3901. Curriculum and pedagogy

Title3901. Curriculum and pedagogy
Parent39. Education

Latest research outputs

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Shady Bay Resort: an accounting practice set using MYOB Accounting Plus V16 and V17
Kavanagh, Marie and Brown, Marian. 2008. Shady Bay Resort: an accounting practice set using MYOB Accounting Plus V16 and V17. Sydney, Australia. Pearson Education Australia.

Authored book

Glowarm Traders manual accounting practice set
Kavanagh, Marie and Brown, Marian. 2007. Glowarm Traders manual accounting practice set . Sydney, Australia. Pearson Education Australia.

Authored book

Glowarm Traders MYOBv17: accounting practice set
Kavanagh, Marie and Brown, Marian. 2008. Glowarm Traders MYOBv17: accounting practice set. Sydney, Australia. Pearson Education Australia.

Authored book

Statement of cash flows
Byrne, Suzanne. 2010. "Statement of cash flows." Accounting: business reporting for decision making, 3rd ed.. Brisbane, Australia. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 244-301

Edited book (chapter)

Accounting: business reporting for decision making, 3rd ed.
Birt, Jacqueline, Chalmers, Keryn, Byrne, Suzanne, Brooks, Albie and Oliver, Judy. 2010. Accounting: business reporting for decision making, 3rd ed. Brisbane, Australia. John Wiley & Sons.

Authored book

Financial accounting, 6th ed.
Horngren, Charles T., Harrison, Walter T., Fraser, David, Best, Peter and Willett, Roger. 2010. Financial accounting, 6th ed. Sydney, Australia. Pearson Australia Group.

Authored book

Accounting, 6th ed.
Horngren, Charles T., Harrison, Walter T., Bamber, Linda S., Best, Peter, Fraser, David and Willett, Roger. 2009. Accounting, 6th ed. Sydney, Australia. Pearson Australia Group.

Authored book

Kids with more zip: a practical resource for educators/carers focusing on long-term health and movement experiences for children ages 3-12, 2nd ed.
Brown, Alice and Landy, Joanne. 2010. Kids with more zip: a practical resource for educators/carers focusing on long-term health and movement experiences for children ages 3-12, 2nd ed. Sydney, Australia. Pearson Education Australia.

Authored book

Education for sustainable development in tourism: empowering future generations
Horvath, Zsuzsanna. 2011. "Education for sustainable development in tourism: empowering future generations." Matic, Jennifer and Wallington, Clint J. (ed.) 29th Annual EuroCHRIE Conference 2011: Tourism and Hospitality, Drivers of Transition. Dubrovnik, Croatia 19 - 22 Oct 2011 Rochester, NY. United States.


Embedding the development and grading of generic skills across the business curriculum
Vu, Tori, Rigby, Brendon, Mather, Glyn, Wood, Leigh, Thomas, Theda, Dixon, Peter, Daly, Ann, Clark-Murphy, Marilyn, Kavanagh, Marie, Petocz, Peter and Levenson, Lynne. 2011. Embedding the development and grading of generic skills across the business curriculum. Sydney, Australia. Australian Learning and Teaching Council Limited.

Project report

Rewiring our teaching practice
McIntyre, Jennifer. 2011. Rewiring our teaching practice. Masters Thesis Master of Education. University of Southern Queensland.

Masters Thesis

Framework for orienting engineering undergraduate final year projects towards new product innovation process
Al-Shalabi, Ammar, Chee, S. B., Singh, Narish and Yousif, B. F.. 2008. "Framework for orienting engineering undergraduate final year projects towards new product innovation process." Soliman, Khalid S. (ed.) 10th Conference on Innovation and Knowledge Management in Business Globalization (IBIMA 2008). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 30 Jun - 01 Jul 2008 Norristown, PA. United States.


