A preliminary study to determine attitudes towards plagiarism in information systems

A preliminary study to determine the role of organizational knowledge in computer security

Network Structures: Working Differently And Changing Expectations

From Consultation to Participatory Governance? A Critical Review of Citizen Engagement Strategies in Queensland

Determinants of overdose incidents among illicit opioid users in 5 Canadian cities

Natural arsenic in the groundwater of the alluvial aquifers of Santiago del Estero Province, Argentina

Co-operative Monitor Web Page Based on MD5

The impact of perioperative education by a nurse led Acute Pain Service on pain management for cardiac surgical patients

Imperatives and strategies for developing an evidence-based practice in perioperative nursing

Separate and interacting effects within the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) are associated with schizophrenia

The Case of Clint Hallam's Wayward Hand: Print Media Representations of the ‘Uncooperative’ Disabled Patient

Coping after cancer: risk perceptions, worry and health behaviors among colorectal cancer survivors

The People Next Door: Understanding Indonesia by Duncan Graham

Desert Sands Jungle Lands: A Biography of Major General Ken Eather by Steve Eather

An application of auction theories to price-trading volume correlations

Groundwater arsenic in the Chaco-Pampean Plain, Argentina: case study from Robles county, Santiago del Estero Province

The Design and Implementation of a Repository for the Management of Spatial Data Integrity Constraints

Genetic analysis of resistance to root-lesion nematode (Pratylenchusthornei) in wheat

Evaluating web-based project information management in construction: capturing the long-term value creation process

Student voices

ETIC and EMIC views of early childhood education in Singapore

Are beginning teachers with a second degree at a higher risk of early career burnout?

Cotton quality - fibre to fabric: fibre properties relationships to fabric quality

A foundational investigation of vinyl ester / cenosphere composite materials for civil and structural engineering

Pesticide effects on body temperature of torpid/hibernating rodents (Peromyscus leucopus and Spermophilus tridecemlineatus)

A quest for the origin of mammal uncoupling proteins

Factors influencing the decision to choose information technology preparatory studies in secondary schools: an exploratory study in regional/rural Australia

Higher education course content: paper-based, online or hybrid course delivery?

An electronic commerce initiative in regional Sri Lanka: the vision for the central province electronic commerce portal

The Left dilemma for the Greens

A corrected quadrature formula and applications

An internet based supervision control and data acquisition system with fault tolerance

The real-time computing model for a network based control system

Educational issues for children of itinerant seasonal farm workers: a case study in an Australian context

Repositioning academic literacy: charting the emergence of a community of practice

China and peripheral conflicts

Recommended methods for the preconditioning of odourous air prior to treatment in organic biofilters

Centre pivot and lateral move machines, 1st ed.

Methods for assessing dam evaporation - an introductory paper

Progression of kyphosis in mdx mice

Staff perceptions of factors related to non-completion in higher education

Participation in asynchronous online discussions for student assessment

Student’s attitudes towards technology-enhanced learning resources for an introductory marketing course

An insight into adolescent transition from rural to urban centres

Improved sky imaging for studies of enhanced UV irradiance

Teacher development in e-learning environments

Spatio-temporal instabilities in mixed convection of air subject to large temperature gradient

Designing twenty-first century teaching and learning spaces for a teacher education

Are we there yet? The journey of ICT integration

Relevance of parent entity financial reports

Engaged academics? dilemmas for early career academics

Higher education for community and citizenship?

Climate justice campaigns and environmental refugees

Words making a difference: what's in a name?

Recognising difference: one of the challenges of using a multiliteracies approach?

I'm your new teacher: the impact of teacher mobility on educational opportunities for marginalised students

The sea people: late Holocene maritime specialisation in the Whitsunday Islands, central Queensland

Emergent voices in Singaporean fiction in English

Occurrence and quantity of precipitation can be modelled simultaneously

Shrinkage reduction of thermoset matrix particle reinforced composites during curing using microwaves irradiation

A mandatory bid rule for Australia: an idea whose time has come

Course management systems: innovation versus managerialism

Knowledge creation and integration in project teams: a study of international telecommunications companies in Singapore

Parent participation in disadvantaged schools: moving beyond attributions of blame

Out of the shadow of Brisbane: CBD development and local identity

Discrimination among potential buloke (Allocasuarina luehmannii) feeding trees by the endangered south-eastern redtailed black-cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus banksii graptogyne)

Can the biotic nestedness matrix be used predictively?

Detaining future dangerous offenders: dangerous law

Flexibility in conflict of laws multistate tort cases: the way forward in Australia

Mobilising spatial risks: reflections on researching Venezuelan and Australian fairground people's educational experiences

Section one section introduction [to Strategic uncertainties: ethics, politics and risk in contemporary educational research]

Challenging enterprises and subcultures: interrogating 'best practice' in Central Queensland University's course management systems

Academic specialists or pathways providers: the changing roles of secondary school teachers in regional Queensland, Australia

Social entrepreneurs?: university academic managers in Venezuela and Australia

Dynamic Dons Down Under: academics' work and identities in one Australian 'enterprise' university in the early 21st century

Promoting strategic scholarship in university teaching and learning: researching student attrition and retention at an Australian 'new generation' university

Lessons for and from Down Under: issues in enhancing learning and teaching in Australian universities in the 21st Century

Evaluating open and distance education at Central Queensland University: three sites of evidence-based practice and reflection

Teaching and learning developments and directions at Central Queensland University

Techniques and strategies of academic writing

A principal's perspective on multiliteracies in an Australian show community: implications for learning as rural engagement

Guest editors' introduction to special theme issue [of Malaysian Journal of Distance Education]: Multiliteracies and distance education: diversities and technologies in contemporary universities

Private and professional lives, pedagogical work and situated learning: the multiliteracies of distance education

Multiliteracies and distance education: diversities and technologies in contemporary universities: special theme issue of Malaysian Journal of Distance Education, Vol. 6 No. 1, 2004

Lifelong learning: whose responsibility and what is your contribution?: refereed papers from the 3rd International Lifelong Learning Conference Yeppoon, Central Queensland, Australia 13-16 June 2004: Hosted by Central Queensland University

Improving health and public safety through knowledge management

Aged care in the future and baby boomers: shall the twain ever meet? - baby boomers and aged care

Potential applications of geospatial information systems for planning and managing aged care services in Australia

Role of the educator in supporting learning in an online environment: vision for the future

Access management in electronic commerce system

Simulating the flow of some non-Newtonian fluids with neural-like networks and stochastic processes

The emergence of the 'Jiang Zemin Era': legitimacy and the development of the political theory of 'Neo-Conservatism' -- 1989-1995

The nature and extent of internet-enabled e-business adoption by Australian wineries, and factors affecting this adoption

The role of nurses in general practice: general practitioners' and practice nurses' perceptions

Scattered and filtered solar UV measurements

Psychological factors influencing unsafe behaviour during medication administration

University journeys: alternative entry students and their construction of a means of succeeding in an unfamiliar university culture

The relational nature of mentoring gifted children using desktop videoconferencing

Structural behaviour of two-way fibre reinforced composite slabs

Improved estimation for linear models under different loss functions

An item and order processing analysis of word length, generation and perceptual interference effects in human memory

The application of the real-time multivariate Madden-Julian Oscillation Index to intraseasonal rainfall forecasting in the mid-latitudes

Examining the utility of a clustering method for analysing psychological test data

Utopia unrealised: an evaluation of a consultancy to develop a national framework for police education and training to enhance frontline response to illicit drug problems in Australia

Principals' processes of professional learning

Strategies for maximising sugarcane yield with limited water in the Bundaberg district

Business ethics: boardroom pressures in an age of moral relativism

Preliminary evidence from Queensland that rural clinical schools have a positive impact on rural intern choices

Gender and citizenship potential in adolescent students

Computer-aided qualitative research: A NUD*IST 6 approach

Diffusion of innovation – the adoption of electronic commerce by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) - a comparative analysis

Hervey Bay in transition: the role of community based information technology in overcoming the great digital divide

Dosimeter for measurement of UVA exposures

Identification and management of dispersive mine spoils

Characterisation of soil profiles on four AFLQ Premier League sporting fields

Solar UV radiation measurements with polysulphone

Steps to internet adoption success: a study of four small regional organisations

Low-rigour, rapid software process assessments for small software development firms

An evaluation of software development practice and assessment-based process improvement in small software development firms

Crop hail damage: insurance loss assessment using remote sensing

Geospatial education to empower business quality

Which qualification: which model

Mapping olive varieties and within-field spatial variability using high resolution QuickBird imagery

The role of the shape parameter in the estimation of the mean vector in multivariate Student-t population

Linking Southern Ocean water masses and Australian rainfall variability

Forecasting with the Madden-Julian Oscillation and the applications for risk management

A model for evaluating textbooks

Promoting diversity through Language-in-Education policies: focus on Australia and the European Union

Multiculturalism and mother tongue maintenance: the case of the Hungarian Diaspora in Queensland

Improving the protective efficiency of shade structures

Annual variation of the angular distribution of the UV beneath public shade structures

