Dr Michael Lane

Dr Michael Lane
NameDr Michael Lane
Email Addressmichael.lane@unisq.edu.au
Job TitleSenior Lecturer (Information Systems)
QualificationsADipMC USQ, BIT(Hons) USQ, PhD USQ
DepartmentSchool of Business
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Dr Michael Lane has a PhD in Information Systems from the University of Southern Queensland (UniSQ). He is the Information Systems Discipline Lead in the School of Business, Vice-Chair of the ACS Downs and South West Chapter, Member of the UniSQ ICT Programs Leadership and Governance Committee. He has over 20 years experience in teaching research and service. His teaching and research is focused on Digital Transformation, Business Analytics/Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security at both organisational and societal levels. His Research has been published widely in high quality journals and conferences. He is supervising a number of PhD/DBAR students in these areas and prides himself doing research that is relevant, rigorous and solves real problems.


Senior Lecturer - Information Systems Discipline LeadUniversity of Southern Queensland20032023


Digital Transformation of Organisations

Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence

Management and Human Aspects of Cyber Security


Business Intelligence

Big Data Visualisation

Cyber Security Management

Digital Asset Management

Fields of Research

  • 460599. Data management and data science not elsewhere classified
  • 460902. Decision support and group support systems
  • 460908. Information systems organisation and management

Professional Membership

Professional MembershipYear
Member of Australian Computer Society and Vice-Chair Downs and South West Queensland Chapter
Member of Australian Information Security Association
Member of Association of Information Systems

Current Supervisions

Research TitleSupervisor TypeLevel of StudyCommenced
How can artificial intelligence be added to a project and portfolio management system (PPM system) to provide meaningful value to the users of such a PPM system?Principal SupervisorDoctoral2024
Alternative Contingency Framework for Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Education Institutions in AustraliaAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2024
Improving clinical safety through digital transformation of the healthcare supply chainPrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2022
How can Operational Risk and Complaints data be used together to identify emerging customer issues in an Australian bank, by augmenting practitioners' experience and AI capabilities in data collection and analysis?Principal SupervisorDoctoral2020
The role of national culture in the strategic use of and investment in ICT: A comparative study of Japanese and Australian organisationsPrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2015

Completed Supervisions

Research TitleSupervisor TypeLevel of StudyCompleted
Research of the adoption, implementation, factors leading to the success of business intelligence and big data analytics in ERP systems in the Greater China region and AustraliaPrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2024
An investigation of decision support knowledge production, transfer and adoption for IT outsourcingAssociate SupervisorDoctoral2017
An evaluation of the broadband ecosystem in Western Downs Region (WDR)Principal SupervisorDoctoral2017
An evaluation of the performance of a NoSQL document database in a simulation of a large scale Electronic Health Record (EHR) systemPrincipal SupervisorDoctoral2017

Critical Success Factors Classification Framework for Measuring Maturity of Organisations using New Generation ERP Systems: A Systematic Literature Review

Wong, Wai Yip Freddy and Lane, Michael. 2023. "Critical Success Factors Classification Framework for Measuring Maturity of Organisations using New Generation ERP Systems: A Systematic Literature Review." Fernandez, Walter, Nandhakumar and Santhanam, Radhika (ed.) 44th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2023). Hyderbad, India 10 - 13 Dec 2023 Hyderbad, India.

Safety and quality within the healthcare supply chain: a great unknown

Smith, Sean, Lane, Michael, Toleman, Mark and Shrestha, Anup. 2024. "Safety and quality within the healthcare supply chain: a great unknown." 19th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics (MEDINFO 2023). Sydney, Australia 08 - 12 Jul 2023 Australia. IOP Publishing. https://doi.org/10.3233/SHTI230988

A Socio-Ecological-Technical Perspective: How has Information Systems Contributed to Solving the Sustainability Problem

Nguyen, Lemai, Lane, Michael, Nallaperuma, Kaushalya and Deniz, Kaushalya. 2023. "A Socio-Ecological-Technical Perspective: How has Information Systems Contributed to Solving the Sustainability Problem." Han, Shengnan, Laumer, Sven and Ramos, Isabel (ed.) 31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Norway 11 - 14 Jun 2023 Kristiansand, Norway.

Digital Transformation of the Healthcare Supply Chain: A Clinical Safety Evaluation Model

Smith, Sean, Lane, Michael, Toleman, Mark and Shrestha, Anup. 2022. "Digital Transformation of the Healthcare Supply Chain: A Clinical Safety Evaluation Model." 28th Americas Conference on Information Systems: Innovative Research Informing Practice (AMCIS 2022). Minneapolis, United States 10 - 14 Aug 2022 United States.

Does digital transformation of the Australian healthcare supply chain improve clinical safety?

Smith, Sean, Lane, Michael, Toleman, Mark and Shrestha, Anup. 2021. "Does digital transformation of the Australian healthcare supply chain improve clinical safety?" Beydoun, Ghassan, Fernandez, Fernandez and Xu, Dongming (ed.) 32nd Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2021). Sydney, Australia 06 - 10 Dec 2021 Sydney, Australia.

Systematic review of methodological approaches for designing, assessing and validating business analytics maturity models

Wong, Wai Yip Freddy, Lane, Michael and Cockcroft, Sophie. 2021. "Systematic review of methodological approaches for designing, assessing and validating business analytics maturity models." 2021 International Conference on Information Resources Management: Digital Transformation in a (Post-)Pandemic World. Linz, Austria 19 - 20 May 2021 Austria.

Do social networking sites build and maintain social capital online in rural communities?

Tiwari, Sanjib, Lane, Michael and Alam, Khorshed. 2019. "Do social networking sites build and maintain social capital online in rural communities?" Journal of Rural Studies. 66, pp. 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2019.01.029

The impact of ineffective ITG on IT deployment: a study of failed IT deployment initiatives

Asgarkhani, Mehdi, Toleman, Mark, Ally, Mustafa and Lane, Michael. 2018. "The impact of ineffective ITG on IT deployment: a study of failed IT deployment initiatives." Stockdale, Rosemary, Win, Khin Tha and Sugumaran, Vijayan (ed.) 29th Australasian Conference of Information Systems (ACIS 2018). Sydney, Australia 03 - 05 Dec 2018 Australia. https://doi.org/10.5130/acis2018.bn

An empirical assessment of the CIO role expectations instrument using PLS path modelling

Al-Taie, Moyassar, Lane, Michael and Cater-Steel, Aileen. 2018. "An empirical assessment of the CIO role expectations instrument using PLS path modelling." Communications of the Association for Information Systems. 42 (1), pp. 1-20. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.04201

Determinants of effective knowledge transfer from academic researchers to industry practitioners

Rajaeian, Mohammad Mehdi, Cater-Steel, Aileen and Lane, Michael. 2018. "Determinants of effective knowledge transfer from academic researchers to industry practitioners." Journal of Engineering and Technology Management. 47 (January-March), pp. 37-52. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jengtecman.2017.12.003

The role of national culture in the strategic use of and investment in ICT: a comparative study of Japanese and Australian organisations

Baty, Craig K., Lane, Michael, Cater-Steel, Aileen and Ally, Mustafa. 2017. "The role of national culture in the strategic use of and investment in ICT: a comparative study of Japanese and Australian organisations." Riemer, Kai, Indulska, Marta and Tuunainen, Virpi Kristiina (ed.) 28th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2017). Hobart, Australia 04 - 06 Dec 2017 Australia.

Managing the risks of data security and privacy in the cloud: a shared responsibility between the cloud service provider and the client organisation

Lane, Michael, Shrestha, Anup and Ali, Omar. 2017. "Managing the risks of data security and privacy in the cloud: a shared responsibility between the cloud service provider and the client organisation." Bright Internet Global Summit 2017. Seoul, Korea 08 - 10 Dec 2017

A systematic literature review and critical assessment of model-driven decision support for IT outsourcing

Rajaeian, Mohammad Mehdi, Cater-Steel, Aileen and Lane, Michael. 2017. "A systematic literature review and critical assessment of model-driven decision support for IT outsourcing." Decision Support Systems. 102, pp. 42-56. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dss.2017.07.002

The potential impact of digital currencies on the Australian economy

Ally, Mustafa, Gardiner, Michael and Lane, Michael. 2015. "The potential impact of digital currencies on the Australian economy." 26th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2015). Adelaide, Australia 30 Nov - 04 Dec 2015 Australia.

