390402. Education assessment and evaluation

Title390402. Education assessment and evaluation
Parent3904. Specialist studies in education

Latest research outputs

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Rocky rhetoric and hard reality: the academic's dilemma surrounding assessment
Collins, Pauline, Brackin, Toni and Hart, Caroline. 2010. "Rocky rhetoric and hard reality: the academic's dilemma surrounding assessment." Legal Education Review. 20 (1-2), pp. 129-164.


Inclusive team assessment of off-campus and on-campus first year law students using instantaneous communication technology
Collins, Pauline. 2010. "Inclusive team assessment of off-campus and on-campus first year law students using instantaneous communication technology." The Law Teacher. 44 (3), pp. 309-333. https://doi.org/10.1080/03069400.2010.524028


Work in progress - assessment of how engaging in teaching may enhance the learning journey of engineering and education students
Kamel, Fouad, Baguley, Margaret and Thorpe, David. 2010. "Work in progress - assessment of how engaging in teaching may enhance the learning journey of engineering and education students." Richards, Larry (ed.) 40th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2010): Celebrating 40 Years of Innovation. Washington, United States 27 - 30 Oct 2010 San Diego, CA. United States. https://doi.org/10.1109/FIE.2010.5673649


Leading engineering learning and teaching in Australia
Bullen, Frank, Gibbings, Peter and Brodie, Lyn. 2010. "Leading engineering learning and teaching in Australia." Richards, Larry (ed.) 40th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2010): Celebrating 40 Years of Innovation. Washington, United States 27 - 30 Oct 2010 United States. https://doi.org/10.1109/FIE.2010.5673342


Incorporating a variety of assessment tools in a web-based postgraduate course developed for practicing engineers
Aravinthan, Thiru. 2010. "Incorporating a variety of assessment tools in a web-based postgraduate course developed for practicing engineers." Gardner, Anne and Jolly, Lesley (ed.) 21st Annual Conference for the Australasian Association of Engineering Education (AAEE 2010). Sydney, Australia 05 - 08 Dec 2010 Sydney, Australia.


Revitalisation of a 2nd level engineering and spatial science PBL course: almost there but...
Goh, Steven C., Worden, John, Zhou, Hong and Clewett, John. 2010. "Revitalisation of a 2nd level engineering and spatial science PBL course: almost there but..." Gardner, Anne and Jolly, Lesley (ed.) 21st Annual Conference for the Australasian Association of Engineering Education (AAEE 2010). Sydney, Australia 05 - 08 Dec 2010 Sydney, Australia.


Development of a customised software module within the Moodle LMS for team-based PBL courses
Zhou, Hong, Goh, Steven C., Worden, John, Tschirpig, Barry, Yong, Andrew and Brodie, Lyn. 2010. "Development of a customised software module within the Moodle LMS for team-based PBL courses." Gardner, Anne and Jolly, Lesley (ed.) 21st Annual Conference for the Australasian Association of Engineering Education (AAEE 2010). Sydney, Australia 05 - 08 Dec 2010 Sydney, Australia.


Developing a learning community to support student learning in a first year statics course
Devine, Jo and Kimmins, Lindy. 2010. "Developing a learning community to support student learning in a first year statics course." Gardner, Anne and Jolly, Lesley (ed.) 21st Annual Conference for the Australasian Association of Engineering Education (AAEE 2010). Sydney, Australia 05 - 08 Dec 2010 Sydney, Australia.


The impact of childhood malnutrition on schooling: evidence from Bangladesh
Khanam, Rasheda, Nghiem, Hong Son and Rahman, Mohammad Mafizur. 2011. "The impact of childhood malnutrition on schooling: evidence from Bangladesh." Journal of Biosocial Science. 43 (4), pp. 437-451. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021932011000149


Building academic numeracy in a first year nursing course using an evaluative model of program development
Galligan, Linda, Loch, Birgit and Lawrence, Jill. 2010. "Building academic numeracy in a first year nursing course using an evaluative model of program development." Coben, Diana and O'Donoghue, John (ed.) ICME 11: Adult Mathematics Education. Monterrey, Mexico 06 - 13 Jul 2008 Limerick, Ireland.


Does teaching presence change over time?
Redmond, Petrea and Lock, Jennifer V.. 2011. "Does teaching presence change over time?" Barton, Siew-Mee, Hedberg, John and Suzuki, Katsuaki (ed.) 2nd Annual Global Conference on Learning and Technology (AACE 2011): Global Learn Asia Pacific . Melbourne, Australia 28 Mar - 01 Apr 2011 Chesapeake, VA, USA.


Enhancing relationships in doctoral student supervision: shibboleths, signifiers, and strategies
Danaher, P. A. and van Rensburg, Henriette. 2011. "Enhancing relationships in doctoral student supervision: shibboleths, signifiers, and strategies." Abawi, Lindy, Conway, Joan Margaret and Henderson, Robyn (ed.) Creating connections in teaching and learning. Charlotte, NC. United States. Information Age Publishing. pp. 97-110

Edited book (chapter)

Child labour and schooling in developing countries: a review of the literature
Khanam, Rasheda. 2010. "Child labour and schooling in developing countries: a review of the literature." International Journal of Business Research. 10 (3), pp. 137-142.