Predictive distribution of regression vector and residual sum of squares for normal multiple regression model

Multimodal design and hybrid course materials: developing a new paradigm for course delivery at USQ

Clothes may disguise a fool but his voice will give him away: the challenge of smart service delivery for off-campus students

The contribution to immediate serial recall of rehearsal, search speed, access to lexical memory, and phonological coding: an investigation at the construct level

The role of organizational and individual variables in aircraft maintenance performance

An analysis of current reform agendas in preservice teacher education in Queensland

Effectiveness of preservice music teacher education programs: perceptions of early-career music teachers

Bangsa Malaysia and recent Malaysian english language policies

Planning research in rural and remote areas

The relationship of work support and work demands to individual outcomes and absenteeism of rural nurses

Assessing the antecedents of transfer intentions in a training context

Predicting health outcomes and safety behaviour in taxi drivers

Self-esteem, affectivity, and deprivation: predictors of well-being in the unemployed

Predictors of motivation to learn when training is mandatory

The study-to-work transition of university students with a disability

Australian consumers' expectations for expanded nursing roles in general practice: choice not gatekeeping

General practitioners' perceptions of after hours primary medical care services: a Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia study

Thermal analysis comparison between three random glass fibre-reinforced thermoplastic matrix composites bonded by adhesives using microwaves

A career counsellor internship program

Studying engineering by distance education: an Australian case study

Ending a means to an end: transition from the voluntary administration process to a deed of company arrangement or liquidation

Stability of non-Boussinesq convection via the complex Ginzburg-Landau model

Necessity for a new technology acceptance model to predict adoption of wireless technology in healthcare

Assessment of hail damage to crops using satellite imagery and hand held hyperspectral data

The relationship between system administration and end user license agreements

Mature Australian consumers' adoption and consumption of self-service banking technologies

Enhancing the performance of vector quantizers for data compression and pattern matching using sorted codebooks

Employee involvement : 'how do coal mines in Queensland utilise employee involvement processes?'

Critical success factors in supply chain management at high technology companies.

Factors influencing online purchase intention: the case of health food consumers in Thailand

Multimodal design considerations for developing hybrid course materials: an issue of literacy

Multimodal design for hybrid course materials: developing a new paradigm for delivery

Mode II delamination toughness of z-pinned laminates

Experimental study on z-pin bridging law by pullout test

Confidence in cognition and intrapersonal perception: do we know what we think we know about our own cognitive performance and personality traits?

Transfer of human resource policies and practices from German multinational companies to their subsidiaries in South East Asia

Business networks within a regional industrial cluster

A meta-analytic investigation of occupational stress and related organisational factors: is nursing really a uniquely stressful profession?

Personal solar UV exposure measurements employing modified polysulphone with an extended dynamic range

Cloud cover and horizontal plane eye damaging solar UV exposures

An electronic cash scheme and its management

Semisolid microstructural evolution of AlSi7Mg during partial remelting

Innovation in open and distance learning and teacher education: the case of pre-service secondary vocational education and training at an Australian Regional university

An analytical model for predication of crack spacing due to shrinkage in concrete pavements

The role of exercise and gender for physical self-perceptions and importance ratings in Swedish university students

School revitalisation: The IDEAS way

Work for welfare and civic equality

A Code of Practice for the structural design of fibre composites

Mark Latham's third way: income support, civic renewal and collectivism

Mining informative rule set for prediction

Economic development in the Kimberley region of Western Australia: a history and dependency theory perspective

Measures of national export price volatility based on the capital asset pricing model

Who is a bully at school? International experiences

An exploratory examination of the marketing philosophy utilization in the health industry: a case of preventative family home visiting health program in Australia

An overview of prestressed concrete technology in Australia

After the storm

Integrating imaging spectroscopy (445-2543 nm) and geographic information systems for post-disaster management: a case of hailstorm damage in Sydney

Viewpoint: The future of mechatronics

Agent-based composable simulation for virtual prototyping of fluid power system

Virtual reality for memory rehabilitation

Computation tools for the combat of cardiovascular heart disease

Boundary integral-based domain decomposition technique for solution of Navier Stokes equations

What happens with all that maths? (Part 2)

Netml - an XML-based language for describing networks

Genetic control of dormancy in white-grained wheats of diverse origin

Quantitative analysis of queue management schemes in TCP/IP network routers

Evaluation of spaceborne and airborne hyperspectral data for mapping urban areas

Application of machine vision to determine the density of dingo teeth

Alterations in cardiac dihydropyridine receptors and calcium channel function in MDX mice

Improved ground based sky camera for studies of enhanced spectral UV irradiance

Profiling the caravanning market: an exploratory Australian study

Legal studies in action 1 (2nd ed)