Moving towards the effective evaluation of mobile learning initiatives in higher education institutions

Farley, Helen, Murphy, Angela, Todd, Nicole Ann, Lane, Michael, Hafeez-Baig, Abdul, Midgley, Warren and Johnson, Chris. 2015. "Moving towards the effective evaluation of mobile learning initiatives in higher education institutions." Zhang, Yu (Aimee) (ed.) Handbook of mobile teaching and learning. Germany. Springer. pp. 721-740

Do they read your research? An investigation of practitioners’ use of IT outsourcing and cloud sourcing research

Rajaeian, Mohammad Mehdi, Cater-Steel, Aileen and Lane, Michael. 2016. "Do they read your research? An investigation of practitioners’ use of IT outsourcing and cloud sourcing research." Van Der Meer, Rosemary V. (ed.) 27th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2016). Wollongong, Australia 05 - 07 Dec 2016 Australia.

Special Section on Rural and Remote ICT: Broadband Rural, Regional and National Impacts

Lane, Michael, Middleton, Catherine, Zarnekow, Ruediger and Alam, Khorshed. 2016. "Special Section on Rural and Remote ICT: Broadband Rural, Regional and National Impacts ." Australasian Journal of Information Systems. 20, pp. 1-2. https://doi.org/10.3127/ajis.v20i0.1474

Perceptions of older age and digital participation in rural Queensland

McDonald, Lisa, Starasts, Ann, Tiwari, Sanjib and Lane, Michael. 2016. "Perceptions of older age and digital participation in rural Queensland." Australasian Journal of Regional Studies. 22 (2), pp. 263-284.

The supply and use of broadband in rural Australia: an explanatory case study of the Western Downs Region

Lane, Michael, Tiwari, Sanjib and Alam, Khorshed. 2016. "The supply and use of broadband in rural Australia: an explanatory case study of the Western Downs Region." Australasian Journal of Information Systems. 20, pp. 1-24. https://doi.org/10.3127/ajis.v20i0.1202

IT outsourcing decision factors in research and practice: a case study

Rajaeian, Mohammad Mehdi, Cater-Steel, Aileen and Lane, Michael. 2015. "IT outsourcing decision factors in research and practice: a case study." 26th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2015). Adelaide, Australia 30 Nov - 04 Dec 2015 Adelaide, South Australia.

How do students use their mobile devices to support learning? A case study from an Australian regional university

Farley, Helen, Murphy, Angela, Johnson, Chris, Carter, Brad, Lane, Michael, Midgley, Warren, Hafeez-Baig, Abdul, Dekeyser, Stijn and Koronios, Andy. 2015. "How do students use their mobile devices to support learning? A case study from an Australian regional university." Journal of Interactive Media in Education. 15 (1), pp. 1-13. https://doi.org/10.5334/jime.ar

Information system security commitment: a study of external influences on senior management

Barton, Kevin A., Tejay, Gurvirender, Lane, Michael and Terrell, Steve. 2016. "Information system security commitment: a study of external influences on senior management." Computers and Security. 59, pp. 9-25. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cose.2016.02.007

Mobile learning anytime, anywhere: what are our students doing?

Murphy, Angela, Farley, Helen, Lane, Michael, Hafeez-Baig, Abdul and Carter, Brad. 2014. "Mobile learning anytime, anywhere: what are our students doing?" Australasian Journal of Information Systems. 18 (3), pp. 331-345.

A past to present journey: a critical analysis of the Chief Information Officer role

Al-Taie, Moyassar, Lane, Michael and Cater-Steel, Aileen. 2015. "A past to present journey: a critical analysis of the Chief Information Officer role." Wadhwa, Manish and Harper, Alan (ed.) Technology, innovation and enterprise transformation. Hershey PA, USA. IGI Global. pp. 180-206

An Evaluation of the suitability of NoSQL databases for distributed EHR systems

Ercan, Mehmet Zahid and Lane, Michael. 2014. "An Evaluation of the suitability of NoSQL databases for distributed EHR systems ." Tan, Felix and Bunker, Deborah (ed.) 25th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2014). Auckland, New Zealand 08 - 10 Dec 2014 New Zealand.

University staff adoption of iPads: an empirical study using an extended Technology Acceptance Model

Lane, Michael and Stagg, Adrian. 2014. "University staff adoption of iPads: an empirical study using an extended Technology Acceptance Model." Australasian Journal of Information Systems. 18 (3), pp. 53-74.

Prudential regulatory risk governance of IT multi-sourcing strategies within the Australian banking sector

Strong, Brian, Cater-Steel, Aileen and Lane, Michael. 2014. "Prudential regulatory risk governance of IT multi-sourcing strategies within the Australian banking sector." Tan, Felix and Bunker, Deborah (ed.) 25th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2014). Auckland, New Zealand 08 - 10 Dec 2014 Auckland, New Zealand.

Prudential risk management of IT sourcing strategies: a case study of an Australian bank

Strong, Brian, Cater-Steel, Aileen and Lane, Michael. 2014. "Prudential risk management of IT sourcing strategies: a case study of an Australian bank." 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2014): Smart Sustainability: The Information Systems Opportunity. Savannah, United States 07 - 09 Aug 2014 Atlanta, GA. United States.

Does broadband connectivity and social networking sites build and maintain social capital in rural communities?

Tiwari, Sanjib, Lane, Michael and Alam, Khorshed. 2015. "Does broadband connectivity and social networking sites build and maintain social capital in rural communities?" 26th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2015). Adelaide, Australia 30 Nov - 04 Dec 2015 Australia.

The relationship between organisational strategic IT vision and CIO roles: one size does not fit all

Al-Taie, Moyassar, Lane, Michael and Cater-Steel, Aileen. 2014. "The relationship between organisational strategic IT vision and CIO roles: one size does not fit all." Australasian Journal of Information Systems. 18 (2), pp. 59-89.

The challenges and opportunities of delivering wireless high speed broadband services in Rural and Remote Australia: A Case Study of Western Downs Region (WDR)

Tiwari, Sanjib, Lane, Michael and Alam, Khorshed. 2015. "The challenges and opportunities of delivering wireless high speed broadband services in Rural and Remote Australia: A Case Study of Western Downs Region (WDR)." 26th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2015). Adelaide, Australia 30 Nov - 04 Dec 2015 Australia.

An exploration of access to and use of mobile technologies for learning activities among higher education students

Murphy, Angela, Farley, Helen, Midgley, Warren, Carter, Brad, Lane, Michael and Hafeez-Baig, Abdul. 2013. "An exploration of access to and use of mobile technologies for learning activities among higher education students." Research Colloquia and Showcase 2013. Springfield, Australia 12 - 13 Jun 2013 Queensland, Australia.

Listening to the student voice: how are students really using mobile technologies for learning?

Murphy, Angela, Farley, Helen, Johnson, Chris, Lane, Michael, Carter, Brad, Hafeez-Baig, Abdul, Midgley, Warren, Dekeyser, Stijn, Rees, Sharon, Mitchell, Maxine, Doyle, Joanne and Koronios, Andy. 2013. "Listening to the student voice: how are students really using mobile technologies for learning?" Carter, Helen, Gosper, Maree and Hedberg, John (ed.) 30th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2013). Sydney, Australia 01 - 04 Dec 2013

University staff adoption of iPads: An empirical study using an extended TAM model

Lane, Michael Steven and Stagg, Adrian. 2014. "University staff adoption of iPads: An empirical study using an extended TAM model ." Australasian Journal of Information Systems. 18 (3), pp. 53-74.

Mobile learning anytime, anywhere: what are our students doing?

Murphy, Angela, Farley, Helen, Lane, Michael, Hafeez-Baig, Abdul and Carter, Brad. 2013. "Mobile learning anytime, anywhere: what are our students doing?" Aisyah, Hepu and Standing, Craig (ed.) 24th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2013). Melbourne, Australia 04 - 06 Dec 2013 Melbourne, Australia.

The CIO role expectations instrument: validation and model testing

Al-Taie, Moyassar, Lane, Michael S. and Cater-Steel, Aileen. 2013. "The CIO role expectations instrument: validation and model testing." Aisyah, Hepu and Standing, Craig (ed.) 24th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2013). Melbourne, Australia 04 - 06 Dec 2013 Melbourne, Australia.

Does a good fit between mobile work support functions and mobile sales-force worker tasks lead to improved work performance?

Lembach, Markus and Lane, Michael. 2013. "Does a good fit between mobile work support functions and mobile sales-force worker tasks lead to improved work performance?" Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations: the international journal of electronic commerce in modern organizations. 11 (4), pp. 52-69. https://doi.org/10.4018/jeco.2013100104

Does the android permission system provide adequate information privacy protection for end-users of mobile apps?

Lane, Michael. 2012. "Does the android permission system provide adequate information privacy protection for end-users of mobile apps?" Williams, Trish, Johnstone, Mike and Valli, Craig (ed.) 10th Australian Information Security Management Conference (SECAU 2012). Perth, Western Australia 03 - 05 Dec 2012 Perth Western Australia.

An information security awareness capability model (ISACM)

Poepjes, Robert and Lane, Michael. 2012. "An information security awareness capability model (ISACM)." Williams, Trish, Johnstone, Mike and Valli, Craig (ed.) 10th Australian Information Security Management Conference (SECAU 2012). Perth, Western Australia 03 - 05 Dec 2012 Perth, Western Australia.

The fit of mobile work support functionalities with pharmaceutical sales-force worker tasks

Lembach, Markus and Lane, Michael Steven. 2011. "The fit of mobile work support functionalities with pharmaceutical sales-force worker tasks." Siriluck, Rotchanakitumnuai / RS and Kaewkitipong, Laddawan / KL (ed.) 11th International Conference on Electronic Business: Borderless e-Business for the Next Decade (ICEB 2011). Bangkok, Thailand 28 Nov - 02 Dec 2011 Bangkok Thailand.

An empirical analysis of SNS users and their privacy and security awareness of risks associated with sharing SNS profiles (online identities)

Lane, Michael Steven and Shrestha, Anup. 2011. "An empirical analysis of SNS users and their privacy and security awareness of risks associated with sharing SNS profiles (online identities)." Rotchanakitumnuai, Siriluck and Kaewkitipong, Laddawan (ed.) 11th International Conference on Electronic Business: Borderless e-Business for the Next Decade (ICEB 2011). Bangkok, Thailand 28 Nov - 02 Dec 2011 Bangkok, Thailand.

Facilitators and inhibitors for the adoption of agile methods

Van Der Vyver, Glen, Lane, Michael and Koronios, Andy. 2010. "Facilitators and inhibitors for the adoption of agile methods." Siau, Keng, Chiang, Roger and Hardgrave, Bill C. (ed.) Systems analysis and design: people, processes, and projects. United States. Routledge. pp. 31-50

Editorial for special issue of AJIS on green IT/IS (sustainable computing)

Lane, Michael S., Kolbe, Lutz and Zarnekow, Rudiger. 2011. "Editorial for special issue of AJIS on green IT/IS (sustainable computing)." Australasian Journal of Information Systems. 17 (1), pp. 1-4. https://doi.org/10.3127/ajis.v17i1.666

Examining client perceptions of partnership quality and its dimensions in an IT outsourcing relationship

Lane, Michael S. and Lum, Weng Haan. 2010. "Examining client perceptions of partnership quality and its dimensions in an IT outsourcing relationship." Australasian Journal of Information Systems. 17 (1), pp. 47-76.

What are the key job functions and critical competencies required for the role of the CIO in achieving superior organizational performance?

Hodgson, Leeanne and Lane, Michael S.. 2010. "What are the key job functions and critical competencies required for the role of the CIO in achieving superior organizational performance?" Cartelli, Antonio, Cohen, Eli B. and Cohen, Betty (ed.) InSITE 2010: Informing Science and Information Technology Education Joint Conference. Cassino, Italy 19 - 24 Jun 2010 Santa Rosa, CA, United States.

