47. Language, Communication and Culture

Title47. Language, Communication and Culture
ParentANZSRC Field of Research

Latest research outputs

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The digital public sphere: challenges for media policy
Huijser, Hendrik. 2011. "The digital public sphere: challenges for media policy." Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy: quarterly journal of media research and resources.

Book review

50 years behind the scenes on QTQ9
Dobson, Joe, Campbell, Claire, Sankey, Joel, Alexis, C. and Jones, A.. 2010. 50 years behind the scenes on QTQ9. Australia.

Audio/visual recording

Frameworks, cases, and experiments: bridging theory with practice
Druckman, Daniel. 2010. "Frameworks, cases, and experiments: bridging theory with practice ." International Negotiation: A Journal of Theory and Practice. 15 (2), pp. 163-186. https://doi.org/10.1163/157180610X506947


Language and identity in Timor-Leste
Taylor-Leech, Kerry. 2007. "Language and identity in Timor-Leste." Bardovi-Harlig, Kathleen (ed.) AAAL 2007 Annual Conference of the American Association of Applied Linguistics. Costa Mesa, California 21 - 24 Apr 2007 Marietta, GA. United States.


The Media We Deserve: Underachievement in the Fourth Estate by David Salter
Jones, Dianne. 2010. "The Media We Deserve: Underachievement in the Fourth Estate by David Salter." Labour History: a journal of labour and social history. 98, pp. 281-282. https://doi.org/10.3828/labourhistory.98.1.281


Magazine wrack
Musgrove, Brian. 2002. "Magazine wrack." Overland. 168, pp. 69-71.


Postcolonialism? - modern Malaysia by K.S. Maniam
Gehrmann, Richard. 1995. "Postcolonialism? - modern Malaysia by K.S. Maniam." CRNLE Reviews Journal. pp. 211-213.

Book review

South of My Days: A Biography of Judith Wright by Veronica Brady
Connors, Libby. 1999. "South of My Days: A Biography of Judith Wright by Veronica Brady." Journal of Australian Studies. 23 (60), pp. 194-195.

Book review

The challenges of educating engineering and technology managers
Thorpe, David. 2003. "The challenges of educating engineering and technology managers." Brown, Alison (ed.) 14th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE 2003). Melbourne, Australia 29 Sep - 01 Oct 2003 Melbourne, Australia.


An introduction to language policy: theory and method by Thomas Ricento
Taylor-Leech, Kerry. 2008. "An introduction to language policy: theory and method by Thomas Ricento ." Current Issues in Language Planning. 9 (2), pp. 228-230. https://doi.org/10.1080/14664200802139513

Book review

Seeking to understand 'experiences of difference' in discussions with Saudi students at an Australian university
Midgley, Warren. 2010. Seeking to understand 'experiences of difference' in discussions with Saudi students at an Australian university. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

Internet-based language learning: pedagogies and technologies
Son, Jeong-Bae (ed.) 2009. Internet-based language learning: pedagogies and technologies. Raleigh, NC, USA. APACALL.

Edited book

Australian poetry: reflections on nature, space and identity
Fenton Keane, Jayne. 2010. "Australian poetry: reflections on nature, space and identity." Dinesh Singh, Kanwar (ed.) Explorations in Australian poetry . New Delhi, India. Sarup Book Publishers. pp. 1-40

Edited book (chapter)

Anticapitalism and culture: radical theory and popular politics by Jeremy Gilbert
Huijser, Hendrik. 2010. "Anticapitalism and culture: radical theory and popular politics by Jeremy Gilbert." Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies. 24 (4), pp. 636-638. https://doi.org/10.1080/10304310902972210

Book review

Developing communication competence through technology and tradition
Feldman, Alison D.. 1995. "Developing communication competence through technology and tradition." Zelmer, A. C. Lynn (ed.) 18th Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Annual Conference (HERDSA 1995). Rockhampton, Australia 04 - 08 Jul 1995 Australia.


Digital literacy [Introduction to MIA : journal issue 128]
McWilliam, Kelly, Hartley, John and Gibson, Mark. 2008. "Digital literacy [Introduction to MIA : journal issue 128]." Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy: quarterly journal of media research and resources. 128, pp. 46-48.


The uses of multimedia: three digital literacy case studies
Hartley, John, McWilliam, Kelly, Burgess, Jean and Banks, John. 2008. "The uses of multimedia: three digital literacy case studies." Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy: quarterly journal of media research and resources. https://doi.org/10.1177/1329878x0812800108


Suggestions for Asian/Australasian regional cooperation based on a critical evaluation of collaboration and standardisation across Australian institutional repositories
Sefton, Peter and Watson, Kate. 2009. "Suggestions for Asian/Australasian regional cooperation based on a critical evaluation of collaboration and standardisation across Australian institutional repositories." DRF 2009: Open Access Repositories Now and In the Future: From the Global and Asia-Pacific Points of View. Tokyo, Japan 03 - 04 Dec 2009 Tokyo, Japan.


