School of Psychology and Wellbeing

Faculty/DepartmentAcademic Affairs
HeadProf Peter Terry

Latest research outputs

1273 results found
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Cross-cultural differences in dementia: the sociocultural health belief model
Sayegh, Phillip and Knight, Bob G.. 2013. "Cross-cultural differences in dementia: the sociocultural health belief model." International Psychogeriatrics. 25 (4), pp. 517-530.


Accreditation in the profession of psychology: a cautionary tale
Maiden, Robert, Knight, Bob G., Howe, Judith L. and Kim, Seungyoun. 2012. "Accreditation in the profession of psychology: a cautionary tale." Gerontology and Geriatrics Education. 33 (1), pp. 55-74.


Effectiveness of a lifestyle intervention in promoting the well-being of independently living older people: results of the Well Elderly 2 Randomised Controlled Trial
Clark, Florence, Jackson, Jeanne, Carlson, Mike, Chou, Chih-Ping, Cherry, Barbara J., Jordan-Marsh, Maryalice, Knight, Bob G., Mandel, Deborah, Blanchard, Jeanine, Granger, Douglas A., Wilcox, Rand R., Lai, Mei Ying, White, Brett, Hay, Joel, Lam, Claudia, Marterella, Abbey and Azen, Stanley P.. 2012. "Effectiveness of a lifestyle intervention in promoting the well-being of independently living older people: results of the Well Elderly 2 Randomised Controlled Trial." Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 66 (9), pp. 782-790.


Positivity effects in older adults' perception of facial emotion: the role of future time perspective
Kellough, Jennifer L. and Knight, Bob G.. 2012. "Positivity effects in older adults' perception of facial emotion: the role of future time perspective." Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 67B (2), pp. 150-158.


Mental health and aging in the 21st century
Knight, Bob G. and Sayegh, Philip. 2011. "Mental health and aging in the 21st century." Journal of Aging & Social Policy. 23 (3), pp. 228-243.


Impact of childhood parental abuse and neglect on sleep problems in old age
Poon, Cecilia Y. M. and Knight, Bob G.. 2011. "Impact of childhood parental abuse and neglect on sleep problems in old age ." Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 66B (3), pp. 307-310.


Training in professional psychology in the US: an increased focus on competency attainment
Knight, Bob G.. 2011. "Training in professional psychology in the US: an increased focus on competency attainment ." Australian Psychologist. 46 (2), pp. 140-141.


Mentoring for professional geropsychology within a doctoral program
Knight, Bob G.. 2011. "Mentoring for professional geropsychology within a doctoral program." Educational Gerontology: an international journal. 37 (5), pp. 378-387.


The effects of familism and cultural justification on the mental and physical health of family caregivers
Sayegh, Philip and Knight, Bob G.. 2011. "The effects of familism and cultural justification on the mental and physical health of family caregivers." Journal of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 66B (1), pp. 3-14.


Age differences in the complexity of emotion perception
Kim, Seungyoun, Geren, Jennifer L. and Knight, Bob G.. 2015. "Age differences in the complexity of emotion perception." Experimental Aging Research. 41 (5), pp. 556-571.


Influence of a specialized Trigonella foenum-graecum seed extract (Libifem), on testosterone, estradiol and sexual function in healthy menstruating women, a randomised placebo controlled study
Rao, Amanda, Steels, Elizabeth, Beccaria, Gavin, Inder, Warrick and Vitetta, Luis. 2015. "Influence of a specialized Trigonella foenum-graecum seed extract (Libifem), on testosterone, estradiol and sexual function in healthy menstruating women, a randomised placebo controlled study." Phytotherapy Research. 29 (8), pp. 1123-1130.


Contextual adult lifespan theory for adapting psychotherapy with older adults
Knight, B. G., Juang, Ch. and Poon, C. Y. M.. 2015. "Contextual adult lifespan theory for adapting psychotherapy with older adults." Maercker, I. A. (ed.) Alterpsychoterapie und klinische gerontopsycholgie. Heidelberg. Springer.

Edited book (chapter)

Mealtime observations and parent-report: correspondence across measurement and implications for intervention
Morawska, Alina, Adamson, Michelle and Especkerman, Joanne Ferriol. 2015. "Mealtime observations and parent-report: correspondence across measurement and implications for intervention." Behaviour Change. 32 (3), pp. 175-189.


