Institute for Resilient Regions

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1817 results found
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Associations between aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercise with depressive symptom severity among 17,839 U.S. adults
Bennie, Jason A., Teychenne, Megan J., De Cocker, Katrien and Biddle, Stuart J. H.. 2019. "Associations between aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercise with depressive symptom severity among 17,839 U.S. adults." Preventive Medicine. 121, pp. 121-127.


Changes in rugby league tackling ability during a competitive season: the relationship with strength and power qualities
Speranza, Michael J. A., Gabbett, Tim J., Greene, David A., Johnston, Rich D. and Sheppard, Jeremy M.. 2017. "Changes in rugby league tackling ability during a competitive season: the relationship with strength and power qualities." Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 31 (12), pp. 3311-3318.


Does small-sided games training improve physical-fitness and specific skills for team sports? A systematic review with meta-analysis
Hammami, Amri, Gabbett, Tim J., Slimani, Maamer and Bouhlel, Ezdine. 2018. "Does small-sided games training improve physical-fitness and specific skills for team sports? A systematic review with meta-analysis." The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 58 (10), pp. 1446-1455.


Educational inequalities in TV viewing among older adults: a mediation analysis of ecological factors
De Cocker, Katrien, De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse, Teychenne, Megan, McNaughton, Sarah and Salmon, Jo. 2013. "Educational inequalities in TV viewing among older adults: a mediation analysis of ecological factors." International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 10, pp. 1-10.


Validity of the inexpensive Stepping Meter in counting steps in free living conditions: a pilot study
De Cocker, K., Cardon, G. and De Bourdeaudhuij, I.. 2006. "Validity of the inexpensive Stepping Meter in counting steps in free living conditions: a pilot study." British Journal of Sports Medicine. 40 (8), pp. 714-716.


Seven tips for developing and maintaining a high performance sports medicine team
Gabbett, Tim J., Kearney, Simon, Bisson, Leslie J., Collins, Joe, Sikka, Robby, Winder, Nathan, Sedgwick, Craig, Hollis, Ed and Bettle, Jeremy M.. 2017. "Seven tips for developing and maintaining a high performance sports medicine team." British Journal of Sports Medicine. 52 (10), pp. 626-627.


Yes, rolling averages are a good way to assess training load for injury prevention. Is there a better way? Probably, but we have not seen the evidence
Drew, M. K., Blanch, P., Purdam, C. and Gabbett, T. J.. 2017. "Yes, rolling averages are a good way to assess training load for injury prevention. Is there a better way? Probably, but we have not seen the evidence." British Journal of Sports Medicine. 51 (7), pp. 618-619.


Views of policy makers and health promotion professionals on factors facilitating implementation and maintenance of interventions and policies promoting physical activity and healthy eating: results of the DEDIPAC project
Muellmann, Saskia, Steenbock, Berit, De Cocker, Katrien, De Craemer, Marieke, Hayes, Catherine, O'Shea, Miriam P., Horodyska, Karolina, Bell, Justyna, Luszczynska, Aleksandra, Roos, Gun, Langoien, Lars Jorun, Rugseth, Gro, Terragni, Laura, De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse, Brug, Johannes and Pischke, Claudia R.. 2017. "Views of policy makers and health promotion professionals on factors facilitating implementation and maintenance of interventions and policies promoting physical activity and healthy eating: results of the DEDIPAC project." BMC Public Health. 17, pp. 1-17.


Physical-preparation recommendations for elite rugby sevens performance
Schuster, Jake, Howells, Dan, Robineau, Julien, Couderc, Anthony, Natera, Alex, Lumley, Nick, Gabbett, Tim J. and Winkelman, Nick. 2018. "Physical-preparation recommendations for elite rugby sevens performance." International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 13 (3), pp. 255-267.


