47. Language, Communication and Culture

Title47. Language, Communication and Culture
ParentANZSRC Field of Research

Latest research outputs

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Walking-to-think-with in Indonesia: beginning a new discourse in area studies?
Palmer, Jane. 2014. "Walking-to-think-with in Indonesia: beginning a new discourse in area studies?" RIMA: Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs: a semi-annual survey of political, economic, social and cultural aspects of Indonesia and Malaysia. 48 (2), pp. 17-26.


Too remote, too primitive and too expensive: Scandinavian settlers in colonial Queensland
Emmerson, Mark. 2015. "Too remote, too primitive and too expensive: Scandinavian settlers in colonial Queensland." Queensland Historical Atlas. 3 March 2015.


Post-traumatic stress disorder: Pedagogical implications for the English as a second or other language classroom
Wilson, Tori. 2016. "Post-traumatic stress disorder: Pedagogical implications for the English as a second or other language classroom." QATESOL Professional Development Day. Toowoomba, QLD, Australia 06 - 07 May 2016 Australia.


Investigating intercultural communication demonstrated among staff at University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)
Ismail, Isma Rosila. 2015. Investigating intercultural communication demonstrated among staff at University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT). PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

The journal paper that almost ended my career before it started
Ostini, Jenny. 2015. "The journal paper that almost ended my career before it started." The Research Whisperer. 8 Sept 2015.


Domestic violence and the welfare state
Hopkins, Susan and Ostini, Jenny. 2015. "Domestic violence and the welfare state." Overland.


Cross-cultural pragmatic failure and implications for language teaching
Pohl, Gabriela. 2004. "Cross-cultural pragmatic failure and implications for language teaching." Second Language Learning and Teaching. 4.


Art in response to crisis: drought, flood and the regional community
Mason, Andrew. 2015. "Art in response to crisis: drought, flood and the regional community." McDonald, Janet and Mason, Robert (ed.) Creative communities: regional inclusion & the arts. Bristol, United Kingdom. Intellect Books. pp. 121-134

Edited book (chapter)

Threat and opportunity: the impact of social inclusion and feedback recipient likeability on feedback, self-esteem and belonging
Machin, T. M. and Jeffries, C. H.. 2013. "Threat and opportunity: the impact of social inclusion and feedback recipient likeability on feedback, self-esteem and belonging." 48th Australian Psychological Society Annual Conference (APS 2013): Psychology for a Healthy Nation. Cairns, Australia 08 - 12 Oct 2013 Australia.


The curse of Frankenstein
Harmes, Marcus K.. 2015. The curse of Frankenstein. Leighton Buzzard, United Kingdom. Columbia University.

Authored book

The old 'white actor playing a Chinese man' trick: Get Smart and race
Harmes, Meredith A., Harmes, Marcus K. and Harmes, Barbara. 2015. "The old 'white actor playing a Chinese man' trick: Get Smart and race." The Australasian Journal of Popular Culture. 4 (1), pp. 43-55. https://doi.org/10.1386/ajpc.4.1.43_1


Mobilising the global significance of multidisciplinary discourses of performativity: lessons from an Australian major league baseballer in the United States and Australian circus performers
Wilson-Gahan, Susan, Mason, Robert and Danaher, P. A.. 2014. "Mobilising the global significance of multidisciplinary discourses of performativity: lessons from an Australian major league baseballer in the United States and Australian circus performers." Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines (CADAAD2014). Budapest, Hungary 01 - 03 Sep 2014


Voter attitudes towards information sources during local government elections
Jones, Dianne and Feldman, Alison. 2006. "Voter attitudes towards information sources during local government elections." Local Government Association of Queensland Incorporated 110th Annual Conference: Closest to the People. Toowoomba, Australia 28 - 31 Aug 2006 http://lgaq.asn.au/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=c51d174379753aaf2f2260e7182fef07&groupId=10136.


Coverage of women in sport: a gamble [Blog post]
Jones, Dianne. 2012. "Coverage of women in sport: a gamble [Blog post]." Open Forum. 3 July 2012.


