Comparison study of different head model structures with homogeneous/inhomogeneous conductivity

The statistical analysis of quality traits in plant improvement programs with application to the mapping of milling yield in wheat

Mapping components of flour and noodle colour in Australian wheat

Photosensitization of the sunscreen octyl-p-dimethylaminobenzoate by UVA in human melanocytes but not in keratinocytes

Usage of real-time ultraviolet radiation data to modify the daily erythemal exposure of primary schoolchildren

Numerical modelling of air temperature and velocity in a forced and free ventilation piggery

Prosthetic gods: travel, representation and colonial governance

Targetting AFLP-DNA markers to specific traits and chromosome regions

Enhanced shoot regeneration in nine Australian wheat cultivars by spermidine and water stress treatments

Innovation in service internationalization: the crucial role of the frantrepreneur

Misconceptions and misuse of the MMPI-2 in assessing personal injury claimants

Fructan 2000

A discursive psychological approach to the construction of gender identity in elite sport

ENSIP: the El Nino simulation intercomparison project

Attitudes towards information privacy

Occupational exposures: balancing the costs of prevention vs treatment in operating theatres, with particular focus on double gloving practices

Asian-Australian Relation and Identities: Alter/Asians: Asian-Australian Identities in Art, Media, and Popular Culture by Ien Ang, Sharon chalmers, Lisa Law and Mandy Thomas

Vitamin D Insufficiency In south-east Queensland

Two-Medium Photogrammetry for Bottlenose Dolphin Studies

Genetic mapping of gray leaf spot (GLS) resistance genes in maize

Physical Education, Positivism, and Optimistic Claims From Achievement Goal Theorists: A Response to Pringle (2000)

Spatial distinction of source areas during wind erosion events in the channel country of western Queensland, Australia

The construction of gender identity in elite sports: a mixed methods exploration

Mood and performance: test of a conceptual model with a focus on depressed mood

A balanced approach to capturing user requirements in business-to-consumer web information systems

Examining similarities among phases of business cycles: is the 1990's US expansion similar to the 1960's?

Coupled thermomechanical waves in hyperbolic thermoelasticity

Coupled thermomechanical dynamics of phase transitions in shape memory alloys and related hysteresis phenomena

Holistic discretisation ensures fidelity to Burger's equation

Effects of spatial variations in source areas upon dust concentration profiles during three wind erosion events in Australia

Lessons to be learned and benefits to be gained from a collaborative school university music teaching experience in an Australian undergraduate teacher education program

An exploratory study on performance dimensions of sub-regional shopping centers

Narco-travelogues and capital's appetites

Generic description of a software document environment

Assessing the accuracy and integrity of RTK GPS beneath high voltage power lines

Distance, multimedia and web delivery in surveying and GIS courses at the University Of Southern Queensland

Comparison of a d-GPS system and conventional guidance for spraying applications

Review - microwave processing of materials: part III

Review - microwave processing of materials: part II

Review - microwave processing of materials: part I

Permittivity measurement of thermoplastic composites at elevated temperature

Applications of fixed and variable frequency microwave (VFM) facilities in polymeric materials processing and joining

Bootstrap confidence intervals for predicted rainfall quantiles

Globalisation and open and distance learning: possibilities and problems for nomadic and traveller education

The Wolf Man's burden

Diversity management in small companies: city council case study

Sick puppies and other unbecoming things

Government funding for English Traveller education support services

Travellers under the Southern Cross: Australian show people, national identities and difference

The researcher as occupational traveller: from strategic essentialism to creative understanding

Balancing the scales of confidence: computers in early undergraduate mathematics learning

Technology and hand calculation in the new e-math generation: how do they learn? How should we teach?

What problems? No problems! Disabled people studying or working within an engineering-based environment

Modelling human facial UV exposure

Witch images in Australian children's literature

The ethical nature of the mother-midwife relationship: a feminist perspective

Ambient and personal solar ultraviolet exposure measurements

The application of microwave sensing to the measurement of cheese curd moisture

A teleconnection between the Southern Hemisphere mid-latitude and equatorial ocean (Abstract)

E-Commerce enabling technologies

Process improvement in four small software companies

Climate change: what is happening in the ocean?

Intermediate water mass production controlled by southern hemisphere winds

Educational implications of the values held by Australian Aboriginal students

Validation of a questionnaire to measure mathematics confidence, computer confidence, and attitudes to the use of technology for learning mathematics

Time discounting in relation to career preferences

The distinctive nature of music education and music teacher education

Book floods and comprehensible input floods: providing ideal conditions for second language acquisition

How we serve e-clients over the sea

A case study of the role of collective bargaining in corporate change - Qantas Airways Limited

A finite difference routine for the solution of transient one dimensional heat conduction problems with curvature and varying thermal properties

Fifth generation distance education

Variations in the erythemal ultraviolet exposure to the human facial region

A consumer anonymity scalable payment scheme with role based access control

Watch your step!

Stress fractures of the tibia: can personality traits help us detect the injury-prone athlete?

Evidence for early Holocene change in the Whitsunday Islands: a new radiocarbon determination, Nara Inlet 1

Fluorescence spectroscopy in biochemistry: teaching basic principles with visual demonstrations

Learning on the run: traveller education for itinerant show children in coastal and western Queensland

Unequal error protection applied to JPEG image transmission using turbo codes

Recognitive justice: renewed commitment to socially just schooling

Managers must model: the use and abuse of spreadsheets

Anomalous grain coarsening behaviour observed in grain-refined aluminium alloy cast using low superheat

Designing the curriculum to cater for generic skills and student diversity: a shift in thinking

The human side of small and medium enterprises

Consumer insolvency in Australia

Fibre composite bridge decks: an alternative approach

The active Algol binary KZ Pavonis

Choice of law in cross-border insolvencies: matters of substance and procedure

Syntheses and crystal structures of binuclear gold(1), silver (1) and copper (1) complexes containing bulky pyridly functionalised alkyl ligands

Becoming schoolgirls: the ambivalent project of subjectification

Models encompassing hydraulic jumps in radial flows over a horizontal plate

Early intervention: a second chance to learn what? For whom? Narratives of learning, discipline and enculturation

Evoking the past: exploring nostalgia's relevance to sport consumption

Applications of microwaves in non-destructive testing

BEM-RBF approach for viscoelastic flow analysis

In the footsteps of Florey: utilising cultured microfungi in the search for new antibiotics

Admission control schemes for bursty multimedia traffic

A tradeoff between increased network speed and reduced effective bandwidths

Proceedings of the 4th Operations Research Conference of the Australian Society for Operations Research Queensland Branch

Authority and influence: Australian literary criticism 1950-2000

Antibiotic susceptibility and resistance

Comparison of blind source separation algorithms

Organisational commitment in an era of restructuring

Business networks: spanning boundaries and incorporating teams

Restructuring in the Australian banking industry

Competency auditing: is there an 'ideal' human resource management graduate?

Assessment of domestic evacuated tube direct solar water heater

Analysis of a roof-top combined photovoltaic / solar thermal plant at Christchurch

Occupational deafness: helping farmers to fence off excessive noise

Mathematics for math anxious students studying at a distance

A professional school-university partnership in primary music education

Simply doing music: upper primary

Spectral schemes on triangular elements

Relationship between transembrane ion movements, production of reactive oxygen species and the hypersensitive response during the challenge of tobacco suspension cells by zoospores of Phytophthora nicotianae

Coaching preferences of athletes in Brunei Darussalam and Great Britain: a cross-cultural test of the path-goal theory.

A voyage in God's canoe: law and legislation in Melanesia

Academics and first-year students: collaborating to access success in an unfamiliar university culture

Interpreting a sacred landscape: Aboriginal religion and the law in Australia in the 1990s

Duty free forum shopping: disputing venue in the Pacific

Family tries

GST and insolvency practitioner liability: who are you?

Image mining: issues, frameworks and techniques

Crafting effective problems for problem-based learning

Creating an emotional space for artificial beings

The university versus the people

Introduction [to Authority and influence: Australian literary criticism 1950-2000]

Norias and ferris wheels: benefits, interests and ethics in researching Venezuelan and Australian fairground people’s educational experiences

Ecotourism and the conservation ethic: recruiting the uninitiated or preaching to the converted?

Online pedagogy as a challenge to the traditional distance education paradigm

Dynamics of precipitation climatology of the Southwest Pacific Region

China: a cultural and historical dictionary by Michael Dillon

Under the Soviet Shadow: The Yining Incident by David Wang

Shared primer PCR combined with hybridisation for the detection of Bordetella Pertussis and B. Parapertussis

A review of the educational needs of nurses administering cancer chemotherapy in rural and remote areas of Queensland

Primary responsibilities and primary risks by Alan Ryan

Australian industrial relations in a south east Asian context by Stanley Petzall, Nils Timo and Keith Abbott

Wireless applications: influences and risks of location identification technologies

Concept of 'community' for improved market chain development: an alternative approach

Becoming racially aware: explorations of identity and whiteness with pre-service teachers

An information-driven framework for image mining

A comparative study of software to aid the development of a conceptual framework for instructional design theory

Construction of three linkage maps in bread wheat, Triticum aestivum

Immobilization of monocentric and polycentric types of anaerobic chytrid fungi in Ca-alginate

Functional development of the inferior colliculus (IC) and its relationship with the auditory brainstem response (ABR) in the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii)

Temporal relationship between the auditory brainstem response and focal responses of auditory nerve root and cochlear nucleus during development in the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii)

Selecting sites suitable for animal waste application using a raster GIS

Allelopathy, DIMBOA production and genetic variability in accessions of Triticum speltoides

Establishment and characterisation of wheat genetic mapping populations

A note on efficient facility layout planning in a maximally planar graph model

A new turning point signalling system using the Markov switching model with application to Japan, the USA and Australia

Transition to self-similarity of diffusion of tracer in turbulent patch

Reproductive pair correlations and the clustering of organisms

Assessment of effective thermal product of surface junction thermocouples on millisecond and microsecond time scales

Comparison of regime switching, probit and logit models in dating and forecasting US business cycles

Is there an Indian Ocean dipole and is it independent of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation?

Expression of a polygalacturonase enzyme in germinating pollen of Brassica napus

An analogue genetic algorithm for solving job shop scheduling problems

Cross-cultural equivalence of the organisational culture survey in Australia

On characteristic times in generalized thermoelasticity

Modelling the confinement of spilled oil with floating booms

Numerical solution of Navier-Stokes equations using multiquadric radial basis function networks

Numerical solution of differential equations using multiquadric radial basis function networks

Spray drift of pesticides arising from aerial application in cotton

Some factors in the development of self-efficacy beliefs for computer use among teacher education students

A performance index for topology and shape optimization of plate bending problems with displacement constraints

Generating optimal strut-and-tie models in prestressed concrete beams by performance-based optimization

The role of satisfaction with occupational status, neuroticism, financial strain and categories of experience in predicting mental health in the unemployed

Searching convective/absolute instability boundary for flows with fully numerical dispersion relation

Practice vs praxis: constructing models for practitioner-based research

Student mobility: moving beyond deficit views

Processing of polymer matrix composites using variable frequency microwave (VFM)

Another Malaysia: Maniam's short stories

Word length and phonological similarity effects in simple, complex and delayed serial recall tasks: implications for working memory

Cui bono?: Investigating benefits and interests in educational research

Preliminary UV, ozone and cloud comparison between southern and northern hemisphere, sub-tropical latitude sites during 1996/1997

Effect of cloud on UVA and exposure to humans

Resolving the troubled IT-business relationship from a cultural perspective

Propeller heads - handle with care: improving the IT-business relationship through cultural awareness

Spectral shade ratios on horizontal and sun normal surfaces for single trees and relatively cloud free sky

Comparison between seasons of the ultraviolet environment in the shade of trees in Australia

Diffuse Solar UV Radiation and Implications for Preventing Human Eye Damage

Antarctic intermediate water mass formation in ocean general circulation models

Solar ultraviolet exposures at ground level in tree shade during summer in south east Queensland

A model of suspended sediment transport by internal tides

The forgotten Indian connection: Australian soldiers of the Raj: 1919-1939

Optically addressed pressure sensors for transient gas dynamics: calibration of a preliminary design

What is the future of sales executives in the travel industry

Development of a motivation-based taxonomy of adult sport participants using a self-determination theory perspective.

MergerMarginMark[Me]: exploring digital technologies in film and electronic media

Duty free forum shopping: disputing venue in the Pacific

Duty free forum shopping: disputing venue in the Pacific

Australia needs more Indigenous nurses

The old, the new and the complicated: a trilogy of marketing relationships

Effect of intravenous infusion of leptin on the pituitary-adrenal axis in the sheep fetus

Ultradian rhythms in adult entire and castrate male and female merino sheep

Plasma leptin concentrations in sheep following dietary restriction

On the comparison of the pre-test and shrinkage estimators for the univariate normal mean

Modeling a futures market under the General Equilibrium Model

Evasion of the toxic effects of oxygen

Critical success factors for regional community portals: a preliminary model

Movement patterns of female feral camels in central and northern Australia

Encounters along the road: researchers’ journeys in Australian traveller education

Extended seasonal prediction of precipitation in Fiji

Probabilistic failure of a cracked submarine pipeline and subjected to the underwater shock

Possible effects of English-Chinese language differences on the processing of mathematical text: A review

Women Inmates' Accounts of Education in Queensland Corrections

Physical traits of goat meat: a comparison between meat from castrated and entire Boer bucks

Lot-fed goats — the advantages of using an enriched environment

Growth of goats for meat production: effect of breed and castration

Carcass composition of entire and castrated full blood improved Boer bucks