Protection against spikes in workload with aerobic fitness and playing experience: the role of the acute: chronic workload ratio on injury risk in elite Gaelic football
Malone, Shane, Roe, Mark, Doran, Dominic A., Gabbett, Tim J. and Collins, Kieran D.. 2017. "Protection against spikes in workload with aerobic fitness and playing experience: the role of the acute: chronic workload ratio on injury risk in elite Gaelic football." International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 12 (3), pp. 393-401.


Sedentary time in older men and women: an international consensus statement and research priorities
Dogra, Shilpa, Ashe, Maureen C., Biddle, Stuart J. H., Brown, Wendy J., Buman, Matthew P., Chastin, Sebastien, Gardiner, Paul A., Inoue, Shigeru, Jefferis, Barbara J., Oka, Koichiro, Owen, Neville, Sardinha, Luis B., Skelton, Dawn A., Sugiyama, Takemi and Copeland, Jennifer L.. 2017. "Sedentary time in older men and women: an international consensus statement and research priorities." British Journal of Sports Medicine. 51 (21), pp. 1526-1532.


A new design of mental state classification for subject independent BCI systems
Joadder, Md. A. M., Siuly, S., Kabir, E., Wang, H. and Zhang, Y.. 2019. "A new design of mental state classification for subject independent BCI systems." IRBM. 40 (5), pp. 297-305.


Tackle characteristics and outcomes in match-play rugby league: the relationship with tackle ability and physical qualities
Speranza, Michael J. A., Gabbett, Tim J., Greene, David A., Johnston, Rich D. and Townshend, Andrew D.. 2017. "Tackle characteristics and outcomes in match-play rugby league: the relationship with tackle ability and physical qualities." Science and Medicine in Football. 1 (3), pp. 265-271.


High-speed running and sprinting as an injury risk factor in soccer: can well-developed physical qualities reduce the risk?
Malone, Shane, Owen, Adam, Mendes, Bruno, Hughes, Brian, Collins, Kieran and Gabbett, Tim J.. 2018. "High-speed running and sprinting as an injury risk factor in soccer: can well-developed physical qualities reduce the risk?" Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 21 (3), pp. 257-262.


Can the workload-injury relationship be moderated by improved strength, speed and repeated-sprint qualities?
Malone, Shane, Hughes, Brian, Doran, Dominic A., Collins, Kieran and Gabbett, Tim J.. 2019. "Can the workload-injury relationship be moderated by improved strength, speed and repeated-sprint qualities?" Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 22 (1), pp. 29-34.


Sub-maximal heart rate is associated with changes in high-intensity intermittent running ability in professional rugby league players
Hulin, Billy T., Gabbett, Tim J., Johnston, Rich D. and Jenkins, David G.. 2018. "Sub-maximal heart rate is associated with changes in high-intensity intermittent running ability in professional rugby league players." Science and Medicine in Football. 3 (1), pp. 50-56.


Training and match volume and injury in adolescents playing multiple contact team sports: a prospective cohort study
Hartwig, Timothy B., Gabbett, Tim J., Naughton, Geraldine, Duncan, Craig, Harries, Simon and Perry, Nicholas. 2019. "Training and match volume and injury in adolescents playing multiple contact team sports: a prospective cohort study." Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. 29 (3), pp. 469-475.


Assessment of body composition in junior representative and first grade rugby league players using dual x-ray absorptiometry
Greene, David A., Varley, Benjamin, Duncan, Craig S. and Gabbett, Tim J.. 2017. "Assessment of body composition in junior representative and first grade rugby league players using dual x-ray absorptiometry." Science and Medicine in Football. 1 (3), pp. 197-202.


An alternative test of tackling ability in rugby league players
Speranza, Michael J. A., Gabbett, Tim J., Greene, David A., Johnston, Rich D., Townshend, Andrew D. and O'Farrell, Brett. 2018. "An alternative test of tackling ability in rugby league players." International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 13 (3), pp. 347-352.


