520102. Educational psychology

Title520102. Educational psychology
Parent5201. Applied and developmental psychology

Latest research outputs

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Conceptual frameworks in the doctoral research process: a pedagogical model
Berman, Jeanette and Smyth, Robyn. 2015. "Conceptual frameworks in the doctoral research process: a pedagogical model ." Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 52 (2), pp. 125-136. https://doi.org/10.1080/14703297.2013.809011


Connectedness learning in the life sciences: LinkedIn as an assessment task for employability and career exploration
Brown, Jason L., Healy, Michael, Lexis, Louise and Julien, Brianna L.. 2019. "Connectedness learning in the life sciences: LinkedIn as an assessment task for employability and career exploration." Bridgstock, Ruth and Tippett, Neil (ed.) Higher education and the future of graduate employability: a connectedness learning approach. London, England. Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 100-119

Edited book (chapter)

Connecting to community: what do we want in our special education graduates?
Hughes, Stephen and De George-Walker, Linda. 2010. "Connecting to community: what do we want in our special education graduates?" Australasian Journal of Special Education. 34 (2), pp. 109-118. https://doi.org/10.1375/ajse.34.2.109


Constructing and deconstructing binaries in education research
Mander, Alison, Danaher, Patrick Alan, Tyler, Mark A. and Midgley, Warren. 2011. "Constructing and deconstructing binaries in education research." Midgley, Warren, Tyler, Mark A., Danaher, Patrick Alan and Mander, Alison (ed.) Beyond binaries in education research. United States. Routledge. pp. 1-12

Edited book (chapter)

Contemporary paradigms of rural teaching: the significance of place
Green, Nicole C., Noone, Genevieve and Nolan, Andrea. 2013. "Contemporary paradigms of rural teaching: the significance of place." Australian and International Journal of Rural Education. 23 (1), pp. 91-115.


Context and models for the analysis of individual and group needs
Patton, Wendy and McIlveen, Peter. 2009. "Context and models for the analysis of individual and group needs." Career Development Quarterly. 57 (4), pp. 327-334. https://doi.org/10.1002/j.2161-0045.2009.tb00118.x


Control and constraint: issues of concern for boys in the middle years of schooling
Keddie, Amanda and Churchill, Rick. 2003. "Control and constraint: issues of concern for boys in the middle years of schooling." Primary and Middle Years Educator. 1 (3), pp. 3-10.


Coping mediates the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and academic achievement
MacCann, Carolyn, Fogarty, Gerard J., Zeidner, Moshe and Roberts, Richard D.. 2011. "Coping mediates the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and academic achievement." Contemporary Educational Psychology. 36 (1), pp. 60-70. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cedpsych.2010.11.002


Coping styles, affective responses and examination performance of university undergraduates
Briggs, Elizabeth and Terry, Peter C.. 2010. "Coping styles, affective responses and examination performance of university undergraduates." Mrowinski, Vicky, Kyrios, Michael and Voudouris, Nicholas (ed.) 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP 2010). Melbourne, Australia 11 - 16 Jul 2010 Melbourne, Australia.


Counselling children using a multiple intelligences framework
O'Brien, Patrick and Burnett, Paul C.. 2000. "Counselling children using a multiple intelligences framework." British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. 28 (3), pp. 353-371. https://doi.org/10.1080/03069880050118993


Creating enduring strength through commitment to schoolwide pedagogy
Conway, Joan M. and Abawi, Lindy. 2013. "Creating enduring strength through commitment to schoolwide pedagogy." Improving Schools. 16 (2), pp. 175-185. https://doi.org/10.1177/1365480213493714


Creating proactive interference in immediate recall: building a dog from a dart, a mop and a fig
Tehan, Gerald and Humphreys, Michael S.. 1998. "Creating proactive interference in immediate recall: building a dog from a dart, a mop and a fig." Memory and Cognition. 26, pp. 477-489.


Cuing effects in short-term recall
Tehan, Gerald and Humphreys, Michael S.. 1996. "Cuing effects in short-term recall." Memory and Cognition. 24, pp. 719-732.


Curriculum integration in Aotearoa New Zealand: rediscovering the potential of student-centred curriculum design in the middle years
Dowden, Tony. 2010. "Curriculum integration in Aotearoa New Zealand: rediscovering the potential of student-centred curriculum design in the middle years." Australian Journal of Middle Schooling. 10 (2), pp. 4-10.


