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1817 results found
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How much is too much? (Part 2) International Olympic Committee consensus statement on load in sport and risk of illness
Schwellnus, Martin, Soligard, Torbjorn, Alonso, Juan Manuel, Bahr, Roald, Clarsen, Ben, Dijkstra, H. Paul, Gabbett, Tim J., Gleeson, Michael, Hagglund, Martin, Hutchinson, Mark R., Janse van Rensburg, Christa, Meeusen, Romain, Orchard, John W., Pluim, Babette M., Raftery, Martin, Budgett, Richard and Engebretsen, Lars. 2016. "How much is too much? (Part 2) International Olympic Committee consensus statement on load in sport and risk of illness." British Journal of Sports Medicine. 50 (17), pp. 1043-1052.


Telomere shortening in elderly individuals with mild cognitive impairment may be attenuated with ω-3 fatty acid supplementation: a randomized controlled pilot study
O'Callaghan, Nathan, Parletta, Natalie, Milte, Catherine M., Benassi-Evans, Bianca, Fenech, Michael and Howe, Peter R. C.. 2014. "Telomere shortening in elderly individuals with mild cognitive impairment may be attenuated with ω-3 fatty acid supplementation: a randomized controlled pilot study." Nutrition. 30 (4), pp. 489-491.


Effects of low-fat diets differing in protein and carbohydrate content on cardiometabolic risk factors during weight loss and weight maintenance in obese adults with type 2 diabetes
Watson, Nerylee, Dyer, Kathryn, Buckley, Jonathan, Brinkworth, Grant, Coates, Alison, Parfitt, Gaynor, Howe, Peter, Noakes, Manny and Murphy, Karen. 2016. "Effects of low-fat diets differing in protein and carbohydrate content on cardiometabolic risk factors during weight loss and weight maintenance in obese adults with type 2 diabetes." Nutrients. 8 (5).


Effects of resveratrol supplementation on bone growth in young rats and microarchitecture and remodeling in ageing rats
Lee, Alice M. C., Shandala, Tetyana, Nguyen, Long, Muhlhausler, Beverly S., Chen, Ke Ming, Howe, Peter R. and Xian, Cory J.. 2014. "Effects of resveratrol supplementation on bone growth in young rats and microarchitecture and remodeling in ageing rats." Nutrients. 6 (12), pp. 5871-5887.


Eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, cognition, and behavior in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A randomized controlled trial
Milte, Catherine M., Parletta, Natalie, Buckley, Jonathan D., Coates, Alison M., Young, Ross M. and Howe, Peter R. C.. 2012. "Eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, cognition, and behavior in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A randomized controlled trial." Nutrition. 28 (6), pp. 670-677.


Food groups and fatty acids associated with self-reported depression: An analysis from the Australian National Nutrition and Health Surveys
Meyer, Barbara J., Kolanu, Nithin, Griffiths, David A., Grounds, Ben, Howe, Peter R. C. and Kreis, Irene A.. 2013. "Food groups and fatty acids associated with self-reported depression: An analysis from the Australian National Nutrition and Health Surveys." Nutrition. 29 (7-8), pp. 1042-1047.


Acute resveratrol supplementation improves flow-mediated dilatation in overweight/obese individuals with mildly elevated blood pressure
Wong, R. H. X., Howe, P. R. C., Buckley, J. D., Coates, A. M., Kunz, I. and Berry, N. M.. 2011. "Acute resveratrol supplementation improves flow-mediated dilatation in overweight/obese individuals with mildly elevated blood pressure." Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases. 21 (11), pp. 851-856.


Chronic effects of a wild green oat extract supplementation on cognitive performance in older adults: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial
Wong, Rachel H. X., Howe, Peter R. C., Bryan, Janet, Coates, Alison M., Buckley, Jonathan D. and Berry, Narelle M.. 2012. "Chronic effects of a wild green oat extract supplementation on cognitive performance in older adults: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial." Nutrients. 4 (5), pp. 331-342.


Effects of eating fresh lean pork on cardiometabolic health parameters
Murphy, Karen J., Thomson, Rebecca L., Coates, Alison M., Buckley, Jonathan D. and Howe, Peter R. C.. 2012. "Effects of eating fresh lean pork on cardiometabolic health parameters." Nutrients. 4 (7), pp. 711-723.


Acknowledgment of reviewers
Howe, Peter. 2012. "Acknowledgment of reviewers." Nutrients. 4 (3), pp. 151-153.


The Australian paradox
Howe, Peter. 2012. "The Australian paradox." Nutrients. 4 (4), p. 258.


Dairy foods and dairy protein consumption is inversely related to markers of adiposity in obese men and women
Murphy, Karen J., Crichton, Georgina E., Dyer, Kathryn A., Coates, Alison M., Pettman, Tahna L., Milte, Catherine, Thorp, Alicia A., Berry, Narelle M., Buckley, Jonathan D., Noakes, Manny and Howe, Peter R. C.. 2013. "Dairy foods and dairy protein consumption is inversely related to markers of adiposity in obese men and women." Nutrients. 5 (11), pp. 4665-4684.


Proceedings of the 2013 meeting of the Australasian Section of the American Oil Chemists Society (AAOCS)
Murphy, Karen and Howe, Peter. 2013. "Proceedings of the 2013 meeting of the Australasian Section of the American Oil Chemists Society (AAOCS)." Nutrients. 5 (12), pp. 5065-5096.


A comparison of regular consumption of fresh lean pork, beef and chicken on body composition: A randomized cross-over trial
Murphy, Karen J., Parker, Barbara, Dyer, Kathryn A., Davis, Courtney R., Coates, Alison M., Buckley, Jonathan D. and Howe, Peter R. C.. 2014. "A comparison of regular consumption of fresh lean pork, beef and chicken on body composition: A randomized cross-over trial." Nutrients. 6 (2), pp. 682-696.


Increases in plasma lutein through supplementation are correlated with increases in physical activity and reductions in sedentary time in older adults
Thomson, Rebecca L., Coates, Alison M., Howe, Peter R. C., Bryan, Janet, Matsumoto, Megumi and Buckley, Jonathan D.. 2014. "Increases in plasma lutein through supplementation are correlated with increases in physical activity and reductions in sedentary time in older adults." Nutrients. 6 (3), pp. 974-984.


Relationship between erythrocyte omega-3 content and obesity is gender dependent
Howe, Peter R. C., Buckley, Jonathan D., Murphy, Karen J., Pettman, Tahna, Milte, Catherine and Coates, Alison M.. 2014. "Relationship between erythrocyte omega-3 content and obesity is gender dependent." Nutrients. 6 (5), pp. 1850-1860.


Acute effects of a dietary non-starch polysaccharide supplement on cognitive performance in healthy middle-aged adults
Best, Talitha, Howe, Peter, Bryan, Janet, Buckley, Jonathan and Scholey, Andrew. 2015. "Acute effects of a dietary non-starch polysaccharide supplement on cognitive performance in healthy middle-aged adults." Nutritional Neuroscience. 18 (2), pp. 76-86.


Effect of 12 weeks high oleic peanut consumption on cardio-metabolic risk factors and body composition
Barbour, Jayne A., Howe, Peter R. C., Buckley, Jonathan D., Bryan, Janet and Coates, Alison M.. 2015. "Effect of 12 weeks high oleic peanut consumption on cardio-metabolic risk factors and body composition." Nutrients. 7 (9), pp. 7381-7398.


Improved heart rate recovery despite reduced exercise performance following heavy training: A within-subject analysis
Thomson, Rebecca L., Bellenger, Clint R., Howe, Peter R. C., Karavirta, Laura and Buckley, Jonathan D.. 2016. "Improved heart rate recovery despite reduced exercise performance following heavy training: A within-subject analysis." Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 19 (3), pp. 255-259.


Effect of acute exercise-induced fatigue on maximal rate of heart rate increase during submaximal cycling
Thomson, Rebecca L., Rogers, Daniel K., Howe, Peter R. C. and Buckley, Jonathan D.. 2016. "Effect of acute exercise-induced fatigue on maximal rate of heart rate increase during submaximal cycling." Research in Sports Medicine. 24 (1), pp. 1-15.


Monitoring athletic training status using the maximal rate of heart rate increase
Bellenger, Clint R., Thomson, Rebecca L., Howe, Peter R. C., Karavirta, Laura and Buckley, Jonathan D.. 2016. "Monitoring athletic training status using the maximal rate of heart rate increase." Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 19 (7), pp. 590-595.


Report on the Fifth International Conference on Natural Products for Health and Beauty (NATPRO 5) held in Thailand, 6–8th May, 2014
Voravuthikunchai, Supayang and Howe, Peter. 2014. "Report on the Fifth International Conference on Natural Products for Health and Beauty (NATPRO 5) held in Thailand, 6–8th May, 2014." Nutrients. 6 (10), pp. 4115-4164.


Assessing premorbid cognitive ability in adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: a review with implications for future intervention studies
Wong, Rachel Heloise Xiwen, Scholey, Andrew and Howe, Peter Ranald Charles. 2014. "Assessing premorbid cognitive ability in adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: a review with implications for future intervention studies." Current Diabetes Reports. 14 (11).


Antihypertensive potential of combined extracts of olive leaf, green coffee bean and beetroot: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial
Wong, Rachel H. X., Garg, Manohar L., Wood, Lisa G. and Howe, Peter R. C.. 2014. "Antihypertensive potential of combined extracts of olive leaf, green coffee bean and beetroot: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial." Nutrients. 6 (11), pp. 4881-4894.