Relationship between 2 standardized tackling proficiency tests and rugby league match-play tackle performance
Speranza, Michael J. A., Gabbett, Tim J., Greene, David A., Johnston, Richard D. and Townshend, Andrew D.. 2018. "Relationship between 2 standardized tackling proficiency tests and rugby league match-play tackle performance." International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 13 (6), pp. 770-776.


The use of relative speed zones in Australian football: are we really measuring what we think we are?
Murray, Nick B., Gabbett, Tim J. and Townshend, Andrew D.. 2018. "The use of relative speed zones in Australian football: are we really measuring what we think we are?" International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 13 (4), pp. 442-451.


Relationship between preseason training load and in-season availability in elite Australian football players
Murray, Nick B., Gabbett, Tim J. and Townshend, Andrew D.. 2017. "Relationship between preseason training load and in-season availability in elite Australian football players." International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 12 (6), pp. 749-755.


Automatic detection of pitching and throwing events in baseball with inertial measurement sensors
Murray, Nick B., Black, Georgia M., Whiteley, Rod J., Gahan, Peter, Cole, Michael H., Utting, Andy and Gabbett, Tim J.. 2017. "Automatic detection of pitching and throwing events in baseball with inertial measurement sensors." International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 12 (4), pp. 533-537.


The relationship between variables in wearable microtechnology devices and cricket fast-bowling intensity
McNamara, Dean J., Gabbett, Tim J., Blanch, Peter and Kelly, Luke. 2018. "The relationship between variables in wearable microtechnology devices and cricket fast-bowling intensity." International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 13 (2), pp. 135-139.


Playerload variables: sensitive to changes in direction and not related to collision workloads in rugby league match play
Hulin, Billy T., Gabbett, Tim J., Johnston, Rich D. and Jenkins, David G.. 2018. "Playerload variables: sensitive to changes in direction and not related to collision workloads in rugby league match play." International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 13 (9), pp. 1136-1142.


The effect of contextual factors on physiological and activity profiles in international women's rugby sevens
Goodale, Tyler L., Gabbett, Tim J., Tsai, Ming-Chang, Stellingwerff, Trent and Sheppard, Jeremy. 2017. "The effect of contextual factors on physiological and activity profiles in international women's rugby sevens." International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 12 (3), pp. 370-376.


Protocol for the residents in action pilot cluster randomised controlled trial (RiAT): evaluating a behaviour change intervention to promote walking, reduce sitting and improve mental health in physically inactive older adults in retirement villages
Thogersen-Ntoumani, Cecilie, Wright, Ashlene, Quested, Eleanor, Burton, Elissa, Hill, Keith D., Cerin, Ester, Biddle, Stuart J. H. and Ntoumanis, Nikos. 2017. "Protocol for the residents in action pilot cluster randomised controlled trial (RiAT): evaluating a behaviour change intervention to promote walking, reduce sitting and improve mental health in physically inactive older adults in retirement villages." BMJ Open. 7 (6), pp. 1-12.


Two training-load paradoxes: can we work harder and smarter, can physical preparation and medical be teammates?
Gabbett, Tim J. and Whiteley, Rod. 2017. "Two training-load paradoxes: can we work harder and smarter, can physical preparation and medical be teammates?" International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 12 (2 (Supplement)), pp. 50-54.


CrossFit overview: systematic review and meta-analysis
Claudino, Joao Gustavo, Gabbett, Tim J., Bourgeois, Frank, de Sa Souza, Helton, Miranda, Rafael Chagas, Mezencio, Bruno, Soncin, Rafael, Cardoso Filho, Carlos Alberto, Bottaro, Martim, Hernandez, Arnoldo Jose, Amadio, Alberto Carlos and Serrao, Julio Cerca. 2018. "CrossFit overview: systematic review and meta-analysis." Sports Medicine - Open. 4 (1), pp. 1-14.


Validity of a microsensor-based algorithm for detecting scrum events in rugby union
Chambers, Ryan M., Gabbett, Tim J. and Cole, Michael H.. 2019. "Validity of a microsensor-based algorithm for detecting scrum events in rugby union." International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 14 (2), pp. 176-182.