Musicking as literacy: possibilities and pragmatisms for literacies learning
Riddle, Stewart. 2014. "Musicking as literacy: possibilities and pragmatisms for literacies learning." Barton, Georgina (ed.) Literacy in the Arts: Retheorising Learning and Teaching. Switzerland. Springer. pp. 235-249

Edited book (chapter)

Digital futures dictating pedagogy in undergraduate health and physical education teacher preparation
Wilson-Gahan, Susan. 2013. "Digital futures dictating pedagogy in undergraduate health and physical education teacher preparation." White, Julie (ed.) Annual International Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education 2013 (AARE 2013): Shaping Australian Educational Research. Adelaide, Australia 01 - 05 Dec 2013 Melbourne, Australia.


Report on the assessment and accreditation of learners using open education resources (OER)
Conrad, Dianne, Mackintosh, Wayne, McGreal, Rory, Murphy, Angela and Witthaus, Gabi. 2013. Report on the assessment and accreditation of learners using open education resources (OER). Athabasca, AB. Canada. Commonwealth of Learning.


The Viva Voce as an authentic assessment for clinical psychology students
Beccaria, Gavin. 2013. "The Viva Voce as an authentic assessment for clinical psychology students." Australian Journal of Career Development. 22 (3), pp. 139-142. https://doi.org/10.1177/1038416213498713


Learning through story: a collaborative multimodal arts approach
Barton, Georgina and Baguley, Margaret. 2014. "Learning through story: a collaborative multimodal arts approach." English Teaching: Practice and Critique. 13 (2), pp. 93-112.


Comment on: Thompson D.R. & Darbyshire P. (2013) Is academic nursing being sabotaged by its own killer elite?
Ralph, Nicholas. 2013. "Comment on: Thompson D.R. & Darbyshire P. (2013) Is academic nursing being sabotaged by its own killer elite?" Journal of Advanced Nursing. 69 (5), pp. 1212-1213. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.12104


Developing clinical competency in crisis event management: an integrated simulation problem-based learning activity
Liaw, S. Y., Chen, F. G., Klainin, P., Brammer, J., O'Brien, A. and Samarasekera, D. D.. 2010. "Developing clinical competency in crisis event management: an integrated simulation problem-based learning activity." Advances in Health Sciences Education. 15 (3), pp. 403-413. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10459-009-9208-9


RN as gatekeeper: gatekeeping as monitoring and supervision
Brammer, Jillian D.. 2008. "RN as gatekeeper: gatekeeping as monitoring and supervision." Journal of Clinical Nursing. 17 (14), pp. 1868-1876. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2702.2008.02376.x


Getting it right: transparency, moderation and benchmarking across the first year curriculum
Shircore, Mandy, Corbett-Jarvis, Nichola, Collins, Pauline and Schillmoller, Anne. 2011. "Getting it right: transparency, moderation and benchmarking across the first year curriculum." 66th Conference of the Australasian Law Teachers Association (ALTA 2011): My Lawyer Rules: Assuring Legal and Education Standards. Brisbane, Australia 03 - 06 Jul 2011 Sydney, Australia.


Diving into reading: revisiting reciprocal teaching in the middle years
Meyer, Kylie. 2010. "Diving into reading: revisiting reciprocal teaching in the middle years." Literacy Learning: The Middle Years. 18 (1), pp. 41-52.


A collaborative approach to reading workshop in the middle years
Meyer, Kylie Elizabeth. 2010. "A collaborative approach to reading workshop in the middle years." The Reading Teacher: a journal of the International Reading Association. 63 (6), pp. 501-507. https://doi.org/10.1598/RT.63.6.7


Making meaning in mathematics problem-solving using the reciprocal teaching approach
Meyer, Kylie. 2014. "Making meaning in mathematics problem-solving using the reciprocal teaching approach." Literacy Learning: The Middle Years. 22 (2), pp. 7-14.


Homeschooling: challenging traditional views of public education
Green, Nicole. 2007. "Homeschooling: challenging traditional views of public education." Kincheloe, Joe L. and Horn, Raymond A. (ed.) The Praeger handbook of education and psychology, vol. 4. Portsmouth, NH. United States. Greenwood Publishing Group. pp. 768-779

Edited book (chapter)

Canadian children's literature: an Alberta survey
Bainbridge, Joyce, Carbonaro, Mike and Green, Nicole. 2005. "Canadian children's literature: an Alberta survey." Alberta Journal of Educational Research. 51 (4), pp. 311-327.


