Institute for Resilient Regions

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1814 results found
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Empathy Measurement in Autistic and Nonautistic Adults: A COSMIN Systematic Literature Review
Harrison, Jessica L., Brownlow, Charlotte L., Ireland, Michael J. and Piovesana, Adina M.. 2022. "Empathy Measurement in Autistic and Nonautistic Adults: A COSMIN Systematic Literature Review." Assessment. 29 (2), pp. 332-350.


View From the Paddock: Saying Thanks For Bunny's Life
Lyons, Ben. 2018. "View From the Paddock: Saying Thanks For Bunny's Life." Queensland Country Life. 14 March 2018.


Job-related characteristics and obesity in Australian employees: evidence from a longitudinal nationally representative sample
Keramat, Syed Afroz, Alam, Khorshed, Gow, Jeff and Biddle, Stuart J. H.. 2020. "Job-related characteristics and obesity in Australian employees: evidence from a longitudinal nationally representative sample." American Journal of Health Promotion. 34 (7), pp. 729-739.


Impact of disadvantaged neighborhoods and lifestyle factors on adult obesity: evidence from a 5-year cohort study in Australia
Keramat, Syed Afroz, Alam, Khorshed, Gow, Jeff and Biddle, Stuart J. H.. 2021. "Impact of disadvantaged neighborhoods and lifestyle factors on adult obesity: evidence from a 5-year cohort study in Australia." American Journal of Health Promotion. 35 (1), pp. 28-37.


Trends in Muscle-Strengthening Exercise Among Nationally Representative Samples of United States Adults Between 2011 and 2017
Bennie, Jason A., Kolbe-Alexander, Tracy, Seghers, Jan, Biddle, Stuart J.H. and De Cocker, K.. 2020. "Trends in Muscle-Strengthening Exercise Among Nationally Representative Samples of United States Adults Between 2011 and 2017." Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 17 (5), pp. 512-518.


'We don’t recognize transsexuals … and we’re not going to treat you': cruel and unusual and the lived experiences of transgender women in US prisons
Phillips, Tania, Bromdal, Annette, Mullens, Amy, Gildersleeve, Jessica and Gow, Jeff. 2020. "'We don’t recognize transsexuals … and we’re not going to treat you': cruel and unusual and the lived experiences of transgender women in US prisons." Harmes, Marcus, Harmes, Meredith and Harmes, Barbara (ed.) The Palgrave handbook of incarceration in popular culture. Switzerland. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 331-360

Edited book (chapter)

Sources of practice knowledge among Australian fitness trainers
Bennie, Jason A., Wiesner, Glen H., van Uffelen, Jannique G. Z., Harvey, Jack T. and Biddle, Stuart J. H.. 2017. "Sources of practice knowledge among Australian fitness trainers." Translational Behavioral Medicine. 7 (4), pp. 741-750.


Five-Year Weight Loss Outcomes in Laparoscopic Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (LVSG) Versus Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (LRYGB) Procedures: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Osland, Emma J., Yunus, Rossita M., Khan, Shahjahan and Memon, Muhammed A.. 2020. "Five-Year Weight Loss Outcomes in Laparoscopic Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (LVSG) Versus Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (LRYGB) Procedures: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials." Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques. 30 (6), pp. 542-553.


Distribution and predictors associated with the use of breast cancer screening services among women in 14 low-resource countries
Mahumud, Rashidul Alam, Gow, Jeff, Keramat, Syed Afroz, March, Sonja, Dunn, Jeff, Alam, Khorshed and Renzaho, Andre M. N.. 2020. "Distribution and predictors associated with the use of breast cancer screening services among women in 14 low-resource countries." BMC Public Health. 20, pp. 1-15.


“Don’t … Break Down on Tuesday Because the Mental Health Services are Only in Town on Thursday”: A Qualitative Study of Service Provision Related Barriers to, and Facilitators of Farmers’ Mental Health Help‑Seeking
Vayro, Caitlin, Brownlow, Charlotte, Ireland, Michael and March, Sonja. 2021. "“Don’t … Break Down on Tuesday Because the Mental Health Services are Only in Town on Thursday”: A Qualitative Study of Service Provision Related Barriers to, and Facilitators of Farmers’ Mental Health Help‑Seeking." Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. 48 (3), pp. 514-527.


Social media, rituals, and long-distance family relationship maintenance: A mixed-methods systematic review
Abel, Susan, Machin, Tanya and Brownlow, Charlotte. 2021. "Social media, rituals, and long-distance family relationship maintenance: A mixed-methods systematic review." New Media and Society. 23 (3), pp. 632-654.


Generalized Alpha Skew Normal Distribution
Alodat, Tareq, Khan, Shahjahan, Alodat, Moh'd T. and Memon, Muhammed A.. 2021. "Generalized Alpha Skew Normal Distribution." Statistica & Applicazioni. 2020 (2), pp. 1-15.


Local housing characteristics associated with early childhood development outcomes in Australian disadvantaged communities
Villanueva, Karen, Badland, Hannah, Tanton, Robert, Katz, Ilan, Brinkman, Sally, Lee, Ju-Lin, Woolcock, Geoffrey, Giles-Corti, Billie and Goldfeld, Sharon. 2019. "Local housing characteristics associated with early childhood development outcomes in Australian disadvantaged communities." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16 (10).


Identification of stress impact on personality density distributions
Lys, Brendan, Tao, Xiaohui, Machin, Tony, Zhang, Ji and Zhong, Ning. 2019. "Identification of stress impact on personality density distributions." Liang, Peipeng, Goel, Vinod and Shan, Chunlei (ed.) 12th International Conference on Brain Informatics (BI 2019). Haikou, China 13 - 15 Dec 2019 Cham, Switzerland. Springer.


Reducing Avoidable Copd Emergency Room Presentations: An Integrated Cross-Health Service Utilisation Scoping Initiative In South Queensland
Moloney, C., Beccaria, G., Sneath, E., Mullens, A., Issac, H., King, A., Gow, J. and Phillips, T.. 2020. "Reducing Avoidable Copd Emergency Room Presentations: An Integrated Cross-Health Service Utilisation Scoping Initiative In South Queensland." The Thoracic Society of Australia & New Zealand and the Australian and New Zealand Society of Respiratory Science Annual Scientific Meeting for Leaders in Lung Health & Respiratory Science (TSANZSRS 2020). Melbourne, Australia 27 - 31 Mar 2020 Australia.


SDP and Social Capital
Skinner, James, Woolcock, Geoff and Milroy, Arthur. 2019. "SDP and Social Capital." Collison, Holly, Darnell, Simon C., Giulianotti, Richard and Howe, P. David (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Sport for Development and Peace. Abingdon, United Kingdom. Routledge. pp. 296-307

Edited book (chapter)

Implementation Strategies for Interventions Aiming to Increase Participation in Mail-Out Bowel Cancer Screening Programmes: A Realist Review
Myers, Larry, Goodwin, Belinda, Ralph, Nicholas, Castro, Oscar and March, Sonja. 2020. "Implementation Strategies for Interventions Aiming to Increase Participation in Mail-Out Bowel Cancer Screening Programmes: A Realist Review." Frontiers in Oncology. 10, pp. 1-14.


Short-term electrical energy demand prediction under heat island effects using emotional neural network integrated with genetic algorithm
Karalasingham, Sagthitharan, Deo, Ravinesh and Prasad, Ramendra. 2021. "Short-term electrical energy demand prediction under heat island effects using emotional neural network integrated with genetic algorithm." Deo, Ravinesh, Samui, Pijush and Roy, Sanjiban Sekhar (ed.) Predictive modelling for energy management and power systems engineering. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Elsevier. pp. 271-298

Edited book (chapter)

A longitudinal exploration of the relationship between obesity, and long term health condition with presenteeism in Australian workplaces, 2006-2018
Keramat, Syed Afroz, Alam, Khorshed, Gow, Jeff and Biddle, Stuart J. H.. 2020. "A longitudinal exploration of the relationship between obesity, and long term health condition with presenteeism in Australian workplaces, 2006-2018." PLoS One. 15 (8), pp. 1-17.


Cost-effectiveness evaluations of the 9-Valent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine: evidence from a systematic review
Mahumud, Rashidul Alam, Alam, Khorshed, Keramat, Syed Afroz, Ormsby, Gail M., Dunn, Jeff and Gow, Jeff. 2020. "Cost-effectiveness evaluations of the 9-Valent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine: evidence from a systematic review." PLoS One. 15 (6), pp. 1-15.


Risk Management and contractual Issues in Sino-Australian Wool Trade in the WTO Era
Lyons, Ben. 2003. "Risk Management and contractual Issues in Sino-Australian Wool Trade in the WTO Era." 15th Annual Conference of the Association of Chinese Economic Studies Australia (ACESA 2003). Melbourne, Australia 02 - 03 Oct 2003


Natural, Biodegradable and Sustainable: Australian Merino Wool
Lyons, Ben. 2009. "Natural, Biodegradable and Sustainable: Australian Merino Wool." Launch of the International Year of Natural Fibres 2009. Rome, Italy 22 Jan 2009


Is there a sustainable fibre?: the case of Australian Merino Wool
Lyons, Ben. 2008. "Is there a sustainable fibre?: the case of Australian Merino Wool." Reducing the Impact of Textiles on the Environment Group 3rd Annual Conference (RITE 2008). London, United Kingdom 06 Oct 2009


Rebuilding an industry brand with green credentials: the global wool industry
Lyons, Ben. 2009. "Rebuilding an industry brand with green credentials: the global wool industry." Ecotextiles Japan Forum (2009). Osaka, Japan 14 Sep 2009 Tokyo, Japan.


Gender differences in the longitudinal association between obesity, and disability with workplace absenteeism in the Australian working population
Keramat, Syed Afroz, Alam, Khorshed, Gow, Jeff and Biddle, Stuart. 2020. "Gender differences in the longitudinal association between obesity, and disability with workplace absenteeism in the Australian working population." PLoS One. 15 (5), pp. 1-14.


Research and rural economies: delivering insight and impact in regional Australia
Lyons, Benjamin B.. 2018. "Research and rural economies: delivering insight and impact in regional Australia." Regional Universities: Anchor Institutions Transforming their Regions (2018). Gold Coast, Australia 13 Sep 2018 Australia.


The changing relationship between health burden and work disability of Australian cancer survivors, 2003–2017: Evidence from a longitudinal survey
Mahumud, Rashidul Alam, Alam, Khorshed, Dunn, Jeff and Gow, Jeff. 2020. "The changing relationship between health burden and work disability of Australian cancer survivors, 2003–2017: Evidence from a longitudinal survey." BMC Public Health. 20, pp. 1-14.


How Sedentary Are University Students? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Castro, Oscar, Bennie, Jason, Vergeer, Ineke, Bosselut, Gregoire and Biddle, Stuart J.H.. 2020. "How Sedentary Are University Students? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis." Prevention Science. 21 (3), pp. 332-343.


Using the Behavior Change Wheel to Understand University Students’ Prolonged Sitting Time and Identify Potential Intervention Strategies
Castro, Oscar, Vergeer, Ineke, Bennie, Jason, Cagas, Jonathan and Biddle, Stuart J.H.. 2021. "Using the Behavior Change Wheel to Understand University Students’ Prolonged Sitting Time and Identify Potential Intervention Strategies." International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 28, pp. 360-371.


Research Review: Recommendations for reporting on treatment trials for child and adolescent anxiety disorders - an international consensus statement
Creswell, Cathy, Nauta, Maaike H., Hudson, Jennifer L., March, Sonja, Reardon, Tessa, Arendt, Kristian, Bodden, Denise, Cobham, Vanessa E., Donovan, Caroline, Halldorsson, Brynjar, In-Albon, Tina, Ishikawa, Shin-ichi, Johnsen, Daniel Bach, Jolstedt, Maral, de Jong, Rachel, Kreuze, Leonie, Mobach, Lynn, Rapee, Ronald M., Spence, Susan H., ..., Kendall, Philip C.. 2021. "Research Review: Recommendations for reporting on treatment trials for child and adolescent anxiety disorders - an international consensus statement." Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 62 (3), pp. 255-269.


Australian financial services business in China
Schubert, Jeff and Lyons, Ben. 2016. Australian financial services business in China. Shanghai, China. Australian Chamber of Commerce Shanghai.

Discussion paper

Sowing the seeds: creating a regional innovation ecosystem in Goondiwindi
Renando, Chad and Lyons, Ben. 2019. Sowing the seeds: creating a regional innovation ecosystem in Goondiwindi. Toowoomba, Queensland. Rural Economies Centre of Excellence.

Project report

A new framework for automatic detection of patients with mild cognitive impairment using resting-state EEG signals
Siuly, Siuly, Alcin, Omer Faruk, Kabir, Enamul, Sengur, Abdulkadir, Wang, Hua, Zhang, Yanchun and Whittaker, Frank. 2020. "A new framework for automatic detection of patients with mild cognitive impairment using resting-state EEG signals." IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 28 (9), pp. 1966-1976.


Wealth stratified inequalities in service utilisation of breast cancer screening across the geographical regions: A pooled decomposition analysis
Mahumud, Rashidul Alam, Alam, Khorshed, Keramat, Syed Afroz, Renzaho, Andre M.N., Hossain, Md. Golam, Haque, Rezwanul, Ormsby, Gail M., Dunn, Jeff and Gow, Jeff. 2020. "Wealth stratified inequalities in service utilisation of breast cancer screening across the geographical regions: A pooled decomposition analysis." Archives of Public Health. 78, pp. 1-12.


Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy with minimal therapist support for anxious children and adolescents: predictors of response
Spence, Susan H, Prosser, Samantha, March, Sonja and Donovan, Caroline. 2020. "Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy with minimal therapist support for anxious children and adolescents: predictors of response." Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 61 (8), pp. 914-927.


Practical approaches to pedagogically rich online tutorials in health professions education
Seymour-Walsh, Amy, Weber, Anthony and Bell, Andy. 2020. "Practical approaches to pedagogically rich online tutorials in health professions education." Rural and Remote Health. 20 (2).

Notes or commentaries

Pedagogical foundations to online lectures in health professions education
Seymour-Walsh, Amy, Weber, Anthony and Bell, Andy. 2020. "Pedagogical foundations to online lectures in health professions education." Rural and Remote Health. 20 (2).


Adapting to a new reality: COVID-19 coronavirus and online education in the health professions
Seymour-Walsh, Amy, Bell, Andy, Weber, Anthony and Smith, Tony. 2020. "Adapting to a new reality: COVID-19 coronavirus and online education in the health professions." Rural and Remote Health. 20 (2).

Notes or commentaries

Stressors and protective factors among regional and metropolitan Australian medical doctors: A mixed methods investigation
Clough, Bonnie A., Ireland, Michael J., Leane, Sheena, March, Sonja, Clough B.A., Ireland M.J., Leane S. and March S.. 2020. "Stressors and protective factors among regional and metropolitan Australian medical doctors: A mixed methods investigation." Journal of Clinical Psychology. 76 (7), pp. 1362-1389.


The archaeology of the Secret War: The material evidence of conflict on the Queensland frontier 1849-1901
Barker, Bryce, Wallis, Lynley A., Burke, Heather, Cole, Noelene, Lowe, Kelsey, Artym, Ursula, Pagels, Anthony, Bateman, Leanne, Hatte, Elizabeth, De Leiuen, Cherrie, Davidson, Iain and Zimmerman, Larry. 2020. "The archaeology of the Secret War: The material evidence of conflict on the Queensland frontier 1849-1901." Queensland Archaeological Research. 23, pp. 25-41.


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Acharya, Rajendra

Adie, Joshua

Ahmad, Kabir

Alam, Khorshed

Alderman, Lyn

Austin, Gavin

Baguley, Margaret

Baillie, Justine

Baliunas, Dolly

Balloo, Kieran

Barker, Bryce

Barua, Prabal

Batorowicz, Beata

Beccaria, Lisa

Beni, Teppsy

Biddle, Stuart

Bird, Stephen

Black, Barbara

Black, Rebecca

Bliss, Edward

Brock, Anne

Bromdal, Annette

Brownlow, Charlotte

Bryce, India

Cameron, Lainie

Cantrell, Kate

Carniel, Jess

Cavaye, Jim

Cobon, David

Collins, Pauline

Conway, Joan

Copley, Julie

Cripps, Camilla

Crowley-Cyr, Lynda

Currey, Phillip

Daken, Kirstie

Dallinger, Vicki

Davey, Chris

De Daunton, Fynn

Denham, Josh

Deo, Ravinesh

Deravin, Linda

Dewhirst, Catherine

Dinh, Toan

Dooley, Leanne

Dunn, Jeff

Eacersall, Douglas

East, Leah

Fein, Erich

Fogarty, Gerry

Forbes, Melissa

Fuller, Andrea

Gildersleeve, Jessica

Girardi, Anna

Girdlestone, Denise

Goh, Steven

Graham, Coralie

Gray, Marion

Green, Anna

Gururajan, Raj

Habib, Habib

Hafeez-Baig, Abdul

Halliwell, Sherree

Ham, Saleena

Harris, Lottie

Hart, Bonnie

Heneka, Nicole

Hoffman, Ben

Issac, Hancy

Johnson, Laurie

Johnston, Venerina

Jones, Nicole

Joyce, Daniel

Judith, Kate

Karalasingham, Sagthitharan

Khanam, Rasheda

Kidd, Chloe

Kimpton, Anthony

King, Helena

Knapp, Tyson

Kolbe-Alexander, Tracy

Krishnamoorthy, Govind

Lamb, Lara

Lamont-Mills, Andrea

Larsen, Brianna

Li, Yan

Long, David

Luke, Jennifer

Lyons, Ben

Machin, Tanya

March, Sonja

Marrington, Jessica

Martin, Neil

Mason, Andrew

McIlveen, Peter

McInnerney, Marlyn

McKibbin, Sarah

McNamara, Noeleen

McWilliam, Kelly

Mellor, Robert

Mills, Dean

Mullens, Amy

Munn, Kylie

Nguyen, Van

Nisar, Tanzeela

Nwose, Uba

Ong, Lin

Osborne, Sonya

Palmer, Jane

Persian, Jayne

Pillay, Yosheen

Pocock, Celmara

Prentice, Catherine

Pringle, Kyle

Quince, Zach

Rajapakshe, Thejan

Rana, Rajib

Redmond, Petrea

Renando, Chad

Ribeiro, Gianni

Richardson, Meg

Roberts, Casey

Roscher, Pierre

Rowe, Arlen

Ryan, Naomi

Sarker, Tapan

Schaefer, Isabelle

Schaffer, Krystal

Schoville, Benjamin

Scollen, Rebecca

Shammi, Sayma

Sharma, Sita

Shrestha, Anup

Singh-Peterson, Lila

Siuly, .

Skinner, Jazmine

Smart, Sally

Somasundaraswaran, Soma

Southey, Kim

Stains, Pamela

Steggall, David

Stevenson, Ana

Stewart, Kim

Stratton-Maher, Dianne

SueSee, Brendan

Sulway, Nike

Tan, Benjamin

Taylor, Melissa

Te'o, Rebecca

Terry, Daniel

Terry, Peter

Thaichon, Park

Thangavelu, Eddie

Timoshanko, Aaron

Turner, Michelle

Usher, Nina

Walker, Dennis

Wang, Grace

Ward, Aletha

Watling, Chris

Westwood, Anita

Whiteside, Eliza

Wiesner, Retha

Woolcock, Geoffrey

Young, Simon

Zhou, Xujuan

Zhu, Yuting

Zieschank, Kirsty