainability. 11 (16), pp. 1-22.


A comparative study of airline efficiency in China and India: A dynamic network DEA approach
Yu, Hang, Zhang, Yahua, Zhang, Anming, Wang, Kun and Cui, Qiang. 2019. "A comparative study of airline efficiency in China and India: A dynamic network DEA approach." Research in Transportation Economics. 76, pp. 1-12.


Effects of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail on air travel: Passenger types, airline groups and tacit collusion
Ma, Wenliang, Wang, Qiang, Yang, Hangjun, Zhang, Anming and Zhang, Yahua. 2019. "Effects of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail on air travel: Passenger types, airline groups and tacit collusion." Research in Transportation Economics. 74, pp. 64-76.


An analysis of price competition and price wars in Australia's domestic airline market
Ma, Wenliang, Wang, Qiang, Yang, Hangjun and Zhang, Yahua. 2019. "An analysis of price competition and price wars in Australia's domestic airline market." Transport Policy. 81, pp. 163-172.


Why are regional jets less used in emerging economies? A real options valuation approach and policy implications
Hu, Qiwei, Zhang, Anming and Zhang, Yahua. 2019. "Why are regional jets less used in emerging economies? A real options valuation approach and policy implications." Transport Policy. 79, pp. 125-136.


Improving Sentiment Polarity Detection Through Target Identification
Basiri, Mohammad Ehsan, Abdar, Moloud, Kabiri, Arman, Nemati, Shahla, Zhou, Xujuan, Allahbakhshi, Forough and Yen, Neil Y.. 2020. "Improving Sentiment Polarity Detection Through Target Identification." IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. 7 (1), pp. 113-128.


A state-of-the-art review on artificial intelligence for Smart Buildings
Panchalingam, Rav and Chan, Ka C.. 2021. "A state-of-the-art review on artificial intelligence for Smart Buildings." Intelligent Buildings International. 13 (4), pp. 203-226.


The role of fiscal instruments in encouraging the private sector and smallholders to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation: Evidence from Indonesia
Cadman, Tim, Sarker, Tapan, Muttaqin, Zahrul, Nurfatriani, Firti and Maraseni, Tek. 2019. "The role of fiscal instruments in encouraging the private sector and smallholders to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation: Evidence from Indonesia." Forest Policy and Economics. 108, pp. 1-10.


Sham project compliance behaviour: necessarily masking the reality of project work from senior management
Darling, Eric, John and Whitty, Stephen, Jonathan. 2019. "Sham project compliance behaviour: necessarily masking the reality of project work from senior management." International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. 14 (2), pp. 497-519.


Costs of inadvertent perioperative hypothermia in Australia: a cost-of-illness study
Ralph, Nicholas, Gow, Jeffrey, Conway, Aaron, Duff, Jed, Edward, Karen-Leigh, Alexander, Kim and Brauer, Anselm. 2020. "Costs of inadvertent perioperative hypothermia in Australia: a cost-of-illness study." Collegian: The Australian Journal of Nursing Practice, Scholarship and Research. 27 (4), pp. 345-351.


The Influence of Economic (Ir)rationality on Public Sector Reforms
Bowrey, Graham, Smark, Ciorstan and Jones, Greg. 2019. "The Influence of Economic (Ir)rationality on Public Sector Reforms." e-Journal of Social and Behavioural Research in Business. 10 (1), pp. 24-39.


Measuring multi-modal connections and connectivity radiations of transport infrastructure in China
Zhu, Zhenran, Zhang, Anming and Zhang, Yahua. 2019. "Measuring multi-modal connections and connectivity radiations of transport infrastructure in China." Transportmetrica A: Transport and Science. 15 (2), pp. 1762-1790.


Board Gender Diversity and CSR Reporting: Evidence from Jordan
Al Fadli, Amer, Sands, John, Jones, Greg, Beattie, Claire and Pensiero, Dom. 2019. "Board Gender Diversity and CSR Reporting: Evidence from Jordan." Australasian Accounting Business and Finance Journal. 13 (3), pp. 29-52.


Hybrid particle swarm optimization for rule discovery in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease
Zomorodi-Moghadam, Mariam, Abdar, Moloud, Davarzani, Zohreh, Zhou, Xujuan, Pławiak, Pawel and Acharya, U. Rajendra. 2021. "Hybrid particle swarm optimization for rule discovery in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease." Expert Systems: the journal of knowledge engineering. 38 (1), pp. 1-17.