Enhanced approach to consistency in gradient-dependent plasticity

From full employment to the the new service economy

Climate variability, climate forecasting, and improved crop design

After the assessment: actions and reactions of 22 small Australian firms

Does coffee lead to heroin?: youth, drugs and the discourse of Australian modernisation

Use of passive stormwater samplers in water sensitive urban design

Strategic uncertainties: ethics, politics and risk in contemporary educational research

Chronological age determination for adopted children

Online courses: models and strategies for increasing interaction

European chocolate makes the trade go round (in a most delightful way)

Incompatible 4-node element for gradient-dependent plasticity

Wireless emails: issues, challenges and guidelines for implementation

Technologies for climate risk management

Windows into practice: constructing effective science teaching and learning in a school change initiative

Call centres in the mainstream and 'trade' media - 'Where did they come from and how did they get here?'

The accident risk management questionnaire (ARM-Q): a report on two validation studies

Advanced materials science and engineering: 2004 Australia-China Materials Science Symposium, 22nd-25th October 2004, Brisbane, Australia: [special theme issue of] Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Vol. 20, Suppl. 1, 2004

An exploratory study of Australian agribusiness organisations and their selection of e-business models for conducting B2B e-commerce

Processing laser scanner plant data to extract structural information

Best practice in university learning and teaching: learning from our challenges (Part 2): special theme issue of Studies in Learning, Evaluation, Innovation and Development, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 1-76

Best practice in university learning and teaching: learning from our challenges (Part 1): special theme issue of Studies in Learning, Evaluation, Innovation and Development, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. i-ii + 1-62

Wearing your underpants on the outside: investigating children's hero play

Irish women, Aboriginal people, and the law in colonial Australia: race, power and the struggle for inclusion

Online learning: transcending the physical

Mood and emotions in sport

Making a splash: mood responses and swimming performance

Utility of mood profiles in identifying risk of eating disorders among adolescent rowers

Using consensus as a criterion for groupness: implications for the cohesion-group success relationship

Mood and concentration grid performance: effects of depressed mood

Measurement of mood in adolescents with intellectual disability

The European explorers and settlers

Summary offences law and practice Queensland, 2004 ed.

The Hanson trial: please explain?

Becoming a lawyer: from admission to practice under the Legal Profession Act 2004 (Qld)

Legal profession reform in Queensland

Human insecurity in Twenty-First Century China: the vulnerability of women to HIV/AIDS

(Re)inventing artists' research: constructing living forms of theory

Afterword [to Tigers in paradise: the collected works of Philip Jeyaretnam]

City bushman: Henry Lawson and the Australian imagination

A critical analysis of buyer authenticated credit card payment programs: the online merchant's perspective

The Nuctemeron of Sitsky

Maintenance environment survey (MES) (1st version)

Towards a theoretical framework of determinants for the adoption and diffusion of buyer authenticated credit card payment programs: the online merchant's perspective

Black breasts, white milk? Ways of constructing breastfeeding and race in Australia

Decision-making in a voluntary administration

The breadwinner his wife and their welfare: identity, expertise and economic security in Australian post-war reconstruction

Which consumer debtors decide to enter a Part IX agreement?

Retrofitting generic graduate attributes: a case-study of information systems undergraduate programs

Aligning adoption theory with Agile system development methodologies

Introductory programming: what's happening today and will there be any students to teach tomorrow?

Exploring the domain suitability of Agile system development methodologies in aged and community care: a system user perspective

Connecting with the Y Generation: an analysis of factors associated with the academic performance of foundation IS students

A novel dimensionality reduction technique based on independent component analysis for modeling microarray gene expression data

HOS-Miner: a system for detecting outlying subspaces of high-dimensional data

Integrated key exchange protocol capable of revealing spoofing and resisting dictionary attacks

E-business adoption in Australian wineries: DOI perspectives

Security modelling for integrated information systems over the internet

Distributed internet-based e-commerce tools

A new approach to multimedia information filtering based on its structure

Lessons for SMEs in implementing wireless technology solutions

The problems of implementing electronic signatures in a wireless environment

Barriers to the inclusion of wireless technology in aged care applications - a review

A discussion on the legal barriers in addressing sleeping disorders in aged care using wireless technology

Emergence for the need of new legal and regulatory issues on mobile workforce

Legal and regulatory issues of implementation of electronic signatures

Implementation difficulties of electronic signatures in the m-commerce environment

Emergence of new legal and regulatory mechanisms for the internet workforce

MYOB version 13: a hands on approach

The importance and usefulness of financial reporting of municipalities: a case study of municipalities in Mauritius