Design for learning spaces and innovative classrooms
Keppell, Mike and Koskinen, Tapio. 2013. "Design for learning spaces and innovative classrooms ." eLearning Papers.


Designing for diversity: a case study exploring implications of ecological psychology for inclusion
Finn, Roxanne. 2013. "Designing for diversity: a case study exploring implications of ecological psychology for inclusion." International Journal of Learner Diversity and Identities. 19 (2), pp. 45-58. https://doi.org/10.18848/2327-0128/cgp/v19i02/48531


Designing the curriculum to cater for generic skills and student diversity: a shift in thinking
Walkington, Jackie. 2001. "Designing the curriculum to cater for generic skills and student diversity: a shift in thinking." Australasian Journal of Engineering Education. 9 (2), pp. 127-135.


Determinants of short-term forgetting: decay, retroactive interference or proactive interference?
Tolan, G. Anne and Tehan, Gerald. 1999. "Determinants of short-term forgetting: decay, retroactive interference or proactive interference?" International Journal of Psychology. 34 (5-6), pp. 285-292. https://doi.org/10.1080/002075999399585


Developing and implementing an action-oriented staff survey: Queensland Health and the 'Better Workplaces' initiative
Jury, Ceri, Machin, M. Anthony, Phillips, Jan, Goh, Hong Eng, Olsen, Shaney P. and Patrick, Jeff. 2009. "Developing and implementing an action-oriented staff survey: Queensland Health and the 'Better Workplaces' initiative." Australian Health Review. 33 (3), pp. 365-370. https://doi.org/10.1071/AH090365


Developing research supervisors: breaking down internal barriers and drawing on resources from the Australasian academic community
Cater-Steel, Aileen and McDonald, Jacquie. 2009. "Developing research supervisors: breaking down internal barriers and drawing on resources from the Australasian academic community." iPED 2009: Researching Beyond Boundaries: Academic Communities Without Borders. Coventry, United Kingdom 14 - 15 Sep 2009 Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom.


Developing scientific literacy: introducing primary aged children to atomic-molecular theory
Donovan, Jennifer and Haeusler, Carole. 2015. "Developing scientific literacy: introducing primary aged children to atomic-molecular theory." de Silva, Eugene (ed.) Cases on research-based teaching methods in science education. Hershey, PA. United States. IGI Global. pp. 30-63

Edited book (chapter)

Developing social problem solving skills to enhance deep and strategic learning approaches among first-year students
Burton, L. J. and Beccaria, G.. 2013. "Developing social problem solving skills to enhance deep and strategic learning approaches among first-year students." 48th Australian Psychological Society Annual Conference (APS 2013): Psychology for a Healthy Nation. Cairns, Australia 08 - 12 Oct 2013 Melbourne, Australia.


Developing teacher leaders: how teacher leadership enhances school success, 2nd ed.
Crowther, Frank, Ferguson, Margaret and Hann, Leonne. 2009. Developing teacher leaders: how teacher leadership enhances school success, 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA. United States. Corwin (Sage).

Authored book

Developing teacher presence in online course
Neuendorf, Penny, Waters, Kristin and Duong, Khaison. 2011. "Developing teacher presence in online course." Barton, Siew-Mee, Hedberg, John and Suzuki, Katsuaki (ed.) 2nd Annual Global Conference on Learning and Technology (AACE 2011): Global Learn Asia Pacific . Melbourne, Australia 28 Mar - 01 Apr 2011 Chesapeake, VA, USA.


Developing the descriptions of landmark teaching styles: a spectrum inventory
SueSee, Brendan and Edwards, Kenneth D.. 2009. "Developing the descriptions of landmark teaching styles: a spectrum inventory." Cuddihy, Thomas F. and Brymer, Eric (ed.) 26th Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation International Conference (ACHPER 2009): Creating Active Futures. Brisbane, Australia 07 - 10 Jul 2009 Brisbane, Australia.


Development of a framework for evaluating the impact and sustainability of mobile learning initiatives in higher education
Murphy, Angela and Farley, Helen. 2012. "Development of a framework for evaluating the impact and sustainability of mobile learning initiatives in higher education." Brown, M., Hartnett, M. and Stewart, T. (ed.) 29th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2012). Wellington, New Zealand 25 - 28 Nov 2012 Wellington, New Zealand.


Digging deeper using 'habitus' – a fresh approach to understanding student behaviour
Devine, Jo. 2012. "Digging deeper using 'habitus' – a fresh approach to understanding student behaviour." Mann, Llewellyn and Daniel, Scott (ed.) 23rd Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE 2012). Melbourne, Australia 03 - 05 Dec 2012 Melbourne, Australia.