Using the CALTAP life span developmental framework with older adults
Pachana, Nancy A., Mitchell, Leander K. and Knight, Bob G.. 2015. "Using the CALTAP life span developmental framework with older adults." GeroPsych. 28 (2), pp. 77-86.


Aging and the effects of emotion on cognition: implications for psychological interventions for depression and anxiety
Knight, Bob G. and Durbin, Kelly. 2015. "Aging and the effects of emotion on cognition: implications for psychological interventions for depression and anxiety." Psych Journal. 4 (1), pp. 11-19.


Adaptation of the Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale (3D-WS) for the Korean cultural context
Kim, Seungyoun and Knight, Bob G.. 2015. "Adaptation of the Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale (3D-WS) for the Korean cultural context." International Psychogeriatrics. 27 (2), pp. 267-278.


Can we do better? Researchers' experiences with ethical review boards on projects with later life as a focus
Pachana, Nancy A., Liddle, Jacki, Peel, Nancye M., Beattie, Elizabeth, Juang, Christine and Knight, Bob G.. 2015. "Can we do better? Researchers' experiences with ethical review boards on projects with later life as a focus." Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 43 (3), pp. 701-707.


Phonological effects in forward and backward serial recall: qualitative and quantitative differences
Ritchie, Gabrielle, Tolan, Georgina Anne, Tehan, Gerald, Goh, Hong Eng, Guerard, Katherine and Saint-Aubin, Jean. 2015. "Phonological effects in forward and backward serial recall: qualitative and quantitative differences." Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 69 (1), pp. 95-103.


Microanalytic coding versus global rating of maternal parenting behaviour
Morawska, Alina, Basha, Allison, Adamson, Michelle and Winter, Leanne. 2015. "Microanalytic coding versus global rating of maternal parenting behaviour." Early Child Development and Care. 185 (3), pp. 448-463.


Erratum to: Seeking to understand: using generic qualitative research to explore access to medicines and pharmacy services among resettled refugees
Bellamy, Kim, Ostini, Remo, Martini, Nataly and Kairuz, Therese. 2016. "Erratum to: Seeking to understand: using generic qualitative research to explore access to medicines and pharmacy services among resettled refugees." International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 38 (2), p. 469.

Notes or commentaries

Therapy that fits: feedback informed, client directed counseling
Beel, Nathan. 2016. "Therapy that fits: feedback informed, client directed counseling." Noble, Carolyn and Day, Elizabeth (ed.) Psychotherapy and counselling: reflections on practice. South Melbourne, Australia. Oxford University Press. pp. 88-99

Edited book (chapter)

Differences in Moral Judgment on Animal and Human Ethics Issues between University Students in Animal-Related, Human Medical and Arts Programs
Verrinder, Joy M., Ostini, Remo and Phillips, Clive J. C.. 2016. "Differences in Moral Judgment on Animal and Human Ethics Issues between University Students in Animal-Related, Human Medical and Arts Programs." PLoS One. 11 (3), pp. 1-15.


Adult verbal abstract reasoning assessment instruments and their clinimetric properties
Davis, Geoffrey and Piovesana, Adina. 2016. "Adult verbal abstract reasoning assessment instruments and their clinimetric properties." The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 29 (7), pp. 1010-1033.


The experiences of students with mental health difficulties at an Australian regional university: overcoming barriers to successful educational and employment outcomes
Brownlow, Charlotte, du Preez, Jan, Ganguly, Rahul and Graham, Coralie. 2015. "The experiences of students with mental health difficulties at an Australian regional university: overcoming barriers to successful educational and employment outcomes." 7th Australian Rural and Remote Mental Health Symposium. Creswick, Australia 26 - 28 Oct 2015


Evidence base and applications of music in elite sport
Terry, Peter C.. 2014. "Evidence base and applications of music in elite sport." 1st International Conference on Applied Psychology: Psychology in Diverse Contexts (ICAP 2014). Colombo, Sri Lanka 22 - 24 Oct 2014 Colombo, Sri Lanka.


Functional assessment and neuropsychiatric inventory questionnaires: measurement invariance across Hispanic and non-Hispanic whites
Sayegh, Philip and Knight, Bob G.. 2014. "Functional assessment and neuropsychiatric inventory questionnaires: measurement invariance across Hispanic and non-Hispanic whites." The Gerontologist. 54 (3), pp. 375-386.


Assessment and diagnosis of dementia in Hispanic and non-Hispanic white outpatients
Sayegh, Philip and Knight, Bob G.. 2013. "Assessment and diagnosis of dementia in Hispanic and non-Hispanic white outpatients." The Gerontologist. 53 (5), pp. 760-769.