The virtual organization, information systems and quality

Integrating occupational health and safety with social and economic development

Training strategic problem solvers

Sport as a scaffold to personal and social skills acquisition in VET education and training

Managing the family's wealth in unstable times: role of advisers in wealth preservation using the parallel planning process concept

Impact of advisers on small and medium enterprises' business performances - a study of CPA interventions on Singaporean Chinese SMEs

Managing and controlling family enterprises in changing times - a cross-cultural study of Australian and Sigaporean firms

Satisfaction of Australian families travel experience to the Great Barrier Reef Islands of Queensland

Thoughts of the local residents of Espiritu Santo on Australian visitors

Lifting the veil of GDP and re-defining the concept of development in the context of accounting

Designing a web enhanced multimedia learning environment (WEMLE) for project management

Project management for a developing profession

If global competencies tell us what project managers need to do, what sort of education and training is needed for a competent profession?

Determinants of Japanese aid allocation: an econometric analysis

What are the educational and training requirements for a competent profession?

The use of virtual reality in education

Performance management and appraisal: an applied knowledge management metaphor?

Professional doctorates and DBAs in Australia: dilemmas and opportunities to innovate

A multi-sense approach to information reception and knowledge creation in learning

Effective approaches to designing multimedia methods of teaching and learning quantitative subjects

Keeping the faith: secularism, Muslim schoolgirls and the Islamic headscarf in France

The role of technology in internationalising the language of education

Internet hate: exploring the limits of free speech

Future of the brand management structure in FMCG: A two-dimensional perspective

The role of future technology in education

Technology and innovation in teaching and learning production and operations management

Contradictory influence of context on binocular rivalry

The role of technology based approaches in globalizing education

Contextual factors associated with information systems in a virtual supply chain

A cross national analysis of sport consumption

Sport consumption: exploring the duality of constructs in experiential research

External factors influence e-business adoption: DOI perspectives

Experiential consumption behaviour in sport: a suggested methodology

Understanding the motivations of teenagers for sport related consumption

The role of administrative support staff in preparatory program delivery

Miracle workers or ambulance chasers? The role of administrators in the Part 5.3A process

An exploratory study of Thai employees' preferred style of managers

Peer groups, power and pedagogy: the limits of an educational paradigm of separation

Contextual factors associated with management information systems in a virtual organization

Conflicts, confusions and contradictions in principals' ethical decision making

Singaporean early childhood teachers' responses to myths about child abuse

Application of external post-tensioning for strengthening of headstocks (bent-caps) in bridges

Indirect RBFN method with scattered points for numerical solution of PDEs

Working with boys’ peer cultures: productive pedagogies... productive boys

Research with young children: the use of an affinity group approach to explore the social dynamics of peer culture

How do small business managers make strategic marketing decisions?: A model of process

Optimising the accuracy of a low-cost photogrammetric motion study team

Coastal state fisheries management: a review of Australian enforcement action in the Heard and McDonald Islands Australian Fishing Zone

Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing: an analysis of the legal, economic and historical factors relevant to its development and persistence

An investigation of the influence of nozzle aspect ratio on the velocity field of turbulent plane jet

Testing the waters: fine tuning the provisions of the Fisheries Management Act 1991 (Cth) applicable to foreign fishing boats

An investigation on rainfall patterns and the general circulation in the southwest Pacific region

Application of probability analysis to assess nitrogen supply to grain crops in Northern Australia

The use of a national craniofacial database

Doppler imaging of G-dwarfs in two young open clusters

Using the theory of planned behaviour to predict Bruneian science and mathematics teachers’ intentions to use ICT in teaching

Using the theory of planned behaviour to predict Bruneian teachers' intentions to use ICT in teaching

Principals’ beliefs about teaching with ICT: a model for promoting change

A case study on the establishment of shoreline position

Cardiovascular effects of the toxin(s) of the Australian paralysis tick, Ixodes holocyclus, in the rat

Auditing the ICT experiences of teacher education undergraduates

Designing the choice modelling survey instrument for establishing riparian buffers in the Fitzroy Basin (Establishing the Potential for Offset Trading in the Lower Fitzroy River Research Report No. 3)

Overview of the Fitzroy Basin and opportunities for offset trading (Establishing the Potential for Offset Trading in the Lower Fitzroy River Research Report No. 1)

Promoting and building resilience in primary school communities: evidence from a comprehensive 'Health Promoting School' approach

Measuring cognitive and dispositional characteristics of creativity in elementary students

Effects of leptin on fetal plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol concentrations and the timing of parturition in the sheep