Online tests and exams: lower standards or improved learning?
Hemming, Andrew. 2010. "Online tests and exams: lower standards or improved learning?" The Law Teacher. 44 (3), pp. 283-308. https://doi.org/10.1080/03069400.2010.524031


What counts as teacher and teaching quality in schools and higher education: a cross-cultural analysis of qualifications, standards and development opportunities in Australia, England and Malaysia?
Jasman, Anne. 2010. "What counts as teacher and teaching quality in schools and higher education: a cross-cultural analysis of qualifications, standards and development opportunities in Australia, England and Malaysia?" Journal for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching. 5 (1), pp. 79-88.


Usage of online assessment in the Faculty of Business: report and recommendations
Pedersen, Cec, White, Robert and Smith, Don. 2010. Usage of online assessment in the Faculty of Business: report and recommendations. Unpublished.

Project report

Enhanced feedback - does peer assessment achieve this goal?
Basnet, Badri Bahadur, Brodie, Lyn and Worden, John. 2010. "Enhanced feedback - does peer assessment achieve this goal?" Gardner, Anne and Jolly, Lesley (ed.) 21st Annual Conference for the Australasian Association of Engineering Education (AAEE 2010). Sydney, Australia 05 - 08 Dec 2010 Sydney, Australia.


Peer assessment of assignment
Basnet, Badri, Brodie, Lyn and Worden, John. 2010. "Peer assessment of assignment." Richards, Larry (ed.) 40th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2010): Celebrating 40 Years of Innovation. Washington, United States 27 - 30 Oct 2010 Champaign, IL, United States. https://doi.org/10.1109/FIE.2010.5673273


Comparison of offshore and onshore students' perceptions of university learning environments and quality of educational experiences: implications for teaching and learning
Hunt, Lynne, Kek, Megan Yih Chyn Alexandria and Huijser, Hendrik. 2010. "Comparison of offshore and onshore students' perceptions of university learning environments and quality of educational experiences: implications for teaching and learning." ISSOTL 2010: Global Theories and Local Practices: Institutional, Disciplinary and Cultural Variations. Liverpool, United Kingdom 19 - 22 Oct 2010 United States.


Capturing stakeholder perceptions of graduate capability development: challenges associated with graduate employability indicators
Whelan, Barbara, Oliver, Beverley, Hunt, Lynne, Hammer, Sara, Jones, Sandra and Pearce, Amanda. 2010. "Capturing stakeholder perceptions of graduate capability development: challenges associated with graduate employability indicators." Campbell, Matthew (ed.) ACEN 2010: Work Integrated Learning (WIL): Responding to Challenges . Perth, Australia 29 Sep - 01 Oct 2010 Melbourne, Australia.


Auditing the TPACK capabilities of final year teacher education students: are they ready for the 21st century?
Jamieson-Proctor, Romina, Finger, Glenn and Albion, Peter. 2010. "Auditing the TPACK capabilities of final year teacher education students: are they ready for the 21st century?" Romeo, Geoff and Gronn, Donna (ed.) 2010 Australian Computers in Education Conference: Digital Diversity (ACEC 2010). Melbourne, Australia 06 - 09 Apr 2010 Canberra, Australia.


An assessment model in a business work integrated learning capstone project
Leong, Raymond and Kavanagh, Marie. 2010. "An assessment model in a business work integrated learning capstone project." Campbell, Matthew (ed.) ACEN 2010: Work Integrated Learning (WIL): Responding to Challenges . Perth, Australia 29 Sep - 01 Oct 2010 Melbourne, Australia.


Work in progress - challenges in designing an assessment scheme for a diverse cohort of students
Aravinthan, Vasantha. 2010. "Work in progress - challenges in designing an assessment scheme for a diverse cohort of students." Richards, Larry (ed.) 40th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2010): Celebrating 40 Years of Innovation. Washington, United States 27 - 30 Oct 2010 Champaign, IL, United States. https://doi.org/10.1109/FIE.2010.5673332


Effectiveness of self-assessment quizzes as a learning tool
Aravinthan, Vasantha and Aravinthan, Thiru. 2010. "Effectiveness of self-assessment quizzes as a learning tool." Engineering Education Conference (EE 2010): Inspiring the Next Generation of Engineers . Birmingham, United Kingdom 06 - 08 Jul 2010 Birmingham, UK.


Designing an ideal assessment scheme for dual mode delivery
Aravinthan, Vasantha. 2010. "Designing an ideal assessment scheme for dual mode delivery." Engineering Education Conference (EE 2010): Inspiring the Next Generation of Engineers . Birmingham, United Kingdom 06 - 08 Jul 2010 Liverpool, UK.


Too many cooks? Co-creating and co-teaching studio courses in the creative media context: a career-focussed approach
Thorp, Stuart and Willems, Christiaan H.. 2009. Too many cooks? Co-creating and co-teaching studio courses in the creative media context: a career-focussed approach. Sydney, Australia. Australian Learning and Teaching Council Limited.