The adoption of single sign-on and multifactor authentication in organisations: a critical evaluation using TOE framework

D'Costa-Alphonso, Marise-Marie and Lane, Michael. 2010. "The adoption of single sign-on and multifactor authentication in organisations: a critical evaluation using TOE framework." Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology. 7, pp. 161-190.

Using clickers to support information literacy skills development and instruction in first-year business students

Stagg, Adrian and Lane, Michael. 2010. "Using clickers to support information literacy skills development and instruction in first-year business students." Journal of Information Technology Education: Research. 9, pp. 197-215.

The energy inefficiency of office computing and potential emerging technology solutions

Lane, Michael S., Howard, Angela and Howard, Srecko. 2009. "The energy inefficiency of office computing and potential emerging technology solutions." Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology. 6, pp. 795-808.

Determining key technology and management issues for CIOs deemed to be problematic and suffering from performance gaps

Lane, Michael S. and Koronios, Andy. 2007. "Determining key technology and management issues for CIOs deemed to be problematic and suffering from performance gaps." Koronios, Andy, Zhou, Chunguang, Wang, Yuangliang, Zhang, Shuqing, Liang, Yanchun and Gao, Jing (ed.) 1st International Conference of ICT Innovation and Application. Zhuhai, China 15 - 17 Nov 2007 Adelaide, South Australia.

Critical competencies required for the role of the modern CIO

Lane, Michael S. and Koronios, Andy. 2007. "Critical competencies required for the role of the modern CIO." Toleman, Mark, Cater-Steel, Aileen and Roberts, Dave (ed.) 18th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2007). Toowoomba, Australia 05 - 07 Dec 2007 Toowoomba, Australia.

Trust in virtual communities involved in free/open source projects: an empirical study

Lane, Michael S., van der Vyver, Glen and Basnet, Prajwal. 2004. "Trust in virtual communities involved in free/open source projects: an empirical study." 15th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2004). Hobart, Australia 01 - 03 Dec 2004 Hobart, Tasmania.

Interpretative insights into interpersonal trust and effectiveness of virtual communities of open source software (OSS) developers

Lane, Michael S., van der Vyver, Glen, Basnet, Prajwal and Howard, Srecko. 2004. "Interpretative insights into interpersonal trust and effectiveness of virtual communities of open source software (OSS) developers." 15th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2004). Hobart, Australia 01 - 03 Dec 2004 Hobart, Tasmania.

Using the new generation of IS development techniques in effective group learning: a pilot study of a team-based approach in an IT Course

Van Der Vyver, Glen and Lane, Michael S.. 2003. "Using the new generation of IS development techniques in effective group learning: a pilot study of a team-based approach in an IT Course." 2003 Informing Science + Information Technology Education Joint Conference 2003 (InSITE 2003). Pori, Finland 24 - 27 Jun 2003 Santa Rosa, CA, United States.

Enforcing secure access control in integrated systems over the internet

Yong, Jianming, Lane, Michael S., Toleman, Mark and Yang, Yun. 2003. "Enforcing secure access control in integrated systems over the internet." 1st Australian Information Security Management Conference. Perth, Western Australia 24 Nov 2003 Perth, Western Australia.

Is XP agile enough for the development of Web information systems?

Lane, Michael S., Van der Vyver, Glen Litton and Koronios, Andy. 2003. "Is XP agile enough for the development of Web information systems?" Lethbridge, N. (ed.) 14th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2003). Perth, Australia 26 - 28 Nov 2003 Perth, Western Australia.

Does off-shoring IT make good business sense? Proceed with caution!

Lane, Michael and Van Der Vyver, Glen. 2006. "Does off-shoring IT make good business sense? Proceed with caution!" Tan, Bernard (ed.) 10th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2006). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 06 - 09 Jul 2006 Phoenix, AZ, USA.