Emotional reactivity to network stress in middle and late adulthood: the role of childhood parental emotional abuse and support
Poon, Cecilia Y. M. and Knight, Bob G.. 2012. "Emotional reactivity to network stress in middle and late adulthood: the role of childhood parental emotional abuse and support." The Gerontologist. 52 (6), pp. 782-791.


Confirmatory factor analysis of a brief version of the Zarit Burden Inventory in black and white dementia caregivers
Flynn Longmire, Crystal V. and Knight, Bob G.. 2011. "Confirmatory factor analysis of a brief version of the Zarit Burden Inventory in black and white dementia caregivers." The Gerontologist. 51 (4), pp. 453-462.


Testing a multi-phase, multi-theory model of health behaviour: exploring fruit and vegetable consumption in long-haul drivers
Brown, D., Morrissey, S., Hagger, M. and Hamilton, K.. 2016. "Testing a multi-phase, multi-theory model of health behaviour: exploring fruit and vegetable consumption in long-haul drivers." 14th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine: Behavioral Medicine: Making an Impact in the Modern World (ICBM 2016). Melbourne, Australia 07 - 10 Dec 2016 Springer.


The Online Street Art Walk: Using Digital Technology to Support Community Engagement with Young Street Artists: A Report on the Katoomba Street Art Walk
Hall, Neil and Harris, Sera. 2016. The Online Street Art Walk: Using Digital Technology to Support Community Engagement with Young Street Artists: A Report on the Katoomba Street Art Walk. Australia. Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre.

Project report

Does Internet Usage Stimulate the Accumulation of Social Capital? A Panel İnvestigation for Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development Countries
Salahuddin, Mohammad, Alam, Khorshed and Burton, Lorelle. 2016. "Does Internet Usage Stimulate the Accumulation of Social Capital? A Panel İnvestigation for Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development Countries ." International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues. 6 (1), pp. 347-352.


Resilience/thriving in post-secondary students with disabilities: an exploratory study
Ganguly, Rahul, Brownlow, Charlotte, Du Preez, Jan and Graham, Coralie. 2015. Resilience/thriving in post-secondary students with disabilities: an exploratory study. Perth, Australia. Curtin University.

Project report

Resilience/thriving in post-secondary students with disabilities: an exploratory study
Ganguly, Rahul, Brownlow, Charlotte, Du Preez, Jan and Graham, Coralie. 2015. Resilience/thriving in post-secondary students with disabilities: an exploratory study. Perth, Australia. Curtin University.

Project report

Exploratory Study of Total and Free Prednisolone Plasma Exposure and Cushingoid Appearance, Quality of Life and Biochemical Toxicity in Adult Male Kidney Transplant Recipients
Bergmann, Troels K., Isbel, Nicole M., Ostini, Remo, Barraclough, Katherine A., Campbell, Scott B., McWhinney, Brett C., Inder, Warrick J., Russell, Anthony and Staatz, Christine E.. 2015. "Exploratory Study of Total and Free Prednisolone Plasma Exposure and Cushingoid Appearance, Quality of Life and Biochemical Toxicity in Adult Male Kidney Transplant Recipients." Clinical Drug Investigation. 35 (11), pp. 743-750.


Health literacy among consumers in community pharmacy: perceptions of pharmacy staff
Kairuz, Therese E., Bellamy, Kim M., Lord, Elisabeth, Ostini, Remo and Emmerton, Lynne M.. 2015. "Health literacy among consumers in community pharmacy: perceptions of pharmacy staff." Health Expectations. 18 (5), pp. 1041-1051.


Emotional work, emotional wellbeing and professional practice: the lived experiences of women community health nurses providing palliative care in the home environment in Australia
Rose, Jayln. 2008. Emotional work, emotional wellbeing and professional practice: the lived experiences of women community health nurses providing palliative care in the home environment in Australia. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. Southern Cross University.

PhD Thesis

To 'like' or not to 'like': a thematic analysis of social cues on Facebook
Machin, T., Jeffries, C. and Brownlow, C.. 2015. "To 'like' or not to 'like': a thematic analysis of social cues on Facebook." 50th Australian Psychological Society Annual Conference (APS 2015): Celebrating the Past, Looking Toward the Future. Gold Coast, Australia 29 Sep - 02 Oct 2015 Australia.