Yulunga: traditional indigenous games
Edwards, Ken. 2008. Yulunga: traditional indigenous games. Canberra, Australia. Australian Sports Commission.

Authored book

A typology of the traditional games of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Edwards, Ken. 2012. A typology of the traditional games of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Esk, Australia. Ram Skulls Press.

Authored book

A work integrated learning (WIL) framework to develop graduate skills and attributes in a university's accounting and business courses
Leong, Raymond and Kavanagh, Marie. 2011. "A work integrated learning (WIL) framework to develop graduate skills and attributes in a university's accounting and business courses." RMIT Accounting Educators' Conference, 2011. Melbourne, Australia 14 Nov 2011


Papers in legal studies part 2
Gray, Anthony. 2014. Papers in legal studies part 2. Brisbane, Australia. Business Educators' Association of Queensland.

Authored book

The acquisition of novel word meanings from recreational reading under massed and distributed learning conditions
Wray, Colin Christopher MacCallum. 2014. The acquisition of novel word meanings from recreational reading under massed and distributed learning conditions. Doctorate other than PhD Doctor of Education. University of Southern Queensland.

Doctorate other than PhD

Blood and bones: the influence of the mass media on Australian primary school children’s understandings of genes and DNA
Donovan, Jennifer and Venville, Grady. 2014. "Blood and bones: the influence of the mass media on Australian primary school children’s understandings of genes and DNA." Science and Education. 23 (2), pp. 325-360. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11191-012-9491-3


Three perspectives on a collaborative, whole-of-program process of curriculum change
Hammer, Sara, McDonald, Janet and Forbes, Melissa. 2014. "Three perspectives on a collaborative, whole-of-program process of curriculum change." Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability. 5 (1), pp. 47-62.


New perspectives in physical education: using online learning to promote critical thinking and collaborative skills
Cote, Paulette, Chen, Shihui and Keppell, Michael J.. 2008. "New perspectives in physical education: using online learning to promote critical thinking and collaborative skills." Asian Journal of Exercise and Sports Science. 5 (1), pp. 57-61.


Redesigning curricula using blended learning: a development-based research approach
Keppell, Michael J.. 2010. "Redesigning curricula using blended learning: a development-based research approach." Higgs, Joy, Fish, Della, Goulter, Ian, Loftus, Stephen, Reid, Jo-Anne and Trede, Franziska (ed.) Education for future practice. Rotterdam, Netherlands. Sense Publishers. pp. 217-227

Edited book (chapter)

Exposing the social scientist
Peel, Karen and McLennan, Brad. 2010. "Exposing the social scientist." Philp, Karren and Kanganas, Alec (ed.) 2010 AATE/ALEA National Conference: aWAy With Words: Exploring the Ambiguities in Literacy and English Education. Perth, Western Australia 04 - 07 Jul 2010 Adelaide, Australia.


Motivational pedagogy: locking in the learning
McLennan, Brad and Peel, Karen. 2008. "Motivational pedagogy: locking in the learning." The Australian Educational Leader. 30 (1), pp. 22-27.


Undergraduate nursing studies: the first-year experience
Birks, Melanie, Chapman, Ysanne, Ralph, Nicholas, McPherson, Carol, Eliot, Matt and Coyle, Meaghan. 2013. "Undergraduate nursing studies: the first-year experience." Journal of Institutional Research. 18 (1), pp. 26-35.


Exploring the influence of the mass media on primary students' conceptual understanding of genetics
Donovan, Jennifer and Venville, Grady. 2012. "Exploring the influence of the mass media on primary students' conceptual understanding of genetics." Education 3-13: the professional journal for primary education. 40 (1), pp. 75-95. https://doi.org/10.1080/03004279.2012.635058


Australian constitutional law: commentary and cases
Ratnapala, Suri, Koch, Cornelia, Thomas, John and Karean, Vanitha. 2007. Australian constitutional law: commentary and cases. Melbourne, Australia. Oxford University Press.

Authored book