Clinical evaluation of effects of chronic resveratrol supplementation on cerebrovascular function, cognition, mood, physical function and general well-being in postmenopausal women—rationale and study design
Evans, Hamish Michael, Howe, Peter Ranald Charles and Wong, Rachel Heloise Xiwen. 2016. "Clinical evaluation of effects of chronic resveratrol supplementation on cerebrovascular function, cognition, mood, physical function and general well-being in postmenopausal women—rationale and study design." Nutrients. 8 (3).


Low dose resveratrol improves cerebrovascular function in type 2 diabetes mellitus
Wong, R. H. X., Nealon, R. S., Scholey, A. and Howe, P. R. C.. 2016. "Low dose resveratrol improves cerebrovascular function in type 2 diabetes mellitus." Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases. 26 (5), pp. 393-399.


Acute resveratrol consumption improves neurovascular coupling capacity in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Wong, Rachel H. X., Raederstorff, Daniel and Howe, Peter R. C.. 2016. "Acute resveratrol consumption improves neurovascular coupling capacity in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus." Nutrients. 8 (7).


Poor cerebrovascular function is an early marker of cognitive decline in healthy postmenopausal women
Wong, Rachel H. X., Evans, Hamish M. and Howe, Peter R. C.. 2016. "Poor cerebrovascular function is an early marker of cognitive decline in healthy postmenopausal women." Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions. 2 (3), pp. 162-168.


Relative importance of physiological, anthropometric, and skill qualities to team selection in professional rugby league
Gabbett, Tim J., Jenkins, David G. and Abernethy, Bruce. 2011. "Relative importance of physiological, anthropometric, and skill qualities to team selection in professional rugby league." Journal of Sports Sciences. 29 (13), pp. 1453-1461.


Relationships between physiological, anthropometric, and skill qualities and playing performance in professional rugby league players
Gabbett, Tim J., Jenkins, David G. and Abernethy, Bruce. 2011. "Relationships between physiological, anthropometric, and skill qualities and playing performance in professional rugby league players." Journal of Sports Sciences. 29 (15), pp. 1655-1664.


Skill qualities as risk factors for contact injury in professional rugby league players
Gabbett, Tim J., Ullah, Shahid, Jenkins, David and Abernethy, Bruce. 2012. "Skill qualities as risk factors for contact injury in professional rugby league players." Journal of Sports Sciences. 30 (13), pp. 1421-1427.


Dual-task assessment of a sporting skill: influence of task complexity and relationship with competitive performances
Gabbett, Tim J. and Abernethy, Bruce. 2012. "Dual-task assessment of a sporting skill: influence of task complexity and relationship with competitive performances." Journal of Sports Sciences. 30 (16), pp. 1735-1745.


Effects of a shoot training programme with a reduced hoop diameter rim on free-throw performance and kinematics in young basketball players
Khlifa, Riadh, Aouadi, Ridha, Shephard, Roy, Chelly, Mohamed Souhaiel, Hermassi, Souhail and Gabbett, Tim J.. 2013. "Effects of a shoot training programme with a reduced hoop diameter rim on free-throw performance and kinematics in young basketball players." Journal of Sports Sciences. 31 (5), pp. 497-504.


Influence of playing standard on the physical demands of professional rugby league
Gabbett, Tim J.. 2013. "Influence of playing standard on the physical demands of professional rugby league." Journal of Sports Sciences. 31 (10), pp. 1125-1138.


Activity profiles of professional soccer, rugby league and Australian football match play
Varley, Matthew C., Gabbett, Tim and Aughey, Robert J.. 2014. "Activity profiles of professional soccer, rugby league and Australian football match play." Journal of Sports Sciences. 32 (20), pp. 1858-1866.


Knowledge of bout duration influences pacing strategies during small-sided games
Sampson, John Andrew, Fullagar, Hugh Head Kelsham and Gabbett, Tim. 2015. "Knowledge of bout duration influences pacing strategies during small-sided games." Journal of Sports Sciences. 33 (1), pp. 85-98.


Characteristics impacting on session rating of perceived exertion training load in Australian footballers
Gallo, Tania, Cormack, Stuart, Gabbett, Tim, Williams, Morgan and Lorenzen, Christian. 2015. "Characteristics impacting on session rating of perceived exertion training load in Australian footballers." Journal of Sports Sciences. 33 (5), pp. 467-475.


Positional group significantly influences the offensive and defensive skill involvements of junior representative rugby league players during match play
Bennett, Kyle J. M., Fransen, Job, Scott, Brendan R., Sanctuary, Colin E., Gabbett, Tim J. and Dascombe, Ben J.. 2016. "Positional group significantly influences the offensive and defensive skill involvements of junior representative rugby league players during match play." Journal of Sports Sciences. 34 (16), pp. 1542-1546.


Epidemiology of prostate cancer in the Asia-Pacific region
Baade, Peter D., Youlden, Danny R., Cramb, Susanna M., Dunn, Jeff and Gardiner, Robert A.. 2013. "Epidemiology of prostate cancer in the Asia-Pacific region." Prostate International. 1 (2), pp. 47-58.


Review of the history and development in the field of psychosocial oncology
Watson, Maggie, Dunn, Jeff and Holland, Jimmie C.. 2014. "Review of the history and development in the field of psychosocial oncology." International Review of Psychiatry. 26 (1), pp. 128-135.


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Acharya, Rajendra

Adie, Joshua

Ahmad, Kabir

Alam, Khorshed

Alderman, Lyn

Austin, Gavin

Baguley, Margaret

Baillie, Justine

Baliunas, Dolly

Balloo, Kieran

Barker, Bryce

Barua, Prabal

Batorowicz, Beata

Beccaria, Lisa

Beni, Teppsy

Biddle, Stuart

Bird, Stephen

Black, Barbara

Black, Rebecca

Bliss, Edward

Brock, Anne

Bromdal, Annette

Brownlow, Charlotte

Bryce, India

Cameron, Lainie

Cantrell, Kate

Carniel, Jess

Cavaye, Jim

Cobon, David

Collins, Pauline

Conway, Joan

Copley, Julie

Cripps, Camilla

Crowley-Cyr, Lynda

Currey, Phillip

Daken, Kirstie

Dallinger, Vicki

Davey, Chris

De Daunton, Fynn

Denham, Josh

Deo, Ravinesh

Deravin, Linda

Dewhirst, Catherine

Dinh, Toan

Dooley, Leanne

Dunn, Jeff

Eacersall, Douglas

East, Leah

Fein, Erich

Fogarty, Gerry

Forbes, Melissa

Fuller, Andrea

Gildersleeve, Jessica

Girardi, Anna

Girdlestone, Denise

Goh, Steven

Graham, Coralie

Gray, Marion

Green, Anna

Gururajan, Raj

Habib, Habib

Hafeez-Baig, Abdul

Halliwell, Sherree

Ham, Saleena

Harris, Lottie

Hart, Bonnie

Heneka, Nicole

Hoffman, Ben

Issac, Hancy

Johnson, Laurie

Johnston, Venerina

Jones, Nicole

Joyce, Daniel

Judith, Kate

Karalasingham, Sagthitharan

Khanam, Rasheda

Kidd, Chloe

Kimpton, Anthony

King, Helena

Knapp, Tyson

Kolbe-Alexander, Tracy

Krishnamoorthy, Govind

Lamb, Lara

Lamont-Mills, Andrea

Larsen, Brianna

Li, Yan

Long, David

Luke, Jennifer

Lyons, Ben

Machin, Tanya

March, Sonja

Marrington, Jessica

Martin, Neil

Mason, Andrew

McIlveen, Peter

McInnerney, Marlyn

McKibbin, Sarah

McNamara, Noeleen

McWilliam, Kelly

Mellor, Robert

Mills, Dean

Mullens, Amy

Munn, Kylie

Nguyen, Van

Nisar, Tanzeela

Nwose, Uba

Ong, Lin

Osborne, Sonya

Palmer, Jane

Persian, Jayne

Pillay, Yosheen

Pocock, Celmara

Prentice, Catherine

Pringle, Kyle

Quince, Zach

Rajapakshe, Thejan

Rana, Rajib

Redmond, Petrea

Renando, Chad

Ribeiro, Gianni

Richardson, Meg

Roberts, Casey

Roscher, Pierre

Rowe, Arlen

Ryan, Naomi

Sarker, Tapan

Schaefer, Isabelle

Schaffer, Krystal

Schoville, Benjamin

Scollen, Rebecca

Shammi, Sayma

Sharma, Sita

Shrestha, Anup

Singh-Peterson, Lila

Siuly, .

Skinner, Jazmine

Smart, Sally

Somasundaraswaran, Soma

Southey, Kim

Stains, Pamela

Steggall, David

Stevenson, Ana

Stewart, Kim

Stratton-Maher, Dianne

SueSee, Brendan

Sulway, Nike

Tan, Benjamin

Taylor, Melissa

Te'o, Rebecca

Terry, Daniel

Terry, Peter

Thaichon, Park

Thangavelu, Eddie

Timoshanko, Aaron

Turner, Michelle

Usher, Nina

Walker, Dennis

Wang, Grace

Ward, Aletha

Watling, Chris

Westwood, Anita

Whiteside, Eliza

Wiesner, Retha

Woolcock, Geoffrey

Young, Simon

Zhou, Xujuan

Zhu, Yuting

Zieschank, Kirsty