The influence of rotations on match running performance in female Australian football midfielders
Black, Georgia M., Gabbett, Tim J., Johnston, Rich D., Naughton, Geraldine, Cole, Michael H. and Dawson, Brian. 2018. "The influence of rotations on match running performance in female Australian football midfielders." International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 13 (4), pp. 434-441.


The influence of physical qualities on activity profiles of female Australian football match play
Black, Georgia M., Gabbett, Tim J., Johnston, Rich D., Cole, Michael H., Naughton, Geraldine and Dawson, Brian. 2018. "The influence of physical qualities on activity profiles of female Australian football match play." International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 13 (4), pp. 524-529.


Association of daily workload, wellness, injury and illness during tours in international cricketers
Ahmun, Robert, McCaig, Steve, Tallent, Jamie, Williams, Sean and Gabbett, Tim. 2019. "Association of daily workload, wellness, injury and illness during tours in international cricketers." International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 14 (3), pp. 369-377.


Effectiveness of the spaced education pedagogy for clinicians’ continuing professional development: a systematic review
Phillips, Jane L, Heneka, Nicole, Bhattarai, Priyanka, Fraser, Claire and Shaw, Tim. 2019. "Effectiveness of the spaced education pedagogy for clinicians’ continuing professional development: a systematic review." Medical Education. 53 (9), pp. 886-902.


Getting the most out of intensive longitudinal data: a methodological review of workload–injury studies
Windt, Johann, Arden, Clare L., Gabbett, Tim J., Khan, Karim M., Cook, Chad E., Sporer, Ben C. and Zumbo, Bruno D.. 2018. "Getting the most out of intensive longitudinal data: a methodological review of workload–injury studies." BMJ Open. 8 (10), pp. 1-17.


Validity of session rating perceived exertion method for quantifying internal training load during high intensity functional training
Tibana, Ramires Alsamir, Frade de Sousa, Nuno Manuel, Cunha, Gabriel Veloso, Prestes, Jonato, Fett, Carlos, Gabbett, Timothy J. and Voltarelli, Fabricio Azevedo. 2018. "Validity of session rating perceived exertion method for quantifying internal training load during high intensity functional training." Sports. 6 (3).


Positional differences in the most demanding passages of play in football competition
Martin-Garcia, Andres, Casamichana, David, Diaz, Antonio Gomez, Cos, Francesc and Gabbett, Tim J.. 2018. "Positional differences in the most demanding passages of play in football competition." Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 17, pp. 563-570.


The use of generic and individual speed thresholds for assessing the competitive demands of field hockey
Casamichana, David, Morencos, Esther, Romero-Moraleda, Blanca and Gabbett, Tim J.. 2018. "The use of generic and individual speed thresholds for assessing the competitive demands of field hockey." Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 17 (3), pp. 366-371.


Physical fitness and peak running periods during female Australian football match-play
Black, Georgia M., Gabbett, Tim J., Johnston, Rich D., Cole, Michael H., Naughton, Geraldine and Dawson, Brian. 2018. "Physical fitness and peak running periods during female Australian football match-play." Science and Medicine in Football. 2 (3), pp. 246-251.


Monitoring athlete training loads: Consensus statement
Bourdon, Pitre C., Carindale, Marco, Murray, Andrew, Gastin, Paul, Kellmann, Micheal., Varley, Matthew C., Gabbett, Tim J., Coutts, Aaron J., Burgess, Darrne J., Gregson, Warren and Cable, N. Timothy. 2017. "Monitoring athlete training loads: Consensus statement." International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 12, pp. 161-170.