Managing supply chain at high technology companies

Information quality function deployment

The determinants of export demand for higher education in Asia

Leaf respiratory CO2 is 13C-enriched relative to leaf organic components in five species of C3 plants

Optimising exercise training in peripheral arterial disease

Pedagogy in the nursery: establishing high-quality long day care programs

Multiple ways of knowing and seeing: reflections on the renewed vigour in early childhood research

Creative e-transitions

Network parenting in international service development

In search of the total learning experience (TLE): a case study of Singapore's e-inclusive society

Microstructure of MmM5/Mg multi-layer hydrogen storage films prepared by magnetron sputtering

Breaking the cycle of office referrals and suspensions: defensive management

John Antill's Symphony on a City (1959) and its place within the Australian symphonic repertory of the 1950s

Managing waiting lists: web-mobile-based hospital information approach

Criticality of failure factors affecting information technology outsourcing

Publishing accounting education research

Analysing the effect of digital technology on channel strategy, power and disintermediation in the home video market: the demise of the video store?

Use of airborne hyperspectral imagery to determine quality of sorghum crops

Forecasting shares for multiple purchases: towards a test of the new individual-level multinomial probit

Anonymous access scheme for electronic services

Incompatible 3-node interpolation for gradient-dependent plasticity

Gap capacitance of a coaxial resonator using simplified mode matching

A computerised key for seed identification

Developing multi-discipline design skills in undergraduates

Design of tether sling for human transportation systems between Earth and Mars

Teachers' work lives in an environment of continual educational change: Australian perspectives

Performance and exhaust emission of a diesel engine using crude palm oil as a fuel extender

Aerogravity assist maneuvering of a tethered satellite system

Numerical analysis of corrugated tube flow using RBFNs

Evaluation of the properties of raw materials and products of briquetting machine

Call centres, recent history - where have they come from and how did they get here?

An evaluation of a novel wind tunnel design applied to the measurement of the kinetics of odour emissions from piggery effluent

Throughput and fairness of multiple TCP connections in wireless networks

A general purpose inverse kinematics algorithm for all manipulators

Taxation of primary producers

An efficient BEM for numerical solution of the biharmonic boundary value problem

The determinants of Bangladesh’s trade: evidences from the generalized gravity model

The 'extended initial education' dimension of postcompulsory pathways in a Queensland regional community

Type of housing predicts rate of readmission to hospital but not length of stay in people with schizophrenia on the Gold Coast in Queensland

An online assistant for remote, distributed critiquing of electronically submitted assessment

Experiencing new public management: employee reaction to flexible work practices and performance management

Organizational change in small and medium enterprises (SMEs)

Investigation for a suitable screw of a briquetting machine

The validation of a simple Gaussian dispersion model for determining odour emission rates from area sources

Keeping the lid on legal risk in schools: understanding different perspectives

A discussion on the role of knowledge management in aged care

Factors affecting debonding of FRP (fiber-reinforced polymer) rehabilitated concrete beams

A case study approach to investigate academic perspective on knowledge and knowledge transfer issues

The importance of riparian vegetation in improving water quality (Establishing the Potential for Offset Trading in the Lower Fitzroy River Research Report No. 2)

Distortion in single phase current controlled PV inverters for grid connection

Alcohol ignition interlock programmes for reducing drink driving recidivism (Review)

Constitutive model for confined high strength concretes subjected to cyclic loading

Managing legal risk in schools: understanding diverse perspectives

Element-free simulation of dilute polymeric flows using Brownian configuration fields

Specifying role-based access constraints with object constraint language

A new blind signature for electronic commerce

Climatology of tropical cyclones in the South Pacific Region and their relationships to El Niño events

Measuring rate of change of oxygen concentration and intrinsic oxidation rate in a pile of material

Structural elements formed from castable material

The relationship between sense of place and the subjective quality of life of rural Australians

Mapping vegetation response to fire by hyperspectral techniques at the Girraween National Park, Stanthorpe, Queensland

Development and implementation of a postgraduate technology management program

Student-accessible tools and techniques to aid in teaching network protocols

Teaching engineering management in a flexible learning environment

A transaction model for XML databases

Energy profile and bifurcation analysis in softening plasticity

Analysis of crack spacing in reinforced concrete by a lattice model

Brisbane: squatters, selectors and surveyors (Brisbane History Group Papers No 16) by Rod Fisher and Jennifer Harrison

Perpetrator methodology as a predictor of traumatic symptomatology in a non-psychiatric sample of adults reporting sexual abuse

Anchor primer associated problems in differential display reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction

The prediction of damage to masonry houses caused by foundation movements

Attitude change regarding inclusive education in preservice teachers

Web-mobile-based hospital information system

Management approaches to merger evoked cultural change and acculturation outcomes

Spectroscopic monitoring of the Herbig Ae star HD 104237

A multiwavelength study of CC Eridani

Straw men in the Land of Oz: a reply to Butcher and Ben-Porath (2004)

A flexible electronic payment scheme and its management

Accelerated full scale fatigue testing of a small composite wind turbine blade using a mechanically operated test rig

QoS framework for SIP signalling

Guiding mice and elephants in an optical world

Shortest paths in stochastic networks

Contextual influences on school leaders in Australia: some data from a recent study of principals' ethical decision-making

Impact of altered flow regimes and weed invasion on riparian communities in the Condamine catchment, south-east Queensland

New Zealand Television: A Reader by John Farnsworth & Ian Hutchinson

Accounting developments in Africa: a study of the impact of colonisation and the legal systems on accounting standards in sub-Saharan African countries

Machine-independent audit trail analysis - a tool for continuous audit assurance

On efficient and effective association rule mining from XML data

PC-filter: a Robust filtering technique for duplicate record detection in large databases

The influence of organisational behaviour on the perception of teleworking success in the business-to-consumer e-business application in Australia and Singapore

Crossing the great divide: a first step toward bridging the gap between academia and industry

Mood responses to athletic performance in extreme environments

Xanthones from a microfungus of the genus Xylaria

Numerical modelling of obliquely incident guided wave scattering by a crack in a laminated composite plate

Interpretative insights into interpersonal trust and effectiveness of virtual communities of open source software (OSS) developers

Trust in virtual communities involved in free/open source projects: an empirical study

QTLs for black-point resistance in wheat and the identification of potential markers for use in breeding programmes

The value of using sandplay as a tool for counselling within a school setting

A framework of tool integration for internet-based e-commerce

A global ticket-based access scheme for mobile users

Confirmatory factor analysis of the test of performance strategies (TOPS) among adolescent athletes

Uncoupling protein 2 and 3 in marsupials: identification, phylogeny and gene expression in response to cold and fasting in Antechinus flavipes

Measuring the density of dingo teeth with machine vision

A study of the use of hand-held devices in an emergency department

Reliability and validity of the Toowoomba Adult Trauma Triage Tool: a Queensland, Australia study

Indoor radio channel characterization and modeling for a 5.2-GHz bodyworn receiver

Transient temperature probe measurements in a Mach 4 nitrogen jet

A measure of attitudes towards flexible work options

Quantifying the Effect of the GST on Inflation in Australia's Capital Cities: An Intervention Analysis

Spatial prioritisation of revegetation sites for dryland salinity management: an analytical framework using GIS

Detecting sugarcane 'orange rust' disease using EO-1 Hyperion hyperspectral imagery

Two-zone model of shear dispersion in a channel using centre manifolds

Cost efficient overflow routing for outbound ISP traffic

Contractual income support policies: the pursuit of civic health and social cohesion in Australia and Britain

Cheating to cope in the hothouse

Healing the divisions: unemployment, underemployment and overwork in Australia

Plagiarism: an original explanation?

An effective RBFN-boundary integral approach for the analysis of natural convection flow

Adoption and the Father Heart of God: helping adoptees deal With issues of identity and loss

A conceptual model and evaluation process for educational technology learning resources: a legal case study

Ultimate strength of continuous composite beams in combined bending and shear

Local buckling of steel plates in double skin composite panels under biaxial compression and shear

Where do Australians invest?

Multi-mode spatio-temporal instability in non-Boussinesq convection

Melted honey: sax and sex

Doing research with teachers, parents and students: the ethics and politics of collaborative research

A statistical distribution for modelling rainfall with promising application in crop science

Impact strength of vinyl ester composites cured by microwave irradiation: preliminary results

Evaluation perspectives: interrogating open and distance education provision at an Australian regional university

Three pedagogies of mobility for Australian show people: teaching about, through and towards the questioning of sedentarism

Queensland criminal law may be unconstitutional

Editorial Introduction

The role of context in producing item interactions and false memories

Best practice and 'challenges' in university teaching and learning: an editorial introduction and a contextual framework

Building sustainable futures: emerging understandings of the significant contribution of the professional learning community

Effect of water quality on soil structure and infiltration under furrow irrigation

The GDS model - a rapid computational technique for the calculation of aircraft spray drift buffer distances

Variation of the enhanced biologically damaging solar UV due to clouds

Introduction [to a special edition of Current Issues in Language Planning]

How safe is a place in the shade?