Language, Culture and Identity by Philip Riley
Taylor-Leech, Kerry. 2009. "Language, Culture and Identity by Philip Riley ." Discourse and Communication. 3 (1), pp. 108-111. https://doi.org/10.1177/17504813090030010503

Book review

Issues in language planning and literacy by A. J. Liddicoat
Taylor-Leech, Kerry. 2009. "Issues in language planning and literacy by A. J. Liddicoat." Australian Review of Applied Linguistics. 32 (2), pp. 18.1-18.4. https://doi.org/10.2104/aral0918

Book review

Using web-based portfolios in CALL teacher education
Son, Jeong-Bae. 2009. "Using web-based portfolios in CALL teacher education." Son, Jeong-Bae (ed.) Internet-based language learning: pedagogies and technologies. Raleigh, NC, USA. APACALL. pp. 107-118

Edited book (chapter)

Using online dictation exercises for improving comprehension of English reduced forms
Crawford, Michael J. and Son, Jeong-Bae. 2009. "Using online dictation exercises for improving comprehension of English reduced forms." Son, Jeong-Bae (ed.) Internet-based language learning: pedagogies and technologies. United States. APACALL. pp. 75-92

Edited book (chapter)

New Zealand Television: A Reader by John Farnsworth & Ian Hutchinson
Huijser, Hendrik. 2004. "New Zealand Television: A Reader by John Farnsworth & Ian Hutchinson." Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies. 18 (3), pp. 467-469. https://doi.org/10.1080/1030431042000256180

Book review

"Nobler in the mind": The emergence of early modern anxiety
Johnson, Laurie. 2009. ""Nobler in the mind": The emergence of early modern anxiety." AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association. pp. 141-156.


Computational power meets human contact
Hartley, John and McWilliam, Kelly. 2009. "Computational power meets human contact." Hartley, John and McWilliam, Kelly (ed.) Story circle: digital storytelling around the world. United Kingdom. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 3-15

Edited book (chapter)

Beware of different guanxi measurements when doing research in China
Latham, Gwenda and Gordon, Raymond. 2009. "Beware of different guanxi measurements when doing research in China ." Beaumont, Nicholas (ed.) 23rd Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (ANZAM 2009). Melbourne, Australia 01 - 04 Dec 2009 Melbourne, Australia.


The Situated Politics of Belonging by Nira Yuval-Davis, Kalpana Kannabiran and Ulrike Vieten
Huijser, Hendrik. 2007. "The Situated Politics of Belonging by Nira Yuval-Davis, Kalpana Kannabiran and Ulrike Vieten." European Journal of Cultural Studies. 10 (2), pp. 267-269. https://doi.org/10.1177/1367549407075917

Book review

Small tech: the culture of digital tools
Huijser, Hendrik. 2009. "Small tech: the culture of digital tools." Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy: quarterly journal of media research and resources.

Book review

Adaptation of export marketing strategy in Zimbabwean export firms
Sibanda, Khutula, Erwee, Ronel and Ng, Eric. 2009. "Adaptation of export marketing strategy in Zimbabwean export firms." Beaumont, Nicholas (ed.) 23rd Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (ANZAM 2009). Melbourne, Australia 01 - 04 Dec 2009 Melbourne, Australia.


Second language postgraduate writers in their academic community: links between disciplinary knowledge and writing skills
Gomez, Lesvia Patricia Salinas. 2009. Second language postgraduate writers in their academic community: links between disciplinary knowledge and writing skills. Masters Thesis Master of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

Masters Thesis

'A spirit of eclecticism': critical engagements with Australia's innovative new nineties poetries
Comerford, Debbie M.. 2008. 'A spirit of eclecticism': critical engagements with Australia's innovative new nineties poetries. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.

PhD Thesis

The importance of individual mental models for strategic thinking in organisations
Malan, Renee, Erwee, Ronel and Rose, Dennis M.. 2009. "The importance of individual mental models for strategic thinking in organisations." Beaumont, Nicholas (ed.) 23rd Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (ANZAM 2009). Melbourne, Australia 01 - 04 Dec 2009 Melbourne, Australia.


Knowledge sharing acts as a significant antecedent to organizational commitment in a Confucian culture: a quantitative study of employees in the Hong Kong ICT industry
Wong, Anthony, Tong, Canon and Mula, Joseph M.. 2009. "Knowledge sharing acts as a significant antecedent to organizational commitment in a Confucian culture: a quantitative study of employees in the Hong Kong ICT industry." Scheepers, Helana and Davern, Michael (ed.) 20th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2009). Melbourne, Australia 02 - 04 Dec 2009 Melbourne, Australia.


Cultural brokerage and regional arts: developing an enabler model for cultural and economic sustainability
Stewart, Robyn and Campbell, Christine. 2008. "Cultural brokerage and regional arts: developing an enabler model for cultural and economic sustainability." Mason, Rachel and Eca, Teresa (ed.) InSEA 2006: International Society for Education through Art World Congress: Interdisciplinary Dialogues in Arts Education. Viseu, Portugal 01 - 05 Mar 2006 Chicago, IL, USA.


Collaborating on whiteness: representing Italians in early white Australia
Dewhirst, Catherine. 2008. "Collaborating on whiteness: representing Italians in early white Australia." Journal of Australian Studies. 32 (1), pp. 33-49. https://doi.org/10.1080/14443050801993800


Story circle: digital storytelling around the world
Hartley, John and McWilliam, Kelly (ed.) 2009. Story circle: digital storytelling around the world. United Kingdom. Wiley-Blackwell.

Edited book

The idea of deep surfaces in cultural studies
Johnson, Laurie. 2009. "The idea of deep surfaces in cultural studies." International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. 3 (12), pp. 105-111.


The global diffusion of a community media practice: digital storytelling online
McWilliam, Kelly. 2009. "The global diffusion of a community media practice: digital storytelling online." Hartley, John and McWilliam, Kelly (ed.) Story circle: digital storytelling around the world. United Kingdom. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 37-75

Edited book (chapter)

Romance in foreign accents: Harlequin-Mills & Boon in Australia
McWilliam, Kelly. 2009. "Romance in foreign accents: Harlequin-Mills & Boon in Australia." Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies. 23 (2), pp. 137-145. https://doi.org/10.1080/10304310802710488


A call for new approaches to identities in a crisis world
Huijser, Hendrik. 2009. "A call for new approaches to identities in a crisis world ." Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies. 23 (1), pp. 101-106. https://doi.org/10.1080/10304310802596341

Book review