'Life in one colour': Indian Australian perceptions of social inclusion in regional Queensland
Mason, Robert and Jones, Dianne. 2014. "'Life in one colour': Indian Australian perceptions of social inclusion in regional Queensland." Queensland Review. 21 (2), pp. 203-216. https://doi.org/10.1017/qre.2014.26


Radio magazines
Mason, Andrew. 2014. "Radio magazines." Griffen-Foley, Bridget (ed.) A companion to the Australian media. Melbourne, Australia. Australian Scholarly Publishing. pp. 386-387

Edited book (chapter)

Interreligious dialogue in practice: modern, multi-faith chaplaincy in a regional university
Reichelt, Evan. 2014. "Interreligious dialogue in practice: modern, multi-faith chaplaincy in a regional university." Harmes, Marcus K. and Batorowicz, Krzysztof (ed.) Peace, Interreligious Dialogue and Culture Seminar 2014. Toowoomba, Australia 13 - 14 Feb 2014 Toowoomba, Australia.


Staking out Australia's 'effective voice' in the world: John Curtin and the war correspondents, 1941-1945©
Coatney, Caryn. 2014. "Staking out Australia's 'effective voice' in the world: John Curtin and the war correspondents, 1941-1945©." Research Seminar 2014: School of Arts and Communication, University of Southern Queensland. Toowoomba, Australia 12 Nov 2014 Toowoomba, Australia.


Motives for Facebook use in an Australian sample
Machin, Tanya M., Jeffries, Carla H. and Machin, M. Anthony. 2014. "Motives for Facebook use in an Australian sample." Society of Australasian Social Psychologists Conference (SASP 2014). Canberra, Australia 10 - 12 Apr 2014 Australia.


Cultural issues in mental health
Gorman, Don and Cross, Wendy. 2014. "Cultural issues in mental health." Edward, Karen-Leigh, Munro, Ian, Welch, Anthony and Robins, Alan (ed.) Mental health nursing: dimensions of praxis, 2nd ed.. Melbourne, Australia. Oxford University Press. pp. 487-504

Edited book (chapter)

Exploring digital literacy: moving from buzzwords towards a social construction of competency
Ostini, Jenny. 2014. "Exploring digital literacy: moving from buzzwords towards a social construction of competency." Keppell, Mike and Reushle, Shirley (ed.) 2nd Digital Rural Futures Conference 2014. Toowoomba, Australia 25 - 27 Jun 2014 Toowoomba, Australia.


Ecology, alterity - art
McDonald, Lisa. 2015. "Ecology, alterity - art." The International Journal of Science in Society. 6 (2), pp. 13-23.


Fieldwork in a digital age: questions of privacy and copyright
Ostini, Jenny. 2014. "Fieldwork in a digital age: questions of privacy and copyright." Field Research Method Lab at LSE.


Crowdfunding and new models of publishing: the development of crowdfunding publishing in the US and EU (众筹与出版新思维——欧美众筹出版的现状与问题)
Ren, Xiang. 2014. "Crowdfunding and new models of publishing: the development of crowdfunding publishing in the US and EU (众筹与出版新思维——欧美众筹出版的现状与问题)." Technology and Publishing (Keji yu Chuban).


Death, dildoes and daffodils: a queer winter's tale
Sulway, Nike. 2014. "Death, dildoes and daffodils: a queer winter's tale." Johnson, Laurie and Chalk, Darryl (ed.) 12th Biennial International Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Shakespeare Association (ANZSA 2014): Shakespearean Perceptions. Toowoomba, Australia 02 - 04 Oct 2014


Beyond the borders: the three Ts of contemporary protocols for efficient teleworking
Neary, Liz and Hingst, Ray. 2014. "Beyond the borders: the three Ts of contemporary protocols for efficient teleworking." Bhuiyan, Md. Mahbubul Hoque (ed.) World Business, Finance and Management Conference (WBFM 2014): Research for Progress. Auckland, New Zealand 08 - 09 Dec 2014 Melbourne, Australia.


Designing L2 reading to write tasks in online higher education contexts
Windsor, Angela and Park, Sang-Soon. 2014. "Designing L2 reading to write tasks in online higher education contexts." Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 14, pp. 95-105. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeap.2014.01.003


The praxis of social enterprise and human security: An applied research agenda
Brown, Malcolm D.. 2014. "The praxis of social enterprise and human security: An applied research agenda." Journal of Human Security. 10 (1), pp. 4-11. https://doi.org/10.12924/johs2014.10010004


Here's a strange alteration: contagion and the mutable mind in Coriolanus
Chalk, Darryl. 2014. "Here's a strange alteration: contagion and the mutable mind in Coriolanus." Prochazka, Martin, Dobson, Michael, Hofele, Andreas and Scolnicov, Hanna (ed.) Shakespeare's Renaissance/Renaissance Shakespeares: Proceedings of the Ninth World Shakespeare Congress. Newark, United States. University of Delaware Press. pp. 68-76

Edited book (chapter)

Make me not sighted like the Basilisk: vision and contagion in The Winter's Tale
Chalk, Darryl. 2014. "Make me not sighted like the Basilisk: vision and contagion in The Winter's Tale." Johnson, Laurie, Sutton, John and Tribble, Evelyn (ed.) Embodied cognition and Shakespeare's theatre: the early modern body-mind. Abingdon, OX. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 111-132

Edited book (chapter)

The effect of computer assisted language learning (CALL) on performance in the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) Listening Module
Van Han, Nguyen and van Rensburg, Henriette. 2014. "The effect of computer assisted language learning (CALL) on performance in the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) Listening Module." English Language Teaching. 7 (2), pp. 30-41. https://doi.org/10.5539/elt.v7n2p30


Leadership style and culturally competent care: nurse leaders' views of their practice in the multicultural care settings of the United Arab Emirates
El Amouri, Souher and O'Neill, Shirley. 2014. "Leadership style and culturally competent care: nurse leaders' views of their practice in the multicultural care settings of the United Arab Emirates." Contemporary Nurse. 48 (2), pp. 135-149. https://doi.org/10.1080/10376178.2014.11081936


Hourigan, Daniel. 2011. "Cinema." Southerton, Dale (ed.) Encyclopedia of consumer culture. Thousand Oaks, CA. United States. SAGE Publications Ltd. pp. 163-165

Edited book (chapter)

Metaphors of power: ontologies of gender, love and marriage
Harrison, Karey. 2014. "Metaphors of power: ontologies of gender, love and marriage ." Petrella, Serena (ed.) Doing gender, doing love: interdisciplinary voices. Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. Inter-Disciplinary Press. pp. 19-39

Edited book (chapter)

Human rights media coverage in Chinese east Asia
Fan, David P. and Ostini, Jennifer. 1999. "Human rights media coverage in Chinese east Asia." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. https://doi.org/10.1177/000271629956600108


Global developments in co-creation of knowledge: the role of university-community engagement networks (an academic's perspective)
Cuthill, Michael. 2012. "Global developments in co-creation of knowledge: the role of university-community engagement networks (an academic's perspective) ." Steinhaus, Norbert and Shields, Michaela (ed.) 5th International Living Knowledge Conference 2012: Re-imagining Research Relationships – Co-creating Knowledge in a Democratic Society. Bonn, Germany 10 - 12 May 2012 Bonn, Germany.


Student journalists and news literacy
Jones, Dianne. 2014. "Student journalists and news literacy." Resiliency in Investigative Journalism Conference 2014. Springfield, Australia 11 Jul 2014 http://www.usq.edu.au/investigative-journalism/call-for-papers.


Elizabeth Bowen and the writing of trauma: the ethics of survival
Gildersleeve, Jessica. 2014. Elizabeth Bowen and the writing of trauma: the ethics of survival. Amsterdam and New York. Rodopi.

Authored book

Academic experiences of international PhD students in Australian higher education: from an EAP program to a PhD program
Son, Jeong-Bae and Park, Sang-Soon. 2014. "Academic experiences of international PhD students in Australian higher education: from an EAP program to a PhD program." International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 9 (1), pp. 26-37. https://doi.org/10.1080/18334105.2014.11082017


Learning about computer-assisted language learning: online tools and professional development
Son, Jeong-Bae. 2014. "Learning about computer-assisted language learning: online tools and professional development." Son, Jeong-Bae (ed.) Computer-assisted language learning: learners, teachers and tools. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 173-186

Edited book (chapter)