Digital apprehension and first year university students
Smith, Heather, Quinn, Andrea and Kelly, Nick. 2015. "Digital apprehension and first year university students." Ho, Curtis and Lin, Grace (ed.) E-Learn 2015: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2015. Kona, United States 19 - 22 Oct 2015 Chesapeake, VA, United States .


Displacing preconceptions and replacing capacities: capitalising learning places in an Australian university
Danaher, Mike, Coombes, Phyllida, Danaher, Geoff and Danaher, P. A.. 2013. "Displacing preconceptions and replacing capacities: capitalising learning places in an Australian university." Frielick, S., Buissink-Smith, N., Wyse, P., Billot, J., Hallas, J. and Whitehead, E. (ed.) 36th Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Conference (HERDSA 2013). Auckland, New Zealand 01 - 04 Jul 2013 Sydney, Australia.


Distance learners: connected, mobile and resourceful individuals
Andrews, Trish and Tynan, Belinda. 2012. "Distance learners: connected, mobile and resourceful individuals." Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 28 (4), pp. 565-579.


Do middle ear infections matter? Student self-reported perceptions of behaviour, including social skills, following experience with otitis media with effusion
Stenton, Janice S.. 2007. "Do middle ear infections matter? Student self-reported perceptions of behaviour, including social skills, following experience with otitis media with effusion." International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning. 3 (3), pp. 114-122.


Do potentially successful students in tertiary enabling programs have any common characteristics that underpin resilience and persistence? If so, how can this information help future enabling students?
Orth, Gary and Robinson, Clare. 2013. "Do potentially successful students in tertiary enabling programs have any common characteristics that underpin resilience and persistence? If so, how can this information help future enabling students?" 3rd National Association of Enabling Educators of Australia Conference (NAEEA 2013): Flexibility: Pathways to Participation. Melbourne, Australia 27 - 29 Nov 2013 Toowoomba, Australia.


Does teaching presence change over time?
Redmond, Petrea and Lock, Jennifer V.. 2011. "Does teaching presence change over time?" Barton, Siew-Mee, Hedberg, John and Suzuki, Katsuaki (ed.) 2nd Annual Global Conference on Learning and Technology (AACE 2011): Global Learn Asia Pacific . Melbourne, Australia 28 Mar - 01 Apr 2011 Chesapeake, VA, USA.


Dreaming 'My Death'
Johnson, Laurie. 1999. "Dreaming 'My Death'." M/C Journal: A Journal of Media and Culture. 2 (8).


Early departure from a tertiary bridging program: what can the institution do?
Whannell, Robert, Whannell, Patricia and Bedford, Tasman. 2013. "Early departure from a tertiary bridging program: what can the institution do?" Maurice-Takerei, Lisa (ed.) 1st Foundation and Bridging Educators New Zealand Conference 2012 (FABENZ 2012): Create and Collaborate. Auckland, New Zealand 03 - 04 Dec 2012 Wellington, New Zealand.


Early intervention: a second chance to learn what? For whom? Narratives of learning, discipline and enculturation
Woods, Annette and Henderson, Robyn. 2001. "Early intervention: a second chance to learn what? For whom? Narratives of learning, discipline and enculturation." Shilton, W. and Jeffrey, Peter L. (ed.) Australian Association for Research in Education Annual Conference: Crossing Borders: New Frontiers for Educational Research (2011). Fremantle, Australia 02 - 06 Dec 2001 Melbourne, Australia.


McIlveen, Peter. 2010. "Editorial." Australian Journal of Career Development. 19 (1), pp. 3-3. https://doi.org/10.1177/103841621001900101


Educating for the future and complexity
Jasman, Anne and McIlveen, Peter. 2011. "Educating for the future and complexity." On the Horizon. 19 (2), pp. 118-126. https://doi.org/10.1108/10748121111138317


Education for sustainable development in tourism: empowering future generations
Horvath, Zsuzsanna. 2011. "Education for sustainable development in tourism: empowering future generations." Matic, Jennifer and Wallington, Clint J. (ed.) 29th Annual EuroCHRIE Conference 2011: Tourism and Hospitality, Drivers of Transition. Dubrovnik, Croatia 19 - 22 Oct 2011 Rochester, NY. United States.


Education students' first year experience on a regional university campus
Black, Trevor Scott. 2015. Education students' first year experience on a regional university campus. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis