47. Language, Communication and Culture

Title47. Language, Communication and Culture
ParentANZSRC Field of Research

Latest research outputs

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Reassessing Early Theatre Patronage with New Perspectives on John Dudley
Johnson, Laurie. 2022. "Reassessing Early Theatre Patronage with New Perspectives on John Dudley." Shakespeare Studies: an annual gathering of research, criticism and review. 50, pp. 153-171.


Armchair Researchers: Modes of Ethnographic Research for Understanding and Experiencing the Eurovision Song Contest
Hay, Chris and Carniel, Jessica. 2022. "Armchair Researchers: Modes of Ethnographic Research for Understanding and Experiencing the Eurovision Song Contest." Dubin, Adam, Vuletic, Dean and Obregón, Antonio (ed.) The Eurovision Song Contest as a Cultural Phenomenon: From Concert Halls to the Halls of Academia. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 237-248

Edited book (chapter)

High, Low and Participatory: The Eurovision Song Contest and Cultural Studies
Carniel, Jessica. 2022. "High, Low and Participatory: The Eurovision Song Contest and Cultural Studies ." Dubin, Adam, Vuletic, Dean and Obregón, Antonio (ed.) The Eurovision Song Contest as a Cultural Phenomenon: From Concert Halls to the Halls of Academia. United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 163-174

Edited book (chapter)

On Harrowing in Dead Europe
Hourigan Daniel. 2022. "On Harrowing in Dead Europe ." Journal of Australian Studies. 46 (1), pp. 60-71. https://doi.org/10.1080/14443058.2021.2019087


'Show solidarity': Journalists’ anti-trolling networks©
Coatney, Caryn. 2022. "'Show solidarity': Journalists’ anti-trolling networks©." Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference. Australia. Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.


Transforming broadcast news: Robert G.Menzies and journalists©
Coatney, C. M.. 2022. "Transforming broadcast news: Robert G.Menzies and journalists©." International Communication Association (ICA) Annual Conference. United States. International Communication Association.


Proceed with Caution: The Trouble with Trigger Warnings
Gildersleeve, Jessica, Bryce, India and Cantrell, Kate. 2022. "Proceed with Caution: The Trouble with Trigger Warnings." The Conversation. (21 Dec).


Eros and Etiology in Love's Labour's Lost
Chalk, Darryl. 2022. "Eros and Etiology in Love's Labour's Lost." Humanities. 11 (6), pp. 1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/h11060152


How safe are the Australian aviation safety regulations and what does 'safety' really mean anyway? How aviation accidents can provide a reality-based conception of safety and why it matters
Park, Adrian C.. 2022. How safe are the Australian aviation safety regulations and what does 'safety' really mean anyway? How aviation accidents can provide a reality-based conception of safety and why it matters. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/q7x00

PhD Thesis

Edith Cooper’s Sin: Mapping the Willful Bodies of Michael Field
Bickle, Sharon. 2022. "Edith Cooper’s Sin: Mapping the Willful Bodies of Michael Field." Ayres, Brenda and Maier, Sarah E. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Victorian Scandals in Literature and Culture. United States. Routledge. pp. 425-437

Edited book (chapter)

The Role of Student Silent Behaviour in an Adult Pre-Intermediate Communicative Language Learning Classroom Setting
Ekici, Gail. 2022. The Role of Student Silent Behaviour in an Adult Pre-Intermediate Communicative Language Learning Classroom Setting. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/q7q84

PhD Thesis

The Acquisition of Argument Structure Alternations by Vietnamese Learners of English
Chau, Dung Duc. 2022. The Acquisition of Argument Structure Alternations by Vietnamese Learners of English. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/q7q7v

PhD Thesis

Poison Ivy, Wild Things and Other Erotic Teen Thrillers of the 1990s: The Class-Shamed 'Evil' Other of Hypersexualized Girl Power
Hopkins, Susan. 2022. "Poison Ivy, Wild Things and Other Erotic Teen Thrillers of the 1990s: The Class-Shamed 'Evil' Other of Hypersexualized Girl Power." Patrick, Stephanie and Rajiva, Mythili (ed.) The Forgotten Victims of Sexual Violence in Film, Television and New Media: Turning to the Margins. Cham, Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 25-46

Edited book (chapter)

Oakey Youth Project: Social Outcomes Research. Final Report
Halliwell, Sherree and Hickey, Andrew. 2021. Oakey Youth Project: Social Outcomes Research. Final Report. University of Southern Queensland.

Government report

Challenging social injustice in superdiverse contexts through activist languages education
Lamb, Terry, Hatoss, Aniko and O'Neill, Shirley. 2020. "Challenging social injustice in superdiverse contexts through activist languages education." Papa, Rosemary (ed.) Handbook on Promoting Social Justice in Education. Cham, Switzerland. Springer. pp. 33-69

Edited book (chapter)

The Nurse in Popular Media: Critical Essays
Harmes, Marcus K., Harmes, Barbara and Harmes, Meredith A.. 2021. The Nurse in Popular Media: Critical Essays. Jefferson, United States. McFarland & Company, Inc..

Edited book

New opportunities for languages learning through twenty-first-century knowledge-building communitiestwenty-first-century knowledge-building communities
O'Neill, Shirley. 2021. "New opportunities for languages learning through twenty-first-century knowledge-building communitiestwenty-first-century knowledge-building communities." Arber, Ruth, Weinmann, Michiko and Blackmore, Jillian (ed.) Rethinking Languages Education: Directions, Challenges and Innovations. Milton Park, Abingdon, United kingdom. Routledge. pp. 179-204

Edited book (chapter)

Australian genre film
McWilliam, Kelly and Ryan, Mark David. 2021. Australian genre film. New York. Routledge.

Edited book

Amateur radio clubs as regional media networks
Mason, Andrew. 2021. "Amateur radio clubs as regional media networks." 12th Australian Media Traditions Conference: Exploring the Regions. Melbourne, Australia Melbourne, Australia.


Leakage as resistance along Cooks River
Judith, Kate. 2021. "Leakage as resistance along Cooks River." 2021 American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting: Leaky Ontologies. United States 08 - 11 Apr 2021 United States.


Performing compassion: John Curtin and journalists, 1941-1945©
Coatney, Caryn. 2021. "Performing compassion: John Curtin and journalists, 1941-1945©." 71st Annual International Communication Association Conference: Engaging the Essential Work of Care: Communication, Connectedness, and Social Justice. Washington, United States 27 - 31 May 2021 Washington DC, United States.


Kindred spirits: reflections on our relationships with Anne of Green Gables
Carniel, Jessica and Sulway, Nike. 2021. "Kindred spirits: reflections on our relationships with Anne of Green Gables." Carniel, Jessica and Sulway, Nike (ed.) Reflections on our relationships with Anne of Green Gables: kindred spirits. United Kingdom. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 1-6

Edited book (chapter)

Anne with a me: adapting to new adaptations of Anne as she adapts to us
Carniel, Jessica. 2021. "Anne with a me: adapting to new adaptations of Anne as she adapts to us." Carniel, Jessica and Sulway, Nike (ed.) Reflections on our relationships with Anne of Green Gables: kindred spirits. United Kingdom. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 171-188

Edited book (chapter)

The elucidation of marketing trends and a post-positivist approach to understand consumer behaviour: A review
Rabby, Fazla, Chimhundu, Ranga and Hassan, Rumman. 2021. "The elucidation of marketing trends and a post-positivist approach to understand consumer behaviour: A review." Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology. 54 (8), pp. 13-32. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/4C8YH


Higher degree research supervision beyond expertise: a Rancierean and Freirean perspective on HDR supervision
Hickey, Andrew and Forbes, Melissa. 2022. "Higher degree research supervision beyond expertise: a Rancierean and Freirean perspective on HDR supervision." Studies in Higher Education. 47 (8), pp. 1712-1723. https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2021.1957812


Beyond criticism of ethics review boards: strategies for engaging research communities and enhancing ethical review processes
Hickey, Andrew, Davis, Samantha, Farmer, Will, Dawidowicz, Julianna, Moloney, Clint, Lamont-Mills, Andrea, Carniel, Jess, Pillay, Yosheen, Akenson, David, Bromdal, Annette, Gehrmann, Richard, Mills, Dean, Kolbe-Alexander, Tracy, Machin, Tanya, Reich, Suzanne, Southey, Kim, Crowley-Cyr, Lynda, Watanabe, Taiji, Davenport, Josh, ..., Maxwell, Jacinta. 2021. "Beyond criticism of ethics review boards: strategies for engaging research communities and enhancing ethical review processes." Journal of Academic Ethics. 20, pp. 549-567. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10805-021-09430-4


‘Amazing Stories’: Australian Newspapers and Anti-Spy Panic, 1910–1945©
Coatney, Caryn. 2022. "‘Amazing Stories’: Australian Newspapers and Anti-Spy Panic, 1910–1945© ." Media History. 28 (4), pp. 494-509. https://doi.org/10.1080/13688804.2021.1947213


Frontline heroes: bush fires, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the Queensland Press
Kerby, Martin, Baguley, Margaret, Gehrmann, Richard and Bedford, Alison. 2023. "Frontline heroes: bush fires, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the Queensland Press." Media, War and Conflict. 16 (1), pp. 26-43. https://doi.org/10.1177/1750635221990939


Where Does Critical Pedagogy Happen? Young People, ‘Relational Pedagogy’ and the Interstitial Spaces of School
Hickey, Andrew. 2020. "Where Does Critical Pedagogy Happen? Young People, ‘Relational Pedagogy’ and the Interstitial Spaces of School." Steinberg, Shirley R. and Down, Barry (ed.) The SAGE Handbook of Critical Pedagogies. United States. SAGE Publications Ltd. pp. 1343-1357

Edited book (chapter)

Introduction [to A room of one's own: the feminist classic]
Gildersleeve, Jessica. 2021. "Introduction [to A room of one's own: the feminist classic]." Butler-Bowden, Tom (ed.) A room of one's own: the feminist classic. United Kingdom. John Wiley & Sons. pp. vii-xxii

Edited book (chapter)

Introduction [to Non-combatants and others: writings against war, 1916-1945]
Gildersleeve, Jessica. 2020. "Introduction [to Non-combatants and others: writings against war, 1916-1945]." Macaulay, Rose (ed.) Non-combatants and others: writings against war, 1916-1945. United Kingdom. Handheld Press. pp. ix-xxvi

Edited book (chapter)

Australian wetland cultures by JC Ryan & L Chen and Ecocritical concerns and the Australian continent by B Neumeier & H Tiffin
Judith, Kate. 2021. "Australian wetland cultures by JC Ryan & L Chen and Ecocritical concerns and the Australian continent by B Neumeier & H Tiffin." Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism. 24 (4). https://doi.org/10.1080/14688417.2021.1932101

Book review

Cat in a Spat: Scrapping Dr Seuss Books is Not Cancel Culture
Cantrell, Kate and Bickle, Sharon. 2021. "Cat in a Spat: Scrapping Dr Seuss Books is Not Cancel Culture." The Conversation. 4 March 2021, pp. 1-6.


The Wind in the Willows: A Tale of Wanderlust, Male Bonding, and Timeless Delight
Cantrell, Kate. 2021. "The Wind in the Willows: A Tale of Wanderlust, Male Bonding, and Timeless Delight." The Conversation. 7 January 2021, pp. 1-5.


'This book belongs to': Trauma, (Bio)Degradation, and the Law in Visual and Narrative Diaries
Gildersleeve, Jessica and Batorowicz, Beata. 2020. "'This book belongs to': Trauma, (Bio)Degradation, and the Law in Visual and Narrative Diaries." Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly. 43 (4), pp. 781-799. https://doi.org/10.1353/bio.2020.0079


Forging Truths from Facts: Trauma, historicity and Australian Children's Picture Books
Kerby, Martin and Baguley, Margaret. 2020. "Forging Truths from Facts: Trauma, historicity and Australian Children's Picture Books." The Lion and the Unicorn: a critical journal of children's literature. 44 (3), pp. 281-301. https://doi.org/10.1353/uni.2020.0028


The engagement of North African refugees with mainstream health services in south east Queensland
Al Hnashe, Hamza. 2021. The engagement of North African refugees with mainstream health services in south east Queensland. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Business Administation. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/GCCA-MP27

Doctorate other than PhD

Recipes from the gingerbread house: exploring the witch archetype to address the hidden curriculum in secondary schools
Russell, Ann Elizabeth. 2021. Recipes from the gingerbread house: exploring the witch archetype to address the hidden curriculum in secondary schools. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Creative Arts. University of Southern Queensland. https://doi.org/10.26192/PRMM-BF29

Doctorate other than PhD

Literature, Tourism, and the City: Writing and Cultural Change
Carson, Susan, Hawkes, Lesley, Gislason, Kari and Cantrell, Kate. 2016. "Literature, Tourism, and the City: Writing and Cultural Change." Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change. 15 (4), pp. 380-392. https://doi.org/10.1080/14766825.2016.1165237


UN Celebrity 'It' Girls as Public Relations-ised Humanitarianism
Hopkins, Susan. 2020. "UN Celebrity 'It' Girls as Public Relations-ised Humanitarianism." Yousman, Bill, Yousman, Lori Bindig, Dines, Gail and McMahon Humez, Jean (ed.) Gender, Race, and Class in Media: A Critical Reader. United States. SAGE Publications Ltd.

Edited book (chapter)