Project report

Objectifying the subjective: assessment and feedback in creative arts studio learning and teaching
Willems, Christiaan H.. 2009. "Objectifying the subjective: assessment and feedback in creative arts studio learning and teaching." Wilson, Stephanie and Watson, Karin (ed.) Curriculum development in studio teaching. Sydney, Australia. Australian Learning and Teaching Council Limited. pp. 192-198

Edited book (chapter)

Final year engineering projects in Australia and Europe
Ku, H. and Goh, S.. 2010. "Final year engineering projects in Australia and Europe." European Journal of Engineering Education. 35 (2), pp. 161-173. https://doi.org/10.1080/03043790903497336


Integrating VET into other policy domains: some thoughts about monitoring and evaluation
Eddington, Ian and Eddington, Noela. 2010. "Integrating VET into other policy domains: some thoughts about monitoring and evaluation." Grollman, Philipp and Hoppe, Melanie (ed.) BIBB 2009: Methods and Instruments for the Evaluation and Monitoring of VET Systems. Konigswinter, Germany 10 - 11 Dec 2009 Bonn, Germany.


Distributed web-based critiquing of electronically submitted assessment
Baillie-de Byl, Penny. 2003. "Distributed web-based critiquing of electronically submitted assessment." Zhou, Wanlei, Nicholson, Paul, Corbitt, Brian and Fong, Joseph (ed.) ICWL 2003: 2nd International Conference: Advances in Web-Based Learning. Melbourne, Australia 18 - 20 Aug 2003 Berlin, Germany. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-45200-3_42


The reading ability of good and poor temporal processors among a group of college students
Au, Agnes and Lovegrove, Bill. 2008. "The reading ability of good and poor temporal processors among a group of college students." Attention, Perception and Psychophysics. 70 (4), pp. 697-706. https://doi.org/10.3758/PP.70.4.697


Measuring cognitive and dispositional characteristics of creativity in elementary students
Jamieson-Proctor, Romina and Burnett, Paul C.. 2004. "Measuring cognitive and dispositional characteristics of creativity in elementary students." Creativity Research Journal. 16 (4), pp. 421-429. https://doi.org/10.1207/s15326934crj1604_5


The relationships between learning approaches, personality and academic success: school leavers versus nonschool leavers
Burton, Lorelle J. and Ropolo, Liria. 2008. "The relationships between learning approaches, personality and academic success: school leavers versus nonschool leavers." Voudouris, Nicholas and Mrowinski, Vicky (ed.) 43rd Annual Australian Psychological Society Conference (APS 2008): Psychology Leading Change. Hobart, Australia 23 - 27 Sep 2008 Melbourne, Australia.


Educational malpractice: legal cases and educators' views
Teh, Mui-Kim. 2008. "Educational malpractice: legal cases and educators' views." Education Journal. 36 (1-2), pp. 137-152.


Primary teachers' interpersonal behaviour and cultural elements of the classroom environment
Fisher, Darrell L., Waldrip, Bruce and den Brok, Perry. 2006. "Primary teachers' interpersonal behaviour and cultural elements of the classroom environment." Fisher, Darrell L., Zandvliet, David, Gaynor, Ian and Koul, Rekha (ed.) 4th International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education: Sustainable Communities and Sustainable Environments: Envisioning a Role for Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. Victoria, Canada 25 - 28 Aug 2005 Perth, WA.


Assessment issues and new technologies: ePortfolio possibilities
Finger, Glenn and Jamieson-Proctor, Romina. 2009. "Assessment issues and new technologies: ePortfolio possibilities." Wyatt-Smith, Claire M. and Cumming, Joy J. (ed.) Educational assessment in the 21st century: connecting theory and practice. Netherlands. Springer. pp. 63-81

Edited book (chapter)

Enhancing the IMS QTI to better support computer assisted marking
Clark, Damien and Baillie-de Byl, Penny. 2007. "Enhancing the IMS QTI to better support computer assisted marking." International Journal of Distance Education Technologies. 5 (3), pp. 8-23. https://doi.org/10.4018/ijdet.2007070102


Promoting learning in first year psychology students
Burton, Lorelle J.. 2005. "Promoting learning in first year psychology students." Katsikitis, Mary (ed.) 40th Australian Psychological Society Annual Conference 2005. Melbourne, Australia 28 Sep - 02 Oct 2005 Melbourne, Australia.


The student departure puzzle: do some faculties and programs have answers?
Danaher, P. A., Bowser, Don and Somasundaram, Jay. 2008. "The student departure puzzle: do some faculties and programs have answers?" Higher Education Research and Development. 27 (3), pp. 271-280. https://doi.org/10.1080/07294360802183820


Team project: a method of teaching project management?
Whitty, S. J. and Schulz, M.. 2005. "Team project: a method of teaching project management?" Love, P. and Baccarini, D. (ed.) Australian Institute of Project Managers 2005 Conference. Melbourne, Australia 09 - 11 Oct 2005 Sydney, Australia.