Variability of southeast Queensland rainfall and climate indices

The southern supplier

Teaching a foreign language: one teacher's practical theory

Half the story? Olympic women on ABC News Online

Implementing e-procurement initiatives: impact of organisational learning across the public sector

Multiple companions to HD 154857 and HD 160691

Log-linear models

Distance education for New Zealand technician surveyors: a review of the options

Preliminary findings: early childhood student teachers' perception of their confidence and competence

Aeolian abrasion and modes of fine particle production from natural red dune sands: an experimental study

Real to reel reef: space, place and film at the Great Barrier Reef

Some astronomical basics: expensive optical equipment and advanced mathematical skills are not needed to learn the basics of astonomy

Josiah Olunowo Oshitelu

Charles Clayton Morrison

Gustavus Adolphus

Geoffrey Francis Fisher

The internationalization process and the role of learning in small service firms

Child labour in Bangladesh: determinants and effects

The Australian symphony of the 1950s: a preliminary survey

The incoherence of the patriotic state: a critique of 'constitutional patriotism'

Constructing a theory of mind: reflections by people with autism

SPSS explained

Formative evaluation to benchmark and improve climate-based decision support for graziers in western Queensland

Illuminating musical lifeworlds: phenomenological narratives of the musical lifeworlds of five senior secondary school students

Recovering enhanced resolution images and digital elevation models from compressed image sequences

Numerical study on buckling of Z-pinned composite laminates

Cross-cultural pragmatic failure and implications for language teaching

Shakespeare in the Park: Hamlet

Confidant and breast cancer patient reports of quality of life

Correlating high resolution aerial imagery with wheat yield and protein content

Spectral discrimination and classification of sugarcane varieties using EO-1 hyperion hyperspectral imagery

Testimony method to ameliorate post-traumatic stress symptoms: Community-based intervention study with Mozambican civil war survivors

Identifying the potential to apply deficit irrigation strategies in cotton using large mobile irrigation machines

Introducing feedback congestion control to a network with IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN

Responses of calf muscle isokinetic strength and endurance to supervised treadmill-walking training in patients with peripheral arterial disease

Effects of ginkgo biloba extract treatment alone and combined with exercise training on walking ability in patients with peripheral arterial disease.

Exercise-improved walking capacity in patients with peripheral arterial disease: effects and mechanisms.

A new role of home-based exercise program in peripheral arterial disease patients

We said what? The silence of the RANS

Molecular identification of fungal endophytes in SE Queensland orchids

Developing a learning environment that promotes best practice through collaboration

Training for dealing with conflict: a part and parcel of managing people in an organisation

Issues in managing wetlands through community forest management: a case of the Sundarbans, Bangladesh

The use of online surveys in capturing large-scale data

Fourth generation of the BiReme system

Management: an Asia Pacific perspective

Organisational behaviour

Application of RAPD- PCR to differentiate among Aeromonas spp

Child labour and school attendance: evidence from Bangladesh

Impact of child labour on school attendance and school attainment: evidence from Bangladesh

Child labour in Bangladesh: determinants and effects

The impact of rabbit haemorrhagic disease on wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) populations in Queensland

Information Literacy Toolkit

Referencing and quotation accuracy in four manual therapy journals


From rhetoric to practice: issues in teaching and learning touch keyboarding

Dumbing it down: where do standards fit?

On the dynamics of interdecadal thermocline depth and sea surface temperature variability in the low to mid-latitude Pacific Ocean

The use of Pantoea agglomerans and Flavobacterium sp. to control banana pathogens

Risk Management for Chiropractors and Osteopaths: Informed Consent. A Common Law Requirement.

Analysis of microelectromechanical systems (mems) by meshless local kriging (lokriging) method

Magnetorotational Instability in weakly ionised, stratified accretion discs

Development of a novel meshless Local Kriging (LoKriging) method for structural dynamic analysis

Australia's Antarctic Turf

Preparing international students for university: Mathematics as part of an integrated program

A variation of local point interpolation method (vLPIM) for analysis of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) device

Development of a new meshless — point weighted least-squares (PWLS) method for computational mechanics

Reflection in Integrated Problem Based Learning : 20 years of continuing application to the teaching of architecture

The fatty acid composition of muscle and adipose tissues from entire and castrated male Boer goats raised in Australia

Meat quality of entire and castrated male Boer goats raised under Australian conditions and slaughtered at different weights: physical characteristics, shear force values and eating quality profiles

Use of Duckweed, Bentonite and Acid to Improve Water Quality of Effluent Discharge from Abattoirs

Use of Chemical and Biological Agents to Improve Water Quality of Effluent Discharge from Abattoirs