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Acharya, Rajendra

Adie, Joshua

Ahmad, Kabir

Alam, Khorshed

Alderman, Lyn

Austin, Gavin

Baguley, Margaret

Baillie, Justine

Baliunas, Dolly

Balloo, Kieran

Barker, Bryce

Barua, Prabal

Batorowicz, Beata

Beccaria, Lisa

Beni, Teppsy

Biddle, Stuart

Bird, Stephen

Black, Barbara

Black, Rebecca

Bliss, Edward

Brock, Anne

Bromdal, Annette

Brownlow, Charlotte

Bryce, India

Cameron, Lainie

Cantrell, Kate

Carniel, Jess

Cavaye, Jim

Cobon, David

Collins, Pauline

Conway, Joan

Copley, Julie

Cripps, Camilla

Crowley-Cyr, Lynda

Currey, Phillip

Daken, Kirstie

Dallinger, Vicki

Davey, Chris

De Daunton, Fynn

Denham, Josh

Deo, Ravinesh

Deravin, Linda

Dewhirst, Catherine

Dinh, Toan

Dooley, Leanne

Dunn, Jeff

Eacersall, Douglas

East, Leah

Fein, Erich

Fogarty, Gerry

Forbes, Melissa

Fuller, Andrea

Gildersleeve, Jessica

Girardi, Anna

Girdlestone, Denise

Goh, Steven

Graham, Coralie

Gray, Marion

Green, Anna

Gururajan, Raj

Habib, Habib

Hafeez-Baig, Abdul

Halliwell, Sherree

Ham, Saleena

Harris, Lottie

Hart, Bonnie

Heneka, Nicole

Hoffman, Ben

Issac, Hancy

Johnson, Laurie

Johnston, Venerina

Jones, Nicole

Joyce, Daniel

Judith, Kate

Karalasingham, Sagthitharan

Khanam, Rasheda

Kidd, Chloe

Kimpton, Anthony

King, Helena

Knapp, Tyson

Kolbe-Alexander, Tracy

Krishnamoorthy, Govind

Lamb, Lara

Lamont-Mills, Andrea

Larsen, Brianna

Li, Yan

Long, David

Luke, Jennifer

Lyons, Ben

Machin, Tanya

March, Sonja

Marrington, Jessica

Martin, Neil

Mason, Andrew

McIlveen, Peter

McInnerney, Marlyn

McKibbin, Sarah

McNamara, Noeleen

McWilliam, Kelly

Mellor, Robert

Mills, Dean

Mullens, Amy

Munn, Kylie

Nguyen, Van

Nisar, Tanzeela

Nwose, Uba

Ong, Lin

Osborne, Sonya

Palmer, Jane

Persian, Jayne

Pillay, Yosheen

Pocock, Celmara

Prentice, Catherine

Pringle, Kyle

Quince, Zach

Rajapakshe, Thejan

Rana, Rajib

Redmond, Petrea

Renando, Chad

Ribeiro, Gianni

Richardson, Meg

Roberts, Casey

Roscher, Pierre

Rowe, Arlen

Ryan, Naomi

Sarker, Tapan

Schaefer, Isabelle

Schaffer, Krystal

Schoville, Benjamin

Scollen, Rebecca

Shammi, Sayma

Sharma, Sita

Shrestha, Anup

Singh-Peterson, Lila

Siuly, .

Skinner, Jazmine

Smart, Sally

Somasundaraswaran, Soma

Southey, Kim

Stains, Pamela

Steggall, David

Stevenson, Ana

Stewart, Kim

Stratton-Maher, Dianne

SueSee, Brendan

Sulway, Nike

Tan, Benjamin

Taylor, Melissa

Te'o, Rebecca

Terry, Daniel

Terry, Peter

Thaichon, Park

Thangavelu, Eddie

Timoshanko, Aaron

Turner, Michelle

Usher, Nina

Walker, Dennis

Wang, Grace

Ward, Aletha

Watling, Chris

Westwood, Anita

Whiteside, Eliza

Wiesner, Retha

Woolcock, Geoffrey

Young, Simon

Zhou, Xujuan

Zhu, Yuting

Zieschank, Kirsty