Conceptual frames of reference and their influence on e-commerce system development

Van Der Vyver, Glen and Lane, Michael S.. 2003. "Conceptual frames of reference and their influence on e-commerce system development." Andersen, Kim, Elliot, Steve, Swatman, Paula, Trauth, Eileen and Bjorn-Andersen, Niels (ed.) Seeking success in e-business: a multidisciplinary approach. Norwell, Mass, United States. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 69-90

Integrating web and database marketing: Australian study of direct marketing firms

Lane, Michael S. and Cavaye, Angele. 2000. "Integrating web and database marketing: Australian study of direct marketing firms." Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology. 32 (3/4), pp. 168-184.

Factors influencing the decision to choose information technology preparatory studies in secondary schools: an exploratory study in regional/rural Australia

Van Der Vyver, Glen, Crabb, Debbie and Lane, Michael S.. 2004. "Factors influencing the decision to choose information technology preparatory studies in secondary schools: an exploratory study in regional/rural Australia." Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology. 1, pp. 729-739.

Agile methodologies and the emergence of the agile organisation: a software development approach waiting for its time?

Van Der Vyver, Glen, Koronios, Andy and Lane, Michael S.. 2003. "Agile methodologies and the emergence of the agile organisation: a software development approach waiting for its time?" Hillier, Matthew, Falconer, Don, Hanisch, Jo and Horrocks, Sam (ed.) 7th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2003). Adelaide, Australia 10 - 13 Jul 2003 Adelaide, South Australia.

Are universities To blame for the IT careers crisis

Van Der Vyver, Glen and Lane, Michael S.. 2006. "Are universities To blame for the IT careers crisis." Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology. 3, pp. 679-686.

Informal control in open source projects: an empirical assessment

Basnet, Prajwal and Lane, Michael S.. 2005. "Informal control in open source projects: an empirical assessment." Campbell, Bruce, Underwood, Jim and Bunker, Deborah (ed.) 16th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2005). Manly, Australia 30 Nov - 02 Dec 2005 Sydney, Australia.

Partnership quality in IT outsourcing: a mixed methods review of its measurement

Lane, Michael S. and Van Der Vyver, Glen. 2005. "Partnership quality in IT outsourcing: a mixed methods review of its measurement." Campbell, Bruce, Underwood, Jim and Bunker, Deborah (ed.) 16th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2005). Manly, Australia 30 Nov - 02 Dec 2005 Manly, Australia.

IT outsourcing success: revisiting the measurement of a multi-dimensional construct: an Australian perspective

Lane, Michael S., Van Der Vyver, Glen and Hajiyev, Eldar. 2005. "IT outsourcing success: revisiting the measurement of a multi-dimensional construct: an Australian perspective." Wei, Chih-Ping and Yen, Benjamin (ed.) 9th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2005). Bangkok, Thailand 07 - 10 Jul 2005 Hong Kong.

Higher education course content: paper-based, online or hybrid course delivery?

Van Der Vyver, Glen and Lane, Michael S.. 2004. "Higher education course content: paper-based, online or hybrid course delivery?" Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology. 1, pp. 827-844.

Using a team-based approach in an IS Course: an empirical study

Van Der Vyver, Glen and Lane, Michael S.. 2003. "Using a team-based approach in an IS Course: an empirical study." Journal of Information Technology Education. 2 (Special issue), pp. 393-406.

An electronic commerce initiative in regional Sri Lanka: the vision for the central province electronic commerce portal

Lane, Michael S., Van Der Vyver, Glen, Delpachitra, Sarath and Howard, Srecko. 2004. "An electronic commerce initiative in regional Sri Lanka: the vision for the central province electronic commerce portal." The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. 16 (1), pp. 1-18.

A balanced approach to capturing user requirements in business-to-consumer web information systems

Lane, Michael S. and Koronios, Andy. 2001. "A balanced approach to capturing user requirements in business-to-consumer web information systems." Australian Journal Of Information Systems. 9 (1), pp. 61-69. https://doi.org/10.3127

A review of IT outsourcing trends in 2005: an Australian study

Lane, Michael S. and Van der Vyver, Glen. 2005. "A review of IT outsourcing trends in 2005: an Australian study." Wei, Chih-Ping and Yen, Benjamin (ed.) 9th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2005). Bangkok, Thailand 07 - 10 Jul 2005 Hong Kong.