Manufacturing big data ecosystem: A systematic literature review
Cui, Yesheng, Kara, Sami and Chan, Ka C.. 2020. "Manufacturing big data ecosystem: A systematic literature review." Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 62, pp. 1-20.


Emerging cancer incidence, mortality, hospitalisation and associated burden among Australian cancer patients, 1982 - 2014: an incidence-based approach in terms of trends, determinants and inequality
Mahumud, Rashidul Alam, Alam, Khorshed, Dunn, Jeff and Gow, Jeff. 2019. "Emerging cancer incidence, mortality, hospitalisation and associated burden among Australian cancer patients, 1982 - 2014: an incidence-based approach in terms of trends, determinants and inequality." BMJ Open. 9 (12), pp. 1-19.


Inequality of childhood undernutrition in Bangladesh: a decomposition approach
Sarker, Abdur Razzaque, Sultana, Marufa, Sheikh, Nurnabi, Akram, Raisul, Ali, Nausad, Mahumud, Rashidul Alam, Alam, Khorshed and Morton, Alec. 2020. "Inequality of childhood undernutrition in Bangladesh: a decomposition approach." International Journal of Health Planning and Management. 35 (2), pp. 441-468.


Can institutionalized workplace structures benefit senior women leaders?
Murray, Peter A. and Southey, Kim. 2020. "Can institutionalized workplace structures benefit senior women leaders?" Asia Pacific Journal of Management. 37 (4), pp. 1193-1216.


Measuring perinatal and postpartum quality of life of women and associated factors in semi-urban Bangladesh
Mahumud, Rashidul Alam, Ali, Nausad, Sheikh, Nurnabi, Akram, Raisul, Alam, Khorshed, Gow, Jeff, Sarker, Abdur Razzaque and Sultana, Marufa. 2019. "Measuring perinatal and postpartum quality of life of women and associated factors in semi-urban Bangladesh." Quality of Life Research. 28 (11), pp. 2989-3004.


Ecological and economic growth interdependency in the Asian economies: an empirical analysis
Uddin, Gazi A., Alam, Khorshed and Gow, Jeff. 2019. "Ecological and economic growth interdependency in the Asian economies: an empirical analysis." Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 26 (13), pp. 13159-13172.


Assessing information security risks in the cloud: a case study of Australian local government authorities
Ali, Omar, Shrestha, Anup, Chatfield, Akemi and Murray, Peter A.. 2020. "Assessing information security risks in the cloud: a case study of Australian local government authorities." Government Information Quarterly: an international journal of information technology management, policies, and practices. 37 (1).


Optimal delivery and replenishment policies for perishable products considering lost sale cost: an efficient hybrid algorithm
Babagolzadeh, Mahla, Pirayesh, Mohammadali and Shrestha, Anup. 2021. "Optimal delivery and replenishment policies for perishable products considering lost sale cost: an efficient hybrid algorithm." International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering. 37 (3), pp. 306-333.


Development and evaluation of a software-mediated process assessment method for IT service management
Shrestha, Anup, Cater-Steel, Aileen, Toleman, Mark, Behari, Suren and Rajaeian, Mohammad Mehdi. 2020. "Development and evaluation of a software-mediated process assessment method for IT service management." Information and Management. 57 (4).


Whole-incarceration-setting approaches to supporting and upholding the rights and health of incarcerated transgender people
Bromdal, Annette, Clark, Kirsty A., Hughto, Jaclyn M. W., Debattista, Joseph, Phillips, Tania M., Mullens, Amy B., Gow, Jeff and Daken, Kirstie. 2019. "Whole-incarceration-setting approaches to supporting and upholding the rights and health of incarcerated transgender people." International Journal of Transgenderism. 20 (4), pp. 341-350.


A model of projects as a source of stress at work: A case for scenario-based education and training
Darling, Eric John and Whitty, Stephen Jonathan. 2020. "A model of projects as a source of stress at work: A case for scenario-based education and training." International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. 13 (2), pp. 426-451.