Threat and opportunity: the impact of social inclusion and feedback recipient likeability on feedback, self-esteem and belonging
Machin, T. M. and Jeffries, C. H.. 2013. "Threat and opportunity: the impact of social inclusion and feedback recipient likeability on feedback, self-esteem and belonging." 48th Australian Psychological Society Annual Conference (APS 2013): Psychology for a Healthy Nation. Cairns, Australia 08 - 12 Oct 2013 Australia.


Motives for Facebook use in an Australian sample
Machin, Tanya M., Jeffries, Carla H. and Machin, M. Anthony. 2014. "Motives for Facebook use in an Australian sample." Society of Australasian Social Psychologists Conference (SASP 2014). Canberra, Australia 10 - 12 Apr 2014 Australia.


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Acikdeniz, Merve

Adie, Joshua

Agostinelli, Elisa

Alchin, Carolyn Elizabeth

Barclay-Timmis, Victoria

Barry, Jaimie

Barua, Prabal

Basit, Tabinda

Bates, Matt

Beccaria, Gavin

Beccaria, Lisa

Beel, Nathan

Black, Rebecca

Bolton, Brigid

Booth, Fiona

Brinton, Lisa

Brown, Daniel

Brown, Samantha

Brownlow, Charlotte

Bryce, India

Busch, Jennifer

Ceccato, Jo-Maree

Chan, Lynette

Chen, Daniel

Chi, May

Childs, Nicole

Christensen, Steven

Collins, Katelyn

Cope, Adriana

Costanzo, Marcela

Crowther, Tammy

Cullin, Marcella

Daken, Kirstie

Dallinger, Vicki

Dalziel, Victor

Darracott, Ros

Devereux, Mel

Doolan, Karyna

du Plessis, Carol

Duric, Vlatka

Edmonds, Eileen

Edwards, Niki

Edwards, Rob

Eivers, Areana

Else, David

Erdelyi, Kelsey

Fazackerley, Lewis

Feger, Roy

Fein, Erich

Forbes, Meg

Forrest, Lee

Fox, Jessica

Frost, Aaron

Gain, Ada

Gawthorne, Emma

Gildersleeve, Matthew

Girdlestone, Denise

Glasheen, Kevin

Goadby, Elizabeth

Goh, Hong Eng

Goh, Yong

Gonzalez, Carolina

Gregory, Peter

Gunewardena, Niyara

Hale, Maike

Harness, Jacqueline

Harvey, Logan

Hensen, Amanda

Hodgkin, Isabelle

Howard, Glenn

Ireland, Michael

Ireland, Renee

Izadikhah, Zahra

Jayasinghe, Thenuja

Jeffries, Carla

Jones, Ben

Jones, Brett

Joyce, Daniel

Kelly, Eliza

Kidcaff, Andrew

King, Julie

King, Rebekah

Krishnamoorthy, Govind

Lajoie, Genevieve

Landers, Therese

Lim, Jacqueline

Machin, Tanya

Malhotra, Aastha

Mander, Sarah

March, Sonja

Mathisen, Bernice

McCausland-Green, Jean

McDonald, Ellen

McHale, Mala

McMullen, Crystal

McQuillan, Paul

Mullens, Amy

Nepean-Hutchison, Anita

Ottobrino, Simone

Parmar, Sonali

Parsons, Hayley

Perich, Evee

Powell, Nicole

Richardson, Alan

Richardson, Meg

Riley, Emma

Roberts, Casey

Rose, Jayln

Rose, Penelope

Rowe, Arlen

Ryatt, James

Sagaidak, Maryke

Saxton, Kate

Schaffer, Krystal

Schimke, Dayna

Scott, Florence

Scott, Josie

Scott, Riley

Scully, Paul

Senyard, Emma-Leigh

Sharp, Aaron

Sims, Rebecca

Slatter, Grace

Smith, Amber

Smith, Nina

Stanojevic, Istok

Steggall, David

Stewart, Heidi

Stewart, Kim

Tan, Fen

Tehan, Hannah

Terry, Peter

Thirkettle, Hayley

Thompson, Merinda

Walton, Kathryn

Wang, Grace

Ward, Aletha

Ward, Natalie

Ward, Raelene

Watling, Chris

Weeks, Kayhler

Weerasinghe, Sakuni

White, Leonie

Whitlock, Juliet

Wigell, Chris

Wilson, Lee-Ann

Winterbotham, Sonya

Zieschank, Kirsty