Preventing perioperative hypothermia is clinically feasible and cost effective
Ralph, Nicholas, Gow, Jeffrey and Duff, Jed. 2019. "Preventing perioperative hypothermia is clinically feasible and cost effective." Journal of Perioperative Nursing. 32 (1), pp. 3-4.


Merger and acquisition research in the Asia-Pacific region: A review of the evidence and future directions
Faff, Robert, Prasadh, Shyaam and Shams, Syed. 2019. "Merger and acquisition research in the Asia-Pacific region: A review of the evidence and future directions." Research in International Business and Finance. 50, pp. 267-278.


Competition in the acquisition market and acquirers' long-run performance
Shams, Syed and Gunasekarage, Abeyratna. 2019. "Competition in the acquisition market and acquirers' long-run performance." International Finance. 22, pp. 399-421.


Comparison of subsidy schemes for reducing waiting time: special focus on smart home care for elderly people
Tao, Zhiwen, Zhang, Zhiyong, Wang, Xiaoli, Shi, Yongqiang and Soar, Jeffrey. 2019. "Comparison of subsidy schemes for reducing waiting time: special focus on smart home care for elderly people." Procedia CIRP. 83, pp. 716-721.


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Acharya, Nirmal

Adeyinka, Adewuyi Ayodele

Ahmad, Kabir

Alam, Khorshed

Ali, Omar

Anderson, Matthew

Babagolzadeh, Mahla

Balharry, Sally-Anne

Barua, Prabal

Beavis, Kylie

Boeske, Jane

Bowles, Angela

Brackin, Toni

Carmignani, Fabrizio

Chan, KC

Chimhundu, Ranga

Clayton, George

Clayton, Lewis

Cooper-McKenzie, Bruce

Daff, Lynette

Davis, Kym

de Beer, Steven

den Braber, Jan

Douglas, Peter

Eather, Zoe

Eckstein, Gary

Ehrlich, Daniel

Elston, Frank

Ercan, Mehmet Zahid

Eshaghi, Sadiq

Fahmideh, Mahdi

Gachassin, Emilie

Gandhi Maniam, Peter

Genrich, Rohan

Gibson, Marnie

Gow, Jeffrey

Griffin, Steve

Gururajan, Raj

Hafeez-Baig, Abdul

Hampson, Bonnie

Haque, Rezwanul

Harth, Shaylene

Hartigan, Tony

Hartnett, Francis

Hassan, Rumman

Hay, Leonard

Heap, Natasha

Heaton, John

Hoey, Rob

James, Christina

Johnson Morgan, Melissa

Jones, Gregory

Kavanagh, Marie

Khanam, Rasheda

Kille, Murray

Kille, Tarryn

Kirby, Kate

Korf, Arie

Koshy, Soja Mary

Lane, Michael

Leung, Jason

Lokuge, Sachithra

Lubbock, Angharad

Lynch, Bernadette

Maloney, Suzanne

Mannawaduge, Chanika

Manton, Carl

McLucas, Josh

Munuswami, Saravanan

Murray, Peter

Ng, Eric

Nigmonov, Asror

Peng, Damon

Pensiero, Dom

Pham, Thuan

Phillips, Peter

Prentice, Catherine

Rahman, Mafiz

Ramakrishnan, Muralidharan

Rashid, Afzalur

Reinhardt, Brendan

Robinson, Rhonda

Rose, Dennis

Russell, Kelli

Russell, Thea

Russo, Fiona

Samarasinghe, Sasari

Sands, John

Santacruz, Lujer

Saratchandra, Minu

Sarker, Tapan

Sassenberg, Anne-Marie

Shafique, Kamran

Shams, Syed

Shrestha, Anup

Siddhpura, Jay Dhiraj

Singh, Aman

Slaughter, Geoff

Smith, Christopher

Soar, Jeffrey

Southey, Kim

Stone, Rodney

Sutherland, Barry

Taylor, Brad

Tempelman, Louise

Thaichon, Park

Tianchai, Maneerat

Tiwari, Sanjib

Toleman, Mark

Troost, Ron

Tsui, Kan

Wang, Jenny

Ward, Aletha

Wells, Damien

Wheeldon, Anita

Whitty, Jon

Wiesner, Retha

Wong, Freddy

Yong, Jianming

Yusif, Salifu

Zhou, Joe

Zhou, Xujuan